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1、课 题授课时间教 学目 标重 点难 点课 前准 备Module 1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday?总授时数()节年月日第()周星期(此行由执教老师填写)参考教案增 减1、让学生掌握基本句型:Did you come back yesterday?-No, we came backlast Sunday.2、让学生描述过去发生的事情。教学重点:让学生掌握基本句型:Didyou come back yesterday?-No, we came backlast Sunday.教学难点:让学生描述过去发生的事情。pictures, cards, tape rec

2、order, computerStep I. Warming-upListen and actT: Come to the blackboard! Walk back! play football ,watch TV ,play computer games , go swimming Ss: Do actionsStep II. Revision教 1.Guess: What did Miss Liu do yesterday?T do actions, Ss guess and use sentences describe. For examples:1).(教师做做饭的动作)学 学生用英

3、语描述: You cooked yesterday.2). (教师做打电脑的动作)学生用英语描述:You played computer games yesterday.Step III. Presentation过 1.出示课文教学挂图,T: Who can you see?S1:I can see Amy.S2:I can see Sam and Lingling.程S3:I can see another boy. He s John.T: Are Lingling 、Sam and Amy in England or in China? S1: They are in London.S

4、2: I think they are in a park .T: Good job. 2.listen and answeT: Did Sam and Amy come back yesterday?S1: No, they came back last Sunday.讲解 come back (教师站在教室中间向学生发指令)T: Walk to the blackboard. ( 学生向黑板走去 ),教师招手并对学生说: Come back.如此几次,学生理解了come back 的意思。T: What did they buy in the park?S2: They bought so

5、me ice creams.(教师出示图片,学生明白了ice cream 的意思 )T: What happened after that?S3: Lingling dropped her ice cream.讲解 drop ( 教师拿一本书装做不小心掉在地下) T:Oh. I dropped my book. (告诉学生drop 的过去式是dropped)3. Teacher writes the words on the blackboard. Then read after teacher.(教师通过肢体语言与动作让学生理解了come back dropice cream 等单词的含义,

6、并通过教师领读,学生自读加深了印象)4.Follow the tape recorder read the dialogue. (学生跟读课文然后以四人为单位分角色朗读,教师评出最佳朗读组)5. (出示图片 ) T: Look at the picture. This is Sam s family. Yesterdayg,theywereeveninvery busy. Let s say: What did they do yesterday evening?(给学生两分钟准备)T: What did Sam do yesterday evening? S1: Sam watched TV

7、S2: He helped his dad.T: Can you ask questions like me? Ss: Yes.S3: What did Amy do yesterday evening?S4: She painted a picture Step Practice1.(展示图片).T: Who is she? Yes, it s me. On summer vacationmyfamily went toQingdao .We went there by car. My daughter and I went swimming in the sea. We ate some

8、seafood. At there, we had a good time.2. Talk about the summer vacation1) I want to know where did you go on summer vacation2) When did you come back?3) How did you go there?4) What did you eat?5) What did you wear?(在大屏幕上出示这些句子,告诉学生在交谈中可以通过这些问题来询问其他同学的暑假生活 )作业设计板书设计教学反思课题授课时间教学目标重点难点课前准备Module 1 Uni

9、t2总授时数()节We boght ice creams.年月日第()周星期参考教案增 减1、让学生掌握基本句型: Did you come back yesterday?-No, we came back last Sunday.2.能运用 Did you .? 句型询问对方是否做过某事,对方根据具体情况做出应答 Yes,I did/No, I didn 培t.养学生在具体情景中正确运用语言的交际能力。能熟练运用Did you.? 句型对过去发生的事情进行推测教学卡片,挂图,教学VCDStep1: Warm-up1. Game: (1)教师快速出示动词或动词词组,让学生快速做出该动作。( 2

10、)让学生从另一组动词过去式中找出与图片配对的单词, 学习和巩固不规则动词过去式, EG:go went,meet-met, run-ran, buy-bought,eat-ate2.Free talk如: Where did you go on vacation?教What did you do?Did you.?When did you come back?Step2:Pre-task学1.教师出示提前收集的名胜风景区明信片,提问:Did you go to .? Did yousee .? Did you buy.?2.教师出示英国伦敦的名胜风景明信片,提问:Where did Lingl

11、inggo? 学生回答: London ,教师问: Where did she go? What did she see/meet/buy?过学生回答后,教师引导出课文活动5 的歌曲, Listen to a song from Amy,学唱歌曲3. 教师展示伦敦明信片,并介绍 :This is from Amy to Daming.What did she say? Let s go and see,Then please write about your yesterday to Amy or your程friends: 让我们一起瞧瞧怎样写明信片。Step3: While task1.

12、播放课文录音,并让学生回答课文活动的文体。2. 让学生再听一遍录音,并勾出 dear, love, went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home,ran to the bus, dropped, 并请学生跟读。3. 完成活动 6 的游戏4. Group work5. 完成课文活动 7STEP4 Post-task教 1. 学生四人一组展开活动, 轮流讲述自己快乐的昨天, 用过去式描述自己做了哪些事情,学生进行信息交换,评出最快乐的一天向全班汇报。2. 教师介绍 Daming s letter-写给 Amy 的回信学 I met

13、 our China teacher by the river yesterday. She walked with her cat. Then we saw a rabbit and a hen. They played with an apple.过程作业设计板书设计教学反思课题授课时间教学目标重点难点课前准备Module2 Unit 1What did you buy?总授时数()节年月日第()周星期(此行由执教老师填写)参考教案增 减1.学生能运用: What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much cheese did

14、you buy?2.单词: list need, first, can , lost, how much, cheese, any, use, over there, bottle ,half ,kilo, a lot ofMake the Ss use the following sentences correctly.How many .did youHow to make a shopping list? What do we need to buy?教学卡片,挂图,教学VCDStep1:Warmer1)revise the vocabulary of fruit previously

15、learnt with the sudents.2)Write the following words on the board and ask the students to guess what the are:3)Then invite individual a tudents to come to the front, write the correct words and draw the教 fruit.4)Put the students i pairs and have them ask ask answer questions about what fruit they lik

16、e.Step2.look listen and say学1)Writea shopping list on the board and ask the students, Whatfruit did Sambuy? Have the imagine what Sam has eaten, Add itemsto the list and ask questionslike How manymuch.did he eat? And How manymuch .did he buy?过2)Intruducethe ideaof countableand uncountablenouns. Make

17、 sure the Ssunderstandthat ” Howmuch.?is usedfor uncountablenouns,eg cheese ,meat,mil k,andrice,while Howmany.?isusedfor countablenouns,e.g.apple,程bananas,eggs and oranges.Step3.Listen ,read and act out1)After listening to the tape of the text, ask thestudents to close their books so thatthey can se

18、et thepictures,PractisemanyHow.?withthe students by askingquestions about the text.Example:T:How many pears did the buy?Ss:Four.2)Have the students continue this acicity in pairs ,Make sure they take it in turns to ask questions.Step4.Listen and sayHave the students prepare their own shopping list f

19、or fruit and complete the nmbers,Remind the that there should be at least one item with the number zero on the list;5.Then have the students ask and answer questions about each other s shopping listin pairs. Make sure they take it in turns to ask questions.Examples:S1:How many bananas did you buy?S2

20、 I bought five bananas.S1: How many oranges did you buy?S2:I didn t buy any oranges.Step41) Show some pictures on the board(apple,pear banana,cheese,juice, chocolate)2)Use the pictures to make some sentences with“ how much ” and ” how many ”作业设计板书设计教学反思课题Module2 Unit 2How much cheese did you buy?总授时

21、数()节教 学目 标重 点难 点课 前准 备授课时间年月日第()周星期参考教案增 减1.学生能运用: What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much cheese did you buy?2. 单 词 : list need, first,can , lost, how much, cheese, any,use,over there,bottle ,half ,kilo, a lot of1.学生能运用: What did you buy? How many bananas did you buy? How much chee

22、se did you buy?2.询问和陈述购物的情况教学卡片,挂图,教学VCD1. Warmer1) Write the following shopping list on the board: ApplesCakes Chicken Ice creams教Noodles2) Then explain that you are going to read out all the items but one on that list. The students have to listen carefully and find out which item is missing.3) Var

23、y the order and omit a different item each time you read the list.学 2. Listen and read1) Tell the class that they are going to have a class picnic,Haver the students decidewhat food to bring to the picnic and how many much the will bring.2)Make a list and write it on the board. Then ask questions wi

24、th“ how many ”过 how much and3) If you have cooured chalks,have the students underline countable and uncountable nouns in different colours.3. Point and say.程 1) Provite each student with two large pieces of paper ,Have them write how many how much 2) Tell the students that you are going to call out

25、names of different foods. The students have to decide whether they should use how much or how many whenasking about that food and hold up the corresponding piece ofpaper.4. Listen and say.Then sing1) Have the students look at the picture and guess what the song might be about(food,drink,shopping)2)

26、Find out if the students help their parents or grandparents with their shopping ,Ask if the enjoy shopping and why.3)Play the spoken verwsion of the song and ger the studengts torepeat the教words.4) Now play the second version and let the students listen to the melody or they can sing along with the

27、music.学 5) Get two studengts to come to the front, Have on students play the shopkeeperand the other the customer.6) Draw some boxes on the boared and label the apples ,pears,milk and juice过respecticely.7) Have the class sing the song and the two students at the front do the actions.8) Then get anot

28、her two students to come to the front and repeat the above.程 9)Get the students to substitute other words for apples 10)Now have the students sing the song again with the new words.作业设计板书设计教学反思课 题Module3 Unit 1 Where did you go?总授时数()节授课时间年月日第()周星期(此行由执教老师填写)参考教案增 减一,知识技能:( 1)学会新句型 Where did you do

29、at the weekend? 和 Where did教学目标重点难点you go? 并懂得使用相应的动词过去形式进行对话。( 2) 能有感情地朗读课文,并进行角色扮演。( 3) 能用动词过去式询问上周末的活动情况。二技能目标:使学生语境,合作,交流中体会动词过去式的用法,并能口头运用 What didi you do at the weekend? Where did you go?1.wheel, wonderful,understand, postcard2.句型: What did you do at the weekend? Where did you go?3.在真实语境中对单词,

30、词汇和句型进行综合的运用。课前教学卡片,挂图,教学VCD准备Step1:Warming up歌曲导入,以旧带薪T:Well!Le t s listen and sing, then do the actions.Step2: lead-in and presentationT:师出示课件, 自己外出旅游的照片, Boys and girls, look, I went to the Mount Tai at the weekend, I saw lots of the places. Can you tell me, What did you do at the教 weekend? And w

31、here did you go?1. 分组练习句型,2. )What did you do at the weekend?3. )Where did you go at the weekend? I went to.学4. )Where did you go in the summer holiday? I went to.然后根据小组汇报情况,小组之间互相评价,组长及时记录小组成员得分情况,教师及时表扬评出优胜小组。1.教师出示课件,指导学生复习短语:过Hyde Parkthe BigBenTower Bridgethe River Thames并且让学生汇报对这些建筑物进行收集的材料。3,

32、出示课件,伦敦的著名景点图片学习句型程I like the .best.然后学生选择自己喜欢的景点分组讨论。2. 学习课文3. ( 1) Listen and answer 播放课文录音A What did Amy and Lingling do at the weekend?B Where did they go?教师呈现问题,让学生读问题并根据预习情况分组合作找出问题的答案。( 2) listen and repeat. Step3 PractiseWhere did you go?What did you do?Where did you go last Sunday?I went to

33、 the park ,went to the park.What did you you do yesterday? Yesterday?I sent a post card. Sent a postcard.作业设计板书设计教学反思课题授课时间教学目标重点难点Module3 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father.总授时数( )节年月日第()周星期参考教案增 减一,知识技能:( 4)学会新句型 Where did you do at the weekend?和 Where didyou go?,Daming took a photo of his fa

34、ther. 并懂得使用相应的动词过去形式进行对话。( 5) 能有感情地朗读课文,并进行角色扮演。( 6) 能用动词过去式询问上周末的活动情况。二技能目标:使学生语境,合作,交流中体会动词过去式的用法,并能口头运用 What didi you do at the weekend? Where did you go?1.技能目标:使学生语境,合作,交流中体会动词过去式的用法,并能口头运用 What didi you do at the weekend? Where did you go?以及 Daming took a photo of his father.课前准备教学卡片,挂图,教学VCDSt

35、ep1:Warming up1. Greeting2. 教师带领学生打着拍子一起说上一单元所学的韵句。3. 教师对学生说 Daming 给 Lingling 发来了几张照片, 照片上是什么呢?4. 播放 SB Unit2 活动 1 的动画或者录音,请学生看动画或听录音,理解语境教 Step2:Prensentation1. 教师对学生说:上一节课,我们在小组范围进行了周末活动的调查,这节课我们要进行全班范围的调查, 我们先来看看 Daming 上周末都做了什么吧。学 Step3:New lessons1. 播放 SB Unit2 活动 2 的动画或者录音,请学生看动画或者听录音,教师帮助学生理

36、解语境。2. 再次播放录音,请学生完整地听一遍,播放第三遍录音,请学生逐句跟读。过 3. 使用图片, 单词卡片等教具, 带领学生学习, of wall,arrive, for mountain, withplant, 并对 of for with plant进行操练。4. 完成 SB Unit2 活动 3Daming and his father wnt to the Great Wall.程They went there by bus.They arrived there at ten o clock in the morning.Daming took a photo of his fat

37、her.5. 鼓励学生复述课文,提醒学生注意自己的语音语调。Step4: Practice1. 完成 SB Unit2 活动 42. 完成 SB Unit2 活动 33. 完成 SB Unit2 活动 54. 完成 SB Unit2 活动 65. 完成 ABnit2 练习 16. 完成 ABnit2 练习 2教学过程作业设计板书设计教学反思课题授课时间教学目标重点难点课前准备Module4 Unit 1 Mum bought a new Ti-shirt for me.总授时数()节年月日第()周星期(此行由执教老师填写)参考教案增减1 能运用:Mum bought a new T-shirt

38、 for me.What s matter with Daming?2.能运用 shors ,took ,wear 以及 What,s the matter?1.能听得懂 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me. What;s the matter with Daming?教学卡片,挂图,教学VCDStep1:1. Greeting2. Rexise the are going to ask the students to point to different clothingitems. They have to listen carefully and follow

39、 your instrucions.3.使用图片,单词卡片等教具,带领学生学习 pair,shorts并对 ,shorts进行训练。教 Step2:Presentions教师对学生说: “这节课我们要介绍自己读过的一本好书,要介绍书名,谁为你买的,什么时候买的, 我们先来学习今天的课文, 看看 MS Smart 给 Sam 和Amy 吧。学 Step3: New lesson1.SB Unit1 活动 2 的动画,请学生看动画,理解语境。2.再次播放录音吗, 请生听, 进一步理解语句, 第三次播放录音, 提醒学生注意模仿语音语调。过3.使用图片,卡片等教具,带领学生学习单词, argue,ma

40、tter,took,wear ”以及”Whatthes matter?和 That sOK. 这两个句子,并对其中的单词, took,wear, 以及句子 Whats the matters?4.在课文学习中, 教师要请学生重点关注课文中出现的动词过去式,并对这些程动词过去式进行归纳。5.完成 AB Unit1练习 16. 完成 AB Unit1 练习 2 Step3 Practise1.ve the students each draw two clothing items on two pieces of paper.Then collectall the pictures or flas

41、hcards and stick five of them on each side of the board.2.Write the names of two students on the board, one on each side, e.g. Xiaoming and Fangfang.3.Tell the class that Ms Smart bought clothes for Xiaoming and Fangfang. Ask questions and have the sttudents answer the questions based on the names a

42、nd the pictures on the board.作业设计板书设计教学反思课题Module4 Unit 2 What s the matter with Daming?总授时数()节授课时间教学目标重点难点课前准备年月日第()周星期参考教案增减1.陈述和询问过去式的行为,对他人表示关心。2.能听懂会说What s the matter with Daming?1.听懂会说What s the matter with Daming?2.能认读shorts, took, wear教学卡片,挂图,教学VCDStep:11. Greeting2. 教师展示上节课归纳的动词过去式,请学生朗读并复

43、习。3. 播放课文录音,请学生跟读,小组,全班,个人4. 请两生上台对话Step2:presentions教 1.Get six objects from six different students .e.g.:a book, a cap, a football, a pen, a pencil and a schoolbag.2.Walk round the class and leave the objects at different places. Tell the class that the six students have each lost something. Then

44、act out the dialogue in Activity with the学 students.3.Tell the students you have lost a big bag with some clothes in it.4.Encourage the students to ask questions to find out what was in the bag. Beforethat ,revise the words for clothing items previously learnt.过 Step3.New lesson1. 播放 SB Unit 2 活动 2

45、的动画,请学生看动画,教师通过简单的提问帮助学生理解语境。2. 再次播放录音,请学生完整地听一遍,进一步理解语境,播放录音,让生程跟读,模仿。3.使用图片,单词卡片等教具,带领学生学习,sport4. 完成 AB Unit2 里练习 11) Daming was not happy at first.2) He lost his bag.3) His new shoes were in it.4) The boy found it on the school bus.5. 完成 AB Unit 2 练习。6. 请学生四人,分角色朗读并表演课文,请部分小组上前展示。7. 完成 SB Unit 2 活动 38. 完成 SB Unit 2 活动 49. 完成 AB Unit 2 练习 3教 10. Act it out. Then ask and answerAsk the students to copy the following table about a lost item and fill in the blanks:1) What did you lose?学2) Wehen did


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