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1、1Welcome to come to my home town of hainan2Hainan province is located in the southern China, including hainan island of hainan province and the xisha islands, the zhongsha islands and the nansha islands of the reef and its territorial waters. With a total area of 3.5 square kilometers, sea area of a

2、bout 200 square kilometers.海南省位于中国最南端,海南省包海南省位于中国最南端,海南省包括海南岛和西沙群岛、中沙群岛、括海南岛和西沙群岛、中沙群岛、南沙群岛的岛礁及其海域。总面积南沙群岛的岛礁及其海域。总面积3.5万平方公里,海域面积约万平方公里,海域面积约200万万平方公里。平方公里。3Hainan is the fifth in the special economic zones, China is in the south China sea, a bright pearl, is second only to the second largest islan

3、d of Taiwan throughout the country. Hainan is the area of Chinas land is minimum, ocean areas biggest provinces.海南是中国第五个经济特区,是中国南海上的一颗璀璨的明珠,是仅次于台湾的全国第2大岛。海南省是中国陆地面积最小,海洋面积最大的省。4Hainan island and the Hawaii in similar latitude, in a 1528 km on the coast in development can become the worlds leading to

4、urist mecca tourism resources.海南岛与美国夏威夷处在相近纬度,在长达1528公里的海岸上遍布可以开发建设成为世界一流旅游圣地的旅游资源。Below with me to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the resort!5Hainan is wuzhishan first mountain, is the symbol of hainan island, China is one of the famous mountains, be international tourism organizations listed as A

5、level tourist spots.五指山是海南第一五指山是海南第一高山,是海南岛的高山,是海南岛的象征,也是我国名象征,也是我国名山之一,被国际旅山之一,被国际旅游组织列为游组织列为A级旅游级旅游点。点。This mountain is located in central hainan island, with ups and downs into dentate, similar to a five fingers, so its name.该山位于海南岛中部,该山位于海南岛中部,峰峦起伏成锯齿状,形峰峦起伏成锯齿状,形似五指,故得名。似五指,故得名。6天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的

6、三亚天涯海角游览区坐落与中国最南的三亚市西郊市西郊2626公里处,该景区主要是由热带公里处,该景区主要是由热带海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组海滩花岗岩风景区、购物区和度假村组成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中成,集成热带海洋风光,历史遗迹,中华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区华民俗文化为一体的旅游风景区7As a high-end tourists will choose, the hainan tourism attractions, WuZhiZhouDao set tropical island tourist resource of the richness and uniqueness

7、 in one body. WuZhiZhouDao enjoy Chinas first diving base reputation. The colorful world, the best preserved Chinese ecological coral reefs. WuZhiZhouDao is located in sanya hitom bay, the island is a natural tropical plant kingdom, can see dinosaur s dragon blood tree.作为中、高端旅游者必选的海南旅游景作为中、高端旅游者必选的海

8、南旅游景点,蜈支洲岛集热带海岛旅游资源的丰点,蜈支洲岛集热带海岛旅游资源的丰富性和独特性于一体。蜈支洲岛享有富性和独特性于一体。蜈支洲岛享有“中国第一潜水基地中国第一潜水基地”美誉。海底世界美誉。海底世界五彩斑斓,有中国保护最完好的生态珊五彩斑斓,有中国保护最完好的生态珊瑚礁。蜈支洲岛地处三亚海棠湾,小岛瑚礁。蜈支洲岛地处三亚海棠湾,小岛是天然的热带植物王国,能看到恐龙年是天然的热带植物王国,能看到恐龙年代的龙血树。代的龙血树。海南蜈支洲岛8910Appreciate so much beauty, everyone should also tired hungry. To introduce

9、 below the hainan food. First of all, of course, is a tropical fruit.欣赏了这么多美景,大家应该也累了饿了。下面给大家介绍海南的美食。首先当然是热带水果。coconut椰子椰子11bananamangosteen山竹果mango芒果Litchi Chinensis Soon荔枝pitaya火龙果皇帝蕉 Musa AA 桂圆 longanorange12The next street is The next street is all kinds of foodall kinds of food,The ChiHuo see T

10、he ChiHuo see come overcome over。接下来是各种街头美接下来是各种街头美食,吃货们看过来。食,吃货们看过来。Coconut milk qing fill cool 椰奶清补凉抱罗粉Embrace ROM powder后安粉Ann powder afterDad tea老爸茶13Hainan four famousHainan four famous海南海南“四大名菜四大名菜”WenchangChicken文昌鸡白切东山羊boiled sliced Dongshan muttonAnd crab和乐蟹白切加积鸭boiled sliced Jiaji duck14Boao Asia forum.博鳌亚洲论坛会。To introduce the culture and other next hainan。再为大家介绍下海南的文化以及其他。1557 th miss world held in sanya, sanya added for a beautiful scenery. 第五十七届世界小姐在三亚举行,为三亚增添了一道亮丽的风景。16Is creating international tourism island of hainan is with the most real glamour to the world to say: hainan


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