1、北京信息科技大学毕业设计(论文)附录题 目:金津压缩机有限公司应收账款管理中的问题及对策 系 别: 专 业: 学生姓名: 班级/学号 指导老师/督导老师: 起止时间: 目 录附件1:开题报告共4页附件2:外文文献译文共4页附件3:外文文献原文共6页附件1金津压缩机有限公司应收账款管理中的问题及对策开题报告班级(学号): 学生姓名: 指导教师: 一、综述现代市场经济是一种信用经济,企业在销售产品过程中,从促销等各方面考虑,会允许购买方推迟付款。应收账款表示企业在销售过程中被购买单位所占用的资金。企业应及时收回应收账款以弥补企业在生产经营过程中的各种耗费,保证企业持续经营;对于被拖欠的应收账款应采
2、取措施,组织催收;对于确实无法收回的应收账款,凡符合坏账条件的,应在取得有关证明并按规定程序报批后,作坏账损失处理。应收账款是企业拥有的一项非常重要的资产,它的管理是否完善影响着企业的发展,加强对企业应收账款的管理尤为重要。本文研究对企业应收账款管理存在的问题,对其展开讨论并提出对策。我国企业中, 应收账款占流动资产的比例很高。据调查, 我国企业应收款占流动资金的比例高达50% 以上,远远高于发达国家20%的水平。据统计分析, 发达国家的企业逾期应收账款总额一般不会高于10% , 而我国的这一比例已经高达60%以上,而且大部分企业,应收账款呈逐年递增趋势。金融服务板块、房地产板块、化工板块及高
3、铁概念板块应收账款增长尤其较快,应引起关注。 二、研究内容 随着市场竞争日益激烈,越来越多的企业面临着“销售难,收款更难”的境况。一方面企业为了争取更多的订单,抢占更大的市场会面临越来越多的赊销,另一方面客户的还款拖延占压企业大量的流动资金,从而造成巨大的商业的危机。通过本文对金津压缩机公司应收账款管理的分析,研究应收账款管理的办法,使企业的资金周转率提高,减少公司的经营风险。针对该公司应收账款账龄、信用政策以及应收账款周转率等问题,提出解决该公司应收账款管理的对策。三、实现方法及预期目标本文通过找出金津压缩机企业应收账款管理存在的问题,研究应收账款管理的办法以及对存在问题的解决方案。通过对该
4、企业的应收账款账龄和周转率的分析,结合公司信用政策,找出公司的问题。结合财务管理专业知识对存在的问题进行分析,找出解决办法。研究方法主要有:1阅读文献:通过大量阅读文献,熟悉有关应收账款管理方面的现状,以便于在本文的论述中适当的借鉴。2调查询问:调查询问公司管理者,了解该公司应收账款管理现状。3归纳分析:通过分析金津压缩机公司应收账款管理方面存在的问题,探讨出适合该企业运用的应收账款管理模式。四、论文结构1. 引言2应收账款管理概述 2.1应收账款的概念 2.2应收账款管理意义3. 金津压缩机有限公司应收账款管理中存在的问题3.1金津压缩机有限公司简介3.2应收账款占流动资金比重过大3.3应收
5、账款呈现老龄化趋势3.4企业信用机制建设不完善,应收账款管理难度大4. 压缩机公司应收账款管理问题的原因分析 4.1应收账款账龄过长 4.2公司信用政策不完善4.3应收账款周转率过低5. 加强应收账款管理的建议 5.1建立专门的信用管理机构 5.2完善内部控制,加强企业监管能力 5.3对逾期的应收账款加大追款力度结束语参考文献五、对进度的具体安排第一周至第五周(2月24-3月28):校外实习,完成实习日记、实习报告等;第六周(3月31日-4月4日):收集资料,写开题报告;第七周(4月8日-4月11日):进行开题答辩;第八周(4月14日-4月18日):收集资料,开始着手准备初稿;第九周至第十一周
6、(4月21日-5月9日):完成毕业论文初稿;第十二周至第十五周(5月12日-6月6日):根据老师的修改意见修改初稿,最终定稿;第十六周第十七周(6月9日-6月20日):准备并完成毕业论文答辩工作。六、参考文献1汪华芳.企业赊销活动财务管理对策J.新经济,2014,02:79-80. 2苏琼.强化应收账款清理规避企业经营风险J.中国外资,2014,01:57.3王荣.施工企业应收账款风险防范措施探微J.财经界(学术版),2014,03:132.4朱艳品.论应收账款的风险管理与控制J.中国外资,2014,03:211. 5冯洁.关于加强商贸企业应收账款管理的几点思考J.中国外资,2014,04:2
7、62-263.6肖敏.应收账款管理存在的问题及对策J.企业改革与管理,2014,04:185+168. 7康民.2013中国企业应收账款状况恶化加剧N.中国保险报,2014-03-0504.8马程琳.谈当前应收账款管理中存在的问题和对策J.特区经济,2007,03:80-82.9李会萍.我国上市公司应收账款管理的探讨J.贵州大学学报(社会科学版),2011,02 :55-59. 10蔡秀花.中小企业应收账款管理的必要性与可行性分析J.民营科技,2011, 12:253+116.11周瑞卿.我国企业应收账款管理研究J.中国注册会计师,2012,02:109-112 12张玉扣.浅析应收账款管理的
8、内涵及思路J.中国商贸,2012,14:58-5913梁思源.当前企业应收账款管理中的问题及对策J.中国证券期货,2013,08:85.14解惟达.企业应收账款管理研究J.中国连锁,2013,10:127+126.15葛平.企业加强应收账款管理研究J.经济研究导刊,2013,19:146-147. 16曾淑云.当前企业应收账款管理制度的现状及其对策J.东方企业文化,2013,22:238-239. 17赵曼.浅谈企业应收账款管理存在问题及对策J.财经界(学术版),2013,22:71-72. 18李武.企业应收账款管理不良的外部因素探讨J.中国证券期货,2013,06:80-81.19Anon
9、ymous. FINANCIAL INDICATORS; Accounts receivableJ. Interfax : Russia & CIS Statistics Weekly,2011. 20Anonymous.Accounts Receivable Management Solutions Unveils Bankruptcy LocatorJ. Wireless News,2011.指导教师:(签署意见)签字: 年 月 日督导教师:(签署意见)签字: 年 月 日领导小组审查意见:审查人签章: 年 月 日附件2外文文献译文企业应收账款管理存在的问题及对策汾西矿业化工公司 赵
10、爱萍【摘要】公司为了满足扩大销售、增加企业的竞争力、减少库存、降低存货风险和管理开支等的需要,在El常的经营活动中产生了应收账款。应收账款是企业一项重要的、风险较大的流动资产,其质量的好坏往往对一个企业的经营有着重大的影响。由于应收账款的重要,笔者针对一些应收账款管理和核算上存在的问题,指出应收账款管理不善的弊端,并提出一些加强应收账款管理的做法。【关键词】应收账款;坏账准备; 经营风险应收账款是企业一项重要的、风险较大的流动资产,其质量的好坏往往对一个企业的经营有着重大的影响。这些长期难以收回的应收账款的存在,严重影响了企业正常的生产经营增加了企业经营成本,使一些企业不同程度地陷入了财务危机
23、不能解决全部问题,关键还要在实际工作中将这些制度贯彻落实到位,真正做到防患于未然。附件3外文文献原文Enterprise receivables management analysedFenXi mining chemical company zhaoAiping【 abstract 】 in order to meet the expanding sales and increase the competitiveness of the enterprises, reduce inventory, reduce inventory risk and management expenses n
24、eed, the business activities in El often created accounts receivable. Accounts receivable is the enterprise is an important, the risk is bigger liquid assets, its quality is good or bad for a business often has had a significant impact. Because of the important account receivable, according to some
25、accounts receivable management and accounting, points out the existing problems in the disadvantages of account receivable mismanagement, and puts forward some to strengthen the management of accounts receivable practices.【 keywords 】 receivables; The provision for; Management riskAccounts receivabl
26、e is the enterprise is an important, the risk is bigger liquid assets, its quality is good or bad for a business often has had a significant impact. These long-term difficult to recover the accounts receivable existence, seriously affected the enterprise. The normal production and business enterpris
27、e management costs, increased to different extent some enterprise into a financial crisis.The role of account receivable. Expand sales, increase the competitiveness of the enterprises in the fierce market competition situation, is to promote the sales of credit is an important way. Enterprise credit
28、 is actually to provide customers with the two transactions, to customer selling products, and in a limited period introverted customers funds. In credit-tightening, market weakness, lack of money, the promotion with obvious credit for enterprise sales role. New products and explore new market is mo
29、re important significance.Reduce inventory, reduce inventory risk and management costs. To the enterprise to hold finished goods inventory additional fee, warehousing costs and insurance expenses; Instead, the enterprise to hold accounts receivable, you do not need the spending. Therefore, when the
30、enterprise products inventory more for long time, generally can use more favorable credit conditions, the inventory into pipes receivable and reduce finished goods in stock, save related expenses.Accounts receivable in the management of the existing problemsAccounts receivable is broad, fixed number
31、 of year long. AmountsEnterprise to accounts receivable accounting is not standard. According to the provisions of the state financial and accounting systems. Accounts receivable is accounting enterprise for selling goods or services to happen to purchase unit shall be recovered or accept labor unit
32、 payments. But the enterprise did not strictly according to the provisions of the accounting enterprise receivables. Cause some should not be in the project accounting money also included in the project, cause accounts receivable accounting has no reality.The account receivable NPLS not timely, to t
33、he enterprise confirmed the appearance of virtually increased asset caused. Because enterprise to accounts receivable slackened management, especially some enterprise also to accounts receivable as means of adjusting profit. So on the account receivable SiZhang confirmation on staying there some pro
34、blems. Is mainly to stay SiZhang has already formed the receivables confirm fast enough, for many years in the accounts receivable formed account long-term, eased some already can't withdraw, this provision for the provision for no provision of virtual enterprise assets, causing thickening.Becau
35、se some of the managers and operators enterprise financial management consciousness and lack of management concept. To accounts receivable is lack of effective management and collect investigation the author feel. In Shanxi Province in the part of the province tube enterprise still exist serious pla
36、nned economy of ideas, these people to the market economy can't say don't understand, also cannot say don't understand, the main thing is not starts from oneself, and in practical work is often said the much, do less. Thought is drunk on the production and business operation this center,
37、 not how to do well management finance the primacy, failed to do the business management financial management as the center. Financial management to fund management as the center. The management of funds and use only paying attention to how to borrow and spend money, not for existing resources and c
38、apital for effective configuration and mobilize. Cause enterprise produced a considerable amount of receivables, also do not actively from the Angle of strengthening management, so lots of money to clean up the long-term retention outside. Affected the enterprise normal production and operation acti
39、vities and the efficient use of the funds.The drawbacks of the receivable mismanagementReduce enterprise funds use efficiency, make enterprise profits down because of enterprise logistics and cash flow not consistent, merchandise shipped, prescribing sales invoices. Payment is not keeping pace recov
40、ery, and sales have established, this not up recovery entry sales. Certainly will cause no cash inflow generated sales tax on profits and losses, and sales income paid and years be paid in advance. If involves span more than to sales revenue account receivable. Then can produce enterprise by current
41、 assets paid annual shareholders dividend. Enterprise for such pursuit arising from the pad surface benefits and tax payment paid shareholders take up a lot of liquidity, as time passes will influence enterprise capital turnover. Which led to the enterprise actual operation situation veiled. Influen
42、ce enterprise production plan and sales plan, etc, can't realize the set benefit goal.Exaggerated enterprise operating results. Because our country enterprise executes accounting foundation is the accrual (receivable meet system). The current credit happened all to write down current income. The
43、refore, the enterprise account profit increase does not mean that can meet the schedule of realizing cash inflows. Accounting system requires the enterprise in accordance with the percentage of account receivable balance to extract the provision for, the provision for a 5% rates generally for 3% (sp
44、ecial enterprise except). If the actual loss of bad happened more than extract the provision for, will give enterprise to bring the great loss. Therefore, the enterprise of account receivable existence. On the TAB virtually increased sales income. In oerstate enterprise operation results. Increased
45、risks of an enterprise cost.Speeding up the enterprise's cash outflows. Sell on credit although can make the enterprise produces more profits, but did not make enterprise cash inflows increase, on the contrary make enterprise had to use limited liquidity to various taxes and fees paid, accelerat
46、e the enterprise's cash outflows, main performance for:Enterprise tax payments. Accounts receivable bring sales income. Not actually receive cash, turnover is computational basis with sales, the enterprise must on time pay by cash. Enterprise pay tax as value added tax, business tax, consumption
47、 tax, resources tax and urban construction tax, inevitable meeting with sales revenue increases.Income tax payments. Accounts receivable generate revenue, but not in cash income tax, and realizing cash payment must on time.Cash the distribution of the profits. Also exist such problems. In addition,
48、the cost of the management of accounts receivable and accounts receivable recycling costs will accelerate enterprise cash outflows.The business cycle has influence on enterprise. Operating cycle from obtain inventory to the sales that inventory and withdraw cash this time so far. Operating cycle dep
49、ends on inventory turnover days and accounts receivable turnover days, the business cycle is combined. From that. Unreasonable accounts receivable existence, make business cycle extended, affected the enterprise capital circulation, make a lot of liquidity precipitation in non-productive link. Cause
50、 enterprise cash shortage, influence salaries and raw material purchasing, serious impact on the enterprise normal production and operation.Increased receivables management process. Error probability, brings to the enterprise enterprise to face the additional loss accounts receivable account, possib
51、ly to the timely discovery, accounting errors can prompt understanding and other receivables accounts receivable dynamic enterprise details. Cause responsibility unclear. Accounts receivable contract, Taiwan about, commitments, the formalities of examination and approval of such material scattered,
52、lost may make the enterprise has happened on the account receivable unable to receive the full recovery of repayment, the only partially withdraw through legal means. Can recover, but due to material not whole and cannot be recovered, until eventually form the enterprise assets loss.To strengthen th
53、e management of accounts receivable methodComprehensive comb, and establish material parameter. For enterprise all kinds of receivables launch a comprehensive system of comb, queuing, check the work. Because in past economic activity business minority, inefficient pattern. Hard to adapt to the marke
54、t economy requirement, the law of development in the increasingly fierce market competition gradually be eliminated, the enterprise is in production, BanTingChan, failed state, has formed a widespread accounts receivable account for a long (most age 3 years), former party leave the state of operatio
55、n and the debtor changes etc. Phenomenon, to clear a check increase the difficulty. Workers should browse a large number of original documents, traced back to carefully each individual accounts receivable from the nature, time, happened contents, amount. According to zhang age, systems, area and the
56、 possibility of recovery of accounts receivable are classified. Carefully analyzed collection verify each sum of money and amount. And this system, more likely way back near the door check account receivable; Way to outside the system, and is unlikely to far back of receivables through telephone enq
57、uiries, enterprise sent a letter, lawyers sent a letter way to undertake checking: some not so clear accounts receivable multilateral bug verification. Please go back to the original sales personnel, agent help check to ensure that the data obtained by the accurate, reliable and accurate data collected in the visiting for the future of written-off receivables smoothly provide effective legal evidence. More importantly, with the debtor written-of
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