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1、附录1钢绞线带式输送机的发展 托马森 (英) 总经理 钢绞线带式输送机有限公司摘 要:早期带式输送机的发展被认为是与钢绞线带式系统相同的需求而发展起来的,其本质就是各种设计原理与槽形带式输送机突出部分的优缺点进行比较,而这一部分的发展恰恰表明,在传送系统中最可能也最有用的发展,就是对其外形轮廓的改进,这些使得在一些大型钢绞线设计建造中,考虑安装长达52千米的螺纹槽系统(2个)。钢绞线带式输送机发展在1795年时,最初的带式输送机不便于操作,而且仅涉及一些简单的外形,直到1850年后,随着世界范围内的谷物货量大量增加,促使传送带技术有了较大的改进。第一种形式的传送机是在一个槽形及其内运行的水平传






7、和设计标准,显示出不同的测试结果,另外摩擦损失取决于各种因素,此外,输送机摩擦将随着安装和维护的温度,寿命和标准变化。在一些大型设备安装中,比较部分摩擦值至少在一个基本设计中能看到如下不同之处:传统型钢绞线型回转件数量10076 可动件数量10064摩擦损失 10067 钢绞线带式输送机的垂直找平系统与槽形机设计和计算原理是相同的,必须进行反复测试确保悬垂链脱落这样的事情不会发生。钢绞线传送带被定义为横向坚固纵向轻柔的带式输送机,而从动带依附于两条平行主动带的侧翼或边缘部分。减速齿轮箱和活动单元来对主动钢绞线进行控制,以及对不同钢绞线拉伸张力的差别超界调整。此外,每一根主动钢绞线在工作中允许承




11、20°的角度仍保持主动带的基本特征,但得结合两个环形从动带,这一特征的30 被用于钢绞线传动带的安装调试。其他的设计原理广泛应用于前面提到的,当住主动系统里传送带较足时的操作,这一独特的特征,使得主动单元也可以同某些电子设备相连,但得将其防止在无尘干净的环境中,这种灵活性也使得从动装置可以放置在传送机的任一点,也可以将货物直接通过主动钢绞线传递,钢绞线带式输送机的其他部分(拉力系统)涉及的独特性,毫无疑问,它将比槽形带式输送机更复杂占据更多的空间。图八存在许多原因但其最根本原因在于每一条主动钢绞线和从动带常须承担设备的拉力牵引。从动带上的拉力微不足道的,它必须满足主动带上的张力作用,


13、件方面的信息可以看出钢绞线带式系统同槽形带式系统有许多方面完全相同,但也存在一些不同之处 。大多数的传送机是较短的且低功率的,毫无疑问,槽形带式输送机带动许多传送机的发展,然而在一些长距离或者起吊升起来运输货物的领域,细胶线带式输送机展示其特殊优点,且其独特的设计时它来这些领域成为唯一选择。若想准确的定义出钢绞线传送带的应用领域是有些困难的,几乎三分之一被应用于没有太大的竞争的领域,每一种情况下,它们被选择是由于某一些方面的特征,基本上钢绞线传送带一般不适合那些短的普通传送机应用的领域,这主要取决于终端设备的大小,另外终端设备的花费包括传送机的每一部分,在钢绞线传送系统的中,一般不给予考虑动力

14、需求的花费,在摘要中,当前的钢绞线传送带的竞争领域似乎是:供率低于750千瓦的斜面输送机,或者是长度少于3000米的水平输送机,并不是钢绞线传送带的竞争的主要领域。当这些参量进一步提高时,钢绞线带式输送机选择的首要产品成为更有竞争力。在水平输送机中,摩擦损失的能量是相当大的,这边增加了钢绞线传送带的运行费用,此外在其他方面并没有什么本质区别。在钢绞线带式系统中较有意义的发展是对当前锻件的改进,未来几年这应是首要的花费,在运行费用方面,这包括对主动钢绞线的每一根金属线的股线都要加强,最初的试验结果展示其抗老化、 其寿命是传统金属绳的3倍,钢绞线带式系统最近的发展表明,其完全可以同长距离的绳索运输

15、相竞争。虽然现在还没有被考虑,当前在澳大利亚西部的Worsley Alumina Ptr:Ltd公司正在建造一个有两个螺纹槽系统,长达52000米钢绞线带式输送机系统。Worsley Alumina Ptr:Ltd位于西澳大利亚附近,设备的整体部分由量太钢绞线带式输送机串联组成,并且经由陆路运输将吕土岩从矿山运到精制厂。在凉台传送机交叉处,货物表皮左旋50°,通过花道进入第二个传送机,在两台输送机间,主动传送机的角度和张力单元系统都应相互协调、适应。传送机必须标准化且几乎各部件零件均可互换。长度 31000米 21000米标高 72米 14米货物 铝土岩密度 1520kb/m3额定功

16、率2040m.t.p.h年产量(吨) 9.06×106带宽 900毫米运行速度 6.35m/s主动带 57千米(直径)间距 4.75米功率 5300kw 3600kw如果条件许可,钢绞线传送机将能获得进一步发展,可以将传送带的长度扩展到更长。作者非常感谢得到Worsley Alumna Pty.Ltd公司的帮助和相关的资料。本文涉及:1传送带输送机的标高来自Hetzel and Albright John Wiley & sons2带式输送机的抗阻力数据来自H.P.Lachman .附录2DEVELOPMENT OF THE CABLE BELT CONVEYORlan Ma

17、in Thomson BSc (Eng.)Managing DirectorCable Belt LtdSummary The early development of belt Conveying is discussed showing how the Cable belt system developed from the same requirements. The various design concepts are compared with those of the troughed belt conveyor highlighting the areas of advanta

18、ge and disadvantage. The areas of conveying where the Cable Belt system is most useful and the likely developments are outlined. These and other developments have led to many major conveyor installations including a 2 flight 52 km system being constructed to the Cable Belt design. Development of the

19、 Cable Belt ConveyorThe origin of the belt conveyor is not easy to clearly identify but there are references to simple forms as early as 1795. However it was not until the dramatic increase in the world trading of grain after 1850 that major improvements were made¹. The first form of conveyor w

20、as a flat belt running in a trough which was quickly improved by the introduction of straight idlers to replace sliding friction by rolling friction. The need to increase the capacity and centralise the material load led to the appearance at the same time of both of the most common forms of heavy du

21、ty belt conveyors, the troughed belt conveyor and the Cable Belt conveyor. In the late 1860's the use in troughed belt conveyors of straight rollers with conical or dished ends was obsolete until the early 1890's. The introduction in 1865 of inclined straight 'concentrator' idlers le

22、d to the conveyor in the Thomas Robins Jnr. patent of 1896, which is regarded as the first troughed belt conveyor. Since that date whilst there have been many important improvements in the detail of the idler, belt and drive construction, the basic concept of the troughed belt conveyor is the same a

23、s outlined in the work completed in the early 1900's. The Cable Belt conveyor principle whilst of earlier origin was not developed in a truly successful form until 1952.One of the earliest forms was that developed in 1859 and shown in the sketch fig. 1. This consisted of two parallel endless lea

24、ther or rubber belts to which were attached at intervals curved meta1 spreaders supporting a canvas trough. There were many other similar conveyors but they all suffered from the same basic defect that the carrying belt was rigidly attached to the driving belts. This led to the disadvantages that th

25、e drive belts do not stretch alike and that the spreader bars are stressed and eventually break free from the drive belts. The Cable Belt system successfully overcame these defects and since its introduction has generally been accepted in the conveyor field for Long distance applications. A substant

26、ial proportion of the single flight conveyors over 5 km long that have been installed are now of the Cable Belt design. The fundamental design differences made in the Cable Belt system were to use a round drive belt in the form of a wire rope, and not to attach the carrying belt to the drive belts.

27、The first of these changes was aimed at getting over the difficulty of training to run in parallel a pair of flat belts by substituting positively located round cables running in grooved pulleys. Early Belt Conveyor Fig 1The second change was the point that allowed the Cable Belt system to operate s

28、uccessfully in contrast to the other earlier attempts. The carrying belt merely rests on the drive cables, these cables sitting within shoes which are moulded on the be1t surfaces. It may seem that depending on friction alone the Cable Belt is liable to have the belt slip backwards on the drive cabl

29、es. However as all belt conveyors depend on friction between the belt and the material carried to allow them to operate at all, the only requirement is that the friction between the belt and the drive cables should be greater than between the belt and the material. This was achieved by shaping the b

30、elt shoes to grip the drive cables. It has been possible using Cable Belt belting with specially formed surfaces to run on slope conveyor systems where the overall grade is 21° and with particular sections of 28°, without experiencing slipping of the belt on the drive cables. Whilst the Ca

31、ble Belt conveyor was developed at a time when the powers available of up to 300 kW were regarded as outstanding the basic concept is still retained even when now, single conveyors of 30000 metre length and 8000 kW power are being built. The terminal units are similar to those in a conventional trou

32、ghed conveyor except that they also serve to separate and rejoin the carrying belt and drive cables. A typical example of a head discharge unit is shown in fig. 6.Obviously the terminals other than the drive unit are more complex than in a conventional troughed conveyor and take up more space partic

33、ularly in the case of the tensioning arrangements. This is not true of the drive as for a comparable power rating it is compact and has the advantage that it can be located remote from the Cable Belt conveyor belt line. Head Discharge Unit Fig 6As the modulus of elasticity of the drive cables is kep

34、t relatively low in order to allow the use of very low starting torques and each drive cable is tensioned, the tension system does require substantial take-up space and is more complex as is illustrated in fig. 7. Typical Tensioning Arrangement Fig 7The concepts behind the design of the Cable Belt c

35、onveyor are very similar to a conventional conveyor in that there is conveyor friction and the vertical alignment is a series of catenaries but of course the factors used vary considerably because of the different characteristics. The conveyor friction losses are considerably reduced principally bec

36、ause of the significantly lower number and weight of moving parts in a comparable system. This reduction is normally in the order of 30%. In addition the friction losses due to the working of belt and material as they pass over the idlers are significantly less. it has been determined empirically th

37、at there is in the order of a 10% reduction in the friction losses. The establishing of the facts, even on a comparative basis, with regard to conveyor friction has proved difficult as all the data is empirical and the various design standards can show markedly different results. In addition conveyo

38、r friction will vary with temperature, age and standards of installation and maintenance. However in a recent major installation it has been possible to compare the friction values, at least on a design basis and as can be seen below these bear out the differences. ConventionalCable BeltNumber of Ro

39、tating Parts10076Weight of Moving Parts10064Friction Losses10067In determining the vertical alignment of the Cable Belt system whilst the formulae and calculation are the same, great care must be exercised as it is not possible to allow 'lift off' in catenaries to occur. Early Cable Belt Bel

40、ting Fig 2Intermediate Cable Belt Belting Fig 3Modern Cable Belt Belting Fig 4The Cable Belt is best defined as a belt conveyor with a laterally rigid but longitudinally flexible carrying belt which is supported at or near its edges on two parallel endless looms of drive cable, these cables in turn

41、being supported at intervals by grooved pul1eys. The integral reduction gear and drive unit drives both drive cab1es and incorporates a differential to equalise tensions in the cables. In addition each of the drive cable circuits is separately tensioned to allow for the differential stretch of these

42、 during operation. The unique feature of the Cable Belt system is the belt. Originally this was a fabric reinforced rubber belt which had moulded into it spring steel straps at 450 mm intervals. These straps protruded beyond the edges of the bell as illustrated in fig. 2, and had mechanically attach

43、ed to them a metal shoe with rubber Lining where it gripped the drive cable. This was superseded by a one piece moulded construction shown in fig. 3 where smaller cross section straps at intervals of 100 mm were moulded entirely within the belt and the shoes to grip the drive cables were continuous

44、mouldings along the edge of the belt. Typical 4 Pulley Line Stand Fig 5Recently a further change was made, illustrated in fig. 4 whereby the shoes which grip the drive cable on the material carrying run have been moved inwards. This increases the stability of the belt when subjected to overloading a

45、nd in addition allows the use of smaller cross section straps.Angle Station Fig 8It is normal that on a typical long centre conveyor the eventual replacement of the belt is not for reasons of abrasion of the surface or mechanical damage, but due to the various ageing processes that affect rubber com

46、pounds such as heat, sunlight, and ozone. As a result it has been necessary to develop special synthetic rubber compounds that are inherently resistant to ageing. The specification of the drive cables whilst similar superficially to a normal wire rope are specially made to a Cable Belt specification

47、 with design criteria laid down for individual wire size, fatigue life and internal lubrication. They are of galvanised construction, Lang's Lay with either a fibre or wire rope core. Currently they are used in sizes up to 60 mm diameter and breaking loads of 260 tonnes. As this is the tension r

48、einforcing member of the Cable Belt system great attention is paid to reducing the number of splices and drive cables of up to 100 tonnes weight for each section have been used. Along the line of the conveyor it is supported at intervals of between 5 and 10 metres by grooved pulleys approximately 30

49、0 mm in diameter. Previously these pulleys were of a hardened steel construction but the current design is for a pulley with a replacement rubber lined tread. These pulleys are mounted in pairs on articulated arms which allow the conveyor to self align and equalise the loads on each pulley as can be

50、 seen in fig. 5. Whilst this condition is normally avoided in all conveyor design, it is essential, to prevent derailment of the drive cables, to design catenaries correctly and conservatively. As is well known the normal catenary formulae are approximations which allow a factor of safety against &#

51、39;lift off'. In designing the Cable Belt system the same formulae and factors are used, but effectively the protection against 'lift off' is increased by determining worst possible loading conditions and limiting the starting torques. This situation is helped in that the conveyor fricti

52、on is such and modulus of the drive cables is selected to ensure that there is virtually no additional breakaway torque required even to start a long flat overland Cable Belt system. The major difference in designing a Cable Belt conveyor lies in the separation of the carrying belt and the drive cab

53、les. Whilst good design practice requires that they should be kept together, the ability to separate them does give considerable flexibility in design and allows the introduction of concepts unknown in the conventional belt conveyor. The most widely used of these is in the many circumstances where a

54、 straight line route or one incorporating curves is not feasible, and the unit known as an angle station is employed. As can be seen from fig. 9 this allows any angle up to 320° to be accommodated and still retain the feature of a single drive but incorporate two separate carrying belt circuits

55、. This feature is used in about 30% of the Cable Belt installations. The other concept that is widely used is as mentioned earlier, the ability to place the drive unit remote from the belt line. This feature, which is unique, allows the drive unit and its associated electrical equipment to be locate

56、d in a position with easy access for maintenance but away from the dust and dirt associated with a conveyor discharge or return belt line. This flexibility also allows the drive unit to be placed at any point in the conveyor, including if necessary on the material carrying run of the drive cables. T

57、he other part of the Cable Belt design that is unique is the tensioning system and there is no doubt that this is more complex and takes greater space than would be required in a troughed belt conveyor. There are several reasons for this but the principal reason is the necessity to provide equipment

58、 to separately tension each drive cable and the carrying belt. Whilst the tension in the carrying belt is nominal it is still necessary to cater for the drive cable tension movement, particularly in long flat conveyors which, of necessity, are tensioned at or near the drive unit. In such conveyors the tension movement of the drive cables is substantial during the start sequence. Before the whole conveyor is moving the effect is that it is necessary to 'store' in the carrying belt tension system a length of belt equivalent to the el


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