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1、英语歌曲社团教学设计1 施教日期:活动内容了解本社团活动目标1. 通过介绍,让学生了解本社团的基本情况。2. 互相介绍,讲讲为什么喜欢英语动漫电影和歌曲。3. 部分学生展示英语歌曲的演唱。活动重点介绍社团情况教学难点展示歌曲演唱教学资源多媒体、视频活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step 1: Lead in 本社团的名称:英语歌曲社团 学生说说对本社团的活动有什么希望Step 2:Introduction Why to do?动画片是所有儿童的最爱,其中质量最高的要算迪斯尼公司制作的电影。100年来,拍摄了很多脍炙人口的好影片,为不少英语爱好者提供了学习英语的机会。演唱影片里的歌曲不仅可以提高自

2、身的英语水平,也能陶冶情操。 What to do?1. 了解影片背景。导演,年份,获过的奖项等。2. 欣赏影片,原汁原味的英语对白是最好的听力材料。3. 学习影片中的歌曲,更好地理解影片。 How to do?1. 认真搜集有关影片的资料。2. 与同伴一起交流,增长见识。3. 认真欣赏,尽可能地集中注意力去听,关注学过的英语知识。4. 学习歌词,跟唱歌曲。5. 多展示,多分享。英语歌曲社团教学设计2 施教日期:活动内容Snow White白雪公主活动目标1. 了解电影白雪公主的主要背景知识。2. 认识影片中的主要角色。3. 欣赏部分影片,了解主要情节。活动重点了解影片的角色和情节。教学难点影

3、片的原版对比速度较快,生词很多。教学资源多媒体、视频活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step 1: Lead in 学生搜集资料。 小组讨论。 展示讨论结果。 导演,拍摄年份,片长Step 2:主要角色 Snow White, seven dwarfs, queen, animals, princeStep 3: 主要情节 白雪公主原本是世界上最幸福的人,可惜当她母后逝去,父王娶了她继母后,这一切都改变了。恶毒的继母处处为难白雪公主,当她父王也死后,白雪公主过得更艰难了。这天,皇后从魔镜中得知世上最美的人不是自己而是白雪公主后,气急败坏的她下令武士将她带到森林处决了,好心的武士放走了白雪公主。夜晚

4、,森林里的七个小矮人收留了无家可归的白雪公主。当皇后得知白雪公主还没死时,气急败坏的她决定亲自出马将白雪公主害死。第二天,她化妆成了一个老婆婆,带着毒苹果往森林深处走去。 Step 4: Enjoy the film.英语歌曲社团教学设计3 施教日期:活动内容Snow White白雪公主活动目标1. 复习影片中主要角色。2. 欣赏影片中歌曲。3. 欣赏影片。活动重点影片中的歌曲教学难点角色的英文说法教学资源多媒体、视频活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step 1: Lead in Review the films name - Snow White and seven dwarfsSte

5、p 2: Think about the performers in the film. Try to say them out in English. Read the names after the teacher.Step 3:1. Enjoy a song.2. Listen- Who sings it?3. Guess- What does it sing about?4. Count- How many words do you know?Step 4: 1. Continue to enjoy the film. 2. Make some notes. 3. Write down

6、 some words you like.英语歌曲社团教学设计4 施教日期:活动内容学唱歌曲Heigh-Ho活动目标1. 了解歌曲的影片中的主要作用。2. 学唱这首歌曲。3. 试着合作演唱。活动重点影片中的歌曲教学难点生词太多教学资源多媒体、视频活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step 1: Lead in Listen to the song first.Step 2:Present the song We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig in our mine the whole day through To dig dig dig dig dig dig dig is

7、 what we really like to do It ain't no trick to get rich quick If you dig dig dig with a shovel or a pick In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! In a mine! Where a million diamonds shine! We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig from early morn till night We dig dig dig dig dig dig dig up everything in sight We

8、 dig up diamonds by the score A thousand rubies, sometimes more But we don't know what we dig 'em for We dig dig dig a-dig dig Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho (Chorus) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho It's home from work we go (Whistle) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho (Chorus) eigh-ho, Hei

9、gh-ho (Whistle) Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho, Heigh-ho Heigh-ho humStep 3: Read and learn the new words.Step 4: Try to sing. Try to act.英语歌曲社团教学设计5 施教日期:活动内容复习歌曲,欣赏影片中其他歌曲活动目标1. 复习所学歌曲。2. 小组合作表演。3. 欣赏了解影片中其他歌曲。活动重点合作演唱。教学难点其他歌曲的理解。教学资源多媒体、视频活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step 1: Lead in Review the

10、song - Heigh-HoStep 2:Work in groups1. Sing the song in the group.2. Sing and act.Students can sing by himself or sing with friends.3. Other students assess the performance.Step 3: Enjoy some other songs in the film.Q: Who sings it?What does it sing about? How many words do you know? Do you like the

11、 songs?Step 4: If you like the songs, you can learn to sing at home. Sing the song for your family. Watch the film again with your family at the weekends.英语歌曲社团教学设计6 施教日期:活动内容The Lion King狮子王1活动目标1. 学习人物Pinocchio, Cricket Jiminy, Fox , Father Geppetto, The Blue Fairy, whale2. 了解故事大意活动重点认识人物教学难点人物单词的

12、发音教学资源PPT活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.了解迪士尼动画有哪些2.介绍Pinocchio 3. Say something about the pictureStep2:1. Learn the new words:Pinocchio, Cricket Jiminy, Fox , Father Geppetto, The Blue Fairy, whale2. Read after the teacher3. Read the new words in groups4. Listen to the tape and read the wordsStep3:1. Read t

13、he words in groups2. Try to understand the Chinese meaningStep4:1. Whats the story about? 2. Read the text3. Say something you want to know英语歌曲社团教学设计7 施教日期:活动内容 The Lion King狮子王2活动目标1. 学习单词pets、paints、sky、inside、hear2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look at the p

14、icture on P232.Say something about the picturefish cat Step2:Learn the new words: petspaintsskyinsidehear1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese meaningStep4:1.Read the story2

15、.Answer the questions:What does Geppetto love?What does Geppetto make ?Whats Geppettos wish?3.Read the story in groups.英语歌曲社团教学设计8 施教日期:活动内容学唱歌曲Can you feel the love tonight活动目标1. 学习单词tell、brave、then、wakes up、down the street2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look

16、at the pictures on P682.Say something about the pictureThe Blue Fairy foxStep2:Learn the new words: tellbravethenwakes updown the street1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese

17、 meaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:Who hears Geppettos wish ?Does Pinocchio become a real child ?What does the fox tell Pinocchio ?3.Read the story in groups.英语歌曲社团教学设计9 施教日期:活动内容展示所学歌曲活动目标1. 学习单词easy、end、hard、trick、2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Ste

18、p1:1.Look at the picture on P10122.Say something about the picturethe puppet show puppeteer Step2:Learn the new words: easyendhardtrick1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese

19、meaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:What does Pinocchio do?Who locks him in the cage ?Who finds him?3.Read the story in groups.英语歌曲社团教学设计10 施教日期:活动内容 Frozen冰雪奇缘1活动目标1. 学习单词invitation、candy、Pleasure Island、miss2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look

20、 at the picture on P15172.Say something about the picturefox Jiminy Step2:Learn the new words: invitationcandyPleasure Islandmisswagon1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese m

21、eaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:Who does Pinocchio meet?3.Retell the story英语歌曲社团教学设计11 施教日期:活动内容 Frozen冰雪奇缘2活动目标1. 学习单词tail、scared、trap、tummy、save2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look at the picture on P18212.Say something about the picturedon

22、key tail Step2:Learn the new words: tailscaredtraptummysave1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese meaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:Does Pinocchios father a

23、t home?3.Retell the story英语歌曲社团教学设计12 施教日期:活动内容 学唱歌曲Let it go活动目标1. 学习单词ocean、fire、brave、wet2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look at the picture on P22252.Say something about the picturefish whale Step2:Learn the new words: oceanfirebravewet1.Read after the teac

24、her2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese meaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:Wheres Pinocchio?Does he save his father?3.Retell the story英语歌曲社团教学设计13 施教日期:活动内容 展示所学歌曲活动目标1. 学习单词raft、

25、escape、mad、fall、finally、pull2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look at the picture on P26292.Say something about the picturewhale sneeze mouth Step2:Learn the new words: raftescapemadfallfinallypull1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to

26、the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read the sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese meaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:Do they escape out of the whale? How ?英语歌曲社团教学设计14 施教日期:活动内容 Beauty and the Beast美女与野兽1活动目标1. 学习单词above、sad、light、everybody、alive2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活

27、动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Look at the picture on P30332.Say something about the picturenot well a real child Step2:Learn the new words: abovesadlighteverybodyalive1.Read after the teacher2.Read the new words in groups3.Listen to the tape and read the sentencesStep3:1.Read th

28、e sentences in groups2.Try to understand the Chinese meaningStep4:1.Read the story2.Answer the questions:Is Pinocchio well?What happened ?英语歌曲社团教学设计15 施教日期:活动内容 Beauty and the Beast美女与野兽2活动目标1. 欣赏电影2. 能初步朗读故事3. 完成练习活动重点完成练习教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.Read the story2.Say something about

29、 the pictureStep2:1. 单词热身arm ear mouth leg footWrite the other words2. 拼拼少不了 Pinocchio Jiminy3. 转转找得到Step3:Classic clips1. All the things in the world are likely to be useful, we cant know what will happen to us.2. Dont believe those that can make you rich overnight, generally speaking they are eith

30、er stupid or is the bad guy.3. Lie immediately be found. Because there are two kinds of lies; a will make a liarlegs shorter, a liar will make long noses.Step4: Enjoy the film英语歌曲社团教学设计16 施教日期:活动内容 学唱歌曲Beauty and the Beast活动目标1. 学习单词above、sad、light、everybody、alive2. 了解文章大意3. 能初步朗读文章活动重点了解文章大意教学难点有感情地朗读文章教学资源PPT 活 动 预 设调 整 反 思Step1:1.L


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