2、、省(州)名称;然后再写邮政编码、国名、电话号码、发信日期等项。如果使用标点符号,则在每行末尾加逗号,最后一行的末尾加句号。但当前的信件中行末大都不加标点符号,但在每行之内该用标点符号的地方,仍要用标点。特别要注意的是,门牌号码和街名之间要加逗号。月份和日期之间不可用逗号。在西方国家,城市名称之后往往写有字母或数字(如 New York, 103),表示城市的邮政编码。对没有头衔的男性一般称呼 Mr. 。Mr. 用在姓氏之前或姓氏和名字之前,不可只用在名字之前;对女性一般称呼 Mrs., Madam 或 Miss。Mrs.用在已婚女子的丈夫的姓氏之前,或姓氏和名字之前,一般不用在名字前 Mad
3、ame 此词可以单独使用或加在丈夫的姓名之前 Mrs. 没有复数形式(见课本)1. establish business relations2. Enquiry3. Offer 发盘4. Counter 还盘5. Condition of business6. Sales promotion7. Status enquiries资信调查8. L/C amendment 修改信用证 L/C extension 9. Shipment10. Order and their fulfillment订单及其执行情况11. Insurance12. Claim英汉互译词组商务参赞处Commercial
4、Counsellors office上海商品检验局Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau商会chamber of commerce 坏账 bad debt缺货 out of stock 即装prompt shipment下试订单 place the trail order由于外汇的波动on account of the fluctuations of foreign exchangeContractual obligations 契约性责任毫无保留的接受unreserved acceptance有关当局relevant authorities 大批生产 mas
5、s-product别无选择 have no alternative but to do.广交会 Guangzhou FairConfirmed irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight不可撤销的见票即付的即期信用证You may rest assure that 你们大可放心It will leave us little or no margin of profit.使得我们无利可图。不景气的市场falling marketColor assortment 颜色搭配L/C in your favo
6、ur 一你方为受益人的信用证Strict conform to 与。严格一致Effect shipment 办理装运 book your order 接受你们的订单Parcel post 样品邮寄 standing credit 定额贷款Here with 随函寄上 proforma invoice 形式发票illustrated catalogue 有插图的目录 FYI = for your information 供你参考An export item 出口商品(项目)Meet with a favorable reception 受到欢迎Give/send/make quotation f
7、or 报价Cut/deal/close/conclude a transaction/business达成协议 under separate cover另行附上 enclose=undercover Through the curtesy of .承蒙某人的介绍Have/know/obtain/note ones name and address from.On the recommendation of.Be recommended to sb by.Specialize in=handle=deal with=trade in = be in the line=in the busines
8、s of = be specialized in 专营Enclosed are two copies of our price list(倒装)We are trading with the leading grains supplier in North America.For your reference, we are enclosing a photostat(影印本)of our letter dated July 12th Please send us your lowest quotation CIF Hamburg for 50m/t nuts . 请报给我50公吨坚果CIF汉
9、堡最低价。Please refer to the price list enclosed in our letter of August 5. upon / on receipt of 一收到.就. On the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上On the condition that +句子 Shipment quality and weight 离岸品质和质量Landed quality and weight 到岸品质和质量In the market for = be interested in Please advice us
10、 when you are in the market.当你想买卖时请通知我们。Of late = recentlyTake the liberty to do sth/of doing sthWe want to acquaint (使熟悉) ourselves with the supply position of steel product.Acquaint sb with sth 使某人熟悉某事 By separate airmail 另行用航空邮件寄送 under separate cover = separatelyTo acquaint you with the light in
11、dustrial goods we handle, we are sending you the catalogue by separate mail.Business standing and reputation 商业地位与信誉Manner of doing business 经营作风Financial reserve 资金储备结束语Awaiting for your early reply 期待你早日回复Please give this matter your promote attention.Looking forward to your favorable comments。商品:
12、shipment/goods/line/product/commodity/merchandise/general merchandise/consignmentThe offer is inclusive(包括) of your commission of 2%.This applied to items 1 to 10 inclusive.适用于1-10条款,首尾两项包括在内。Price including commission 含佣价A commission of 5% =5% commissionTwo or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金All
13、 commissions 所有佣金There are 3 items of commission left unpaid.每公吨335美元CIF纽约价包含佣金2%USD$335 per metric ton CIF NewYork including 2%commission=USD$335 per metric ton CIF2% NewYork每公吨300$FOB上海减折扣2%US$300 per metric FOB Shanghai 2% discount.每公吨300$FOB上海净价US$300 per metric ton FOB shanghai net.Stock 存货 sto
14、ck exchange 股票交易所 stockholder股东Stock quotation 股价A stock of = a large of 大量的Sale by sellers sample凭卖方样品 original sample原样Type sample 标准样品 keep sample 留样Duplicate sample 复样 return sample回样 counter sample对等样品 sealed sample 封样Dealer/merchat/businessman商人 Speculator 投机商 retailer 零售商sole executive agent
15、独家代理Rock-bottom price 底价 Moderate price 公道价Favorable price 优惠价 attractive/competitive price 竞争价Prevailing/exiting/current/ruling price 当前成交价Keen/best price 最低价 whole-sale price 批发价Unit price 单位价 retail price 零售价Home market price 国内市场价格International market price 国际市场价格Allow sb a commission of 5% on s
16、thAllow sb a standing credit of 5000$Usually we allow a commission of 5% on an order placed by a commission agent for account of a third party who opens L/C direct to us.跟单信用证 documentary L/C 光票信用证 clean L/C可撤销信用证 revocable L/C 不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C 保兑信用证confirmed L/C 非保兑信用证 unconfirmed L/C 即期信用证 s
17、ight L/C 远期信用证time L/C 承兑信用证acceptance L/C 议付信用证 negotiation L/C 可转让信用证transferable L/C 不可转让信用证 untransferable L/C 循环信用证revolving L/C 对开信用证 reciprocal L/C(加工贸易背对信用证 back to back L/C 预支信用证anticipatory L/CInitial order 第一次订单 back order 未执行订单heavy order 大额订单 trail order 试订单Be subject to 以。为条件= provided
18、 (that)商业发票 commercial invoice 海关发票 custom invoice领事发票 consular invoice 厂商发票 manufactures invoice一式两份 in duplicate 一式三份 in triplicate 一式四份 in quadruplicate 一式五份 in quintuplicate 一式六份 in sextuplicate 一式七份 in septuplicatein n copies 接受报盘 accept offer 确认报盘 confirm offer 拒绝报盘decline offer 考虑consider 延长e
19、xtend 撤回withdraw恢复报盘renew/reinstate offer 搭配 combine 暂停withhold 提交submit 综合lump offer 撤销revoke/revokation报盘有效(open/ firm/ good/ valid)Firm offer 实盘 unfirm offer 虚盘 counter offer还盘1.We make the following offer without engagement.2.We offer you,subject to our final confirmation ,the following goods.3.
20、The specification you offered does not fit our commend.4.Your price appears too high to meet our competition.5.There is no available steamer for your port this month.6.There is no direct fright available for your city this week. 7.In view of the unusual circumstance they agree to waive their require
21、ment.Shall we meat each other halfway(各让一半)?Shipping documents 装运单据 shipping advice 装运通知Shipping instruction 装运须知 shipping mark 装运标志Home-made goods 本地货Low-price goods 廉价货Second-hand goods二手货 additional order 补充订单Bulk order 大宗订单 duplicate order 加倍订单Executive order 执行订单 fresh order 新订单Modify order 改变订
22、单 cancel order 取消订单Order form/sheet 订单 Repeat order 续订订单Verbal order 口头订单 split order 分批订单Solicit an order 请求订单Terms of payment 支付方式T/T电汇 M/T信汇 D/D票汇Clean bill for collection光票托收 documentary bill for collection跟单托收OA( open account trade 赊账交易) advanced payment预付款COD(cash on delivery 交货付款)CWO(cash wit
23、h order 随订单付现)POD(pay on delivery 货到付款)CAD(cash against document凭单付款)Deferred payment 延期付款 down payment 首期付款Initial payment 头期款 installment 分期付款Lump sum payment 一次性付款Payment prior to delivery 预付货款Standby credit 备用信用证承兑行 acceptance bank通知行advising/notifying/transmitting bank开证行 opening bank付款行 paying
24、/drawee bank偿付行reimbursing bankD/P付款交单(即期、远期)D/A 承兑交单(一定是远期的)As agreed,we are drawing(a draft) on you for the value of this sample shipment.按照商定,对于这批样品的价款,我们开的汇票向你方索取。Bearer/holder 持票人Honor承付 dishonor拒付 drawee 受票人Endorser 背书人 endorsement 背书 payable 可付的Bills payable 应付票据 account payable 应付金额 account
25、payable应付账款Clean shipped bill of loading清洁已装箱提单Partial shipment 分批装运 facilitate doing使做。简单Margin 保证金 refund 偿还 present 提示 protest 拒付证书Reimburse /reimbursement 偿付DiscrepancyThe seller is unable for the refund of the extra because of the discrepancy in weight.After going through the L/C, we find some
26、discrepancy which need amending.包装Be packed in .of .eachBe packed in.,each containing.Mens shirts are packed in wooden case of 10 dozen each.Folding chairs are packed 2 piece to a contain.每两把折叠椅装一个箱子。Each pair of nylon socks is packed in a polyethylene bag and 12 pairs to a box.每双尼龙袜用聚乙烯袋包装,12双装一盒。W
27、alnut is packed in double gunny bags.双层麻袋。Polyethylene bag 聚乙烯麻袋 foam plastic bag 泡沫塑料袋Metal strap 铁箍 straw bag 草袋 packing list 装箱单保险代理人insurance agent保额insurance account保险凭证insurance certificate保险索赔 insurance claim保险公司insurance company预约保险 open cover保险范围insurance coverage/risk coverage保险批单 insuranc
28、e endorsement费率 premium rate保单 insurance policy保险费insurance premium保险声明insurance declaration航空运输保险 air transportation insurance海洋运输货物保险 ocean marine cargo insurance陆上运输保险overland transportation insurance邮包保险 parcel post insuranceEvery company insures itself against loss or damage to its property.Ple
29、ase insure us on the following goods against All Risks.Insure sb on sth = insure for sb sthDebit note 索款通知书Draw on sb at sight 向某人开立即期汇票Charge to our account 记在我们的账上Insurance+介词用法Insurance on + 投保货物Insurance against+ 险别(WPA FPA前不加against)For+投保保额 at +费率 with+保险公司 by+投保人We have insured the shipment W
30、AP at the rate of 0.3% for the sum of $250000 with P.I.C.C.Insurance is to be made on the goods ordered by the seller against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value with P.I.C.C. at the rate of 0.3%Stipulations in the contract 合同中条款 =Stipulated in the contract = set forth in the contract storage ch
31、arge 仓储费 shipping space 舱位复数形式:Ls/C延长信用证期限的3种方式1. extend the L/C to August 31th and September 15th for shipment and negotiation respectively2. Extend the shipment date and the validity of your L/C to August 31th and September 15th respectively3. Extend the shipment date to August 31th and negotiatio
32、n September 15th respectivelyReserve the right to do 保有。的权利 under reply 正在被答复的You are authorized to draw a 60 days draft on our bank against this credit for a amount of your invoice授权你方凭此信用证向我方银行开立见票后60天付款的汇票。Unit Two P24 1) Your letter of September 2, 1994 has been received. We are glad to inform y
33、ou that the articles required by you fall within the scope of our business activities.你方1994年9月2日来函收到。我们很高兴告诉你,你所需要的商品属我公司经营范围。 2) The Bank of China in your city has informed us that you are importers of textiles. We specialize in the export of textiles and are willing to enter into business relatio
34、ns with you. 你地中国银行函告,你们是纺织品的进口商。我们专营纺织品出口业务,愿与贵公司建立业务关系。3) In compliance with your request, we are sending you a range of cut samples of our cotton piece goods. We hope they will arrive in time and be found to your satisfaction.遵照你方要求,我们正寄上一套布匹剪样。希望这些样品能够及时到达,并使你满意。 4) We have received your letter
35、of September 4 informing us that you find our canned meat satisfactory and that you consider placing a trial order with us.你方9月4号来函收到,承告你们对肉类罐头有兴趣并考虑试订。 5) As requested, we enclose a range of pamphlets together with our price lists for your reference. If any of the items listed meets your interest,
36、please inform us of your specific requirements. On receipt of your enquiry, we shall forward you quotations without delay. 遵照你方要求,我么附上一套小册子(说明书)连同价格单,共考虑,若你对所列商品感兴趣,请告具体需要。一俟收到询价,我们立即寄送报价单。6) Your firm has been recommended to us by your Embassy in China as a buyers of Chinese canned goods. We wish t
37、o inform you that we specialize in this line and hope to enter into trade relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 贵国驻中国大使馆已把贵行作为中国罐头食品的买方介绍给我们。我们专营这一业务。希望在平等互利的基础上与你建立业务联系。7) To give you a general idea of the products we handle, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing s
38、pecifications and means of packing. 为了是你们对我们经营产品有一个概念,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装方式的活页说明书。8) Prior to shipment, our goods will be tested and inspected by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau, who will provide the necessary certificates in regard to the quality and quantity of the shipment.货物在装运前将由上海商品检验局检验,所装
39、货物的品质,数量将由该局提供必要证明。9) Unit Three p37 IV 1. The firm with whom we intend to deal has referred us to you for particulars respecting their business standing and trustworthiness. 我们将与之进行业务往来的那家商行要我们向贵行了解有关他们的商业地位与信誉。2. We should be most grateful if you would furnish us with your opinion on the financial
40、 status and reliability of the above company. 如果你们能对上述公司的财务状况和可靠性提出意见,我们当不胜感激。3. As far as we know, their financial standing is sound. 据我们所知他们的财务状况良好。4. The firm you inquire about is one of the most reliable importers in our district and has for many years enjoyed a good reputation among the traders
41、. 你们所问询的那家商号是我地区一家最可靠的进口商。多年来在同行中享有良好的声誉。5. The bank of your city will give you any information you may require concerning our credit standing as well as our manner of doing business. 你地xx银行将给你们提供有关我们信誉和经营作风等方面的资料。6. Any information you may be able to pass on to us will be treated as confidential. 7
42、. We advise you to proceed with every possible caution in dealing with the firm in question. 8. They are a firm of high reputation and have large financial reserves. 9. They are enjoying a good reputation in the business circles for their punctuality in meeting obligations. Dear Sirs Recently we hav
43、e received an order for our goods to the value of 1,600 from a new customer William Baker & Sons. As we have not done any business with them in the past, we would like to know if you could provide us with any information concerning their financial and credit status. Enclosed please find the addr
44、ess of the above firm. You may rest assured that any information you may provide will be treated as strictly confidential. Your early reply is awaited.Unit Four p48 1. We learn from A.B.C. Company .of New York that you are expecting Nylon bed-sheets and pillow-cases. There is a steady demand here fo
45、r the above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate Prices. 2. Under separate cover, we are sending you a range of samples and when you have the chance to examine them, we feel confident that you will agree that the goods are both excellent in quality and very reasonable in price. 3. We ha
46、ve received your enquiry of 14th May and learn of your interest in our hand-made artificial leather gloves. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue and price list giving the details you ask for. 4. The enclosed price list and illustrated catalogue will give you details of the model in which you a
47、re especially interested.Unit Five p60 III 1.A proforma invoice is an invoice sent to the buyer for forms sake. It is usually used to enable the buyer to apply for a necessary import license. 2.Sometimes a proforma invoice serves as a formal quotation or a price list, and the prices mentioned therei
48、n are usually subject to the final confirmation of the seller, unless otherwise stated. 3. Enclosed is our Proforma Invoice No. 3419 in duplicate covering 500 Forever Brand Bicycle for shipment during October , 2006.We wish to state that the proforma invoice is vaid until September 1, 2006. 4. Accor
49、ding to your request, a proforma invoice in quadruplicate for our Canned Fruit is enclosed for your applying for an import license. 5. We thank you for your Proforma Invoice No. 312 and are now applying for the imjport license. As soon as it is approved, we shall write to you. 6. Attached to this le
50、tter is our Proforma Invoice No. 1002 in duplicate covering 50,000 yard polin. We wish to draw your Your attention to the fact that the price quoted by us is subject to your acceptance before October 30, 2006, the reason being that many other buyers are also interested in our supplies. 7. In order t
51、o enable you to apply for the necessary import license we are sending you proforma Invoice No. 234 vintriplicate, please note that if there is any change in price or delivery, er shall keep you informed.Unit Seven P118 1. We confirm having cabled you a firm offer for the following goods, subject to
52、your reply reaching us by September 20. 2. We have learnt that there is a good demand for walnuts in your market, and take this opportunity of enclosing our Quotation Sheet No. 6868 for your consideration. 3. In reply to your cable of 3rd June, which asked us to make an offer for our blanket No. 33,
53、 we wish to confirm our cable dispatched on June 6 offering you without engagement the following: 4. While we thank you for your letter dated July 9, we find it very regrettable to point out that your prices appear to be on the high side and that there is no possibility of business.Unit Eight p130 1
54、. Under separate cover, we have airmailed samples of our new articles for your reference. These new articles are moderate in price and excellent in quality. We think it will be to your advantage to push sales of them at an early date. 2. Since the required articles are not available, we would like t
55、o recommend the undermentioned products which can be supplied from stock for prompt shipment. This recommendation is made in the interest of both parties. 3. While thanking you for your letter Nov. 15 concerning electric fan Art. 2112, we regret being unable to promote sales as your price is too high to interest b
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