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1、跟我学机器视觉-halcon学习例程中文详解-ic引脚测量* lead measurement: example for the application of the measure object* including a lot of visualization operators.* first, the length of the leads is measured, then, their width and distance from each other.* * * first, read in the image and initialize the programread_im

2、age (image, 'ic_pin')*取得图像第一通道的指针,同时得到图像宽度高度*get_image_pointer1 (image, pointer, type, width, height)dev_close_window ()dev_open_window_fit_image (image, 0, 0, 509, 509, windowhandle)set_display_font (windowhandle, 14, 'mono', 'true', 'false')dev_display (image)*显示图像如

3、下:*dev_set_draw ('margin')dev_set_line_width (3)* * define and display the rectangular rois within which the edges will be detectedrow := 55rowbottom := 955column := 200phi := rad(-90)length1 := 50length2 := 35dev_set_color ('gray')gen_rectangle2 (rectangle, row, column, phi, length1

4、, length2)gen_rectangle2 (rectangle, rowbottom, column, phi, length1, length2)*测量位置如绿色矩形所示下:*disp_continue_message (windowhandle, 'black', 'true')stop ()* * create a measure object for the roi at the top of the image.*获取一阶灰度剖面图的插值方法,测量矩形框与图像坐标系之间有角度时生效*interpolation := 'nearest_n

5、eighbor'*生成测量矩形框,先测上部*gen_measure_rectangle2 (row, column, phi, length1, length2, width, height, interpolation, measurehandle)* * determine all edges and calculate the lead height at the top of the imagesigma := 1.0threshold := 30transition := 'all'select := 'all'*进行测量*measure_po

6、s (image, measurehandle, sigma, threshold, transition, select, rowedge, columnedge, amplitude, distance)leadlength1 := distance* * display the resultsdev_set_color ('white')*将测量结果画出*disp_line (windowhandle, rowedge, columnedge-length2, rowedge, columnedge+length2)disp_message (windowhandle,

7、'lead length: '+leadlength1$'.2f', 'window', rowedge1+40, columnedge1+100, 'yellow', 'false')* * shift the measure object and determine the lead height at the bottom of the image*转移测量框至新的参考坐标点,及测量下部*translate_measure (measurehandle, rowbottom, column)*进行测量*mea

8、sure_pos (image, measurehandle, sigma, threshold, transition, select, rowedge, columnedge, amplitude, distance)leadlength2 := distance* * display the resultsdev_set_color ('white')*将测量结果画出*disp_line (windowhandle, rowedge, columnedge-length2, rowedge, columnedge+length2)disp_message (windowh

9、andle, 'lead length: '+leadlength2$'.2f', 'window', 360, columnedge1+100, 'red', 'false')* * close the measureclose_measure (measurehandle)disp_continue_message (windowhandle, 'black', 'true')stop ()* * now, define and display a rectangular roi

10、 perpendicular to the leads and create the measuredev_display (image)row := 47column := 485phi := 0length1 := 420length2 := 8interpolation := 'nearest_neighbor'dev_set_color ('black')*创建新的测量矩形roi,如图蓝色矩形:*gen_rectangle2 (rectangle, row, column, phi, length1, length2)gen_measure_rectan

11、gle2 (row, column, phi, length1, length2, width, height, interpolation, measurehandle)* * determine all edge pairs that have a negative transition, i.e., edge pairs* that enclose dark regions.sigma := 1.0threshold := 30transition := 'negative'select := 'all'*进行测量计算并显示结果*measure_pairs

12、 (image, measurehandle, sigma, threshold, transition, select, rowedgefirst, columnedgefirst, amplitudefirst, rowedgesecond, columnedgesecond, amplitudesecond, intradistance, interdistance)disp_continue_message (windowhandle, 'black', 'true')stop ()dev_set_color ('white')disp_

13、line (windowhandle, rowedgefirst, columnedgefirst, rowedgesecond, columnedgesecond)avgleadwidth := sum(intradistance)/|intradistance|avgleaddistance := sum(interdistance)/|interdistance|numleads := |intradistance|disp_message (windowhandle, 'number of leads: '+numleads, 'window', 200

14、, 100, 'yellow', 'false')disp_message (windowhandle, 'average lead width: '+avgleadwidth$'.2f', 'window', 260, 100, 'yellow', 'false')disp_message (windowhandle, 'average lead distance: '+avgleaddistance$'.2f', 'window',

15、 320, 100, 'yellow', 'false')disp_continue_message (windowhandle, 'black', 'true')disp_continue_message (windowhandle, 'black', 'true')stop ()* * zoom in to visualize the measurement results in more detail.* first, define and display the zoom window.ro

16、w1 := 0column1 := 600row2 := 100column2 := 700dev_set_color ('blue')*设置放大区域矩形并显示,图中绿色矩形*disp_rectangle1 (windowhandle, row1, column1, row2, column2)disp_continue_message (windowhandle, 'black', 'true')stop ()* * then, zoom the image and display the results.*设置图像放大区域并显示*dev_set_part (row1, column1, row2, column2)dev_display (image)dev_set_color ('black')*画出测量矩形roi和测得的边缘如图*dev_display (rectangle)p_disp_edge_marker (rowedgefirst, columnedgefirst, phi, 5, 'white', 3, windowhandle)p


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