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1、-作者xxxx-日期xxxx焊接缺陷中英文对照【精品文档】焊接缺陷1. 裂缝:crack (焊缝/弧坑/热影响区裂纹:weld metal/crater/ heat-affected Zone (HAZ) crack)2. 焊瘤:overlap3. 冷隔:cold lap4. 未焊满: under fill / incompletely filled groove5. 咬边: undercut6. 道间没有圆滑过渡/焊缝凹陷:bum effect / Excessive concave7. 未溶合: lack of fusion / incomplete fusion8. 气孔:gas por

2、e / blowhole (针尖状气孔:pinhole; 密集气孔:porosity; 条虫状气孔:wormhole)9. 夹渣: slag inclusion (夹钨:tungsten inclusion; 夹杂物:inclusion)10. 未焊透:incomplete penetration / lack of penetration11. 过度焊缝加强高:excessive reinforce / Excessive weld metal12. 电弧烧伤:Arc strike / Arc burn13. 焊接变形: welding deformation 14. 烧穿:burn thr

3、ough 15. 塌陷: excessive penetration16. 凹坑:pit / dent17. 过度打磨:excessive grinding18. 焊疤:scar19. 飞溅:spatter20. 焊缝成行不好:poor profile21. 焊角不足:lack of weld leg附录 attachment焊接工艺方法1. 熔焊:fusion welding 压焊:pressure welding 钎焊:brazing welding2. 焊缝倾角:weld slope, inclination of weld axis.3. 焊缝转角:weld rotation, ang

4、le of rotation4. 平焊:flat position of welding, downhand welding 横焊:Horizontal position welding.5. 立焊:vertical position welding 仰焊:overhead position welding.6. 向下立焊:vertical down welding, downward welding in the vertical position.7. 向上立焊:vertical up welding, upward welding in the vertical position.8.

5、倾斜焊;inclined position welding9. 上坡焊: upward welding in the inclined position10. 下坡焊: downward welding in the inclined position11. 对接焊:butt welding 角焊:fillet welding 搭接焊:lap welding12. 船形焊: fillet welding in the downhand / flat position13. 坡口焊:groove welding14. I 形坡口对接焊:square groove welding15. Y形坡口对

6、接焊:flare groove welding16. 纵缝焊接:welding of longitudinal seam. 横缝焊接:welding of transverse seam.17. 环缝焊接:girth welding, circumferential welding18. 螺旋缝焊接:welding of spiral seam, welding of helical seam.19. 环缝对接焊:Butt welding of circumferential seam.20. 单面焊:welding by one side 双面焊:welding by both sides2

7、1. 单道焊:single-pass welding, single-run welding 多道焊: multi-pass welding.22. 单层焊:single layer welding 多层焊:multi-layer welding23. 分段多层焊:block sequence, block welding24. 连续焊:continuous welding 打底焊:backing welding 封底焊:back sealing weld25. 自动焊:automatic welding 半自动焊:semi-automatic welding26. 手工焊:manual we

8、lding, hand welding27. 车间焊接:shop welding 工地焊接:site welding, field welding28. 堆焊:surfacing welding, building up welding, overlaying welding.29. 衬垫焊:welding with backing.30. 焊剂垫焊:welding with flux backing31. 电弧点焊:arc spot welding.32. 套环:ferrule 试板test piece 随机检查random check33. 单面/双面串联点焊:direct/indirec

9、t serial spots welding.34. 机械性能试验mechanical properties test35. 简历curriculum vitae36. 分类category37. 风险评估risk assessment38. 第三方notified body39. 基准modules坡口, 焊缝1. 焊接工艺参数:welding parameter2. 坡口: groove 钝边:root face 3. 坡口面角度: angle of bevel, bevel angle.4. 坡口角度: Included angle, groove angle.5. 坡口高度:groov

10、e depth6. 开坡口:beveling of the edge, chamfering.7. single-V/U groove (with root face)8. 焊缝区:weld metal zone 热影响区:heat-affected Zone (HAZ)9. 工艺/使用/热/焊接性:fabrication/service/thermal weldability.10. 碳弧气刨:carbon arc air gouging. 火焰气刨:flame gouging11. 等离子切割:plasma arc cutting(PAC) 激光切割: laser cutting (LC)

11、12. 喷沙: sand blast 清渣:slag removal 清根: back chipping13. 碳/铬/镍当量:carbon/chromium/nickel equivalent.电弧焊1. 手工电弧焊:manual metal arc welding2. 直流电弧焊:direct current arc welding3. 交流电弧焊:alternating current arc welding4. 三相电弧焊:three phases current arc welding5. 熔化极电弧焊: arc welding with consumable electrode6.

12、 金属极电弧焊:metal arc welding 电弧堆焊:arc surfacing7. 碳弧焊:carbon arc welding 自动堆焊:automatic surfacing8. 埋弧焊:submerged-arc welding (SAW)9. 自动埋弧焊:automatic submerged-arc welding (SAW)10. 半自动埋弧焊:semi-automatic submerged-arc welding (SAW)11. 气体保护焊:gas shielded arc welding12. 惰性气体保护焊:inert-gas arc welding13. 氩弧

13、焊:argon arc welding14. 钨极惰性气体保护焊:tungsten inert-gas arc welding15. 活性气体保护焊:metal active gas arc welding16. Co2气体保护焊:carbon-dioxide arc welding.17. 电渣焊:electro-slag welding (ESW) 电阻焊:resistance welding (RW)18. 点焊:spot welding 摩擦焊:friction welding (FW) 爆炸焊: explosive welding (EW)19. 热切割: thermal cutti

14、ng (TC) 气割: gas cutting20. 塑性/脆性:plastic/brittle21. 焊缝环焊缝打磨:welding seamcircumference seamgrind22. 发证:certification issue焊接检验1. 试件/试样: test piece/specimen2. 直射/斜射/水浸超声探伤:straight/angle beam/immersed ultrasonic inspection3. 射线探伤:radiographic inspection 超声探伤:ultrasonic inspection4. 磁粉探伤:magnetic parti

15、cle examination 渗透探伤: penetration inspection5. 荧光检验:fluorescent penetration inspection6. 着色检验:dye penetration inspection7. 电磁法探伤:electromagnetic test8. 密封性检验:leak test 气密性检验: airtight test10. 破坏检验:destructive test9. 耐压检验:pressure test 水压试验:hydraulic test 气压试验:pneumatic test10. 声发射:acoustic emersion1

16、1. 淬火:quenching 回火:tempering退火:annealing 熔炼:smelting12. 强制检验:mandatory inspection13. 拉伸试验弯曲试验冲击试验:tension testbend testimpact test14. 金相检查:metallographic exam15. 面弯背弯侧弯断口弯曲条件:face bendroot bendside bendbreakcondition of bend16. 合格级别评定级别底片编号acceptable gradeinterpretation levelradiograph no17. 铱同位素:ir

17、idium isotope· welding inspection clearance groove, assembly space whether it meets the requirements, positioning it firmly welding, weld around is not oil, rust;清理焊口:焊前检查坡口、组装间隙是否符合要求,定位焊是否牢固,焊缝周围不得有油污、锈物;· 开孔前要按照图纸给定的方位、标高,结合排版图进行放样、测量、号孔、划线。· Openings in accordance with the drawings before a given position, elevation, combine


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