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1、会计学1AndytheandroidUnitComputers第一页,共53页。Free talk:What do you think android can do? 第1页/共53页第二页,共53页。dancing第2页/共53页第三页,共53页。Robot cop第3页/共53页第四页,共53页。drumming第4页/共53页第五页,共53页。Writing 第5页/共53页第六页,共53页。fighting第6页/共53页第七页,共53页。Play football第7页/共53页第八页,共53页。Lets listen to the story and try to find out

2、Who is the speaker in the text?第8页/共53页第九页,共53页。ANDY- THE ANDROID.第9页/共53页第十页,共53页。Fill in the form Name :AndySizeWhat it looks like What it can do Its job on the football team Its wish:Fast readingas big as a humanstrikerPlay against human teamPlay footballRun fast /think Human being第10页/共53页第十一页,共

3、53页。Now, with the questions below, please read the passage carefully again.第11页/共53页第十二页,共53页。第12页/共53页第十三页,共53页。第13页/共53页第十四页,共53页。Read the text again to find out the following phrases.1.和人一样大小和人一样大小2.在足球队里在足球队里3.用计算机语言用计算机语言4.获第二名获第二名5.在某种程度上在某种程度上6.编造编造,补足补足(b z)7.毕竟毕竟8.在在的帮助下的帮助下as big as a huma

4、non the football team in computer languageget/win second placein a waymake upafter allwith the help of第14页/共53页第十五页,共53页。 RETELL第15页/共53页第十六页,共53页。We have many different kinds of androids in our daily life.Skeleton 人体人体(rnt)骨骨架架pencilMars 战神战神,战士战士(zhnsh)第16页/共53页第十七页,共53页。Group-work : The following

5、 questions and expressions can help you:What does it What can ?(Ability) What does it have? Do you want it to be a man or a woman?would it cost?.第17页/共53页第十八页,共53页。A: What kind of robot have you decided to make?B: Ive decided that we should have a homework android. It could do all our work after cla

6、ss and leave us more time to do footballA: OK. But what does it look like?Sample dialogue 1:第18页/共53页第十九页,共53页。B: In my opinion, it should have four arms to carry the books, a large head to remember all the lessons and a printer to write out the answers What do you think?A: Well, that sounds sensibl

7、e. Perhaps it could also put all the exercises into specially marked boxes for each第19页/共53页第二十页,共53页。 subject so we could find them quickly. What about putting that in its stomach area?B: Do you want it to be a man or a woman? You can chooseA: Ive decided it should be a girlB: Whats your reason?A:

8、Girls are so hard-workingB: Sounds good to me! Lets draw it now!第20页/共53页第二十一页,共53页。第21页/共53页第二十二页,共53页。Tips for writingHow to write: The 2nd part:The 1st part:Give a brief introduction (beginning)What it can do? (the process)The 3rd part:A wonderful endRefer to textbook P24Writing :a description of

9、 your android第22页/共53页第二十三页,共53页。第23页/共53页第二十四页,共53页。 第24页/共53页第二十五页,共53页。第25页/共53页第二十六页,共53页。第26页/共53页第二十七页,共53页。(T)(F)(T)(T)(F)(T)(T)第27页/共53页第二十八页,共53页。Fill in the blankspartstrikerhelpmovethinkcompeteLast yearsecondcheated第28页/共53页第二十九页,共53页。improvecreateagainstIn a waycoachPossible movesarisesW

10、ith the help ofbrainmake up第29页/共53页第三十页,共53页。1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each one? 1) advantage n. 优点优点; 优势优势; 有利条件有利条件 都市生活有几个都市生活有几个(j )优点。优点。 There are several advantages in city life. 2) disadvantage n. 缺点缺点, 劣势劣势; 不利条件不利条件 take advantage of 利用利用 be to your advantage 对对.有利有利

11、 Language points about Using Language.第30页/共53页第三十一页,共53页。2. Then decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now.type 1) n. 类型类型 This is a new type of machine, with lots of meters on it. 这是一种新型的机器这是一种新型的机器, 上面有许多上面有许多(xdu)仪表。仪表。第31页/共53页第三十二页,共53页。2) v. 打字打字(d z) 你帮我打一下这封信好吗你帮我打一下这封信好吗? Wi

12、ll you please type this letter for me?type:表示各项事物在本类中都是典型的。表示各项事物在本类中都是典型的。kind:特指在分类中能放在一起的性质相同特指在分类中能放在一起的性质相同 且相似的一类事物。且相似的一类事物。第32页/共53页第三十三页,共53页。3. I disagree because disagree (vi) 常与常与with连用连用(linyng)(食物食物, 天气天气(tinq)等等) 不适合不适合 Mutton disagrees with me.我不吃羊肉。我不吃羊肉。不同意不同意(tngy); 意见不同意见不同在这一点上我

13、和你的意见不一致。在这一点上我和你的意见不一致。 I disagree with you about this.不一致不一致; 不符不符His report disagrees with the fact.第33页/共53页第三十四页,共53页。4. Personally, I think the team who won first place cheated. 我个人认为得冠军我个人认为得冠军(gunjn)的那个队的那个队作弊了。作弊了。personally adv. 就自己而言就自己而言; 就我个人来说就我个人来说She didnt like the plan, but personal

14、ly I see nothing wrong with it.她不喜欢她不喜欢(x huan)这项计划这项计划, 但我本人觉得但我本人觉得没什么不好的。没什么不好的。person (n)-personal (adj.)-personally (adv)第34页/共53页第三十五页,共53页。5. I think we can work together to create an even better system. create (vt.) 创造创造(chungzo); 创作创作An artist should create beautiful things.even用于修饰用于修饰(xis

15、h)形容词形容词, 副词的比副词的比较级,较级,much, far, no, still, a lot, a little第35页/共53页第三十六页,共53页。6. In a way, my programmer is like my a/one way 在某种程度上在某种程度上, 从某种意义上说从某种意义上说从某种程度上来说从某种程度上来说, 他的英语他的英语(yn y)有进步。有进步。In a way, his English has the way on the/ones way (to) 在在(去去)的路上的路上by the way 顺便提一

16、下顺便提一下 in no way 决不决不all the way 自始自终自始自终;完全地完全地in this way 用这种方法用这种方法第36页/共53页第三十七页,共53页。与与in a way同义的词组有同义的词组有in one way 和和in some ways。 容易与之混淆容易与之混淆(hnxio)的词组是的词组是in the way意意为为“造成阻碍造成阻碍”,请比较:,请比较: In a way, I like this new textbook very much 从某种程度上说从某种程度上说, 我很喜欢这本新教材。我很喜欢这本新教材。 Im afraid your bi

17、ke is in the way 看来你的自行车挡着道了。看来你的自行车挡着道了。第37页/共53页第三十八页,共53页。7. She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.1) move (n.) 行动行动(xngdng); 步骤步骤 (可数可数)Whats our next move?make a move 动身动身(dng shn), 采采取行动取行动be on the move 在活动在活动, 在行进在行进中中第38页/共53页第三十九页,共53页。 2) whil

18、e watching = while she watches While he was doing his English homework, he fell asleep. = While doing his .第39页/共53页第四十页,共53页。8. In this way, I can make up new moves. 整个故事是虚构的。整个故事是虚构的。 make up 组成组成;构成构成(guchng);编造编造;弥补弥补;化妆化妆 In this way, I can make up new moves. ( ) She spent an hour making hersel

19、f up before the party.( )补充补充(bchng); 弥补弥补化妆化妆(hu zhung)第40页/共53页第四十一页,共53页。 Sixty students make up our class. ( ) Society is made up of people of different abilities.( ) The criminal made up a story about where he was when the crime happened. ( ) Please make up a new dialogue according to the text.

20、 ( ) 形成形成(xngchng), 构成构成 由由组成组成(z chn)捏造捏造(nizo); 虚构虚构编制编制; 编出编出第41页/共53页第四十二页,共53页。So you made it after all! 你毕竟成功了!你毕竟成功了!After all, what does it matter? 归根结底归根结底(gu gn ji d), 那又有什那又有什么关系呢?么关系呢?9. after all 毕竟毕竟(bjng); 到到底底; 终究终究 1) 有有“别忘了别忘了”的意思的意思2) 放在句末放在句末, “虽然有前面说过的话虽然有前面说过的话”或或“与预料中的情况相反与预料中

21、的情况相反”的意思的意思第42页/共53页第四十三页,共53页。above all 首先首先; 最重要的是最重要的是at all 根本根本 (用于加强语气用于加强语气) 用于否定用于否定 句句, 疑问句和表示条件的从句疑问句和表示条件的从句first of all 首先首先in all 总共总共; 总计总计She should have offered to pay shes a millionaire, after all 她应该主动提出付她应该主动提出付款款(f kun) 别忘了别忘了, 她是个百万富翁。她是个百万富翁。第43页/共53页第四十四页,共53页。10. with the help of 在在的帮助的帮助(bngzh)下下 在老师的帮助在老师的帮助(bngzh)下下, 我的英语我的英语进步很快。进步很快。 With the help of the teacher, I have made rapid progress in my English study.第44页/共53页第四十五页,共53页。11. watch over 看守看守(knshu); 监视监视; 照看照看 They were watched over by three poli


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