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1、Unit8 Talent showLesson2 Hes thin,but hes strong!教学设计教学目标:本课结束后:1、能在图片的帮助下读懂故事。2 、能正确朗读模仿故事人物对话。3 、能听懂会说并使用 big /small/tall/short/fast/slow/old/young/thin/heavy 等词汇描述人或物的特征。4 、能初步使用句型Who do you like? I like.He s./She 询s.问/It s.或表达自己的喜好并描述人或物的特征。教学重点:1、能在图片的帮助下听懂、读懂、朗读故事。2 、正确使用单词句型描述人或物的特征。教学难点:正确使用

2、单词句型描述人或物的特征。教学过程:Step1: Warm-up.1.Greeting.2.Free talk.T: How old are you?Where are you from? What food do you like? Who do you like?Do you like .?(设计意图:通过Freetalk拉近师生的距离,激活学生的旧知,并为新知呈现搭好桥梁。)Step2:Presentation.1.To learn the new words by showing Wukong/Bajie/Shaseng/Nezha.T:Do you like them?(Show C

3、AI)They are Wukong,Bajie , Shaseng and Nezha.Who do you like?(呈现功1能句型)S1:I like .T:I like Wukong.He sthin,but hesstrong.( 呈现功能句型于黑板)Get S s to readthin ”“with action.(教师示范动作,让学生模仿)Show the topic(呈现课题)T:What about Bajie? Is he thin?Ss:No!T:He is heavy.Get Ss to readheavy”with action.T :What about Sha

4、seng?Is he heavy? He is tall.To learn “tall ”with action.T:Is Nezha tall?Ss:No!T:He sshort.Get Ss to read the word”short ”with action.T:He is short and young.Repeat the procedure to learn“young ”and “old ”.(设计意图:通过学生喜闻乐见的西游记人物直观呈现单词, 并通过动作表演、书空单词,让学生能将单词的音、形、义建立形象的联系,学生乐于记忆单词。)2.To learn the story.(

5、1)RevisionT: What about Pandy , Kango and Elly?Do you like them?Do you remember them?2Ss: Yes!T:How old is Pandy?Where is he from?T:What about Elly?Ss:She sfrom India,She is fifiteen.T:And she is a good dancer.Is Kango a dancer?Ss:No, he is a boxer.He is from Australia,heseleven.(设计意图:通过师生讨论复习上一课知识,

6、激活学生的旧知,并为本课Talent Show做好铺垫。)(2)GuessT:Today,they want to show their talent for us.What can they do?Doyou know?Can they sing?What will they show?Now, let s watchtheirtalent show,OK?(设计意图:在初读故事前,先让学生进行预测,渗透预测的意识。)(3) The first reading.Show CAI.Get Ss to watch the video carefully.T:Wow,Notbad.Ellycand

7、ance.Kangocanbox.AndPandycanjuggle.Let sgive them a big hand.(设计意图:通过猜测,设疑,让学生带着疑问整体感知故事。并在问题解决中学习新单词。)( 4 ) The second reading: 补 充 选 手 信 息 . To learn the newwords:big/small,fast/slow.This is their imformation.But it s dirty.Can you clean it?3T :Now,let s listen and repeat,then underline the keywor

8、ds.Check the answers.T:Pandy is heavy ,but he s fast.Wow ,not bad.YouWe re so fast,Pcan fast ,too.(To learn fast and slow.)T:Elly is big and tall,But ,she s great.Get Ss to repeat with action.(To learn big and small.)Kango is thin and strong.They re great!But Mockydoesn tthink so.He says:I can do th

9、at,I cando that.Can he do that?Ss:No!T:What happens?Let sgainwatch.(Showa P11)T:That s not easy,Mocky!Don't look down upon others.(设计意图:通过设置选手信息脏污了的情境,先让学生自己用前面学的形容词描述故事中的人物, 再让他们带着疑问去跟读故事, 并画出关键词, 渗透阅读策略的指导。)(5)The third reading:小组读,选择一图并表演。T:Do you want to read the story again?Get Ss to read t

10、he story in group.T:Oh,look!The pictures are messy.Can you help me?(设计意图:小组读课文,通过重新排列板书复述故事,培养学生复述表达的能力。)(4) Let s chant.T:Wonderful.Now Let s chant.4Heavy,heavy,heavy.Pandy is heavy.He is heavy but fast.Big ,big,big.Elly is big.She is big and tall.Thin,thin,thin.Kango is thin.He is thin but strong.

11、(设计意图: Let schant. 既是故事的复述,又是单词的操练,让学生在语境中记忆单词。)3.Body exercise.T:Let sdo some body exercise.WhenI say big,big,big.Youshould saysmall small small.Letssay with actions.(设计意图:通过Body exercise进行单词的巩固操练,让学生在富有节奏感的 exercise中建构单词的联系,并通过动作表演建立单词的语音与语义的连接。)Step3 Practice.1.Talk togetherT:Look,Who are they?Ma

12、nyangyang,Xiaohuihui,Feiyangyang.Theyarecoming to this talent show.Who do you like?I like Manyangyang,Hesold andslow.What about you?Get Ss to use the stuctures to express :5I like. He/Shes.and He/She s.I like. He/Shes.but He/Shes.Ask and answer with partner:Who do you like?I like. He/Shes.and He/She

13、 s.I like. He/Shes.but He/Shes.2.GameT:Are you really like them? I will test you.(Show CAI)Who is he? He is old and slow.Ss :He sManyangyang!T: Yes! You re so cleverManyangyang. is old and slow.(设计意图:通过游戏猜猜他是谁?学生积极的调动自己所学的知识储备完成游戏,真正让学生在玩中学,乐中学。)Step4. Extension:Make riddles .T:Just now you riddle g

14、reat!Can you make your new riddle?There aresome tips for you.Work in group, make some new riddles .Then get othersto guess.T:Which group wants to try?You can say with action.Riddle in class.(设计意图: 让学生小组合作共同创编谜语, 小组间进行猜谜游戏, 让学生真正将本课所学运用到现实中来,并通过写谜语,说谜语,听谜语,猜谜语,真正培养了学生的听说读写的综合语言运用能力。 )Step5:Homework6T

15、:You re so clever!That s the homework:1.Read the story after class.2.Make some riddles about classmates or animals.板书设计:Unit8 Talent ShowLesson 2 He sthin,but hesstrong.PandyEllyKangoWho do you like?I like .Hes,but hes.smallshortslowoldyoungheavybigthinfasttallstrong教学反思:应该说,在师生的共同配合下, 本课的教学得以顺利完成。

16、回顾本堂课的教学过程,我认为本课教学有以下成功之处:7一、保持单元整体一贯性。 本课是本单元的第二课时, 通过 free talk,talktogether让学生回忆了第一课时的内容,并通过预测, 为本课时学习打好铺垫,真正体现了整合教材,保持单元整体性。二、创设情境,直观教学。通过西游记人物呈现:thin,heavy,tall,strong,young,short,old。通过观察对比激发学生的学习兴趣,同时通过表演动作操练单词,使教学新单词不再枯燥乏味。三、任务引领,学用结合。本着Learning by doing的理念,采用任务型教学模式,由易入难,层层递进。教学中,运用多种活动为载体来

17、展开教学。如:整理选手信息、排列打乱的图片、表演故事、Let s chant 等,让学生在情境中说一说、讲一讲、演一演,在充满情趣的氛围中轻松愉快的学习语言,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,使学习语言和情感熏陶相得益彰。四、练习方式形式多样。通过呈现慢羊羊、 小灰灰、懒羊羊等卡通人物图片, 让学生运用本课所学句型说说自己喜欢的人物及其特征,学生非常感兴趣,举手发言,气氛热烈,并在其基础上让学生通过人物特征猜测人物,最后自己编谜语, 让他人猜,真正做到了让学生在玩中学,学中玩。在创编谜语的过程中,学生们也大胆的发散思维,调动自己的所有知识储备,通过写谜语,说谜语,听谜语,猜谜语,真正做到了听、说、读、写

18、的综合语言运用能力的发展。本课教学中我始终一条“趣”为线索,激趣导学,学以致用,让学生在乐趣中真实感受语言, 在语用中运用语言, 最后再在乐趣中结束本课,使学生意犹未尽,受益匪浅。谜语练习设计:8Make some riddlestallshortbigsmalloldyoungheavythinfastslowstrongAnimals (动物) or things (事物):People(人物类):1.Riddle( 谜面)It s_and its_.1.Riddle( 谜面) He s_.What is it?Who is he?Answers( 谜底) : It s_.Answers( 谜底) : He s_.2.Riddle( 谜面) Itand its_.2.Riddle( 谜面) She s_.What is it?Who is She?Answers( 谜底) : It s_.Answers( 谜底) : She s_.3.Riddle( 谜面) Itand its_.3.Riddle( 谜面) He s_and_.What is it


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