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1、category类别standard标准criteria assessment标准评定s合格ni需改进auto fail直接不合格general总则all birds must be reared according to good husbandry and welfare principles. suppliers must adhere to all relevant legislation both in the country of production and in the country of sale of the final product.所有鸡只必须按照良好的饲养规范和动

2、物福利进行饲养。供应商必须遵守生产国及终端产品销售国的所有相关法律。verify farm has copies of legislation. employees are familiar with regulations, and legislation is being followed. auto failure if not meeting regulations核实农场有相关法律文件。员工要熟悉有关规定,遵守相关法律。不符合规定者,审核直接不合格。source of broilers肉鸡苗的来源all chicks or birds entering the farm must b

3、e sourced from breeding farms and hatcheries that meet with the mcdonalds standards and be traceable back to the breeding farm and hatchery.所有进舍鸡苗必须采购于符合麦当劳标准的种鸡场和孵化场,并且可以追溯。currently there is no approval process or verification for hatcheries and breeding farms.目前没有对种鸡场和孵化场的认证或审核流程。in the future if

4、 there is a list of approved breeders it will be cross-checked若今后有合格的种鸡场和孵化场名录,要反复审核。· records for incoming chicks must show the date of arrival, number of chicks placed, breed, transport vehicle details, name of the transport company, the hatchery where the birds came from must be available.&#

5、183; 进鸡日期、数量、品种、运输车辆详情、运输公司名称及可追溯的进鸡孵化场要有详细记录。· birds that have received medical treatment and/or vaccinations at the hatchery must be accompanied with documents stating the treatment and/or vaccination.· 在孵化场接受过药物治疗或免疫的鸡只必须要有文件说明與紀錄。review records to verify documentation is met. if vaccin

6、es and/or medicines were given verify these are approved for use.查看记录检查内容是否一致;如果使用疫苗或药物,核实是否可以使用。hatcheries chicks are delivered to the farm in clean, dry and sanitized chick boxes从孵化场到农场,要用清洁、干燥并消毒的鸡盒装运雏鸡。interview technicians to verify conditions of the incoming boxes.面询技术人员以验证雛雞盒的条件。training培训it

7、is the supplier managements responsibility to ensure the development and implementation of effective training for farm personnel. 确保对农场员工制定并实施有效培训是 供应商的管理责任。 the training must provide farm employees information to help them attain mcdonalds standards and meet government requirements where applicable

8、. training updates must be provided at least once a year.培训必须帮助农场员工知悉麦当劳的标准并遵守政府要求。一年至少须提供一次培训更新内容。obtain details either orally or by record review about training program通过口头询问或书面记录审核获取有关培训项目的详情.only trained personnel are permitted to handle birds 只有受训人员才可处理鸡只。check documentation of training against

9、 employee list根据员工名册检查培训记录。· training should include concern for animal health and well being; recognition of injuries and common diseases; recognition of normal and abnormal behavior, discomfort and stress; environmental requirements; humane treatment of animals and safe handling of animals; r

10、eporting of health/ welfare concerns, knowledge of equipment requirements and reporting of equipment failures/ and feed/ water concerns.· 培训内容应包括对动物保健及福利的关注;伤病识别;正常与非正常行为识别、不适与应激识别;环境需求;对动物的人性化对待及安全处理;了解设备的要求条件;及时报告动物保健及福利问题;及时报告设备故障、饲料及饮水等问题。· employees must be knowledgeable about welfare

11、 problems associated with the flooring type used by the farm. for example, in regard to litter they should know how to recognize and manage hock burns, footpad lesions, and breast lesions and know the factors affecting litter condition.· 员工必须熟悉跟地面飼養相关动物福利问题。比如,关于垫料,员工要知道如何识别并解决关节灼伤、脚掌病变和胸部病变,并知

12、道影响垫料的其他因素。randomly select 3-5 employees from the employee roster (if possible). conduct interviews to determine if employees received training both specific and general, for the jobs they perform. review training records to determine if all current employees received training by verifying current e

13、mployee names with date of training, what they were trained for, and who conducted the training. 从员工名册中随机抽取3-5名员工进行当面询问,判定员工是否接受过培训(包括与工作相关的一般培训和特殊培训)。检查培训记录,通过核对现有员工姓名及培训资料、培训内容、培训人员,来判定是否所有的在职员工都接受过培训。farm personnel must be trained and able to demonstrate competence in carrying out euthanasia proc

14、edures that are in accordance with all legislation and approved by mcdonalds. they must have the ability to verify bird death.农场员工必须接受培训且要具备对鸡只实施法律及麦当劳都许可的安乐死的方式;必须具备断定鸡只是否實行安樂死的需要。if any birds needing to be culled are on the premise have a trained caretaker demonstrate the euthanasia procedure used

15、 on the farm. have them describe the steps first and then perform the task. inquire how they can verify death如果有鸡只需要淘汰,前提条件是有受过培训的护理员演示安乐死的操作程序,首先让员工描述操作步骤,然后让其完成安乐死任务。要询问他们如何验证鸡只是否已死亡。when applicable employees should be trained to use approved pesticides, insecticides and other chemicals (external

16、or in house) to avoid compromising human and bird health and well-being.如果可行,应对员工培训使用批准的农药、杀虫剂和其他化学药品(舍外和舍内),避免对人和鸡只的保健及福利造成威胁。verification via record review and employee interviews通过记录审核和员工当面询问进行核实。training systems must be designed to ensure desired caretaker behaviors are demonstrated at all times

17、 and that caretakers understand their impact to the health and welfare of the animals. 要设计培训体系以确保飼養员一直会有好的行为表现,飼養员一定要明白自己对动物保健及福利的影响.caretakers must be compassionate and concerned with animal health and welfare at all times.飼養员必须富有同情心,始终关心动物保健及福利。observe behavior of caretakers focusing on their inte

18、raction with the birds观察飼養员的行为,重点关注他们与鸡只的互动。inspection巡检· each house of birds must be inspected twice per day at minimum, and at least one of these inspections must be sufficiently thorough to identify any birds which are showing signs of sickness, injury or distress and establish that the appr

19、opriate temperature and environmental conditions are being maintained.· 每栋舍一天至少要巡检两次,至少要有一次彻底全面的检查,以识别出生病、受伤或痛苦的鸡只,并确认鸡舍一直保持适宜的温度和环境条件。· animals must be free from pain, recurrent or chronic injuries and other lesions such as those related to aggression from other animals, structures, equip

20、ment or handling.· 动物不能遭受痛苦、周期性或慢性伤害及因其他动物、建筑物、设备或人为操作所造成的侵害而引发的病变。· during the inspections, birds must be encouraged to move. any bird that has difficulty in reaching feed or water due to leg problems or other physical/behavioral abnormality must be promptly removed and culled. · 巡检时

21、,要促使鸡群多移动。因腿病或其他生理异常而导致进食或饮水困难的鸡只,必须立即剔除。· birds found to be injured or displaying signs of illness must be treated or culled.· 发现受伤或有生病迹象的鸡只,必须立即治疗或剔除。· sick or injured birds must be culled humanely using approved methods as described in the section on casualty euthanasia. all culls

22、must be recorded and assessed. where a negative trend develops professional advice must be sought.· 伤病鸡只必须使用准许的方法人性化剔除,如采用之前所描述的安乐死。所有淘汰的鸡只必须记录并进行检测。出现不良趋势的农场必须寻求专业的人員提出建议解決問題。observe birds for signs of illness, distress or injury. if applicable, observe area where birds are segregated if they

23、are removed from the main sections of the house for any reason.观察鸡只的伤病或痛苦症状。如果可以的话,將发病雞隻隔离或淘汰。check mortality sheet to verify culls observe caretakers核对死淘表以验证死淘数。观察飼養员的表现。space req.空间要求all birds must have sufficient space to be able to walk, turn around, preen, sit undisturbed, flap, stretch wings a

24、nd dust bathe (where applicable). 鸡只要有充足的空间可以行走、转身、梳毛、安坐、拍翅、展翅、沙浴等。when planning stocking density the following must be taken into account: house design, climate control, expected climatic conditions, bird performance, and water and feed space requirements计划饲养密度时一定要考虑下列因素:鸡舍设计、气候控制、预期的气候条件、鸡只性能及水、料的

25、空间需求。verify how the farm calculates stocking density and observe birds behavior as per standards核实农场饲养密度的计算方法,按照标准观察鸡群表现。lighting光照 lighting in the house must be evenly distributed. 鸡舍光照设备必须分布均匀。 the minimum light intensity is 5 lux (during the lighting period) with the exception of the 1st week of

26、the chickens life (minimum 20 lux during lighting period); measured at bird eye level and it must illuminate at least 80% of the usable area. 最小光照强度为5勒克斯(指在光照期间),鸡只生命周期的第一周除外(光照期间强度至少为20勒克斯);在鸡眼齐眼高度测定;光照区域至少为饲养区的80%。 if natural lighting illuminates the house and this source is not sufficient to meet

27、 minimal intensity standards, additional source (s) must be provided.若自然光照不足、达不到最小光照强度标准,需增加光照源。using a light meter check light intensity in three locations of the house at the eye level of the bird. this is usually done at the entrance, center and far end of the house. if one or more sections appea

28、r to be darker than others, measurements should also be taken at these locations. 在鸡舍三个方位使用照度计在鸡眼处检测光照强度。若有区域比其他地方光线暗,需在此进行检测。verify how the farm documents lighting requirements.核实农场要求的光照與紀錄。birds must have a dark period according to the following rules:鸡只须根据以下规则进行停光:day 1-7: minimum 1 hour darkness

29、1-7日龄:至少1小时休光期。day 8 7 last days before slaughter: minimum 6 hours of darkness, 4 of which are uninterrupted屠宰前8-7天:至少6小时休光期,其中4小时不能中断。last 7 days before slaughter: minimum 1 hour darkness屠宰前的最后7天:至少1小时休光期。by interview or record check verify the light/dark periods for the entire growing cycle. 通过面询或

30、记录审核来核实整个生长周期的光照黑暗期。ventilation and temp.通风和温度 air circulation, dust levels, temperature, relative air humidity and gas concentrations must be kept within limits that are not harmful to the animals. 空气流通、灰尘度、温度、空气相对湿度及气体浓度必须控制在无害动物的范围内。 all housing must be ventilated to meet the following requiremen

31、ts. (heating and cooling systems designed, constructed and operated to comply with the standards may be needed.)鸡舍通风必须满足下列要求。(供暖和制冷系统的设计、安装和操作需符合标准)。 ammonia (nh3) maximum 25 ppm (target 10 ppm).氨气最大25ppm(目标10 ppm) carbon dioxide (co2) maximum 3000 ppm二氧化碳最大3000 ppmusing the appropriate instruments

32、check ammonia and co2 levels in three locations of the house at the level of the bird. this is usually done at the entrance, center and far end of the house. 使用适当的仪器在鸡舍3个不同的地方在鸡只高度处检测氨气和二氧化碳的含量,通常会选择鸡舍入口处、中央和远端进行。verify that the farm monitors air quality and makes remediation if standards are exceed

33、ed. verify method of remediation.核实农场是否监测空气质量、超出标准时是否予以修正;核实修正的方法。 ventilation must be capable of maintaining the chickens at a comfortable temperature, appropriate to their age and stocking density. 通风必须能维持鸡舍温度舒适,符合鸡龄和饲养密度。 house conditions shall be controlled to maintain the optimal temperature ra

34、nge that has been recommended by the primary breeder/veterinarian, to ensure the thermal comfort of the birds as evidenced by the absence of panting or huddling behaviors. 控制鸡舍条件维持饲养员/兽医所推荐的最优温度范围,以确保鸡只的热舒适,可通过没有喘息或蜷缩等行为来证明。a persistence of panting and huddling behaviors indicates birds are undergoi

35、ng thermal distress.持续的喘息、蜷缩表明鸡只正遭受热痛苦。 maximum and minimum temperatures within bird housing must be recorded daily.每天需记录鸡舍最高温和最低温。 timely corrective action must be taken when temperature or humidity levels are beyond control ranges.当温度或湿度超出控制范围时要及时采取纠正措施。verify that the farm monitors the environmen

36、tal conditions of temperature and humidity and makes remediation if standards are not met. verify method of remediation.核实农场是否监控温度和湿度等环境条件,标准不符时是否采取纠正措施。核实纠正方法。observe birds for evidence of panting, huddling or other signs of thermal distress.观察鸡只喘息、蜷缩或其他热痛苦的症状。 for houses with forced ventilation a

37、backup generator with sufficient power to supply all necessary electrical systems should be available. 对于强制通风的鸡舍,要有电力充足的备用发电机,可供所有必要的用电设备使用。the backup generator must be tested and documented at least once per flock and under full load conditions. when a generator is not available, the alternative me

38、ans must be in place to maintain the mandated standards. 备用发电机在饲养每批鸡时至少满负荷测试一次并做好记录。当备用发电机不可用时,现场必须要有其他代替设备以维护强制执行的标准。 controlled environment housing should have a level of insulation that is appropriate for the local climatic conditions. 环境受控鸡舍应具备一定的适合当地气候条件的隔热能力。if applicable verify that houses ha

39、ve insulation.如可行,核实鸡舍是否隔热。 all farms must have access to weather forecasts to allow for advance planning in extreme conditions.所有农场都可收听天气预报,以便出现极端天气时可提前做好准备。ascertain plans for extreme weather conditions known for the geographical area (monsoons, hurricanes, blizzards, etc.)核实应对已知区域极端天气(季风、飓风、暴风雪等)

40、的方案。litter垫料litter must remain dry垫料必须保持干燥。 if litter becomes wet measures must be taken to reduce moisture. 若垫料变湿,必须采取措施降低湿度。 litter must not contain any harmful substances including but not limited to foreign bodies, chemicals, etc. 垫料中不能含有任何有害物质包括但不限于异物、化学品等。 pest infested litter is not acceptabl

41、e (where litter beetles are present they must be controlled and evidence provided). 害虫滋生的垫料不可使用。(出现垫料甲虫时必须严格控制,并提供证明)check litter quality in at least 3 locations within 2 houses (methods to assess are included in audit guidance document)在2个鸡舍内至少3处检查垫料的质量。(评价办法请见审核指南) hock burns, footpad and breast l

42、esions are indicators of poor litter conditions. if birds exhibit these conditions, corrective actions must be taken.关节灼伤、脚掌和胸部病变是垫料糟糕的重要体现。若鸡只出现这些症状,必须采取纠正措施。 where raised net flooring is used, nets must be constructed and maintained to allow birds to rest comfortably, prevent injuries and walk and

43、 gain access to feed and water without distress. 使用网格地板饲养时,网格地板的建造和维护应使鸡只能舒适地休息,并能防止鸡只受伤,鸡只行走、进食和饮水没有困难。randomly check 10 birds per house in 2 houses for evidence of hock burns, foot pad and breast lesions. (audit guidance document provides illustrations)随机抽2栋舍,每栋舍10只鸡,检测关节灼伤、脚掌病变和胸部病变。feed and wate

44、r饲料和水 all animals must be fed a wholesome diet that is appropriate to their age and breed, fed in sufficient quantities to maintain good health and satisfy nutritional needs and to prevent hunger and malnutrition. 饲喂所有动物时饮食要健康合理,适合动物的年龄和品种,量要足,以此来保持动物的健康满足动物的营养需求,防止饥饿和营养不良。 the diet must be reviewed

45、 as necessary especially if evidence of insufficient weight gain or other signs of illness. 若必要,尤其是若出现增重不足或其他疾病症状时,要重新评定饮食。review farm records that indicate feed and water consumption are monitored as indicators of health and welfare, and when health and welfare are negatively impacting productivity

46、, adjustments to the feed formulations and water delivery are made to maintain bird health and welfare. 审核农场表明监控料耗与水耗的记录以及当保健及福利消极影响产能时调整饲料配方及供水进而维护鸡只健康和福利的记录examine the feed and water receptacles and storage units at multiple locations throughout the farm. 检查料、水的存储容器,对整个农场多处进行检查。 for operations wit

47、h multiple houses, several locations within each house should be examined, looking to insure that feed and water are fresh, clean and easily accessible to all birds. 多个鸡舍操作,每个鸡舍要选多个点进行检查,确保饲料和水是新鲜,干净的,所有鸡只轻松吃料喝水。 if feed and water are stored and distributed from larger silos or tanks, verify that th

48、ese are free from contamination. 若饲料、水存储或配给于较大的料塔或水箱,要核实是否有交叉污染。verify that there is a program that demonstrates water and feed receptacles, silos and tanks are cleaned and disinfected on a routine basis. this should be documented (how often and what disinfectants are used)核实是否有证明水、料存储器每日清洁、消毒的方案,要有

49、书面记录(频率及所使用的消毒剂)。determine the source of water. if not a municipal source, verify that testing is done once per year and meets any applicable legislation.确定水源。如果不是地方政府供水,要证实每年进行一次水质测验并符合任何现行法律。 all feed must only be sourced from approved feed mills according to the latest mcdonalds feed and feed mil

50、l policy.要根据麦当劳最新的饲料及饲料厂政策从认可的饲料厂采购饲料。 all feed containing medicines (including coccidiostats) must be segregated and identified. where silos are used for medicated and standard feed, a system must be in place to prevent the cross contamination.所有含药饲料(包括抗球虫药)必须分开并标示。存放含药饲料和标准饲料的料塔必须要有防止两种饲料交叉污染的系统。

51、all birds must have continuous access to a fresh clean water supply. 鸡只必须可持续不断地获得新鲜清洁的供水。 water quality should meet drinking standards as set by the appropriate health authorities.水质应达到卫生局饮用水的标准。 should drinking water be sourced from non-municipal sources, it must be tested every 12 months and treat

52、ed to meet applicable drinking water standards. testing frequency should be increased if a link with broiler ill-health is suspected.若饮用水源非市政供水,每12个月必须检测一次,并在处理后达到可饮用水的标准。若怀疑肉鸡健康不佳跟水源有关,应增加检测频率。 water tanks must be designed to prevent contamination. header water tanks must be covered and hygienicall

53、y maintained. the exit of the water tanks must be placed at the bottom to avoid built up of residues.水箱设计必须能防止污染。集水箱必须遮盖并进行卫生维护。水箱出水口必须设置在底部以防止水流残存。 water shall be distributed in such a way that birds can drink without undue competition.水源的供给应当使鸡只饮水时不会过度竞争。 the farm must have a means to measure and

54、record daily water usage. significant changes in volume used may indicate ill health or stress in the birds or problems with the water delivery system.农场要有办法测定并记录每日的用水量。用水量的重大变化也许可表明鸡只健康不佳或出现应激或是供水系统出现故障。 drinker height must be checked daily to reduce water wastage and litter problems.每天须要检查饮水器的高度以减

55、少水源损耗及垫料问题。feed and water shall be distributed in such a way so that birds can eat and drink without undue competition.饲料与水源配给应使鸡只进食和饮水不会出现过度竞争。 on the farm feed must be stored in a manner that reduces the risk of contamination by weather or pests. 农场饲料存储必须要降低因天气或害虫所造成的污染的风险。 feeding equipment must

56、be designed, constructed and placed to minimize the risk of cross contamination.供料设备的设计、建造及安装必须最小化交叉污染的风险。veterinary care and biosecurity general兽医关怀和生物安全综述 birds must be protected from pain, injury and disease. in consultation with a veterinarian, producers must develop a veterinary care program/pl

57、an to accomplish this. 鸡只需要免受痛苦,损伤和疾病之困。咨询一个兽医,生产商必须要有兽医关怀程序和计划,确保实施。the veterinary care program must include biosecurity provisions and an animal health management program.兽医关怀程序必须包括生物安全规定和动物健康管理程序。 sites must have appropriate biosecurity measures in place that comply with mcdonalds poultry biosecurity evaluation form requirements. 现场必须要有符合麦当劳禽类生物安全审核要求的适当生物安全措施。confirm presence of an up-to-date veterinary plan including biosecurity provisions developed in accordance with a veterinarian.确认最新兽医计划的实施包括与兽医相一致的生物安全规定。biosecurity: personal hygiene生物安全:个人卫生 only essential


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