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1、酒店前台接待员工作岗位描述JOB TITLE:Guest Service Agent-Reception职位:前台接待员AREA/DEPARTMENT: Rooms Division/Front Office部门:房务部 / 前厅部JOB LEVEL:9级别9HOTEL BAND:I - V酒店级别5REPORTS TO:Guest Service Supervisor Recepti on/Front Office Man ager汇报给:前台主管 /前厅部经理经理POSITIONS SUPERVISED: Nil监管下属 :无JOB SCOPE:Under the general dire

2、ction of the Front Office Manager or his / her delegate and within the limitsof establishedInterContinentalHotels Group brand and localpoliciesandprocedures, responsible for all activities relevant to the Front Desk such as the reception, check in / out, rooming of all Hotel guests, foreignexchange

3、and assistingthem with inquiries.Promotes the desired work culture around the five core values of Trust,Integrity,Respect, One Team and Serviceof theInterContinental Hotels Group and the brand ethos.工作范围:服从前厅部经理或授权主管的全面指示,执行和遵循洲际酒店 集团和当地酒店的政策和程序,负责前台的相关工作,协助客人入住, 退房,陪同客人到房间以及协助其他相关的要求。发扬企业工作文化的 5 个重

4、要价值,信任,诚信,尊重,一个团队与效劳洲际酒店集团的品 牌品质。TESTIMONIAL: I hereby confirm having read the duties and agree to perform these dutiesas set out in the Job Description to the required standards.证明:我确认细读了所有职责,冋意按照工作职责的要求工作并到达所规定的标准。Sig nature 签名:Date日期:Key Respo nsibilities主要职责Greets all guests at all times in a fr

5、iendly and helpful manner and attempts tolearn and use guest ' s name at every opportunity友好热情的欢送和接待所有客人,努力自我学习及称呼客人的名字Registers and rooms all arrivals accord ing to established procedures根据相关程序登记所有的入住客人Maintains in timate kno wledge of departme ntal sta ndards and procedures熟知部门的标准和程序Performs c

6、heck in, check out and room cha nge procedures and en sures all data areen tered completely into the hotel systems in accorda nee with reservati on在电脑系统 中准确操作入住,退房和换房,保证预定的一致性,和其他部门紧密协作满足客人要求Maintains cashier float and en sures accurate daily report of all money received确保备用金的准确性,确保收入和报表相对应的现金交易一致Ca

7、shes hotel guest ' s personal and travelers checks and assists with currencyexchange协助客人外币和旅行支票兑换效劳Keeps abreast of all modificatio ns to acco unting policies and procedures与同事一起共同遵循和保证所有财务政策和程序的更新Resp on sible and atte nds to guest's request of using the service of safety box atall times随时关

8、注和负责客人的保险箱效劳as; Seas onalKnowledgeable of all special promotion procedures, for programs suchPackages, Frequent Flyers Programs, and also IntercontinentalHotels Group Loyalty programs熟悉所有推广的程序,比方,季度推广,航空会员方案,国际酒店集团的忠诚方案Attends to guest ' s complaints,inquiries and requests, referees problems tos

9、upervisor/Assista nt Man ager if he/she un able to assist关注并满足客人的 投诉、要求,在不能解决的情况下立即汇报主管或经理? Is familiar with other In terc on ti nen taiHotels and Resorts so that guest in dicat ingany n ext desti nati on on the registrati on card can be“ sold an on ward book ing to ano therIn terC ontinen tal Hotel

10、s熟悉洲际集团的其他酒店以便推销和为客人预定?Does everythingpossible to ensure that the guests depart the hotel with a positiveimpressi on of hotel service确保客人在离店以前留下良好的影响作出一切努力? Performs the audit balances and prepares all works for audit in an orderly fashion 有方案和条理的执行平账和作足相关的准备工作? When on ni ght shift, checks ni ght r

11、eport, prepare the morning report and prepareall n ecessary forms for the guest arrival夜班期间,检查所有的相关报表,准备次日的报表和次日到达客人相关报表? Maintains comprehe nsive kno wledge of sta ndard reservatio n procedures in cludi ngcorrect forms to use, how to read telex, e-mail, messages, and how to interpretavailabilitysou

12、rces with in the reservati on systems熟悉全面的知识技能,包括预定的程序,表格的正确使用、电邮和留言的读取,预定系统的操作? Maintains exemplary deportme nt sta ndards of behavior and appeara nee and attitude as expected in a ICHG Brand保证行为和表现和酒店品牌保持一致?Takes pers onal in terest and pride to en sure that the front desk work area is keptclea n

13、and in an orderly state al all times主动积极的检查确保所有前台工作区域的干净和有条理? En deavors to mai nta in the high sta ndards of the hotel with particular regard tothe importanee of ICHG Loyalty Program member and other VIP ' s and with reference to hotel and to be a health or safety hazard努力为酒店的会员和贵宾创造一个平安,优雅,高品质

14、效劳? Performs other tasks as assig ned完成其他分配的任务Occupatio nal Health and Safety Respo nsibilities职业健康和平安职责Demon strate Aware ness of OH&S policies and procedures and en sure all proceduresare con ducted safely and with in OH&S guideli nes and en sure your direct reports do the same熟悉职业保健、平安职责相

15、关政策和程序,以确保所有程序能得以平安地执行,并在职业保健和 平安职责方针的指导下确保行为落到实处?Be aware of duty of care and adhere to occupati on al,health and safety legislati on,policies and procedures了解并坚持职业的、健康的、平安地立法、政策和程序?Be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emerge ncy procedures andoperate equipme nt safely and sen s

16、ibly熟悉酒店平安,急救,消防,和紧急情况的处理程序,并能正确的使用相关的设备?Initiate action to correct a hazardous situationand notifysupervisors of potentialdan gers及时对危险的情形采取补救措施,并对主管通报存在的潜在危险?Log security in cide nts and accide nts in accorda nee with hotel requireme nts按酒店的要求,记录平安事故和意外事故Key Compete ncies主要能力Key Tasks主要任务Tak ingRe

17、sp on sibility责任感?Strive for constant improvement and take responsibilityforyour own performa nee努力不断的提高自己的工作表现?Adhere to In terC on ti nen tal Hotel Group Corporate Code ofCon duct坚持洲际酒店集团的管理模式?Adhere to Hotel Han dbook and gen eralpoliciesandprocedures坚持员工守那么和总的政策与程序?Adhere to Front Office Policie

18、s and Procedures坚持部门的政策与程序?Report problems to Man ageme nt with suggesti ons forresoluti on向管理部门反响问题并提出解决建议Un dersta nding MyJob了解自己的工作?Clarifiesown jobresp on sibilitiesand looks foropport un ities that will in crease skills and job kno wledge清楚自己的工作职责,并寻找提高自己工作技巧和知识的时机?Un dersta nds how their role

19、 fits with others and con tributesto the success of bus in ess了解自己在团队合作中的角色,并为部门的成功做出奉献?Understands the hotel ' s facilities,products and services了解酒店的各种设施设备,产品和效劳?Provides in formatio n whe n requested and promotes hotelservices, facilities and special events当客人询问时提供信息,并推荐酒店的效劳,设施和特别活动?Impleme

20、nts departme nt procedures and policies as n eeded贯彻执行部门的政策和程序Customer Focus关注客人?Build and maintain positiverelati on shipswith all internalcustomers and guests in order to an ticipate their n eeds与内部员工和客人建立并保持积极的关系,以超越他们的需求?An ticipate guest n eeds, han dle guest enqu ires, and solveproblems满足客人的需要

21、,答复客人的问询并解决问题?Create a positive hotel image in every in teracti on within ternal and exter nal customers在内部和外部客户交流互动中创造积极的酒店形象?Adhere to hotel brand sta ndards坚持酒店的品牌标准?Mai ntai n a high level of product and service kno wledge inorder to explain and sell services and facilities to guests为给客人解释和销售酒店的

22、效劳和设施,应具备高水平的产品和效劳知 识。?Assist guests and escort them to locati onswith in the hotelat their request帮助并引领客人到酒店内他们想去的地方?Mai ntai n kno wledge of special programs and events in thehotel in order to recog nize and resp ond to guests n eeds了解酒店内的特别推广和活动,以便能了解客人的需求并做出反响?Maintain curre nt Hotel in formati

23、on to be able to providein formatio n to guests了解酒店的最新信息以便答复客人问询Teamwork团队精神?Demon strate co-operati onand trust with colleagues,supervisors,teams and across departments to deliver positiveresults与同事友好合作并对同事、主管、团队给予信任,可跨部门地交流工作成果 Communi cate well to en sure effective shift han d-over通过良好的交流确保交班工作的顺

24、利进行?Actively participate in orga ni zed meeti ngs积极参与各种会议?In teract with departme nt and hotel staff in a professi onaland positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and en sure effective two way com mun icati on以专业和积极的态度与部门和酒店员工互动,以建立和谐的关系,促进团队精神并确保有效的双向交流Adaptability适应能力?Be open to new ideas and make changes in the job and routineas required在日常工作中乐于接受新观点和做出必要的改变?Work in line with b


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