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1、2021/3/171代词及it的用法2021/3/1722021/3/173一一. .人称代词人称代词四四. .指示代词指示代词二二. .物主代词物主代词五五. .不定代词不定代词三三. .反身代词反身代词六六. .疑问代词疑问代词七七. .连接代词连接代词八八. .关系代词关系代词2021/3/1742021/3/175一一. .人称代词人称代词第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称第三人称第三人称 人称人称格格数数单数单数复数复数 主格主格宾格宾格主格主格 宾格宾格Iyouhesheitmeyou him her itweyoutheyusyouthem用法口诀用法口诀: 人称代词分两格人称代词

2、分两格,主格宾格来分说主格宾格来分说; 主格定把主语作主格定把主语作,宾格作宾不会错。宾格作宾不会错。 2021/3/1761 1、单数你他我、单数你他我, ,复数一二三复数一二三, ,道歉我为先道歉我为先. .一一. .人称代词人称代词1.我、你、他、都我、你、他、都18岁。岁。_2.你们、我们、他们都来自中国。你们、我们、他们都来自中国。 _.You, he and I are 18.We, you and they are from China2 2、在简短对话中、在简短对话中, ,当人称代词单独使用或在当人称代词单独使用或在not not 后多用后多用宾格宾格. .作表语作表语, ,也

3、用宾格。也用宾格。 I like English. _ too. A. I B. He C. Me2021/3/1771. Who broke the window? Not _. A. I B. he C. her2. Miss Li invited _ have dinner with her . A. me and you B. you and I C. you and me3. Who taught _ English last term? A. them B. their C. they2021/3/178二二. .物主代词物主代词人称人称分类分类 第一人称第一人称 第二人称第二人称

4、 第三人称第三人称 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数 复数复数 单数单数复数复数形形容容词词性性 名名词词性性 my my ourouryour your your your his his her her its its their their mine mine ourours s youryours s youryours s his his herhers s its its theirtheirs s 用法口诀用法口诀:物主代词两类型物主代词两类型,形容词性、名词性。形容词性、名词性。 形容词性作定语形容词性作定语,后面定把名词用。后面定把名词用。 名词性、独立用名词性、独立用,主宾表语

5、它都充。主宾表语它都充。 2021/3/179v形容词性物主代词相当于形容词。在句中作定语修饰名词。 I like my job.v形容词性物主代词与own连用表示强调。 This is my own house.v名词性物主代词相当于名词,不能用于名词之前。 This is your book. Where is mine?v“of+名词性物主代词”构成双重属格。 A friend of mine will come here next week.二二. .物主代词物主代词2021/3/17101. She is a friend of _. A. my B. mine C. I2. Thi

6、s isnt my pen ,it is _. A. her B. his C. him3. Frank cant find _ dictionary . Can you lend _ to _? A. her , mine , her B. / , yours , he C. his , yours , him2021/3/17114. _ school is much bigger than _. A. Our , their B. Ours , theirs C. Our , theirs5. The dog is so poor because _ leg is badly hurt

7、. A. it B. its C. its2021/3/1712三三. .反身代词反身代词 人称人称分类分类第一人称第一人称第二人称第二人称 第三人称第三人称单单 数数 复复数数myself ourselves yourself yourselveshimselfthemselvesherself itself 用法口诀用法口诀:反身代词表自身反身代词表自身,句中可作两成分。句中可作两成分。 表示强调同位语表示强调同位语,宾语动作回自身。宾语动作回自身。 2021/3/17132. 2. 反身代词常见固定搭配反身代词常见固定搭配 过得愉快过得愉快自学自学 请随便吃请随便吃 自言自语自言自语 独

8、自独自 为自己为自己 不要客气不要客气 陶醉沉浸于陶醉沉浸于 自己穿衣服自己穿衣服 照顾自己照顾自己三三. .反身代词反身代词 enjoy oneself learn by / teach oneself help oneself to sth. say to oneself by oneself for oneself make oneself at home lose oneself in dress oneself look after oneself2021/3/17141.The man is rich , he can buy _ a lot of things . A. he B

9、. his C. himself2. - What a lovely card ! Where did you buy it? - I made it by _. A. me B. myself C. itself3. “Help _ to some chicken ,”my mother said to the guests. A. yourself B. yourselves C. your2021/3/1715this,that,these,thosev时空的差别时空的差别 this/these指在时间或空间上较近的事物或指在时间或空间上较近的事物或人人,that/those指在时间或空

10、间上较远的事物或人指在时间或空间上较远的事物或人. This is a pen and that is a pencil We are busy these days In those days the workers had a hard timev行文叙述上的差别行文叙述上的差别。 this/these指代下文要讲到的人或事 that/those指代前面讲到的人或事 I shall say this to you: he is a poor man. He was ill. Thats why he didnt come.v打电话时this 表示我,that表示你. Hello! This

11、 is Mary. Is that Jack speaking?四四. .指示代词指示代词2021/3/1716v疑问代词有疑问代词有who(指人,谁),whom,whose(指人,谁的),what(指事,什么)和和which(指人、事均可,哪一个)等等。v疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中疑问代词用于特殊疑问句中,一般都放在句首一般都放在句首,并在并在句子中作为某一句子成分。句子中作为某一句子成分。vWho is going to come here tomorrow? (作主语)vWhat is that? (作表语)vWhose umbrella is this? (作定语) vWhom are

12、you waiting for? (作宾语)四四. .疑问代词疑问代词2021/3/17172021/3/17181.定义定义:不指明所代替的名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词不指明所代替的名词或形容词的代词叫做不定代词,不不定代词可分为定代词可分为:uevery-,some-,any-,no-和和-one,-body,-thing构成的复合代构成的复合代词。词。usome, any, many, much, each, neither, other, another, all, both, one, none, either,a few,few,a little,little等等2.不定代词在使

13、用中的注意点不定代词在使用中的注意点:u由由every-,some-,any-,no-和和-one,-body,-thing构成的复合构成的复合代词通常只看做代词通常只看做单数单数形式形式,其谓语要用其谓语要用单数单数。 Somebody is waiting for you at the school gate.uSomething,anything,nothing和形容词连用时和形容词连用时,形容词要放形容词要放在他们的在他们的后面后面。 Something important/anything interesting/nothing funny2021/3/1719v some 肯定句肯

14、定句 any 否定句否定句/ 疑问句疑问句/ 条件句条件句vsome 也可以用于疑问句中表示请求、建议也可以用于疑问句中表示请求、建议,希望得到肯定希望得到肯定答复。答复。Would you like _ coffee?somev不定代词(不定代词(something ,anyone)+ 形容词形容词2021/3/1720v当当some修饰的修饰的可数名词是单数可数名词是单数时时,some 表示表示 “某个某个” 的的意思。意思。 I have read that in some magazine.vany 用于用于肯定句肯定句中有中有 “任何一个任何一个” 解。解。vTom runs fas

15、ter than any other boy in his class.2021/3/17211. Do you have _ to do this evening? A. important something B. anything important C. something important 2. _ is watching TV . Lets turn it off . A . Somebody B. Anybody C. Nobody3. Would you like _? I can get it for you . A. something else B. anything

16、else C. everything else2021/3/1722代名词代名词形容词形容词单数单数复数复数单数单数复数复数another另一个另一个others别人别人,其他人其他人another (boy)另一个(男孩)另一个(男孩)other (boys)其他男孩其他男孩the other另一个另一个the others其余那些人、物其余那些人、物the other (boy)另一个男孩另一个男孩the other (boys)其余那些男孩其余那些男孩v1.antoher 表示表示“又一个又一个,另一个另一个,再一个再一个”,泛指众多中的一个泛指众多中的一个,可单独使可单独使用或接用或接

17、单数可数名词单数可数名词,其其前面不加定冠词前面不加定冠词。 Im still hungry after Ive had this cake. Please give me another. You can see another ship in the sea, cant you?v2.antoher用在用在复数名词前复数名词前,表示表示“再再,又又”,相当于相当于more。 If you give me another five minutes,Ill finish the work. v3.the other 表示表示“两者中的另一个两者中的另一个”,常与常与one搭配构成搭配构成“on

18、e ., the other .”句型。句型。 He has two brothers. One is 10 years old , the other is 5 years old.2021/3/1723v4. “the others”表示表示特指某范围内的特指某范围内的“其他的人或物其他的人或物”。是是复数的特指复数的特指。the others=the other+名词复数名词复数 In our class only Tom is English, the others are Chinese.v5.others表示表示“别人别人,其他人其他人”,是是复数的泛复数的泛指指,others=o

19、ther+名词复数名词复数 In the park some are playing games. Others are walking near the river.2021/3/1724 Tom and Mary have arrived, but _ in your class arent here yet. A. the others B. others C. the other One of the sides of the road should be painted yellow, and_ white. A. the other Banother C. others This

20、pair of trousers is too short. Would you please show me _ one. A. other B. others C. another the other others the other others the others anotherthe others another2021/3/1725 I have two brothers. _ is a doctor, _ is a soldier. A. One, the other B. One, other C. The one, the other Some of the student

21、s are playing on the playground. But wherere _? A. the other B.others C.the others - Is this your sock ? - Yes, it is . Where is _? A. another B. the other one C. others We got home by 4 oclock ,but _ didnt get back until 8 oclock. A. the other B. others C. the others 2021/3/1726不定代词不定代词含义含义数量关系数量关系

22、作定语时作定语时名词的数名词的数作主语时作主语时动词的数动词的数each每一个每一个2单数单数单数单数every每一个每一个3单数单数单数单数veach:1)可单独使用可单独使用,2)可做代名词、形容词可做代名词、形容词, 3)着重着重“个别个别”, 4)用于两者或两者以上中的每一个人或物。用于两者或两者以上中的每一个人或物。vevery:1)不可单独使用不可单独使用,2)仅作形容词仅作形容词, 3)着重着重“全体全体”,毫无例外毫无例外,4)用于三者或三者以上每一个人或物。用于三者或三者以上每一个人或物。v当我们说当我们说each child, each student或或each teac

23、her时时,我们想到的是我们想到的是一个一个人的情况人的情况。而当我们说。而当我们说every child和和every student时时,我们想到的是我们想到的是全体全体的情况的情况,every的意思与的意思与all接近接近,表示他们都如此。表示他们都如此。 Each ball has a different colour. Every child likes playing. = All children like playing.v注意注意:我们可以用我们可以用each of , 而不能用而不能用 every of 如如:Each of you can have a rest.veve

24、ry other 每隔每隔 every other day 每隔一天每隔一天 = every two days2021/3/1727 I gave them _ an apple. A. every B. each C. each of There is a line of trees on _ side of the street. Aevery Beach Cboth She goes shopping _ five days. A. every B. each C. each of 他隔天来这里。他隔天来这里。 He came here _ day.every other2021/3/1

25、728不定代不定代词词含义含义数量关数量关系系作定语时作定语时名词的数名词的数作主语时作主语时动词的数动词的数either两者中的任何一两者中的任何一个个=2单数单数单数单数neither两者都不两者都不=2单数单数单数单数both两者都两者都=2复数复数复数复数either of 两者两者之一+ 复数名词复数名词 / them / us谓单谓单neither of 两者两者都不都不谓单谓单both of 两者两者都都谓复谓复2021/3/1729 _ of the girls _ him. They asked him for name card. A. Neither; know B. E

26、ither; know C. Neither; knows Both of his parents _ teachers. A. is B. are C. was Both of his brothers _ in this hospital, but neither of them _ a doctor. A. works; is B. work; is C. work; areeither neither botheither neither both2021/3/1730either neither botheither neither both Either Tom or the tw

27、ins _ the way to the shop. A. know B. knows C. finds Neither you nor I _ a scientist. A. is B. are C. am Both Tom and Mary _ hard. A. studies B. study C. studyingeither or 或者或者或者或者就近原则neither nor 两者两者都不都不both and 两者两者都都复数谓语2021/3/1731 The students are all from Foshan . They _ like their city . A. bo

28、th B. all C. either Lucy and Lily _ agree with us. A. all B. both C. neither How are your parents ? They are _ fine. A. both B. all C. no2021/3/1732 I didnt see it, _. A. too B. as well C. either He couldnt open the door. _. A. Neither could I B. So could I C. Neither couldnt I They_ in good health,

29、 and they_ there. A. are both; will both go B. both are; will go both C. are both; both goeseither否定句末否定句末 “也也”neither倒装句表否定倒装句表否定 neither + 助动词助动词 / be / 情态动词情态动词 + 主语主语both助动词助动词 / be / 情态动词情态动词 + bothboth + 行为动词行为动词2021/3/1733 How many people are there in the room? _. A. None B. No one C. Lucy Wh

30、o is in the room? _. A. None B. No one C. one None of them _ China. A. come from B. is from C. is come fromnoneno onenothing没有什么人没有什么人 / 物物“没有人没有人” 只能指只能指人人没有东西没有东西,只能指只能指物物回答回答 how many/much 问问句句回答回答who问句问句回答回答what的问句的问句none of + 复数名词复数名词 / them 谓语用谓语用单数单数2021/3/1734肯定否定可数a fewfew不可数a littlelittlev

31、当前面由当前面由only 修饰修饰,常用常用 a few 或或a little .va little 可表示可表示“有点有点,稍微稍微”2021/3/17351.Although all the girls have tried their best , only _ pass the exam. A. few B. a few C. a little2. Dont worry .There is _ time left . A. little B. a little C. few3. You are so great! _ people in the school can do it . A. A little B. Little C. Few2021/3/1736 it 可指不知性别的婴儿或不确指性别的人可指不知性别的婴儿或不确指性别的人.1. who is the


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