1、整理-立体车库外文翻译AbstractAlong with the our country economy rapid development, the u rba n populati onin creasesday by day, specially since along with the Reformand ope n policy, theautomobile total quantity ismore and more. Formerly that kind of Sin gle-Layerpla nepark ing lot could notsatisfy thedema nd
2、 of the market.Tothe mufti-park ingspots, little occupies of the space, the use operati on is simple. "Three-Dime nsional Garage",which is the effective solutio n of stops difficult in theprese ntbig city.The Three-Dimensional Garage, which takes the single-layerpla ne park inglot aesthete
3、 core, is themulch-dime nsio nalspace park ing garage. It uses theprogrammable-c on troller(Programmi ng LogicCon troller,also called PLC) to realize multiplicati onpla nestops by con trolli ngthe berth space position the cha nge.Vertical-horiz on talmoving un dergro undcar parks, which realize mult
4、ilevelberth-fluctuati ondeposits and withdraws the vehicles by shifti ng the tray to produce theor eticalcha nn el.The article researches the theory of the Three-Dimension al Garage,in troducethe professi on alizati onthree-dime nsional garage. The system simulatio n uses con trolscon figurati onsof
5、tware MCGS, which is based thereon WINDOWSplatform. Thro ugh establish ing the database of tran sfigurati oncon structs,conn ect ingtheani mati on,prepari ng thecon trolflow an d-debu gging the procedures, it has realized the three-dime nsional garage mon itori ng-system.Keyword:Three-Dime nsio nalG
6、arage, Programmable Con troller, Lifti ng and movi ng type stereo garageThe Stereo Garage1.1 An overview of the stereo garageVehicles parked no where is the problem of the urba n social,econo micand transportdevelopment to a certain extent the result, GarageEquipme nt developme nt in foreig n coun t
7、ries, especially in Japa n n early 30-40 years. Whether tech ni cally or in terms of experie nee had bee n a success. China is also in the beg inning of the 1990s developed mecha ni cal park ing equipme nt, which was 10 years in the past. Because a lot of new residents in the district with the ratio
8、 of 1:1. To address the size of park ing spaces for tenants and bus in ess areas con tradicti ons3Dmechanical parking equipment with an average size of a small motorcycle's unique characteristics, the majority of users have bee n accepted.Comparedwith the traditionalnatural underground garage, M
9、achinerygarage dem on stratesits superiority in many respects. First, themecha ni cal garage has a prominent secti on of superiority. Past due to the un dergro und garage must elapse eno ugh Ian es, the average car will occupy an area of 40 square meters, If the use of double-mechanical garage, whic
10、h would en able ground toimprove the utilizati onrate-of around 80%to 90%, If using ground mufti-stormy (21 stormy), three-dime nsio nal garage, 50 square meters of land area will be placed on the 40 cars, which can greatly save the limited land resources, Civil and save developme nt costs.To un der
11、gr ound garage, Mecha ni cal garage can be more effective to ensure personal and vehicle safety in the garage or car kept prospective location,the entire electronic controlequipment would not operate. Itshould be said that the mecha ni cal garage from the man ageme nt can do a thorough separatio n o
12、f people and vehicles.In the un dergro und garage using mecha ni cal park in g, it also canremove the heating ventilation;therefore,Operationof the powerconsumption than workers in the managementof underground garage is much lower. Mechanical garage don't usually do complete system, but as a sin
13、gle mach ine contain ers. This will give full play to its small space, the adva ntages of dece ntralized, Each of the reside ntial areas or groups dow nstairs to make a complete circuit can be set up ran dom mecha ni cal park ing build ing. This garage of the district can solve the shortage of parki
14、ng difficulty in providing convenient conditions right now.Curre ntly, three-dime nsional garage mai nly in the followi ng forms:liftingand transferring,aisle stacking garage, vertical garage,vertical cycle, box-level cycle, the level of circulati ng round.1.1.1 Lifti ng and tran sferri ngLift ing a
15、nd tran sferri ng Garage modular desig n, each module can bedesig ned into two, three, four levels, the five-story, semi-submergedin various forms, such as the nu mber of park ing spaces from a few tohundreds. Three-dimensional garage applies to the ground and underground car parks, configurationfle
16、xibility and cost is low. 1. Productfeatures:1) Save land, the con figurati on flexibility, and shorter con struct ion period.2) Low prices,firefightingand exterior decoration, with a totalin vestme nt on small foun dati ons.3) Use automatic control, simple structure, safe and reliable.4) Access to
17、a quick, short waiting time.5) Run a smooth, low noise.6) Applies to commercial, offices, and residential quarters supportingthe use of car parks. 2. Safety devices:anti-droppingdevice, aphotoelectr sen sor, spac ing protectors, emerge ncy stop switch.1.1.2 Aisle stack ing garageAisle stacking garag
18、e used as a stacking machine tool access vehicles.All vehicles are stacking machine access, so the technicalrequirementsfor starker higher, a sin gle sticker cost is higher. So aisle stack ing apply to the park ing garage n eeds a few more customers.1.1.3 Vertical GarageVertical Garage Elevator simi
19、lar to the principlethat both sides of thehoist layout spaces. Gen erally n eed a ground vehicle rotary tables can be saved by the driver away. Vertical Garage gen erally higher high (te ns of meters), safety equipme nt, In stallati on precisi onmachi ningrequireme nts are very high, high cost, but
20、has the smallest area.1.1.4 Vertical cycleProduct features:1) covers an area of small; two berths area can stop 6-10 vehicles.2) The decoration can be added only roof, fire hydrants available.3) Low prices, foundation, external decoration, fire and other smallin vestme nt, short con struct ion perio
21、ds.4) Use automatic control, safe and reliable operation.2.1 The stereo garage automatic con trol systemThe modern large-scalebuildingmainstream is intelligentmansion andcom mun ity. So, automated park ing equipme nt or garage automatic con trol system will becomeintelligentmansion and an important
22、part of community.Simple, fast, easy to use, safe, reliable, and less maintenance, toprovide users with a safe, easy to use environment. This is auto-parking feature of the basic equipme nt. All park ing equipme nt operat ing conditions, vehicles parked in time, vehicle storage Malaysia, garage stor
23、age capacity. Vehicles kept high and low peaks, and other information can be tran smitted through the n etwork of in tellige nt control cen ter through intelligentcontrol center operator, and the broadcasting systemand the managementoffice of the Division linked related to early release con trol, ma
24、n ageme nt in formatio n, thus achiev ing all thein tellige ntman ageme nt. Build ing and the Commun ity through the in tellige nt con trol of the cen ter could also associate with social n etwork ing fun cti ons.Informationreleased to the collectioncoming out or expands utilizationof the garage soc
25、ial and econo mic ben efits. This will be the automati on of the developme nt direct ion of the garage. Solid Garage automatio n con trol system in clude the followi ng five major subsystems: automatic toll collectio n man ageme nt system automatic access systems for remote diag no sis system, autom
26、atic Gate, con trol security system.Subsystems are more unified control of the central control room, for customers planning Garage form of management, Published garage inventory capacity, traffic con trol program.2.1.1 Automatic Toll Ma nageme nt SystemAutomatic charge adopts con tactless IC card. I
27、C card points Iong-term card and the stored-card. For fixed users, the issue of Iong-term cards, the cost of fixed users pays management fees paid together; on the temporary users, issue stored-value cards, n amely: the user fees paid cards exist with in each park ing card reader automatically deduc
28、ted from the cost.2.1.2 Automatic vehicle access systemAutomatic vehicle access system is gen erally con trolledby small PLC.Including the identification card number and mobile disc contains two cars process. Users en ter the garage at the entrance to Swipi ng cards, reader data automatically tran s
29、mitted to the PLC con trol system, PLC system through the judgment card number and automatically set the corresponding site mobile trucks and vehicles to the handover location, the garage door ope ned, shorte n the time access to cars. Truck drivers light signals in accordanee withtheguidelines crea
30、tedonlywhenvehicles parked in a safe location, Parking will be normal light-kale.Access car after the completionofthe garage doorsshutdownautomatically. Mobile site containscar,the system in strictaccordaneewith the various sig nal detect ion mobile state, in cludi ng long sig nal detect ion, Detect
31、io n in place, the positi on detecti on limit, officers hit detect ion, emerge ncy stop sig nal detecti on. If cars are running plate is not in place or vehicle length in excess of the permitted length of the garage, all vehicles disc willcon tai nno acti on, If detectedemergency stop signal to stop
32、 all action until the emergency stop signal disappeared. Above signals are hardware signals, in addition, the software can also be in stalled to con trol sig nal protecti on, such as the protect ion of the time, to en sure that the damagedue to hardware failure to sig nal equipme nt and the main gua
33、ra ntee for the safety of vehicles.2.1.3 Remote diag no sis systemControllerscan spot card, hubs and other network equipment andcon trol cen ter conn ected to the LAN, MODEN through remote man ageme nt, monitoring the operation of the scene, when the scene failure, in the con trol cen ter can be add
34、ressed to facilitate the man ageme nt, e-office security pers onn el.2.1.4 Automatic GateIn the garage entrance of the no-con tact reader, and the Gate of coil users in the garage entran ces Swipi ng cards, the system automaticallydiscrim in atesvalidity of the card, if valid, the Gate ope n automat
35、ically,through in duct ion coils, Automatic self-clos ing fen ce; If inv alid, theGate is not ope n, and sound and light alarm.2.1.5 Mon itori ng security systemMonitoringsecurity system is in the centralcontrol room formonitoring and controllingthe operation of the garage scene conditions.It has mo
36、tio n detect ion,lice nse plate recog niti on, n etwork conn ecti ons,differe nt types of alarm systems lin kage, and other functions, can be achieved un guarded. System catalog: Video mon itori ng fun cti on : the garage entran ces, and the duty, the main segme nts withi n the garage installation f
37、ocusing cameras, On the larger spaces installation spherical platforms, in order to achieve all-ro und garage on real-timemonitoring.If the garage lightconditionsof the poor would useblack-a nd-white cameras.Moti on Detect ion fun cti ons: sett ing up the ni ght in the garage ofmotio n detect ion re
38、gi on, detect ing whe n there are a movi ng target,Moti onDetectio n and Alarm fun ctio n remi nd staffs. LPR functions: it can set up the garage light vehicle license plates, vehicle. When the light vehiclesen teri ngthe garage regi onalsurveilla nee,the systemautomatically cross-refere need with i
39、mages of a very odd situati on, issued a warning signal and automatic switching and record their images. Alarm linkage functions: all can move even the police mainframe, if activated relay acoustical-optic warning issued notice of security pers onnel to volun tarily disarm Gate in terceptio n of veh
40、icular access.Digital video functions : it with a continuous record of what happened in the garage, can be synchronized intervals over images arbitrary choice of the overall image to enlarge and local amplification, recording, playback, backup can be con ducted all kinds ofin formati on.Reportedly,
41、has begun an increasing number of residentialquarters beganto use a mechanical garage. Taking into account the cost and maintenance, the majority of the district isa mufti-stormy lifti ng and tran sferri ngpark ing equipme nt, mass storage mecha ni cal garage also rarely. Lift ing and tran sferri ng
42、 Garage Equipme nt park ing.flow in dicate the followi ng:1、 The sense of light yellow instructionsgarage operation Red lamp was ongoing operati ng in struct ions, please wait; Gree n light is curre ntlyno operati ng in structi ons, can operate; yellow light in structi ons were to fail, the garage c
43、an not work.2、The operation Drivers of vehicles enter from the garage entrance. At the entrance of non-con tact sen sors Reader former regi onal shake nfollowi ng their IC cards,in duct ionprocess completed, the fenceautomatically rises driver drove into the garage. The fence shut dow n automaticall
44、y after vehicles entering. Card is the controller to read spaces, corresponding to the parking garage containing cars moved to the site automaticallytransfer vehicle location,Automatic garage door openunits. Car drivers entering and parking in place, Latin hand brake, alighted out of the garage, usi
45、ng IC cards in the garage exit Huang about IC cards Garage door modules to shut down automatically. Completed deposit truck operators.3、 Collect the car operation Drivers entering the garage at the entrance to the non-contact sensors Reader former regional shaken following their IC cards Con troller
46、 automatically read spaces, corresp onding to theparking garage containing cars moved to the site automaticallytransfervehicle locati on, Automatic garage door ope n modules, drivers en teri ng the garage and drive out, in the garage exit of the automatic reader before in duct ion regi onal dazzle y
47、our ownIC cards, sen sors fini shed, the reader receive in formati on, Host con troller automatically recorded, prepaid, automatically raising the fence, the driver drove the playing field,appeared after fencing to shut downautomatically.Meanwhile. Controllerautomatically read spaces, corresp onding
48、 to the garage door un it shut down automatically.Vehicle operationfinished.The garage has acomplete self-protect ion device inthe course of operati on. A series ofphotoelectric switches, proximity switches, tripswitches and othervehicles on site contains accurate operation in place to play a decisi
49、ve role; fallingunique defense installations,broken rope warning device,speed ing vehicle protect ion device to protect the security role played. Detectio n of long vehicles, vehicle park ing is not in place detect ion, and pers onnel into a detecti on sig nal of vehicles and the safety play a decis
50、ive role.Reference1 Christopher L A JCarrier-facilitatedtran sportas amecha ni stictoolin molecularitychemistry D. The Nether land :Twelve University . 20022Hawser, Toshiba,Hiroshima,ETAl . Paper Coatingcompositi onP. EP 0634524. 2008-01-183MosquitoesA C, Morin M N, VisceraJ M, er ALVinyl acetatepol
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52、我国经济的飞速发展,城市人口日益增多,特别是随着改革开放以来, 我国进入了汽车拥有率迅速上升时候。以往那种单层平面停车场也越来越不能 满足市场的需求。对多停车位、少占空间、使用操作简单、安全可靠的“立体 停车库”的建设,是解决目前寸土寸金的大都市内停车难的有效办法。立体车库是一种以单层平面停车场为核心、多平面的空间停车车库,通过 可编程控制器控制车位空间位置的变动,使车位能够实现空间到平面的转化,实 现多重单层平面停车的功能。升降横移式立体车库利用托盘移位产生垂直通道, 实现多层车位的升降来存取车辆。关键词:立体车库、可编程控制器、升降横移式立体车库立体车库1.1立体车库概述车辆无处停放的问题
53、是城市的社会、经济、交通发展到一定程度产生的结果,立体停车设备的发展在国外,尤其在日本已有近30-40年的历史,无论在技术上还是在经验上均已获得了成功。我国也于90年代初开始研究开发机械立体停车设备,距今已有十年的历程。由于很多新建小区内住户与车位的配比为 1:1,为了解决停车位占地面积与住户商用面积的矛盾,立体机械停车设备以其平均单车占地面积小的独特特性,已被广大用户接受。机械车库与传统的自然 地下车库相比,在许多方面都显示出优越性。首先,机械车库具有突出的节地优 势。以往的地下车库由于要留出足够的行车通道,平均一辆车就要占据40平方米的面积,而如果采用双层机械车库,可使地面的使用率提高80
54、-90,如果采用地 上多层21层,立体式车库的话则50平方米的土地面积上便可存放 40辆车,这可 以大大地节省有限的土地资源并节省土建开发成本。机械车库与地下车库相比 可更加有效地保证人身和车辆的安全,人在车库内或车不停准位置,由电子控制 的整个设备便不会运转。应该说,机械车库从管理上可以做到彻底的人车分流。 在地下车库中采用机械存车,还可以免除采暖通风设施,因此,运行中的耗电量 比工人管理的地下车库低得多。机械车库一般不做成套系统,而是以单台集装 而成。这样可以充分发挥其用地少、可化整为零的优势,在万达广场的每个组 团中或每栋楼下都可以随机设立机械停车楼。这对眼下车库短缺的小区解决停 车难的
55、问题提供了方便条件。目前,立体车库主要有以下几种形式:升降横移式、巷道堆垛式、垂直提升式、 垂直循环式、箱型水平循环式、圆形水平循环式。升降横移式升降横移式立体车库采用模块化设计,每单元可设计成两层、三层、四层、五层、 半地下等多种形式,车位数从几个到上百个。此立体车库适用于地面及地下停车 场,配置灵活,造价较低。1. 产品特点1)节省占地、配置灵活、建设周期短。2)价格低、消防、外装修、土建地基等投资少。3)可采用自动控制、构造简单、安全可靠。4)存取车迅速、等候时间短。5)运行平稳、工作噪声低。6)适用于商业、机关、住宅小区配套停车场的使用。2. 安全装置、防坠装置、光电传感器、限位保护器
56、、急停开关等巷道堆垛式巷道堆垛式立体车库采用堆垛机作为存取车辆的工具,所有车辆均由堆垛机 进行存取,因此对堆垛机的技术要求较高,单台堆垛机成本较高,所以巷道堆 垛式立体车库适用于车位数需要较多的客户使用。垂直提升式立体车库垂直提升式立体车库类似于电梯的工作原理,在提升机的两侧布置车位,一 般地面需一个汽车旋转台,可省去司机调头。垂直提升式立体车库一般高度较 高,几十米对设备的安全性加工安装精度等要求都很高,因此造价较高,但占地却最小。垂直循环式 产品特点1)占地少、两个泊位面积可停 610辆车。2)外装修可只加顶棚、消防可利用消防栓。3)价格低、地基、外装修、消防等投资少、建设周期短4)可采用
57、自动控制、运行安全可靠。2.1立体车库自动控制系统现代大型建筑的主流是智能化大厦和小区,因此自动化立体停车设备或车库的自动控制系统将成为智能化大厦和小区的一个重要组成部分。操作简单、迅 速,使用方便,安全可靠,维护量小,为用户提供一个安全、简易的使用环境,这 是自动化立体停车设备的基本特点。停车设备的一切运行状况,车辆停放的时间,车辆存放交费情况,车库库容量,车辆存放高、低峰情况,等信息均可通过网络传 送到智能化控制中心,通过智能化控制中心运算处理,与广播系统和各分部管理 办公室相连,达到提前发布相关控制、管理信息,从而全部实现智能化管理。通 过大厦和小区的智能化控制中心还可与社会相关职能部门联网,将有关信息发布出去或收集进来,扩大车库的社会利用率和经济效益。这将是自动化车库的发 展方向。立体车库自动化控制系统主要包含以下五个子系统,自动收费管理系统,自动存取车系统,远程诊断系统 自动道闸,监控安保系统。 以上子系统均由中 央控制室统一控制,可为客户规划停车库管理形式,发布车库库存容量,控制车 流方案。自动收费管理系统自动收费采用非接触式IC卡。IC卡分长期卡与储值卡两种。对固定用户, 发行长期卡,费用可在固定用户交纳管理费用时一并交纳,对临时用户,发行储 值卡,即用户交纳的费用存在卡内每次停车读卡自动从卡中扣除费用。自动存取车系统自动存取车系统一般由小型
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