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1、Retell the story In other words, feel clumsy in doing , bump into, out-going, adapt to, although cut out, microscope, out of breath, every time, absence make sb annoyed, All in all, ambitions is to do, have a busy life with no time to sit around, as well as, In many ways, psychologically, live a nor

2、mal life , make fun of, encouragement to live asas you do.Words and expressions:1. disability n.伤残伤残;无力无力;无能无能 disabled adj.伤残的伤残的 the disabled(指代一类人指代一类人)伤残人士伤残人士 disable vt.使丧失能力使丧失能力;使伤残使伤残 disablement n.残废残废;伤残伤残选词填空选词填空: disability, disable, disabled, disablementHe gets money from the Governmen

3、t because of his _.The _ are to receive more money.She managed to lead a normal life in spite of her _.Many soldiers were _ in the war.1) The insurance(保险保险) policy covers sudden death or _.disabilitiesdisableddisabilitiesdisableddisablement2. She is proud to have taken part in competition and to ha

4、ve broken a record by running two laps this year. 她很骄傲她很骄傲 1) “to have taken part in, to have broken a record”是不定式是不定式_, 表示不定式的动作发生在表示不定式的动作发生在_的完成式的完成式过去过去1I am sorry _ you waiting for such a long time. A. keeping B. having kept C. to keep D. to have kept2He is said _ a new book about business Engl

5、ish. A. to write B. to have written C. writing D. having written3. ambition n. 野心野心;雄心雄心 ambitious adj.有雄心的有雄心的;野心勃勃的野心勃勃的 be ambitious for sth/to do sth对对(做做)某事怀有雄心某事怀有雄心/热切热切的希望的希望 ambitiously adv.野心勃勃地野心勃勃地Eg: A boy who is ambitious/filled with ambition usually works hard.完成句子完成句子:Mothers are oft

6、en highly _(怀有热切的期怀有热切的期望望) their children.I am _(热切希望能成功热切希望能成功) in life.1) His _(要做首相的要做首相的雄心雄心) is likely to be realized.ambitious forambitious to succeedambition to become prime minister4. beneficial adj.=having a good or useful effect有益的有益的;受受益的益的 be beneficial to 对对有益有益; 对对有利有利 beneficially ad

7、v.受益地受益地; 获利地获利地 beneficiary n.受惠者受惠者;受益人受益人 benefit n.益处益处;帮助帮助 vt.有益于有益于;有助于有助于翻译翻译:1) 新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康新鲜空气和优良食物有益于健康.(beneficial)2) 他的休假已产生了有益的效果他的休假已产生了有益的效果.(beneficial)3) 旅游业对该地区的经济将有裨益旅游业对该地区的经济将有裨益.(benefit)4) 这本书对你没有多大益处这本书对你没有多大益处.(benefit)Fresh air and good food are beneficial to the health

8、.His holiday has had a beneficial effect.Tourism will benefit the economy of this district.The book isnt of much benefit to you.5. Unfortunately, the doctors dont know how to make me better, but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. 不幸的是不幸的是, 大夫们不知道如何治好我大夫们不知道如何治好我的病的病, 但是我很

9、开朗乐观但是我很开朗乐观, 学会了适学会了适应身体的残疾。应身体的残疾。 不定式和疑问词不定式和疑问词whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, why等连用等连用, 在句中起名词性作用在句中起名词性作用, 常跟在常跟在tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder,explain, advise, teach, discuss, find out等动词后等动词后作宾语作宾语,有时也作有时也作主语、表语主语、表语。e.g. Do you know how to prove a new idea in scienti

10、fic research?How to do it is a problem for me now.考点考点1【拓展】【拓展】介词后一般不直接跟不定式介词后一般不直接跟不定式, 但可但可以跟疑问词以跟疑问词+不定式短语作宾语。不定式短语作宾语。e.g. Mary gave some advice on how to learn English. I have no idea of what to do.【随时练】【随时练】-Do you have the experience like that?-Well, Ive done the work before, so I know what_

11、in my new job here.A. expected B. expecting C. to expect D. to be expecting6adapt vt. 使适应;改编使适应;改编adaptable adj. 适应性强的;可改编的适应性强的;可改编的adaptation n. 适应;改编适应;改编adapt oneself to sth 使自己适应于使自己适应于adapt to.适应于适应于adapt sth. for. 把某物改编为把某物改编为adapt sth. from. 根据根据改编某物改编某物(3)She _ herself quickly _ the new cli

12、mate.她很快适应了这种新的气候她很快适应了这种新的气候。即学即练即学即练1(1)This novel has been _ _ radio _ the Russian original.这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。这部小说已由俄文原著改编成无线电广播节目。(2)Our eyes slowly _ _ the dark.我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗我们的眼睛慢慢地适应了黑暗(的环境的环境)。adapted forfromadapted toadaptedto7. My motto is: live one day at a time. 我的座右铭是我的座右铭是: 过好每一天。过好

13、每一天。 at a time 一次一次, 依次依次, 每次每次 at one time (过去过去)有个时期有个时期, 一度一度, 曾经曾经e.g.现在这女孩经常每次吃一个苹果现在这女孩经常每次吃一个苹果, 但但她曾经一个小时吃了几个。她曾经一个小时吃了几个。The girl often eats one apple at a time now, but at one time she ate several apples in an hour. 有时有时 同时同时随时随时 一直一直及时及时 准时准时立刻立刻 提前提前时不时时不时更多更多time短语:短语: at times at the s

14、ame timeat any time all the timein time on time in no time ahead of timefrom time to time8. breath n.呼吸呼吸;气息气息breathe vt.呼吸呼吸breathing adj.呼吸呼吸(着着)的的 breathless adj.屏息的屏息的out of breathcatch ones breath hold ones breath get ones breath (again/back) lose ones breath take a deep breathtake sbs breath a

15、way 1.I was all_ when I got to the top of the mountain. A. held my breath B. out of breath C. taken a deep breath D. taken my breath away2.We _ while Mr Evans read the exam results. A. took a deep breath B. out of breath C. got our breath back D. held our breath上气不接下气上气不接下气喘息喘息;歇口气歇口气不出声不出声;屏息屏息喘过气来

16、喘过气来;恢复过来恢复过来喘不过气来喘不过气来;呼吸困难呼吸困难作一次深呼吸作一次深呼吸 使某人大吃一惊使某人大吃一惊 9. absence n.缺席缺席;不在不在(某处某处) absence of mind心不在焉心不在焉;神不守舍神不守舍 absent adj.缺席的缺席的;不在的不在的 vt.使缺席使缺席;使离开使离开 be absent from缺席缺席;不在不在 presence n.出席出席;到场到场 present adj.出席的出席的;在场的在场的;现在的现在的完成句子完成句子:Mr Green will be in charge _ (在我在我离开期间离开期间).1) Why

17、 were you _(旷课旷课) yesterday?during my absenceabsent from school10. annoy vt.使使不悦不悦;惹恼惹恼 annoyed adj.颇为生气的颇为生气的 annoying adj.恼人的恼人的;讨厌的讨厌的 annoyingly adv.恼人地恼人地;讨厌地讨厌地 annoyance n.烦恼烦恼;使人烦恼的事情使人烦恼的事情单句改错单句改错:Its annoyed to miss a train.He was annoyed with the boys rudeness.I felt annoying when he ref

18、used to help. 1) To his annoy, he discovered they hadnt waited.annoyingat/aboutannoyedannoyance11. all in all总而言之总而言之above allafter allfirst of allnot at allfor allin all选词填空选词填空:all in all, above all, after all, for all, in allHe is a poor musician _ his training.You must, _, be loyal to your count

19、ry.There are five hundred books on the shelf _.Everyone makes mistakes, and _, he is only a child.1) The book has some weak spots, but _ I consider it a success.for allabove allin allafter allall in all首先首先;最重要的是最重要的是 毕竟毕竟;终究终究首先首先 根本不根本不;别客气别客气虽然虽然;尽管尽管 总共总共;总之总之 12. I dont have time to sit around

20、feeling sorry for myself. 我没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。我没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。 to sit around 在句中作定语,修饰在句中作定语,修饰time feeling sorry for myself是一个现在分词短是一个现在分词短语语,在句中作状语在句中作状语,表示伴随的情况。表示伴随的情况。 He sat there in silence, doing nothing.13. make fun of=laugh at 取笑取笑 for fun/in fun为了玩乐为了玩乐;开玩笑地开玩笑地 have fun玩乐玩乐选词填空选词填空: make fun of, i

21、n fun, have funThe kids at school used to _ Jills clothes.Dont get upset. He said it was only _.We _ in camping last week.1) Its cruel to _ the disabled.make fun ofin funhad funmake fun of14. encouragement n.鼓励鼓励;奖励奖励 encourage vt.鼓励鼓励;激励激励;支持支持 encourage sb in sth在某事上鼓励某人在某事上鼓励某人 encourage sb to do

22、 sth鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事 encouraged adj.受到鼓励的受到鼓励的;被鼓励的被鼓励的 encouraging adj.鼓舞人心的鼓舞人心的;鼓励的鼓励的 encouragingly adv.鼓舞人心地鼓舞人心地选词填空选词填空:encouragement, encourage, encouraged, encouragingMy mother _ me to apply for the job.She felt _ by the many letters of support.Praise acts as an _ to the young.The results of

23、the survey have been very _.1) She was given _ to try something new.encouragedencouragedencouragementencouragingencouragement4. It is difficult to know what the future holds5. I was too weak to go to school so my education suffered.6. My life is a lot easier at high school重点单词重点单词1disability n伤残;无力;

24、无能伤残;无力;无能disabled adj.伤残的伤残的2ambition n雄心;野心雄心;野心ambitious adj.有雄心的;有野心的有雄心的;有野心的3suitable adj.适合的;适宜的适合的;适宜的suit v适合;使适宜适合;使适宜4beneficial adj.有益的;受益的有益的;受益的benefit v. & n利益利益5clumsy adj.笨拙的笨拙的6adapt vt.使适应;改编使适应;改编adaptation n适应;改编适应;改编7absence n缺席;不在某处缺席;不在某处absent adj.缺席的;不在的缺席的;不在的8annoy vt

25、.使使不悦;惹恼不悦;惹恼annoyed adj.颇为生气的颇为生气的annoyance n烦恼烦恼9firm n公司公司 adj.结实的;坚固的;坚定的结实的;坚固的;坚定的10encouragement n鼓励;奖励鼓励;奖励encourage v鼓励鼓励10encouragement n鼓励;奖励鼓励;奖励encourage v鼓励鼓励11conduct n行为;品行行为;品行 vt.指挥;管理;主持指挥;管理;主持12resign vi. & vt.辞职;辞去辞职;辞去(工作工作、职位等职位等)13congratulate vt.祝贺;庆祝祝贺;庆祝congratulation

26、 n祝贺祝贺14adequate adj.足够的足够的,充分的充分的重点短语重点短语1in other words换句话说换句话说2adapt to 适合适合3cut out 切去;省略;停止切去;省略;停止(做某事做某事)4out of breath 上气不接下气上气不接下气5all in all 总而言之总而言之6sit around 闲坐着闲坐着7as well as 和;也和;也8in many ways 在很多方面在很多方面9make fun of 取笑取笑10never mind 不必担心不必担心11all the best (口语口语)(祝你祝你)一切顺利一切顺利12meet with 遇到遇到,经历;会晤经历;会晤8annoy vt. 使使不悦;惹恼不悦;惹恼annoyance n. 烦恼,烦恼的事物烦恼,烦恼的事物annoye


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