



1、lesson 21 look at the photos!教材分析:本单元以“did you have a nice trip ?”为话题,讲述了li ming、danny、jenny回到家中,向他们的亲戚朋友讲述了这次的旅行经历。在讲述时主要用到一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。而本节课是第四单元的第三课,danny 和jenny给朋友steven展示旅行时的照片并讲述他们这次的旅行经历,讲述时同样运用了过去时来描述过去旅行时发生的事情。同时本课第二部分通过一般现在时和一般过去时的对比学习,使学生能更深刻的理解一般现在时和一般过去时。学情分析:五年级学生已经有一定的词汇基础,接触了一些简单的词汇

2、和句型,课堂上能够在老师的指导下顺利学习和参加一些教学活动,这个年龄段的学生对动画比较感兴趣,并且愿意和同伴交流,乐于分享。所以本节课运用生动的课堂视频调动学生的学习积极性。同时,让学生和同伴分享自己以前的照片,提高课堂参与度。教学基本策略及设计思路:本课题是根据本学段学生学习语言的认知规律和课标提出的学习目标来设计的,以学生熟悉的生活情境和经验为基础,通过听、说、读、chant等活动让学生在情境中学,在学中学习语言、运用语言。教学目标:一、语言技能目标:1、 能根据录音模仿说英语;2、 听懂课堂上的常用指令,并根据课堂上的简单提问和要求做出适当的反应;3、 能在具体的情境中交流,巩固所学的词

3、汇、句型;4、 能根据照片写出简短的描述。二、语言知识目标:1、学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写以下词汇:photo、was、were、happy;2、 学生能继续加深对现在时和过去时概念的理解。三、情感态度目标:1、 体会英语学习的乐趣,乐于学英语,用英语交流,在各种活动中培养学生学习的兴趣;2、 通过小组合作,培养学生的合作精神和竞争意识。四、学习策略:培养学生的合作意识,遇到问题主动向同学或老师请教,在课堂交流中注意倾听,积极思考,提高学习效率,增强学习效果。五、文化意识:了解英语的语言表达,体会不同的语言魅力,促进心智发展。教学重点:1、继续加深对一般现在时和一般过去过去时概念的理解2、用

4、一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情或者描述过去的状态。教学难点:1、学生能继续加深对一般现在时和一般过去时概念的理解2、用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情或者描述过去的状态。教具准备:本节课采用多媒体课件辅助教学,利用图片、声音、动画来刺激学生的感官,让学生在愉悦中学习,体验英语学习的乐趣,增强学习效果。教学过程:warming up:1、 greeting:good morning,class. today,we will learn lesson 21 look at the photos.2、 review:before class ,lets chant .take out your hands

5、.read after me:what did you do ? what did you do ? i had lunch,i had lunch.what did you eat ?what did you eat ?i ate some meat ,i ate some meat .where did you go ?where did you go ?i went to the park ,i went to the park .what did you see ?what did you see ? i saw some trees ,i saw some trees .there

6、they were .group 16 ask and the other students answer .group 713 ask and the other students answer.(预设学生活动:学生跟唱。设计意图:用chant 复习一般过去时的构造,并复习前两课出现的不规则动词的过去式do-did have-had eat-ate go-went see-saw )presentation lead in:now look at the picture.this is a photo of me and my babies ,we were at home .this is

7、 a photo of me ,i was in college, read after me :photo,photo,photo .(板书 photo照片)(设计意图:通过展示教师的照片,引导学生学习单词photo,激发学生的学习兴趣)jenny and danny also have some photos ,they are talking about their photos with steven,do you want to know what are they talking about ?listen to the video .(板书was 是,存在(amis的过去式)we

8、re是,存在are的过去式 )(设计意图:用直观形象的flash动画吸引学生的注意,激发学习兴趣,活跃思维。同时,让学生养成听录音的习惯,提高听的能力)(1) dannys story.listen again ,try to find the answers:where were they ? show pictures:1.where were they ?they were on the train to beijing.2.where was danny ?he was on the train.3.where were they ?they were on the great wal

9、l .(预设活动:学生回答问题。设计意图:通过提问题,提高学生的注意力,加深对课本内容的理解)listen again,read after the video.(预设活动:学生跟读录音。设计意图:通过听、读录音引导学生正确的朗读课文,养成听录音跟读的习惯)group work : work in groups ,try to act out the dialogue.(预设学生活动:小组内练习对话。设计意图:通过练习对话,加深对课文内容的理解,激发学生学习的兴趣,增强小组合作意识。通过对话的听读操练,增强对一般过去时的理解,在大量输入的基础上,为后续的输出做准备)(板书:they were

10、happy ;he was sad; they were on the great wall)act out the dialogue.(about 4 groups )(预设学生活动:学生积极参与课堂教学,积极主动上台展示。设计意图:通过课堂展示,提高学生参与课堂的积极性,鼓励学生,让他们敢于展示自己。通过表演,提高学生的口语表达能力,发展小组合作能力)(2)is and was read the sentences :i am happy today,i was sad yesterday (repeat)remind the students notice :am today ;was

11、yesterdaypractice :look and the picture and talk about the pictures.i am hot today.i was cold yesterday.i was happy yesterday.i am tired today.i was hungry yesterday.i am thirty today.read the sentences :he is eight years old this year. he was seven years old last year.look at the picture and practi

12、ce :danny is 11 years old this year.danny was 10 years old this year.she is 7 years old this year.she was 6 years old last year.read the sentences :we are in canada this week .we were in china last week.look at the picture and practice :thy were in canada last week.they are in china this weekthey we

13、re in beijing last week.they are in handan this week.practice :fill in the blanks with was or were .(通过一般过去时和一般现在时的对比,并反复练习让学生加深对一般现在时和一般过去时概念的理解)(3)lets do it1.read and write: am is are was were .students talk about the answers.2.take out the photos ,try to write something about the photos.(设计意图:运用

14、一般过去时进行书面表,培养他们的发散性思维,在大量的语言输入练习后进行语言输出)show your photos to your partner(设计意图:通过同桌互相讨论、互相交流发现问题,并能及时纠正)show your photos to your classmates (let some students talk about their photos)(设计意图:在班级内展示自己的照片,提高学生回答问题的主动性,通过对学生的鼓励,提高学生学习的学习兴趣,让学生练习用英语表达)a photo is a wonderful moment.forever memory, forever l

15、ove.美好的瞬间,永远的回忆,永远的爱!(4)homework: choose one1. write a diary 2.talk about a photo of your family板书设计:lesson 21 look at the photos!photo照片 they were happy. was 是;存在(am、is的过去式 he was sad. were 是;存在(are的过去式) we were on the great wall.happy快乐的;高兴的 教学反思:在巩固旧知识方面,我编了chant,学生学习积极性较高,课堂上充满了激情,并达到了巩固的目的。在教学设计上,我创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习热情,让学生在愉快的氛围中


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