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1、毕业论文外文翻译:股票期权、当前的公司业绩和递延收益 译文 股票期权、当前的公司业绩和递延收益 我们研究ceo股票期权的潜在不利影响。我们所抽取的上市公司样本的时间是1992-2001年。我们根据股票期权占ceo报酬总额的比例将观察值分为三组。我们根据实证文献认为股票期权的比例和公司当前经营业绩负相关。我们有证据显示,股权比例较高组,有明显异常的负相关的应计收入,而且表现为收益递延。 1.研究设计和经验模型 1.1研究设计 我们研究1992-2001年期间上市公司ceo的股票期权。尽管其他管理者也有股权激励,但是本文主要研究ceo的股权激励。在我们的样本中,股票期权占了ceo报酬总额的大部分。

2、我们以布莱克斯科尔斯模型测算出来的股票期权价值来测算股票期权占ceo总收入的份额。和klassen、ittner 、mawani 2000、larcker 2003一样,每家公司的期权比例,统一定义如下: soprop tt vt/ tct_ 1这里的sopropt指股票期权占总报酬的比例,v指授予ceo的股票期权以布莱尔斯克斯模型测算的价值。tc指ceo每年的报酬总额。为了研究授予ceo期权是否和公司当前的业绩相关,我们根据股票期权的比例将观测值分为三组,我们首先根据soprop 按行业和年份对公司进行排序。第一组包括soprop值最低的三分之一的公司(低),第二组包括soprop值居中间的

3、三分之一的公司(中等),第三组包括sopropt值最高的三分之一公司(高)。1.2实证模型 为了研究股票期权和公司当前业绩之间的关系,我们对股票期权的比例和公司特定的业绩进行回归分析的同时控制变量。就如霍尔索森和拉克尔(1999年),我们使用资产收益率来衡量企业的业绩,具体地说,我们研究下面的关系:sopropit 0 + 1 roait + 2 financial_costit + 3 variabilityit-1 +4 chg_saleit-1 + 5 sizeit-1 + 6 growthit-1 + 7 leverageit-1 +8 return_1it + 9 return_3i

4、t + eit 2soprop it 由方程定义的第t年的股票期权占公司i的ceo报酬总额的比例roait 公司i第t年的资产报酬率financial_costit 如果在经营中前时期t公司i折旧收入的变化是积极的,指标变量等于1,否则为0variabilityit-1 公司i在期间t前60个月内的波动性chg_saleit-1 公司i在t-2年和t-1年年销售额的差额sizeit-1 股东权益市场价值的自然对数growthit-1 公司i所有者权益的市场价值和账面价值的差额与市场价值的比例leverageit-1 公司i在期间t的财务杠杆return_1it 公司i在t时期期初的财务杠杆(负

5、债对股本)return_3it 公司i前三年的累积收益率2.实证分析2.1样本选择和描述统计我们获取从1992-2001年ceo的报酬的数据(我们从2002年的execucomp数据库中获取1999-2001年报酬的数据)。该数据包含了最高五位ceo的报酬。我们收集了所有公司的ceo的报酬的数据。除了报酬总额,该数据库提供了ceo收入的详细组成部分,包括以布莱尔斯科尔斯模型估值的股票期权、工资和奖金(除了报酬总额,该数据库还提供布莱尔斯克斯模型确定的股票期权、工资总额、奖金的详细组成)。原始的样本包括2502家公司一共有14013个符合的观测值。我们从原始数据中剔除了金融机构(1852个观测值


7、票期权所占比例较低的组,股票期权的平均比例是22%,现金的比例是53%。相反的,股票期权比例较高的组,股票期权的比例几乎占了报酬总额的四分之三,而现金只占了报酬总额的23%。对于每一组来说,资产的报酬率都是正数,但是股票期权比例高的那组的报酬率最低。三组的平均数来说是正增长,但是杠杆比例似乎与股票期权的比例负相关。平均来说,有较高期权比例的公司与上年和过去的三年比有更高的回报率,其证券市场的波动率也更大。 3.公司业绩和股票期权的比例 用模型2来测试股票期权的比例是否和公司的业绩呈正相关的关系。我们根据股票期权的比例将数据划分为三组。我们首先根据soprop按行业按年进行排序。一组包括sopr



10、m.罗伯特国籍:加拿大出处:国际管理期刊,第26卷第1期,2009年4月,第26-31页 原文stock option grants, current operating performance and deferral of earnings we examine a potential negative consequence of stock option grants to the chiefexecutive officer ceo. using a large sample of public firms spanning the period1992-2001, we class

11、ify firm-year observations into three groups based on the stockoption proportion of total compensation to the ceo. we empirically document a negativerelation between stock option proportion and contemporaneous operating performance.we provide evidence of earnings deferral manifested by significantly

12、 negative abnormalaccruals for the group with high proportion of stock options.2. research design and empirical model2.1 research design we examine ceo stock options grants of public corporations during 1992-2001. while stock options grants are used to compensate other employees as well as ceos, thi

13、s study focuses only on ceos. in our sample, stock options constitute a larger proportion of ceos total compensation compared to other employees. we measure the stock option proportion as the ratio of black-scholes value of the total options granted to the ceo in a particular year to the total compe

14、nsation granted to the ceo that year. consistent with klassen and mawani 2000 and ittner, lambert and larcker 2003, stock option proportion for each firm-year is defined as follows: v soprop t t vt/ tct_ 1where soprop is the proportion of total compensation that consists of stock options; v is the b

15、lack-scholes value of options granted to the ceo; and tc is the total compensation paid to the ceo in the year. in order to examine whether the granting of ceo stock options is associated with a firmscurrent operating performance, we classify firm-year observations into three groupsbased on the prop

16、ortion of stock options. we first rank firms based on their sopropby year and by industry. the first group comprises the bottom one third of firms low,the second group the middle one third medium and the third group includes firms withtop one third high proportion of stock options3.2 empirical model

17、to examine the association between current performance and stock options, we regressthe proportion of stock options on firm-specific performance as well as control variablesidentified in prior studies as determinants of stock option grants. as in core, holthausen and larcker 1999, we use the account

18、ing return on assets roa as the proxy for firm performance. specifically, we examine the following relation:sopropit 0 + 1 roait + 2 financial_costit + 3 variabilityit-1 +4 chg_saleit-1 + 5 sizeit-1 + 6 growthit-1 + 7 leverageit-1 +8 return_1it + 9 return_3it + eit 2soprop it the proportion of the c

19、eos total compensation of firm i that is composed on stock options in year t as defined by equation 1. the stock options are valued using the black & scholes option pricing formula;roait the return on assets of firm i on year t;financial_costit an indicator variable that equals 1 if the change i

20、n operatingincome before depreciation for firm i in period t is positive andis 0 otherwise;variabilityit-1 variability of firm is stock return for the period of 60 months prior to year t;chg_saleit-1 change in the annual sales of firm i between period t-2 and t-1;sizeit-1 natural log of the beginnin

21、g market value of equity;growthit-1 ratio of the beginning book value of equity of firm i over the beginning market value of equity;leverageit-1 financial leverage liabilities over equity of firm i at the beginning of period t;return_1it stock returns of firm i over prior one year; andreturn_3it cum

22、ulative stock returns of firm i over prior three years.3. empirical analyses3.1 sample3. empirical analyses3.1 sample selection and descriptive statistics we obtain compensation data from 2002 execucomp database for the period 1992 to 2001. the database contains the information regarding the compens

23、ation of the top five executives. we collect compensation data for all firms for which ceo is identified. in addition to the total compensation, the database provides a detailed composition including the black & scholes value stock options, the amount of salary and the bonuses.the initial sample

24、 consists of 2,502 companies and a corresponding total of 14,013 firm-year observations.we exclude financial institutions 1,852 observations, ceos that are not awarded stock options 3,442 observations and firms providing compensation lower than 1 million dollars 1,757 observations from the initial s

25、ample. we also eliminate 1,013 observations that do not have 60 months of stock return in crsp, required to compute the stock return volatility. finally, we eliminate an additional 857 observations due to missing data. this gives us a sample of 5,092 firm-year observations for 1,353 companies. to in

26、vestigate our question relating to the association between stock option compensation and current abnormal accruals, we need to estimate the discretionary accruals. we employ the modified jones model for this purpose. accounting data necessary to conduct these tests are obtained from compustat. firms

27、 included in our sample are profitable average return on asset of 5.01%. the average value of ceo compensation is over 5 million dollars and stock options represent 47% of the value of total compensation for our sample firms, compare to 40% for the cash component. for the group of firms with low pro

28、portions of stock options, stock options, account on average, for 22% of the total compensation, while the cash component represents 53%. conversely, stock options represent almost three quarter of total compensation of the group of firms with a high proportions of stock options, while the cash comp

29、onent is 23% of total compensation. for each group of firms, the average return on assets is positive but it is lower for the group of firms with a high proportion of stock options. all three groups experience positive growth, on average, and the leverage ratio seems to be negatively correlated to t

30、he proportion of stock options. on average, firms with a high proportion of stock options have experienced a higher return on their stock over the last year and the last three years. the volatility of stock return is also higher for firms with a high proportionof stock options.4. conclusionin this paper, we employ a sample of public firms spanning the period 1992-2001, and classify firm-year observations based on the proportion of stock options. for firms with a high proportion of stock options, we document a negative association between


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