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1、对比选择型作文对比选择型作文1.2什么是对比选择型作文?什么是对比选择型作文? 对比选择型作文直接要求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对问题对比选择型作文直接要求考生比较两种观点或两种做法,进而表明自己对问题或事物的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。或事物的态度或观点,也就是做出选择。 其基本结构是:其基本结构是:1.1. 首先对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介绍。首先对要评论的事物或现象进行整体介绍。2. 然后陈述两种不同的观点或做法及其理由。然后陈述两种不同的观点或做法及其理由。3. 最后表明自己的观点或结论。最后表明自己的观点或结论。3例如:例如:Is a Test of Spoken E

2、nglish Necessary?l很多人认为有必要进行英语口语考试,理由是很多人认为有必要进行英语口语考试,理由是.l也有人持不同意见也有人持不同意见l我的看法和打算我的看法和打算4写作思路(三段式):写作思路(三段式):1. 提出观点段提出观点段主题句主题句 + 扩展句一(观点一)扩展句一(观点一)+扩展句二(理由一)扩展句二(理由一) +扩展句三(理由二)扩展句三(理由二)2. 对比论证段对比论证段主题句(观点二)主题句(观点二) + 扩展句一(理由一)扩展句一(理由一)+扩展句二(理由二)扩展句二(理由二) 3. 总结观点段总结观点段主题句主题句+ 扩展句一(扩展句一(“我我”的理由一

3、)的理由一) + 扩展句二(扩展句二(“我我”的理由二)的理由二) + 结尾结尾句句5结构模板:结构模板: When it comes to 事物事物/问题问题 , different people will offerdifferent opinions. Some people take it for granted that 观点一观点一.In their opinion,理由一理由一. Besides, 理由二理由二. However, others hold 观点二观点二. They maintain, 理由一理由一. And 理由二理由二. Weighing up these tw

4、o arguments, “我我”的观点的观点. For onething, 理由一理由一. For another, 理由二理由二. Therefore, as statedabove, 总结全文。总结全文。 6例如例如: Is the Spirit of Lei Feng Out of Date? 1)很多人认为雷锋精神已经过时,理由是)很多人认为雷锋精神已经过时,理由是.2)也有人持不同意见)也有人持不同意见3)我的看法及理由)我的看法及理由7范文:范文:Is the Spirit of Lei Feng Out of Date? When it comes to Lei Fengs s

5、pirit, different people will offerdifferent opinions. Some people take it for granted that Lei Fengsspirit has gone out of style in todays society. In their opinion, in themodern society of commodity economy people should seek morepractical things, such as fame, money and the comfortable life.Beside

6、s, they believe that there is no longer such a thing asselflessness, for nothing is more important to them than thosematerial things. However, others hold that the Spirit of Lei Feng will never be outof date. They maintain that the great soldiers story has such astrong influence on peoples ideas of

7、values and ways of life that inevery field there are countless “living Lei Fengs”. And indeed thereare so many people who are following the example of Lei Feng andserving the people heart and soul. 8Is the Spirit of Lei Feng Out of Date? Weighing up these two arguments, I am for the second one. For one thing, the Spirit of Lei Feng still has a ready echo in millions of peoples hearts. For another, the Spirit of Lei Feng has been given full play. More and more “Lei Fengs” are coming forth from various circles. The


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