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1、 2011年秋八年级英语期中测试卷 (满分120分 考试时间120分钟)一 听力部分(25)1. 听下面9段对话。每段对话后面有一个小题,从题后所给的a,b,c三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )1a. every evening b. once a week c. twice a week( ) 2. a. he has curly hair b .he has a beard c he wears glasses( ) 3.a . a week b. five days c six days ( ) 4. a .two cups of coffee b .two hamburgers c. tw

2、o cups of coffee and two hamburgers ( ) 5 a .go shopping b. buy some flowers c. make a card( ) 6. a. because he likes writing b . because he wants to practice his writing( ) 7. a . traveler b. tour guide c . businesswoman ( ) 8 a. walk along the street for 200 meters , then turn right. b. walk along

3、 the street for 200 meters , then turn left . c. walk along the street for 200 meters, then she can see it on her right.( ) 9. a. he thinks the animals should be in cages. b .he thinks its not good for animals to stay in cages . c. he thinks its good for animals to stay in cages.2.听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话或独白

4、后面有几个小题,从题后所给的a,b,c三个选项中选出最佳选项听第1段对话,回答10-12小题( )10. what is mike interested in ?a art b . music c. both ( ) 11. what does the girl like ?a.art b . music c. both( )12. does mike really sing badly ?a. yes ,he does . b. no, he doesnt . c .we dont know.听第2段对话,回答13-15小题( ) 13. whats wrong with mikes eye

5、s ? a . he cant open his eyes. b. his eyes hurt badly. c. he cant see clearly.( ) 14 . when did the problem start? a . it started last month . b. it started last week. c. it started yesterday. ( ) 15 what cause the problem ? a .mike watches too much tv and does not take care of his eyes. b. mike has

6、 no time to sleep and plays too many video games. c. mike works too hard and does not take care of his eyes.听独白,回答16-20小题 ( ) 16 . what should mike do ?a. he should go to bed late. b. he should read in bed. c .he should take short rests.( ) 17 when does the girl exercise ? a . every morning b . ever

7、y afternoon. c . every evening.( ) 18 .how often does she eat vegetables ? a. once a day . b. twice a day. c. three times a day.( ) 19. how long does she watch tv every day ? a. for one and a half hours . b. for one hour c. for half an hour.( ) 20. how long does she sleep every night ?a. she sleeps

8、for 7 hours. b. she sleeps for 8 hours c. she sleeps for 9 hours.听独白,回答21-25小题( )21 how many people are there in jerrys family? a. two b. three c. four( ) 22. how tall is his father ? a.1.7 meters. b. 1.8 meters c .1.9 meters ( ) 23. how tall is his mother ? a.1.65 meters. b. 1.75meters c .1.85 mete

9、rs( ) 24. how long is mr and mrs smiths bed ? a. 1.9 meters. b. 2 meters c .2.4 meters ( ) 25. what sport do the smiths like ? a. football b . basketball c. baseball 笔试部分(75)一、 单项选择(15)( )26. -_does tom play computer games? -twice a week a. how long b. how far c. how soon d. how often( )27.my habits

10、 are _from his. they have a lot of _. a. different, differences b. differences, different c. different, difference d. different, different( )28. he eats _food, so he is _fat.a. much too, too much b. much too, much tooc. too much, too much d. too much, much too( )29.its not easy _. a.to learn english

11、 well b. learn english well c. to learn english good d. learn english good( )30.-when did your headache start? -_. a. in two days b. two days ago c. after a week d. tomorrow morning( )31. my uncle _beijing next sunday a. leave b. leaves for c. leaving for d. is leaving for( )32. amy comes to school

12、_bike a. in b. with c. by d. on( )33.-can you come to my dinner this sunday?-_. a. id love to, but i have lots of things to do. b. oh, no. thatll be too tired c. im staying at home d. yes, please( )34.-_? -its wednesday the 3rd a. whats date b. what day is it today c. whats today d. whats for today(

13、 )35.she _her mother. they both have big eyes a. is liking b. likes c. look like d. is like( )36.this dress is too long. can you show me _one a. the other b.another c.other d.the others( )37.han mei is my good friend. she is _outgoing than me a. a little much b. a little c. much d. much more( )38. t

14、hey didnt _the basketball match. we_them 1210 a.beat , win b. lose , win c. win, beat d. beat, lose( )39. there is _ news in todays newspaper a. nothing important b. important nothing c. anything important d. important anything( )40. she is lazy. i _she _get good grades a. think, can b. dont think,

15、cant c. dont think, can d. think, cant 二完型填空(10) do you have a health lifestyle? i think i _41_. first, i have many good eating habits. i like junk food,_42_ i hardly ever eat it. i eat fruit and vegetables every day. _43_ they are not very delicious ,but they are_44_ for health . second, i do _45_

16、every day. it says that if people run every day, they will have more healthy hearts than others. so i run for _46_ thirty minutes every morning. _47_, i have good living habits. i try to _48_ eight hours every day. that _49_ me to be energetic the next day. and i can study better and get good grades

17、. what do you _50_ my lifestyle? can you learn something from it?( )41. a. do b. am c. like d. make( )42. a. and b. but c. so d. or( )43 a. maybe b. although c. because d. if( )44. a. bad b. late c. hard d. good( )45. a. cleaning b. homework c. exercise d. reading( )46. a. at b. about c. on d. in( )

18、47. a. first b. second c. third d. fourth( )48. a. sleep b. practice c. spend d. drink( )49. a. stops b. makes c. helps d. asks( )50. a. look at b. think of c .talk about d. agree with三阅读理解(15) a do you want to be in good health? try to do the following things! you can become stronger. drink eight c

19、ups of water every day. water helps your body in many ways. if you feel thirsty, just have a cup of water.dont forget to eat your breakfast gives you everything your body needs for the morning. so do not forget your breakfast.get enough calcium(钙). your bones need it. milk has more calcium. you may

20、also drink orange juice with calcium in it.go for a walk every day after meals. walking is a good exercise, and people need exercise for good health. its better to walk after mealsstretch for five minutes after sitting for one or two hours. stretching your arms and legs is good fr your body.use your

21、 brain(大脑) every day. for example, you can do crossword puzzles or read a new book.have a rest about twenty minutes when you are tired. you may do something different to have a break. for example, get up and walk. or sit down to listen to music.( ) 51. how many things does this passage mention for y

22、ou to do if you want to keep healthy? a. five b. six c. seven d. eight( ) 52. which meal can provide what your body needs for the morning? a.breakfast b. lunch c. dessert d. dinner( ) 53. its better to take a walk after meals, isnt it/?a. no, it isnt. b. yes, it is. c. no, it doesnt. d. yes, it was.

23、( ) 54. what does the word “stretch” mean in chinese? a 锻炼 b.跳跃 c.跑步 d.伸展( )55. what is the best title of this passage?a. its important to keep healthyb. ways to keep healthyc. why people do exercised. take care of yourself b fruit is good for people. many people eat some fruit every day. mr and mrs

24、 green like fruit very much and every monday mrs green goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house. the man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. she can buy all kinds of fruit there,apples, pears, oranges and bananas. in different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is not

25、 the same, sometimes high, sometimes low(低). mrs green want to buy cheap fruit. but mr green likes bananas only. she buys bananas for him every week. she only buys cheap fruit for herself ( ) 56.when does mrs green go to buy some fruit? a. saturday b. monday c. thursday d. friday ( ) 57. where does

26、mrs green buy fruit? a. in the shop near her house b. in the town c. near the shop d. in the supermarket ( ) 58. mrs green buys _ for mr green a. pears b. apples c. bananas d. oranges ( ) 59.which of the following is not right? a. fruit is good for people b. the man in the shop knows mrs green a lot

27、 c. mrs green can buy all kinds of fruit d. mrs green buys apples for herself ( ) 60. in different time of the year the price of each kind of fruit is _. a. the same b. not the same c. high d. low c. many people like animals and keep one or more as pets -dogs, cats and some kinds of birds. if you ke

28、ep a dog or a cat as a pet, you must know how to look after them. a grown-up dog needs two meals a day-not more. and it can get meat or chicken bones. remember to give them much clean water. a dog should have a clean dry box for sleeping. washing it once a week is good for its health. if it is ill,

29、take it to a doctor. a healthy dog will bring you more pleasure. be careful when you choose a cat. it has two meals a day with meat or fish. cats drink a little milk every day. sometimes give them vegetables to eat. dont for get that they need clean water to drink. take good care of your pets. they

30、will be your good friends. maybe they can give you some help when you need. ( ) 61. many people keep _ as pets. a. pandas b. elephants c. chickens d. cats ( )62. what do dogs like eating? a. all the bones. b. big bones. c. chicken bones. d. small bones ( ) 63.a healthy dog can _ you happy. a. make b

31、. give c. take d. bring ( ) 64. cats usually drink _ a. orange b. milk c. water d. milk and water ( ) 65-will pets be peoples friends? a. no, i dont think so b. yes, but only a little c. yes, they will d. no, they dont 四、词汇: (10)a. 根据句意及首字母提示,补全单词,完成句子.(5)66.im very t_. i want something to drink.67.

32、what are you doing for v_? i am visiting my grandmother.68.its n_f or us to learn english well, because english is very useful.69.whats your favorite p_? its animal world.70.a_my grandmother is very old, she is in good health.71.he cant wear the shoes because his f_ are too big.72. i want to find so

33、me i_ about beijing on the internet.73.-i have a toothache. -you should see a d_.74.he loves music, he often goes to the c_.75.dont f_ to bring the book here tomorrow. do you remember?b. 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空:(5)76.do you want a_(relax)vacation?77.jack visits his aunt_(two)a month.78.its easy_(keep)health

34、y.79.we are going _(camp)in the mountains next sunday.80.the train_(leave)at 8:00 tomorrow.81.i decide_(play)tennis with the children.82.can you_(come)to my party on wednesday?83.thanks for_(ask)us to your birthday party.84.i hear that thailand is a good place_(go)sightseeing.85.it takes me 30 minut

35、es _(surf)the internet.五、改写句子: 一空一词.(5)86.we are going sightseeing for vacation.(提问) _ are you _for vacation?87.my sister and my mother look the same.(同义) my sister _ _my mother.88.today is monday the 23rd(提问) _ _?89.he dances well. (同义) he _ _ _ _.六、补全对话.(5)根据对话及内容,在对话空白处填入一个适当的词.a: 90 do you get t

36、o school?b:i 91 the bus.a: how 92 is it 93 your home 94 school?b: its 2.5 kilometers.a: how 95 does it 96 you to get from home to school?b: 97 takes twenty minutes. what about you?a: i often 98 to school because my home is only five meters 99 school.七、根据汉语提示,用正确的英语形式完成句子。(5)100.toms book_(不同于)jacks.101._?(你怎么啦?)i have a toothache.102.they get to school_(乘小船).103.there are_(两百九十九)students in our school.104._(他怎样到达学校)?he gets to school by bike.八、根据短文内容,用方框内所给单词或短语填空:(10)bike taking a vacation


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