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1、1Presenter nameTitleDate2Rethink IT and reinvent business with cloud and IBM.Topics Clouds disruptive potential Challenges to consider Specific, proven patterns of success Why IBM Next stepsdaily client transactions through public cloudmanaged virtual machines.2cloud engagements in the first 6 month

2、s of 2011 alone.3Pressures like workforce mobility andincreasing productivity are placing greaterdemands on IT systems.Increased expectationsIncreased demandsIncreased competitiongrowth in digital datafrom 2007 to 2011.of the worlds largestcompanies in 2000 remainon that list today. 2011 IBM Corpora

3、tionof surveyed enterprise IT budgets in 2010 were spent on ongoing operations and maintenance costs.*54%*Source: Forrester Research, Inc. 2011 IT Budget Planning Guide, October 7, 2010 by Craig SymonsCAGR growth in self-service channels4As a result, cloud is an increasingly attractive meansof creat

4、ing and delivering IT services.Value deliveredChange managementTest provisioningInstall databaseInstall of operating systemProvisioning environmentDesign and deploy business applicationsFrom traditionalTo cloudMonthsWeeks1 day1 dayMonthsDays or hours20 minutes12 minutes3060 minutes51% cost savingsDa

5、ys/Weeks“Our commitment to informed decision making led us to consider private clouddelivery of Cognos via System z, which is the enabling foundation that makespossible +$20M savings over 5 years.” IBM Office of the CIO5IT and Business are attracted to cloud for different reasons.EfficiencyTransform

6、ationRethink IT. Rapidly deliver services Integrate services across cloud environments Increase efficiency Initiate new revenue streams Drive faster time to market for new services Meet changing customer expectationsReinvent business.*Source: Gartner, Cloud Computing Services, Virtualization Top CIO

7、 2011 Wish Lists Jan 24 20116IT is drawn to clouds cost, efficiency and controlwhile business users are drawn to clouds simplified,self-service experience and new service capabilities.of CIOs plan to use cloudup from 33% two years ago.of business executives believe cloudenables business transformati

8、on and leaner, faster, more agile processes.2011 IBM CIO Study, London School of Economics, December 2010EfficiencyTransformation7Cloud helps business and IT create and deliver value infundamentally new ways.Enable new IT and businessprocesses that break downtraditional silos and simplifyaccess to i

9、nformation in orderto deliver better businessoutcomes.Deliver IT without boundariesSpeed the delivery of newofferings and services bycreating new models of self-service and deployment.Improve speed and dexterityEmpower internal and external communities todefine and create newofferings and services.C

10、reate newbusiness value8Cloud in action: University of BariStudents at Italys University of Bari useIBM cloud to create innovative solutionsto help the local economy. Give students a platform to create innovative solutions for local communities and businesses in southern Italy.Business challenge Ela

11、stic, cloud-based services from sensors, market systems and GPS data, connecting university, private sector and government agencies.Rethinking IT Cut shipping times for local deliveries in half. More efficient supply chain with fishermen completing transactions with merchants while still at sea. Win

12、emakers increase quality with constant soil- condition monitoring.Reinventing business89Businesses are choosing a variety of cloud models to meettheir unique needs and priorities.Private cloudHybrid ITPublic cloudAppliances, pre-integrated systems and standard hardware, software and networking.Tradi

13、tional ITOn or off premises cloud infrastructure operated solely for an organization and managed by the organization or a third partyAvailable to the general public or a large industry group and owned by an organization selling cloud services.Traditional IT and clouds (public and/or private) that re

14、main separate but are bound together by technology that enables data and application portability10However, successful implementation demands focus on three key challenge areas. Moving beyondincremental adjustmentswith enhanced businessservices and industrysolutions.Business processredesignSeamless e

15、nd-userexperiences acrossheterogeneousenvironment.Seamless integrationHolistic approach tointeroperability, resiliencyand management thatmatches requirementsof the workload.Integrity and Security11Effective security must be a well-planned part of cloud designs from the start not treated as an aftert

16、houghtSecure by design: Avoids the common one-size-fits-all approach which can lead to failure Is specifically tuned to the security, authentication, compliance, and privacy concerns of individual organizationsSecurity in the Cloud: Has much in common with traditional IT issues like identity and acc

17、ess rights, safeguarding data, and developing and enforcing security policies Cloud has the potential to be more secure than traditional environments12Adoption patterns are emerging for successfully beginningand progressing cloud initiatives.IaaS: Cut IT expense and complexity through a cloud enable

18、d data centerPaaS: Accelerate time to market with cloud platform servicesInnovate business models by becoming a cloud service providerSaaS: Gain immediate access with business solutions on cloud13IBM delivers prescriptive, repeatable cloud solutions forour clients most pressing priorities.Pre-built,

19、 pre-integrated IT infrastructures tuned to application-specific needsAdvanced, reliable, highly secure and scalable platform for creating, managing, and monetizing cloud services Integrated service management, automation, provisioning, and self service Capabilities provided to consumers for using a

20、 providers applications running on a cloud infrastructureCloud Enabled Data CenterCloud Platform ServicesCloud Service ProviderBusiness Solutions on Cloud14Patterns of adoption can be implemented with specific, repeatable projects supported by industry-leading offeringsCloud Service ManagementRole:

21、CIO/CTOCapabilities: Automated provisioning and de-provisioning of IT resources Self-service portal Monitoring of physical and virtual resources Metering and accounting for cost recovery Advanced image management Integrated cloud services management Single access method and securityCloud Enabled Dat

22、a CenterDesktop cloudRole: CIO/CTO/IT ManagerCapabilities: Managed services with secure authentication management Flexible delivery models, standard cloud-based offerings, dedicated infrastructure, and customer premise solutions. Assessment and planning services Choice of end-user devices15Patterns

23、of adoption can be implemented with specific, repeatable projects supported by industry-leading offeringsCloud Platform ServicesDevelop and Deploy Virtual Web AppsRole: Sr. IT Operations Leader Sr. Development Manager & DevelopersCapabilities: Integrated development tooling Simplified deployment

24、 Application-centric visibility Self service interface Automatic elasticityDevelopment and Test EnvironmentsRole: VP IT VP Dev Quality ManagersCapabilities: Instant-on access to dev/test tools, middleware, and processes Advanced image management Virtual developer desktops Collaboration License manag

25、ement16Patterns of adoption can be implemented with specific, repeatable projects supported by industry-leading offeringsCloud Service ProviderBuild the Cloud InfrastructureRole: CIO, LOB owner, reseller, distributor, ISVCapabilities: Deeply virtualized hardware Automated systems management to deplo

26、y, provision, and manage cloud instances Storage Multi-tenancy Comprehensive security Enable Applications in the CloudRole: Chief Marketing Officer, VP Sales, LoB owner Capabilities: Enterprise class cloud platform Cloud-enabled middleware components A partner ecosystem that provides access to techn

27、ology or industry specific cloud17Patterns of adoption can be implemented with specific, repeatable projects supported by industry-leading offeringsBusiness Solutions on the CloudCompute and Storage as a ServiceRole: CIO/CTO/IT ManagerCapabilities: Enterprise governance & communities Choice of s

28、erver configurations, operating systems, software images Persistent storage, network isolation options and premium support options Integration across clouds and between traditional IT Digital Marketing OptimizationRole: CMO/VP/Director of marketing E-Commerce LOB Advertising LOBCapabilities: Underst

29、and how visitors interact with your business Capture demographic and behavioral information Personalize offers across digital channels Optimize marketing spend mix.18IBM is working with clients in each of these areas to helpthem achieve real business value.Major U.S. financialservices company: $3M i

30、n savings 13x faster deployment 612 month ROICiti: Brought a 45-day wait for server resources down to 20 minutes with self-service request, automated provisioning and internal chargeback.QuangTrung Software City:True Value: Transformed the management of its supply chain across 5,000 hardware stores

31、in 54 countries Reduced lead time by 56% Reduced back orders by 85%Cloud Enabled Data CenterCloud Platform ServicesCloud Service ProviderBusiness Solutions on the Cloud Ho Chi Minh Citys laaS and hosting facility serving Vietnams largest software development center19IBMs comprehensive capabilities m

32、ake thecloud promise a reality.IBM SmartCloudBusiness Process as a ServiceSoftware as a ServicePlatform as a ServiceInfrastructure as a ServiceDesignDeployConsume20DesignDeployConsumeEstablish a cloud strategyand implementation plan toget there.Build cloud services, in theenterprise and/or as a clou

33、dservices provider.Manage and optimizeconsumption of cloudservices.Examplecapability Infrastructure strategy and design services Network integration services Cloud security strategy roadmap Preconfigured deployment patterns Appliance with pre-installed, pre-configured images SaaS offerings Integrati

34、on Public cloud for application-specific workloadsIBM has proven solutions to efficiently deliver on every phase of Cloud21IBM SmartCloud provides a robust platform for the full IBMcloud portfolio, built on the IBM cloud reference model.IBM SmartCloudManagement,support anddeploymentSecurityandisolat

35、ionAvailabilityand performanceTechnologyplatformPayment and billingIBM Cloud Reference ModelBusiness Process as a ServiceSoftware as a ServicePlatform as a ServiceInfrastructure as a Service22Our own use of cloud extends across the entire IBM organization and has transformed the IBM business onmulti

36、ple levels.109,000 IBM employees use Blue Insight, the worlds largest business analytics private cloud.1,800 IBM marketers across 6 continents utilize IBM cloud-based Marketing Operations daily.6,000 IBM users of Blueworks Live to improve internal business processes200 million minutes of IBM web con

37、ferencing with LotusLive Meetings.Avoiding over $20M in expenses over 5 years with our private analytics cloud1,200 users in IBM China development labs, plus IBM Call Center teams in the United States and India, have migrated to a desktop cloud environment.2223IBM drives client-focused open standard

38、s andinteroperability.IBM solutions are built on a comprehensive,open reference model. Provides guidance to the multiple cloud standards-defining bodies. Establishes the criteria for open- standards-based cloud computing. Delivers content in the form of best practices, case studies, use cases, requi

39、rements, gap analysis and recommendations for cloud panies areparticipating.operate outside the IT realm.2324Our strong ecosystem of partners augments our capabilities.Cloud Business Partners 60+ create IBM solutions 15+ enhance the IBM SmartCloud Global reach Industry-specific assets and practices

40、Deep specialty focus Cloud Application Providers Cloud Builders Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Technology Providers25IBM provides the right hardware, software and expertiseto help your organization fully leverage the cloud.A next-generation combination of technology, expertise and reach helps you advanc

41、e your cloud deployment.of Fortune 100companies are usingIBM cloud capabilities.IBM Cloud LabsIBM SmartCloud Centers“IBM has one of the most comprehensive cloud portfolios.” Jeff Vance, Datamation26We offer extensive real-world experience workingwith some of the most innovative, forward-thinking ITo

42、rganizations on the planet.successful privatecloud engagementsin 2010.“IBM has one of the most comprehensive cloud portfolios, with the cloud integrated throughout its many lines of business. Moreover, IBMs consulting arm has put them in touch with numerous early adopters and special use casesall of

43、 which helps the company stay ahead of competitors. ” Jeff Vance, Datamationmanaged virtualmachines.26daily client transactions through public cloud27The business and IT press is taking notice of IBMs leadership.28The time has come to rethink IT and reinvent businesswith cloud and IBMAsk the fundame

44、ntal questions: Is your organization achieving the levels of innovation required to complete in todays environment? Is your organization able to nimbly put lucrative ideas into action? Does your organization incorporate the best ideaseven if they come from outside? Are you developing internal capabi

45、lities that would be better handled by others?Go to for more of adoption can be implemented with specific, repeatable projects supported by industry-leading offeringsCloud Enabled Data CenterAdditional projects. Substitute either or both for the projects in the main part of the deckVirtual Environme

46、nt ManagementRole: CIO/CTOCapabilities: Standardized, integrated, optimized virtual infrastructure Monitoring and management interface Security and image governanceCloud Infrastructure Strategy and RoadmapRole: CIO/CTO/IT ExecutivesCapabilities: Identifies where/how cloud can drive value in the ente

47、rprise Uses research tool to prioritize workloads for migration to cloud Creates ROI for selected workload. Assesses environment to determine readiness, strengths & gaps32Patterns of adoption can be implemented with specific, repeatable projects supported by industry-leading offeringsCloud Platf

48、orm ServicesDeployment Planning and AutomationRole: Developers ArchitectsCapabilities: Planning, automation, and governance of application deployment to the cloud. Visualization of the target deployment environment Automation for deployment environment construction and configurationAdditional projects. Subst


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