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1、undergraduate thesis project proposalinternational college , zhejiang university of technologycommercial instant messagingfor a more meaningful designfebruary, 2010on my honor as a university student, on this assignment i have neither given nor received unauthorized aid as defined by the honor guide

2、lines for papers in cs courses._zhu jiaqiapproved_date_approved_date_20table of content1. abstract -22. rationale and objectives -32.1 rationale -32.2 objectives -43. statement of project activities -4 3.1 activities -4 3.2 schedule -74. literature review -85. expected outcomes -126. reference -137.

3、 glossary -16appendix -181. abstractinstant messaging (im) is a form of real-time direct text-based communication between two or more people using shared clients. the text is conveyed via devices connected over a network such as the internet. nowadays, the instant messaging has been part of lives th

4、at modern people need to utilize and rely on. there are many products such as qq or msn that explore a vast market so that these instant messaging tools become a useful tunnel of communication between friends, family and strangers. however, these im products face to normal people that fill there req

5、uest of avoiding lonely. under this consensus, almost companies and government offices mandate its staffs and employees leaving im alone during working hours so that ensure everyone focus on there own job rather than others intervention from internet or local network. this situation limits the use o

6、f im and makes im away from business which should had been advanced by professional im software.this project aims to develop efficient software that possesses the market left from normal im. to accomplish this, i plan to design an application that can provide a platform by company and promote the le

7、vel of communication between customers and companies so that it allows clients require needed information efficiently rather than being lost in the storm of superfluous debris of unwanted information about the companies from im. both clients and staffs can chat via im and receive interested intellig

8、ence from each other. the result of communication should serve to help create a benign environment of business and friendly interface to clients. it may also be possible and reasonable to apply this exploration to other im applications that has similar goal to improve the e-commerce.2. rationale and

9、 objectives2.1 rationaleas a convenient communicating tool, im has been won significant impression in daily life. the kind of im, however, is still single-oriented compared to other electronic products and application. the lack of professional im that is required by companies, government or organiza

10、tions give me a proper opportunity to create a commercial im to change this situation and make business faster and more reliable.figure 2 shows the most popular im software in china. admittedly, tencent qq software has great market in youth and is in charge of the normal im market for years that it

11、actually has become the model or template of im for studying in china, and predictably, this status will last for years before new powerful im software instead of its throne. nevertheless, tencent qq has not been the professional im software yet. its major client is student. the people of major purc

12、hasing are still waiting for much more useful im software. it is predictable that once professional im software is listing, these people will be attracted. on the other hand, for elder people who should be the major client of commercial im has not enjoyed such professional im software yet and unlike

13、 youth, they will not have much patient and resolution to learn new computer knowledge or new application. however, they just need a simple communicate tool to know the information of companies. complex install steps, various plugs and dazzled image will shut their interests on im. differ from chat

14、with friends, conversation between client and companies does not need those fashionable functions such as video chat, online game and screen capture. the most crucial capacity of commercial im is convenient and direct. one of problems that administrator or boss needs to care is how to manage his or

15、her staffs. thanks to the division of department, modern staffs do not need have much more knowledge about the companies. staffs only need to master their own job. but administrator and boss may confuse because of the great amount of department and specific people. excessive department and staffs ma

16、ke company inefficient and large that increases the cost for running. to deal this problem, many develop groups have created various management software to help administrator. this problem also is what commercial im has to handle.finally, for a small or medium company, the cost on software and hardw

17、are should be limited in a controllable range. although there are many im software to choose, most of them are not cheap and need corresponding hardware to exert its function. these are hard to determine for small company and normally, the function brought by them is waste considered their situation

18、. fortunately, commercial im can help them make decision between a expensive excessive im software and a cheap proper one.2.2 objectivesto deal with several problems, there are some goals the project needs to achieve:l the commercial im software needs have basic function that other im has: send and

19、receive text, upload and download file or image and others.l create a noticeable floating window for client to choose staffs and a proper interface for serving.l develop an efficient software structure for communicating.l consider relate safety problem and has a plan to avoid.l lower cost3. statemen

20、t of project activities3.1 activities3.1.1 background informationbefore i make too many decisions about how i am going to approach my research, the background information is recommended to read up on the subject which can introduces me to a topic before i dive in, pretending to be an expert. the bac

21、kground information helps me to focus on names, dates, events, organizations, terms, etc., associated with a topic and formulate my topic. background sources might include bibliographies that i can use to find additional sources for my project. to get background information correctly, encyclopedias

22、are good sources for it. i may choose to use a general encyclopedia such as encyclopedia britannica, or a specialized encyclopedia such as encyclopedia of early childhood education. the type of specialized encyclopedia i use might depend on the approach i plan to take in my research. for instance, i

23、f i need an encyclopedia article on network safety problem, there are several options, including encyclopedia britannica as a general encyclopedia or china safety science journal as specialized encyclopedias.3.1.2 test proceduredocumented procedures for testing software must be in place before testi

24、ng begins. lack of software testing procedures or using procedures that are not clearly and completely defined often results in time delays and cost overruns; two things software marketers cannot afford, especially when staying ahead of the competition is crucial. to be useful, software testing proc

25、edures must encompass all aspects of the software testing process. it is vitally important that the procedures define the people who will be involved in the testing process, the skill set of each team member, and their availability for the duration of the testing cycle. to be effective and useful, s

26、oftware testing procedures require much more information. procedures must define guidelines for creating test cases. include in this section the processes for running these test cases, and the creation, testing and maintenance of testing scripts.software testing procedures must also define the hardw

27、are and software resources that are needed to keep the testing process on track and the length of time each will be needed. if the resources are not available, it wont be possible to meet project deadlines.finally, there needs to be a process for reporting the results of the software testing phase,

28、including the reporting of bugs. software testers are not responsible for fixing software problems; only reporting them. however, they are responsible for verifying that previously reported bugs have been fixed. it is imperative that this process also be detailed in software testing procedures.3.1.3

29、 data analyzeanalysis of data is a process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions, and supporting decision making. after i have collected the completed data, often, i will need to perform calculations on my ra

30、w data in order to get the results from which i will generate a conclusion. a spreadsheet program such as microsoft excel may be a good way to perform such calculations, and the later the spreadsheet can be used to display the results. be sure to label the rows and columns do not forget to include t

31、he units of measurement.i should have performed multiple trials of my experiment. think about the best way to summarize my data. nowadays, there is much free software for data analysis, such as root, paw or knime.3.1.4 documentationdocumentation is an important part of software engineering. type of

32、documentation include: requirements, architecture/design, technical, end user and marketing documentation.requirements documentation is the description of what particular software does or shall do. it is used throughout development to communicate what the software does or shall do. it is also used a

33、s an agreement or as the foundation for agreement on what the software shall do; architecture/design documentation is a special breed of design document. in a way, architecture documents are third derivative from the code; technical documentation is what most programmers mean when using the term sof

34、tware documentation. when creating software, code alone is insufficient. there must be some text along with it to describe various aspects of its intended operation. it is important for the code documents to be thorough, but not so verbose that it becomes difficult to maintain them; unlike code docu

35、ments, user documents are usually far more diverse with respect to the source code of the program, and instead simply describe how it is used; for many applications, marketing documentation is necessary to have some promotional materials to encourage causal observers to spend more time learning abou

36、t the product.3.2 scheduleto accomplish my thesis, i have a list of schedule and a rough plan to follow:monthtaskfebcollect background informationmarcreate test procedureapranalyze datamaydocumentationjunefinal documentation4. literature review4.1 instant messaging used scopemost academic libraries

37、offer some form of digital reference service. digital reference, also known as online reference, electronic reference, and e-reference, uses the internet to allow librarians to communicate online with users beyond library walls. e-mail and web forms have become the most common forms of digital refer

38、ence, but these impersonal methods involve some time delay. many libraries now are turning to an almost-immediate, slightly more sophisticated form of digital reference: instant messaging. the experiment with im reference service may be considered a success, despite a few problems and some growing p

39、ains. chat reference will not supplant the librarys other reference services, but it offers another way to reach and educate patrons. 114.2 instant messaging impactinnumerable articles in the popular press have targeted im. they suggest that it is leading to a “breakdown in the english language,” “t

40、he bastardization of language”(o connor 2005), even “the linguistic ruin of the generation”(axtman 2002). in contrast, linguists argue that it is not the result of students lax attitude toward spelling and grammar, but characteristic of a general “linguistic whatever-ism” (baron 2003a, 5). indeed, s

41、ome have suggested that discourse on the internet is a “new species of communication,” complete with its own lexicon, graphology, grammar, and usage conditions (crystal 2001, 48). 16figure 1 shows the distribution of the main intensifiers represented as the proportion each intensifier represents of

42、all the adjectives considered. the most frequent forms in these data, both speech and im, parallel those found in spoken data in earlier research they are really, so, and very. consistent with earlier research, very is rare among adolescents. however, it is the relative proportion of really and so t

43、hat are informative. in our speech data, really and so are nearly equally used for intensifying adverbs. in contrast, in im the teenagers are much less likely to use intensifiers at all. since the use of intensifiers is typically associated with colloquial usage and nonstandard varieties (e.g., stof

44、fel 1901; fries 1940), this suggests that im is a more formal register than speech. however, when the teenagers do intensify their adjectives, their preferred choice is so. thus, while the two media mirror each other in exhibiting the same intensifying adverbs overall, there are some notable differe

45、nces. this is the first indication that im cannot simply be labeled a speech like register. it mixes innovative trends alongside an overarching conservative nature. 164.3 instant messaging securityas discussed throughout this chapter, the use of im can put one at risk of having confidential informat

46、ion disclosed. a hacker can obtain passwords, system configuration information, and sensitive files via im. this data can be stolen without a breach of the actual system and without the knowledge of the im user. more importantly, the resultant damage due to information disclosure can outweigh the di

47、rect damage due to a malicious threat. other threats are hijacking im, sessions, impersonating other users, maliciously proxying data, sniffing network traffic, password theft, and exporting data via im, all important assets to a spy who wants to exploit im. 8in support of various enterprise it init

48、iative, self/recommend, customize, implement, document, and transition to operations reusable technical security service components, including firewall systems, intrusion detection systems, authentication systems, authorization systems, audit trail management systems, virus detection and prevention

49、systems, cryptographic systems, and many others. 8most communications in im systems are client-server based, where each user shares a secret, user-chosen (often “weak”) password with the im server. a password hash is generally exchanged between a client and a server for authentication. messages amon

50、g users are also typically relayed through the server (mainly to avoid firewall issues). however, purely peer-to-peer communications also occur in some situations (e.g. audio/video chat, file transfer). communications occur mostly over tcp; however, udp is sometimes used in peer-to-peer connections.

51、 also, ssl is used in some corporate im services (e.g. reuters messaging9) and in the authentication phase of the currently available msn protocol. while the im server appears to be a single entity to a client, it may be a group of servers controlled by a single im service provider, or a collection

52、of servers from independent im service providers. if user a wants to communicate instantly with user b, both must log into he same im service. messages from a to b will be delivered by the server depending on bs privacy settings. for direct communications between a and b, the server provides necessa

53、ry information (e.g. network address) to each party. figure 3 shows the standard im communications model for single and multiple servers. 14to ensure confidentiality requirements, the communication between the clients is protected by end-to-end encryption at application level. additional security me

54、chanisms are included, based on the solutions implemented in a system for communicating sensitive information between insecure and secure networks, developed by nst 20. as shown in figure 4, the network used by healthcare workers is separated into different zones with corresponding security levels:

55、the secure zone, the internal zone, a demilitarized zone (dmz), and the open internet. the local network in the hospital is regarded a secure zone. it is separated from the healthcare network by firewall solutions. the norwegian healthcare network connects a large number of healthcare institutions.

56、it is in this case regarded an internal zone. the healthcare network is separated from the open internet by a double set of firewall solutions. the dmz is at the interface between the healthcare network and the internet. 54.4 instant messaging software architectureolly! is a web application built using the ajax (asynchronous javascript and xml)


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