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1、module 4 which english section introduction & reading and vocabulary03 课后演练提能 夯实·基础知识. 单词拼写1. after a long d_, the bill was passed.答案:debate2. each person's fingerprints are u_.答案:unique3. tell me i_ he arrives.答案:instantly4. our a_ settled in this country a hundred years ago.答案:ancesto

2、rs5. the building was easily r_ as a prison.答案:recognisable6. ages have left _(痕迹) on his face.答案:traces7. she speaks a _(方言), not the queen's english.答案:dialect8. the new film _(连接) up with several big ones.答案:lined9. what _(很重要) is not your appearance but your ability.答案:counts10. it doesn'

3、;t _(要紧) much whether he will e or not.答案:matter. 选词填空agree on, instead of, as long as, lie in, tell apart, in this sense, in case, varieties of1. it is indeed rather difficult to _ the two phrases.答案:tell apart2. _ something unusual happens in the olympic village, the police will appear there at on

4、ce.答案:in case3. his failure in the election doesn't _ his work but in his attitude towards his workmates.答案:lie in4. _ books are being sold at this bookshop.答案:varieties of5. we should encourage them _ throwing cold water on them.答案:instead of6. _ bad things can be turned into good ones.答案:in th

5、is sense7. finally, both sides _ these terms.答案:agreed on8. it doesn't matter what you do, _ you're happy.答案:as long as. 完成句子1. 我不能说哪个是最好的,这只是个人品味问题。i can't say which is best_ _ _ _ _ _.答案:it's a matter of personal taste2. 即使你取得了巨大进步,你也要更努力。_ _ _ _ _ _, you should work harder.答案:even

6、 if you've made great progress3. 从今以后,你尽可信赖我们。from now on, you could _ _ _.答案:count on us4. 只要不断工作,你就会实现目标。_ _ _ _ _ _, you'll achieve your goal.答案:as long as you keep working5. 现在正在讨论的这些问题不是美国所独有。the issues being discussed now _ _ _ _ america.答案:are not unique to6. 如果我错过公共汽车的话没多大关系。_ _ _ _

7、i miss the bus.答案:it doesn't matter if7. 辩论中的争议已被付诸表决。the motion _ _ was put to the vote.答案:under debate8. 万一我忘了,请提醒我的诺言。_ _ _ _, please remind me of my promise.答案:in case i forget. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. his failure lies _ his carelessness in the examination.答案:in2. according to statistics, a man is

8、 more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer _ a woman.答案:as3. if you think there _ huge quantities of oil for the use of drivers, you are wrong.答案:are4. among the many dangers _ sailors have to face, probably the greatest of all is fog. 答案: which/that5. _(instant) he saw me, he held out his han

9、ds.答案:instantly6. we've offered him the job, but i don't know _ she'll accept it.答案:whether7. he had seen the film before. that is _ he did not see it last night.答案:why8. it is still under discussion _ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.答案:whether9. i don&#

10、39;t mind her criticizing me, but _ is how she does it that i object to.答案:it10. the manager had fallen asleep where he _(lie), without undressing.答案:was lying提升·实战能力. 完形填空everybody has dreams. i had a _1_, too. when i slept, i would dream of living it; when i _2_, i would work for living it.on

11、e day, somebody told me, “to _3_ is better than to arrive.” hearing this, i _4_ laughed it off, not quite understanding how that was even _5_. and i didn't realize how true it was _6_ i had what i wanted. then i suddenly realized that the person living the dream was different from the one who ha

12、d _7_ for it. since then, i have made a great _8_ to work for the realization of my dream. _9_ , i achieved what i had wanted, and i have now bee a wiser, calmer, stronger and more passionate person.the journey has _10_ me a lot. i made mistakes and learned from them. i _11_ and learned to get up ag

13、ain. i cried and i learned to wipe away my tears. i made friends and learned to _12_ people. i made enemies and learned to value _13_. the journey has transformed a caterpillar(毛虫) into a beautiful butterfly, eagerly waiting to _14_ the world with her newlyfound wings.we all know that our _15_ isn&#

14、39;t as perfect as it is in the fairy tales. it _16_ great ambition(志向) and courage to fulfill our dreams. but we should remember that even if _17_ gets in our way, nothing will _18_ us.so friends, always remember: experience is the best _19_ and there are no guarantees that one will bee an artist.

15、only the _20_ matters. so let's drink to a new journey. cheers!人生从来都不是一帆风顺的。为了实现梦想,我们需要坚定的决心和辛苦的付出。有时候人们往往忽略了在路上的旅程,它远比到达目的地更有意义。1. adream b. reasonc. permission d. question答案:a根据文章首句“everybody has dreams.”可知,作者说自己也有一个梦想(dream)。2. agot in b. got awayc. got back d. got up答案:d联系上文并结合句意可知,当作者睡觉时,她会

16、梦见实现了梦想;当作者起床(get up)了,她会为实现梦想而工作。此处(got up)和上文中的slept相对应。3. aescape b. strugglec. travel d. return答案:c根据第三段中两次提起的the journey可知,有人告诉作者,在路上旅行(travel)比到达目的地要更好。4. aever b. justc. even d. almost答案:b结合空后的not quite understanding和didn't realize how true it was可推知,听到那句话之后,作者只是(just)一笑了之,不太懂其中意义,也没有意识到一

17、些东西。5. apossible b. certain c. difficult d. necessary答案:a联系上下文可知,作者听到别人的一句话,不太理解那怎么可能(possible)。6. aif b. because c. until d. after答案:c直到(until)作者拥有了自己想要的东西,她才意识到那句话多么正确。7. apaid b. worked c. waited d. prepared答案:b联系下文中的to work for the realization of my dream可知,生活在梦想中的人和为之而努力的人是不一样的,故此处应用work。8. are

18、search b. promise c. effort d. difference答案:c联系空后的内容可知,为了实现梦想,作者付出了很大的努力(effort)。9. anormally b. regularly c. finally d. actually答案:c根据空后的i achieved what i had wanted可知,经过努力,作者“最终”得到了自己想要的。10. apleased b. changed c. worried d. pressed答案:b根据第二段最后一句和下文可知,追梦之旅让作者改变(change)了很多。11. afell down b. settled

19、down c. looked out d. fit in答案:a根据上一句“i made mistakes and learned from them.”和本句的句意可知,作者犯了错就从中吸取教训,跌倒(fall down)了就学会爬起来。12. asee b. ask c. miss d. value答案:d根据上文和下一句“i made enemies and learned to value _13_.”可推知,作者交了朋友并学会了珍惜(value)。13. aplans b. choices c. lessons d. concerns答案:c结合上文的几个排比句可推知,作者有了敌人就

20、学会了珍惜教训(lesson)。14. asave b. explore c. enjoy d. imagine答案:b作者将自己比作一只毛毛虫。旅行让一只毛毛虫蜕变成美丽的蝴蝶,带着新生的翅膀,怀着希望,等待着去“探索”世界。15. astudy b. life c. creation d. plan答案:b根据常识可知,我们都知道现实的人生(life)并不像童话故事中的人生那样完美。16. aattracts b. advises c. praises d. takes答案:d生活并不完美,实现梦想需要壮志与勇气,故此处应用take。17. asomething b. nothing c.

21、 anything d. everything答案:a根据上下文可知,在追求梦想的旅程中,可能会有一些东西挡了我们的路。18. apersuade b. stop c. match d. cure答案:b根据上下文可知,尽管会有困难挡了我们的去路,但没有什么能够阻止(stop)我们。19. afruit b. hope c. course d. teacher答案:d根据常识可知,没有什么能够保证一个人一定成为艺术家,经验才是最好的老师(teacher)。 20. ajourney b. decision c. task d. wealth答案:a上文中提到追寻梦想的旅行过程使作者改变了很多,

22、下文提到要为新的旅程干杯。由此可推知,此处指作者认为旅程(journey)很重要。. 阅读理解susannah was a shy but clever girl. she had worn glasses for as long as she could remember. and again, for as long as she could remember, some of her classmates had habitually picked_on her.the worst thing was that lewis called her “four eyes”. she acte

23、d like she didn't mind, but in fact susannah couldn't stand it.one day, the class went on a school outing to visit some famous caves. the children were walking towards the caves, while lewis slipped. while falling, he grabbed onto susannah, who walked next to him, and both fell down the hole

24、.they landed in a dark cave. all that could be seen was a single ray of light ing from the cave roof, many meters above, and some tree roots and trunks which had fallen through the hole. susannah and lewis shouted for help, but no one came.the next morning they still hadn't been found and lewis

25、continued shouting for help, but no response and he started feeling scared.it must have been noontime, because susannah noticed that the ray of light just landed on the floor in front of her. quickly, she took a piece of wood that had fallen into the cave, and, using her glasses as a magnifying(放大)

26、glass, she focused the ray of light onto the wood until a little flame sprang up. now they had a torch(火把). lewis watched with surprise and excitement and off they went to explore the cave.it took them some time, and they had to burn quite a few torches, but finally they found a way out. amid hugs a

27、nd cries of relief, lewis gave susannah his heartfelt thanks.因为视力不好而遭到同学的嘲笑,然而聪明的susannah在困难中对待那些嘲笑她的同学是伸出援手还是视而不见?文章给出了一个明确的答案。1. the underlined phrase “pick on” in paragraph 1 probably means _.apick up b. catch onc. get rid of d. make fun of答案:d词义推测题。根据第二段的“the worst thing was that lewis called he

28、rfour eyes”可以推测出是大家取笑她。2. susannah's feeling to lewis' calling her “four eyes” is _.arelief b. sadnessc. expectation d. carelessness答案:b细节理解题。根据第二段的“she acted like she didn't mind, but in fact susannah couldn't stand it.”可以知道尽管装作无所谓,实际上她是难以忍受。3. lewis watched with surprise when susan

29、nah made the torch because _.a. he never thought susannah disliked himb. he never thought susannah could see the lightc. he never thought susannah was so calm and cleverd. he never thought susannah could keep him pany答案:c推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“quickly, she took a piece of wood that had fallen into the cave,

30、and,using her glasses as a magnifying glass, she focused the ray of light onto the wood until a little flame sprang up.now they had a torch.”的细致描写可以看出susannah很镇定也很聪明,因此让lewis对她刮目相看。4. what can we know from the passage?a. susannah slipped and fell down the hole.b. susannah was pulled down the hole by lewis.c. they stayed in the cave for three days two nights.d. they were saved by their classmates and teachers.答案:b细节理解题。根据第三段的“while falling,he grabbed onto susannah, who walked next to him, and both fell down the hole.”可知答案。5. from the passage, we can infer that _.a. susa


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