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1、 20152016学年下学期 unit 1 my day第一课时一、教学内容:a lets learn ask and write二、教学目标:1、能听、说、读、写词组:have english class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner.2、 听懂、会说句型“when do you play sports? i usually play sports at 3:30.”三、教学重、难点:1、重点:掌握并能正确运用本课生词: have english class, do morning exercise

2、s, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner.2 、难点:单词usually和词组do morning exercises的发音。四、教学方法:1、听说法 2、练习法 3、游戏教学法五、课前准备:1、 录音机及磁带。 2 、教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unit 1 my daya lets learndo morning exercises .have english class.when do you play sports ?i usuallyat eat breakfast.eat dinner.七、教学过程:step 1 warm-up(1)let

3、s do :time for breakfast. drink some milk.step 2 presentation(1) t: excuse me, what time is it now?s: itst: its time for english class. we usually have english class at 9:00 a.m. on mondays. (老师板书,学生跟读)(2) t: do you like p.e. class? s: t: yes, we play sports on p.e. class.教师在板书时边说边做动作,学生模仿跟读。 (3) t:

4、 whats your favourite sports? 学生回答后,猜老师最喜欢的运动,引出词组边说边做。 chant: exercises, morning exercises, do morning exercises, when do you do morning exercises? (4)t: oh, im hungry. i forgot to eat my breakfast. excuse me. what time is it? s: when do you eat breakfast?t: i eat breakfast at 7:00.(板书上述词组并跟读)。 (5)

5、t: when do you eat lunch eat dinner? s: i eat lunchdinner at. ( 教师出示词汇卡,学生读一读。) (6) 放录音,跟读。 (7) 两人一组,练习对话。step3.practice(巩固重点,突破难点)1)ask and write: let the students practice the sentences:a: when do you get upeat breakfasteat lunch eat dinnerdo morning exercises haveclassplay sportsgo to bed?b: at .

6、2) lets play(1)学生二人一组配合表演动词短语,一人表演,一人在他/她背后说出这个动作的名称,如:i get up / do morning exercises 表演完毕后全班评选最佳拍档。step 4. consolidation1. 2step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课后反思:unit 1 my day 第二课时一、教学内容:a lets try lets talk lets spell二、教学目标:1、 能听懂、会说并在实际情景中运用以下对话:when do you finish class go back to schooleat dinner?

7、 i usuallyat2、学会统筹安排时间,合理的安排自己的日程表,养成良好的生活和学习习惯。三、教学重、难点: 1、重点句型“when do you usually finish class? i”的准确运用。2、难点:运用have class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner造句,并实际运用。四、教学方法:1、情景教学法 2、练习法 3、合作学习法五、课前准备:1、 录音机及磁带。2、 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unit1 my daya lets talkwhen do you finish s

8、chool in the morning?we finish school at 1 oclock. .when do you go back to school after lunch ? at 2:30.when do you usually eat dinner in spain?usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock.七、教学过程:step1 warm-up revise the words with word cards.step2 presentation(1) lets try教师把卡片按时间顺序贴在黑板上。t: look at the pictures. th

9、en listen to the tape and find the answer: where are zhang peng and pedro ?然后听录音,完成练习并订正。(2) lets talk采用词汇卡片复习短语,然后导出对话内容,让学生听录音并用英语说出zhang peng 和 pedro的起床、吃早餐和上学的时间。(3) 学生听录音跟读,再进行角色扮演。(4) lets find outs1: excuse me. when do you go to school?s2: ah! its a secret.s1: when do you eat breakfast?s2: i

10、eat breakfast at 7:00.step 3. lets spell1.listen to the tape, read ,listen and chant the words:clean , clock , class , clever , plate , eggplant , please , play. then spell the words with the students.2.listen, circle and say the words: (1) class , clock , cloudy ,classroom ,clever , clean , clear ,

11、uncle, clothes. (2) play , please , playground ,plate ,people ,player , eggplant .3、choose, write and say:choose the words and write the sentences.step 4 consolidation1、2、step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课后反思:unit 1 my day 第三课时一、教学内容:b lets learn do a survey二、教学目标1、能听、说、认读短语:clean my classroom ,go for a wal

12、k ,go shopping ,take a dancing class.2、能听、说认读句子:i often clean my classroom go for a walk go shopping take a dancing class.三、教学重、难点:1、重点:能听、说、认读短语:clean my classroom ,go for a walk ,go shopping ,take a dancing class. 2、难点:运用单词造句。四、教学方法:1、听说活 2、练习法 3、吟唱法五、课前准备1、录音机及磁带2、部分数字卡片。六、板收设计: unit1 my day b. l

13、ets learn always clean my classroom. i often go for a walk go shopping. sometimes take a dancing class.七、教学过程:step1 warm-up(1)lets sing : weekend (2)free talkt: do you like weekends / weekdays? why?s: yes, i like ion weekends / weekdays.step2 presentation(1) lets learnt: look at the cards. i usually

14、 clean my classroom ,go for a walk ,go shopping ,take a dancing class on the weekend?s: yes. / no.学生跟读词组并拼写。(2) copy不走样。小组学生活动,背对讲台,第一位学生抽卡片,示意第二位转身看他的表演和口型,以此类推,最后一位学生说出该动作,并书写。(2)make a surveyt: when do you go for a walk ,go shopping ?s: i alwaysoften sometimes go for a walk ,go shopping (make a s

15、urvey and take notes.)step 3.practice(巩固重点,突破难点)lets play (趣味操练)找朋友教师复习lets learn部分的词组,学生跟读。然后把词组卡片剪开,使每张小卡片只有一个单词;将小卡片分别发给一些学生。允许手中有卡片的学生下座位,寻找自己的单词和谁的单词能组成短语,找到后立刻站在一起。教师做动作,拿着相应短语卡片的几个同学马上跑道前面,出示卡片,大声朗读,其他同学进行判断并跟读。在趣味活动中巩固短语的拼写、发音和意思,同时培养学生的合作意识。step 4 consolidation1、2、step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课

16、后反思:unit 1 my day第四课时一、教学内容:b lets try lets talk二、教学目标:1 能听、说、认读对话,掌握重点句型what do you do on the weekend? i usually / often sometimes clean my classroom ,go for a walk ,go shopping ,take a dancing class.能结合句型:在实际情景中运用并实际运用。2、 能听懂lets try,完成练习。三、教学重、难点: 1、重点:掌握重点句型what do you do on the weekend? i usual

17、ly / often sometimes i 2、 难点:频率副词的使用。四、教学方法:演示法 练习法 听说法 五、课前准备:1 录音机及磁带。2 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unit 1 my dayb lets talkwhat do you do on the weekend? clean my classroom. go shoppingi often play ping-pong.wash my clothes.cook dinner七、教学过程:step1 warm-upt: what do you do on the weekend? ss : i often usually .

18、step2 presentation(1) lets talk(1) 将课文设计成听力练习,学生听录音,根据提示填空:what do you do on the weekend?i often and with my .i usually .sometimes i . you are so busy . you need a robot to help you.(2) 操练句型:what do you do on the weekend? i often(3) 听录音跟读课文。step 3.practice(巩固重点,突破难点)ask the question and then pass it

19、 on. then let the students practice the sentences.step 4 consolidation1、2、step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课后反思: unit1 my day第五课时一、教学内容:read and write lets check lets wrap it up二、教学目标1、复习本单元所学单词: have english class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner, clean my classroom ,go for a w

20、alk ,go shopping ,take a dancing class.2、复习本单元所学句型:when do you play sports have english class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner? i usually .at .when do you finish school in the morning?we finish school at 1 oclock. .when do you go back to school after lunch ? at 2:30.when

21、 do you usually eat dinner in spain?usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock. what do you do on the weekend?i always clean my classroom. i often go for a walk go shopping. i sometimes take a dancing class.3、通过lets check的练习,检查学生对本单元知识的掌 握情况。 三、教学重、难点 能说会用本单元的单词和句型。四、教学方法1、演示法 2、听说法 3、游戏法五、课前准备1、多媒体课件2、教学单词卡片。六、板

22、书设计 unit 1 my day. read and write when do you play sports have english class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner? i usually .at .when do you finish school in the morning?we finish school at 1 oclock. .when do you go back to school after lunch ? at 2:30.when do you usually e

23、at dinner in spain?usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock. what do you do on the weekend?i always clean my classroom. i often go for a walk go shopping. i sometimes take a dancing class.七、教学过程step1.warmup让学生齐读ab、 lets talk的对话。step3. presentation read and write1)教师出示单词卡片,复习本单元所学单词. 2)复习本单元所学句型. when do you pla

24、y sports have english class, do morning exercises, play sports, eat breakfast, eat dinner? i usually .at .when do you finish school in the morning?we finish school at 1 oclock. .when do you go back to school after lunch ? at 2:30.when do you usually eat dinner in spain?usually at 9:30 or 10 oclock.

25、what do you do on the weekend?i always clean my classroom. i often go for a walk go shopping. i sometimes take a dancing class.3)let the students read the “robins play”,then finish the exercises on page9.then read the passage.step4 、lets check1)、the teacher played the tape for the students three tim

26、es, then let the students repeat the recorder contents, and check the answers with the students.2)、 let the students look at the picture ,then tick and write the right answers, the teacher check the answers with the students. step5 lets wrap it up let the students look at the picture ,then fill the

27、blanks, then the teacher check the answers with the students.step6. consolidation1、2、step7. 课堂小结:step8.布置作业:八、课后反思: unit 2 my favourite season第一课时一、教学内容:a lets learn c lets sing二、教学目标:1 能听、说、读、写单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter.2 能听、说、认读句子whats your favourite season?并互相询问。3 能听懂、会唱歌曲、歌谣。三、教学重、难

28、点:1重点:掌握关于季节的五个单词:season, spring, summer, fall, winter及句子:whats your favourite season? 2 难点:四会单词的拼写。四、教学方法: 练习法 听说训练法 情景教学法五、课前准备:1 录音机及磁带。2 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unite 2 my favourite seasona lets learnspringsummerwhats your favourite season? fallwinter七、教学过程:step1 warm-up(1) lets chant.(2) brainstormwhats

29、your favourite sport / fruit / food / drink / color / book / number / animal / weather?(3) 板书最后一个问题,复习有关天气的单词。指图片提问whats the weather like in this picture? what about this one?把学生回答分季节板书。step2 presentation(1) 让学生听风的声音,引出winter进行教学。(2) 同法教学其他三个季节的单词。(3) 小结:there are four seasons in a year.并板书season(4)

30、 将生词卡放在不同的位置,教师说单词,学生快速用手指出并大声朗读。(5) 听录音,学唱歌曲。(6) season colorst: whats your fovourite season? s: t: i like spring. its colorful. there are many beautiful flowers. what color is summer / fall / winter? why?(7)lets chant. page 14. step3 consolidation(1) 把四个季节单词教给父母。(2) 抄写四会单词。step4. 课堂小结:step5.布置作业:八

31、、课后反思:unit 2 my favourite season第二课时一、教学内容:a lets try lets talk 二、教学目标:1 能听、说、读、写which season do you like best?以及回答,并能在实际情景中运用。 2 能表达自己喜欢某个季节的理由。三、教学重、难点:1重点:掌握 which season do you like best?以及回答。2 难点:描述喜欢某个季节的理由。eg: i can 四、教学方法: 交际法 听说训练法 练习法五、课前准备:1 录音机及磁带。2 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unite 2 my favourite sea

32、sona lets talkwhich season do you like best?spring.summer.fall.winter.七、教学过程:step1 warm-up(1) lets sing.(2) guessing game: which season is it?eg: it is not warm. many trees are not green. you can see white snow. you can play with snow. its not cold. the trees are green. you can see many flowers. i c

33、an wear my skirt. step2 presentation(1) t: there are four seasons in a year, spring winter.i like spring. i like summer better. i like fall best.转问学生which season do you like best?(2) 听录音做练习,并订正。(3) t: amy likes spring best. mike likes fall best. then which season does zhang peng like best?录音回答问题。(4)

34、 t: why does mike like fall? and why does zhang peng like winter? please read the talk and find the answers.(5) 小组操练对话。(6) 自编歌谣:which season do you like best?spring, spring, windy and warm.which season do you like best?summer, summer, sunny and hot.which season do you like best?fall, fall, windy and

35、 cool.which season do you like best?winter, winter, windy and cold.step3 consolidation(1) 小结本课内容。(2) 把lets talk读给家长听。step4. 课堂小结:step5.布置作业:八、课后反思: unit 2 my favourite season第三课时一、教学内容:a read and write c pronunciation二、教学目标:1 能听、说、读、写句子:which season do you like best? i like winter best. summer is go

36、od, but fall is my favourite season.2 能用which season do you like best?互相问答自己喜欢的季节,并描述有关这个季节的一些特征。3 了解pronunciation中air, ear, sp, sk字母组合的发音规则。三、教学重、难点:1重点:听懂对话及掌握四会句型。2 难点:描述各个季节的特征。四、教学方法: 练习法 听说法 阅读法五、课前准备:1 录音机及磁带。2 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unite 2 my favourite seasona read and write( 1 )which season does zh

37、ang peng like best?( 2 )which season does mike like best?( 3 )which season does amy like best?七、教学过程:step1 warm-up(1) lets sing.(2) look and guess:教师做动作,学生猜是什么季节、什么天气。然后一个学生做,其他学生猜。step2 presentation(1) t: which season does amy like best? why? lets listen to the tape and find.(2) 学生阅读对话并把答案写在横线上,提醒学

38、生likes的写法,教师巡查。(3) 再读短文,回答如下问题: which season is the best in canada? why? why does zhang peng go up north? why doesnt amy like winter?(4) 板书例词,让学生试读,然后找一找发音规则。(5) 听录音,跟读音标。step3 consolidation(1)(2)step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课后反思:unit 2 my favourite season第四课时一、教学内容:b lets learn group work二、教学目标:1 能听、说、

39、读、写单词swim, skate和词组fly kites, make a snowman, plant trees.2 能用句型i can说出自己喜欢的某个季节的活动。3能互相交流自己喜欢的活动。三、教学重、难点:1重点:五个单词和词组的听、说、读、写,以及用i can句型说出自己喜欢的某个季节的一些活动。2 难点:五个单词和词组的书写。四、教学方法: 练习法 听说训练法 情景教学法五、课前准备:1 录音机及磁带。2 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unite 2 my favourite saesonb lets learnswimskatefly kitesplant treesmake a

40、snowman七、教学过程:step1 warm-upsing a song : whats your favourite season? step2 presentation(1) t: now look carefully. which season is it?s: oh, its winter.t: yes, its winter. and they swim in winter! can you swim in winter?s: no, i cant.t: i cant either. in winter, we can skate and make a snowman.教授单词s

41、kate,词组make a snowman. (2) t: i dont like summer. its too hot. i dont like winter. its too cold. i like spring. its warm and windy. i can fly kites. and i can plant trees, too.学生跟读生词。 (3) play a gameremote robot学生两人一组,一人扮演机器人,另一人发命令。机器人服从命令完成动作。(4)t: now please open your book at page19. look at lets

42、 learn. please listen and number.播放录音,学生标号,教师巡查。 step3 consolidation(1)(2)step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课后反思:unit 2 my favourite season第五课时一、教学内容:read and write lets check lets wrap it up二、教学目标1、复习本单元所学单词: season, spring, summer, autumn, winter,go on a picnic, go swimming ,pick apples ,make a snowman.2、复

43、习本单元所学句型: which season do you like best? i like spring. its colorful. there are many beautiful flowers. what color is summer / autumn / winter? why?because i like summmer vacation. i like autumn best. the weather is good and the colours are beautiful.3、通过lets check的练习,检查学生对本单元知识的掌 握情况。 三、教学重、难点 能说会用

44、本单元的单词和句型。四、教学方法1、演示法 2、听说法 3、游戏法五、课前准备1、多媒体课件2、教学单词卡片。六、板书设计 unit 2 my favourite season read and write which season do you like best? i like spring. its colorful. there are many beautiful flowers. what color is summer / autumn / winter? why?because i like summmer vacation. i like autumn best. the w

45、eather is good and the colours are beautiful. 七、教学过程step1. greetings1.t: good afternoon, class! which season do you like best?s: good afternoon, teacher! i like spring. its colorful. there are many beautiful flowers.step2. warmup让学生齐读ab、 lets talk的对话。step3. presentation read and write1) 教师出示单词卡片,复习本

46、单元所学单词.season, spring, summer, autumn, winter,go on a picnic, go swimming ,pick apples ,make a snowman. 2)复习本单元所学句型. which season do you like best? i like spring. its colorful. there are many beautiful flowers. what color is summer / autumn / winter? why?because i like summmer vacation. i like autum

47、n best. the weather is good and the colours are beautiful.3)let the students read the “robin likes them all!”,then finish the exercises on page19.then read the passage.step 4 、lets check1)、the teacher played the tape for the students three times, then let the students listen and write, then check th

48、e answers with the students. step 5 lets wrap it up let the students look at the words ,then fill the blanks ,then the teacher checks the answers with the students.step 6. consolidation1、2、step5. 课堂小结:step6.布置作业:八、课后反思:unit 3 my schoolcalendar第一课时一、教学内容:a lets learn read and say二、教学目标:1、 能听、说、认读1-6个

49、月份的名称,并能书写缩写形式。2、 能使用句型:when is tree planting day? its in3、 了解有关节日的知识。三、教学重、难点:1、能听、说、认读12个月份的名称, 能使用句型:when is ? its in2、 难点:january, february的发音。四、教学方法: 练习法 听说法 交际法五、课前准备:1 录音机及磁带。2 教学单词卡片。六、板书设计:unit 3 my schoolcalendara lets learnjanuary (new years day winter vacation) february ( winter vacation

50、 )march ( tree planting day) april (easter party sports meet)may(singing contest school trip may day mothers day ) june( childrens day fathers day)七、教学过程:step1 warm-up2. look and talk(看图对话)t: do you like spring?s1: yes, i do. t: whats the weather like in spring?s1: its warm and windy.t: what can you

51、 do in spring?s1:i can fly kites. i can plant trees.step 2 revision t: there are 4 seasons in a year.but how many months are there in a year?ss: there are 12.t: what are they? please listen and chant.then tell me.教师播放黑板上按顺序贴出1-6月份的图片教师带着学生跟读。step 3 presentationa、lets learn 1.教师利用图片和语言,根据四季的划分呈现和教授1-

52、6月份的单词及其以这些月份对应的节日。如:january (new years day winter vacation) february ( winter vacation )march ( tree planting day) april (easter party sports meet)may(singing contest school trip may day mothers day ) june( childrens day fathers day)2、t: which month do you like best in winter? 引入january教学。同法教学febru

53、ary, march,april ,may,june,并告诉学生这些单词可以缩写。3、听录音跟读,找出1-6月份单词的共同点(首字母大写),总结缩写方法。并带着学生学习与这些月份对应的节日名称。step 3.practice(巩固重点,突破难点)(1)ask and answert: when is new years day winter vacation?s: its in january. t: when is easter party sports meet?s: its in april.t: when is singing contest school trip may day m


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