1、introduction: tense, voice, modal英语动词时态、语态、语气简述-introduction: tense/ voice/ modal 英语中,动词可以说是最为重要的词类,它们的变化最多。动词由于是谓语(predicate)的核心,它们的正确使用决定了句子的表述是否顺畅,语义是否清晰。所以有人说,学好动词则英语学好了大半。学好动词,我们需要弄清楚它们的时态、语态、语气三种问题。 1动词时态(tense) 我们中国人学英语,最大的障碍就是时态问题。这是因为受母语的影响,在汉语中, 动词是没有时态的概念的。而大部分西方语言,都有时态的概念。这种差异,有的语言学家将其归结
2、为语言思维的差异,这,我们不用深究。 我们只要知道, 英语的动词一定是有时态的,时态-就是一种表示时间和状态的主动词形式。 1.1 现在进行时(present continuous/present progressive)1.1.1 时间:现在(present)-:动作发生的时间是现在而非过去,一般也就是说话时的时间。 1.1.2 状态:正在进行(continuous/progressive)。 什么叫做正在进行?- 指该动作在过去某个时间点开始,直到现在(说话时)仍然继续,在一定的时间范围内, 还将继续下去。he is working now. dont disturb him! im co
3、oking right now. but after the dinner, can you wash the dishes?掌握现在进行时,我们一定要明确以下概念:1只有具有持续性概念的动作动词(action verb), 才可能有进行时态, 而表示状态或瞬间动作的动词, 不能使用进行时态。 这是很容易理解的,因为表状态的动词本身不具有动作性, 如:she is a teacher. the soup tastes delicious. the news sounds disappointing. 这状态往往只是表明某种性质的是、否。 我们一般不容易混淆,稍稍让我们感到困惑的是瞬间动作词,在
4、汉语里, 我们常常把这些词所对应的动作当作可持续的, 但在英语里,它们是不可持续的,往往具有状态动词的特征, 而不强调动作, 此类词一般常见的如下:表感情意识状态:like/dislike/love/hate/prefer/want/need/know/realize/suppose/mean/ understand/believe/remember感官意识状态:see/ hear/ smell/ taste表所属关系: 有,包含:belong / contain/consist/depend/seem/have如: im hungry. i want something to eat. do
5、 you understand what i mean? 当think 表示“认为”的意思时,同样也不用进行时态:what do you think about this book?2. 即使是动作动词,同样也有动作持续时间长短的问题。有的动作持续时间短,所以动作一般就发生在说话时。 he is speaking now, listen carefully. he is sleeping, dont speak loud. 但是,更长时间的动作, 由于这种动作只是从宏观上看具有持续性,但其间一定是有间断的,说话时,该动作不一定发生,只是说话的时间点包含在该动作的持续时间内。如:he is te
6、aching in our school this year. 这里,is teaching并不是指说话时一定发生的动作。注意比较:he is teaching right now. dont call him. 1.1.3 构造: 助动词be, 主动词verb+ ing,参见“词类概述2.3.4”.陈述句: subject + be + verb-ing: john and tim are playing basketball on the playground.are john and tim playing basketball on the playground?否定句:subject
7、 + be+ not+ verb-ing: thomason isnt working today. he is staying at home. 一般疑问句:be + subject + verb-ing: are you watching tv right now? can you turn it down a little? 复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word+ subject + verb-ing:what are you doing? what are you talking about? where are you going? 1.1.4 用途:1用于表述正在发生的短
8、动作,即说话时正在发生。he is watching tv right now. 2. 正在发生的长动作,但并非说话时一定发生。 she is learning french. she wants to study in france. 3. 用于谈论正在发生的变化、事件:the population of the world is rising very fast. are you getting better? 4. 已经安排好, 将要发生的个人事务: im leaving next monday. shes coming tomorrow. 1.2 一般现在时(present simpl
9、e/simple present) 1.2.1 时间:现在(present)-动作发生的时间是现在而非过去的时间。 1.2.2状态:一般情况(simple) 。 什么叫做一般情况?-当我们需要对某种状况进行总结,说明某事物现在的一般常态,采用一般现在时,它表明的并不是某一时刻的暂时状态。1.2.3构造:陈述句:subject + verb+ he likes swimming. she dislikes dishonesty.否定句:subject +do not/does not+ verb+ .: he doesnt like swimming.一般疑问句:do/does + subjec
10、t +verb.: does he like swimming?复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word + do/does + subject + verb.: what does he like? 注意:当动词be 为主动词时,它既为主动词,又为助动词。如:he is a teacher. he isnt a teacher. is he a teacher? what is this? 1.2.4 用途:1表述某一事物的常态。 he lives in beijing. she is a teacher in our school. beijing is the capital of
11、 china. he gets up at 6:30. mary visits her mother once a week. 2. 表述一般真实情况、真理。 the sun rises from the east. a water molecule contains one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. there are sixty minutes in an hour.3. 表述时间安排,时刻表:the train leaves at 9:45 p.m. / the new term starts on 1st, september. u 现在进
12、行时/一般现在时的差异 1现在进行时表述现在正在进行的情况,一般现在时表述的是一般情况。 the water is boiling, please turn it off. /water boils at 100 degrees celsius. 2. 现在进行时表述的是现在暂时的情况,一般现在时表述常态、永久的状况:john lives in new york. now he is living with his parents in boston. im living with a friend until i find a new apartment. 3. always do sth
13、总是做; always be doing做太多,以致让人感觉到讨厌.he always watches weather forecast at 7:30. /you are always watching tv, you should do something else. 4. 与现在进行时搭配的时间副词,表现在、目前时间状态:now/ right now/ today/ this week/ this year 等; 与一般现在时搭配的时间副词, 一般表频度:how often/ usually/often/always/once a week 等:are you cleaning your
14、 house right now? /how often do you clean your house? he is visiting his parents today. /he visits his parents three times once a month. 1.3 一般过去时(past simple/simple past) 1.3.1时间: 过去(past) . 所谓过去, 即业已逝去的时间, 与现在无关. 我们采用过去时, 表明某事件在过去发生过, 现在的情况, 我们不知道.1.3.2 状态:一般(simple), 参见“一般现在时”。动词形变参见“词类概述”2.3.2。一
15、般过去时就是一般现在时的过去时间的形式。1.3.3构造:陈述句:subject + verb ed: he was an physics teacher in our school last year.否定句:subject + didnt/did not+ verb: she didnt like him, so she left him last week.疑问句:did + subject +verb: did you know him at that time?复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word+ did +subject +verb+: what did you do l
16、ast night? did you go shopping? 注意:当动词be 为主动词时,它既为主动词,又为助动词。如:he was a teacher. he wasnt a teacher. was he a teacher? what was that? 1.3.4 用途:用于叙述过去发生的事件、过去存在的状态等。i visited my parents last week. he was a teacher last year. i finished my work yesterday.1.3.5 特殊过去结构:我们用used to + verb 的结构来表述过去的情况, 表示“过
17、去是/过去发生过但现在不是/不再发生了”的意思。there used to be a cinema. (=there isnt a cinema now.) he used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. (=he doesnt smoke now.) 我们一定要该结构与一般过去时的语义差异:一般过去时仅表示过去的情况, 现在的情况不清楚; 而“used to +verb”结构不仅表示过去的情况,同时也知道现在不再是以前的状况了。如:he used to be a rich man. (=he isnt a rich man now.)/ he was a rich
18、 man last year. (=maybe he is still rich now, maybe he isnt rich now, i dont know.) 该结构的疑问式为:did subject +use to+ verb.: did you use to swim on sundays? 该结构的否定式为:subject + didnt use to +verb: they didnt use to swim on sundays.该结构无现在时, 当我们要表达现在的情况时,用一般现在时。使用该结构时,要注意它与:“be/become/get +used to +doing”的
19、区别, 后者表示“习惯于”: he is used to doing exercise in the morning. 1.4 过去进行时(past continuous/past progressive) 1.4.1 时间:过去(past).1.4.2 状态:进行中(continuous/progressive). 过去进行时是现在进行时的过去时间的形式。 1.4.3 构造:陈述句:subject was/were + verb-ing.: he was watching tv when i phoned him.一般疑问句:was/were +subject +verb-ing: was
20、he watching tv when you phone him? 复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word +was/were +subject +verb-ing:what were you doing at 8 oclock last night? i was doing my homework.否定句:subject + was/were +verb-ing: i wasnt doing my homework. i was watching tv.1.4.4 用途:过去进行时经常与一般过去时同时使用,表示“当发生时,另一事件正在进行中。”, 其中,短动作用一般过去时,长动作用
21、过去进行时。 i saw him when i was walking. when he was reading on the beach, he heard somebody call “help!” 当两个动作均采用一般过去时时, 两个动作的发生存在先后顺序,注意对比:when he arrived, we had dinner. (=first, he arrived, and then we had dinner.)when he arrived, we were having dinner.(=at the time he arrive, we were having dinner.
22、 )1.5 现在完成时(present perfect simple) 1.5.1时间:现在(present). 现在完成时的时间是指现在, 它表述的是现在的情况, 与过去无关. 1.5.2 状态:完成(perfect). 现在完成时的状态表明: 过去开始的某个动作, 现在有了结果.所谓完成, 只是一种总结,也许该动作还要持续下去. 1.5.3 构造:陈述句: subject have/has + past participle : i have read fifty pages of the book.否定句: subject +have/has +not +past participle:
23、 i havent finished my work yet.一般疑问句:have/has +subject +past participle: have you finished your work? 复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word + have/has+ subject +past participle: what have you done? how long have you been here? 1.5.4 用途:用于报告最新情况,事件进展:ouch! i have burned my hand. /there is an accident. three men ha
24、ve been killed and one has been heavily injured.用于总结到目前为止的事件结果:our company has made a big profit. i havent mailed the letter yet. 1.5.5 时间概念现在完成时的标志时间副词到目前为止(时间段):so far/ in the last few years(days, etc)/recently/ since. /for: they have made big progress in the last few years. /have you seen mary re
25、cently? 1.5.6 重要句型:this/that/it is the first/second time has/have+ pp<这是自打以来第几次> : its very delicious. its the first meal ive had for ages. /henry lost his keys again. thats the third time this has happened. 1.5.7 have/has gone to; have/has been tohave/has gone to: 已经去了(已经到了, 或还在路上)。 he has go
26、ne to japan.have/has been to: 已经去过(现在回来了)。he has been to america. 1.5.8 现在完成时与一般过去时的差异1现在完成时是现在的时态,与过去无关, 只表示现在的情况。过去的时间只能用一般过去时:he lost his key yesterday. (我们只知道他在过去丢了钥匙)。 he hasnt found his key. (现在的情况是:他还没有找到钥匙。) he died last year. /he has been dead for a year. 2我们用现在完成时报道最新情况,用一般过去时表述细节: there h
27、as been an accident. a car and a truck collided. 3. 在美式英语(american english)中, 有时一般过去时和现在完成时并无分别: 与just, yet, already连用:i have just arrived. =i just arrived. have you finished your work yet?= did you finish your work yet? 过去发生的动作现在有结果:ive lost my key. have you seen it? = i lost my key. did you see it
28、?用ever /never 表述从过去持续到现在的时段内的情况:have you ever driven a car? =did you ever drive a car? / ive never seen her before.= i never saw her before. 4. 现在完成时只表示到说话时之前时间的情况, 而一般过去时表示的是已经发生过的事。对比:i have had four cups of coffee this morning. (说话时还在是this morning) i had four cups of coffee this morning. (说话时已不是t
29、his morning, 可能是下午或晚上)5对于一般过去时,我们用when/what time 来提问:when did you get there? what time did you get to work this morning?对于现在完成时,我们用how long 来提问:how long have you been here? how long have you known each other? 1.6 现在完成进行时(present perfect continuous/progressive) 1.6.1 时间:现在(present).现在完成进行时是现在完成时的一种特殊
30、形式,同样只是与现在时间相关。 1.6.2 状态:完成(perfect)+ 进行(continuous/progressive)。现在完成进行时只是在完成时的基础上,加上进行时态,表明某个持续动作到目前为止的情况。 1.6.3 构造:陈述句:subject have/has +been +verb-ing: he has been waiting for 5 hours.否定句: subject have/has not +been +verb-ing: george hasnt been feeling well recently. 一般疑问句:have/has subject +been
31、+verb-ing: have you been working since 8 this morning? 复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word +have/has subject +been +verb-ing:how long have you been waiting for him? who have you been waiting for? 1.6.4 用途:现在完成进行时是现在完成时的一种特殊情况,现在完成进行时的动作在说话时可能刚刚结束,也可能还在延续我们使用该时态,主要是要表述一个动作到目前为止的状态,我们注重的是该动作的过程,而不是结果。注意对比:the gro
32、und is wet. it has been raining since this morning. /it has rained three times since this morning. 现在完成进行时时中,一般使用how long 来对动作延续的状况提问;现在完成时中,使用how many/how much/how many times 来对现在完成时的动作结果提问。how long have you been reading? three hours./ since 9 this morning. how many pages have you read? thirty page
33、s. 1.7 过去完成时(past perfect simple) 1.7.1 时间:过去(past).过去完成时是现在完成时在过去时间的形式,只与过去时间相关。 1.7.2 状态:完成(perfect)。过去完成表达在过去某个时间点之前的情况总结。1.7.3 构造:陈述句:subject had +past participle: they had had dinner when he arrived.否定句: subject had not +past participle: john hadnt finished his work at that time. 一般疑问句:had subj
34、ect +past participle: had you finished cooking before 9 oclock last evening?复杂(特殊)疑问句:question word +had+ subject +past participle:what had you done before they arrived at the party? 1.7.4 用途:我们采用过去完成时对过去某个时间点之前的情况进行总结,表述在该时间点之前的情况。即把现在完成时的时间点退后到过去。 when i arrived there, they had gone. 1.8 过去完成进行时(p
35、ast perfect continuous) 将现在完成进行时的时间点退后到过去某时间点,就形成过去完成进行时, 用法与现在完成进行时相类似:when we arrived there, they had been waiting for 25 minutes. it had been raining since that morning, so they didnt go out. 1.9 一般将来时(future simple) 严格意义上来说,由于在将来时间发生的动作、状态尚未发生,属于一种猜测、安排、预料的事件,存在明显的不确定性。另外,表达将来事件有多种方式,不像其他的时态有固定明
36、确的结构符号,所以, 有许多语法学家认为并不存在将来时态,只是存在将来时间概念的表达。我们暂且遵从传统的语法概念,将下列方式均称为一般将来时。1.9.1 采用现在进行时结构表达现在已经安排好将要发生的个人事务。 im seeing the doctor tomorrow morning. he is leaving on sunday. 1.9.2 采用一般现在时结构表达由时间表、节目表等确定要发生的事情:the train leaves at 9 oclock tomorrow morning. the film starts at 9 oclock tonight. 1.9.3 采用be
37、+going +to 表达已经决定但尚未安排将要发生的事情:they are going to buy a new car next year. are you going to clean the house?be going to 结构也可以表达根据现在的情况,某事将要发生: look at the black clouds! its going to rain soon. / i dont feel well. i think im going to be sick. 1.9.4 采用will/shall + verb 结构来表达在说话时才决定的事,或表示猜测:will you atte
38、nd the meeting tomorrow? yes, i will.where will you be this time next year?ill be in australia.助动词shall 仅用于第一人称后。 i shall be tired this evening. will/shall 这种助动词多半带有一种 意愿性的意味,明显具有语气词的特征,这也就是许多语法学家不将这种结构视为一种时态。 我们使用will +verb 结构在如下场合:1 表示愿意提供 :i dont have any money. i will give some to you. 2 表示同意:wh
39、en you finish reading the book, can you lend it to me?of course, i will.3 表示许诺.: thanks for lending me the money. ill pay you back on sunday. 4 表示请求别人: will you be quiet? i cant hear anything. /will you open the window, its too hot. 在使用如下结构时使用will:probably/ i expect/ (im)sure/ (i ) think/ (i )dont t
40、hink/ i wonderill probably finish my work tomorrow. i wonder what will happen. 正确使用表述将来时间的事件的结构, 一定要先弄清该事件的性质。 1.10过去将来时(past future) 我们采用was/were +going to do 的结构来表达在过去时间将要发生的事件,但实际上并没有发生。i was going to cross the road when somebody shouted “stop!”i thought it was going to rain but then the sun came
41、 out at last. 此外表将来时间概念的还有: 将来进行时(future continuous/progressive)将来完成时(future perfect)2动词语态(voice)2.1 主动语态/被动语态英语中的动词还有语态, 即根据主语与动词之间的关系分为: 主动语态(active ) 主语是动作的执行者; 被动语态(passive)-主语是动作的接受者。采用主动还是被动语态, 我们考虑的主要是是否需要表述主语。the boy broke the window.(a) the window was broken by the boy.(b) the window was br
42、oken. (c)在句(a)中,我们采用主动语态,主要是要表述动作的执行者是the boy.在句(b)中,我们采用被动语态, 主要是要表述the window was broken 这样状态,采用by the boy来表述动作的执行者, 具有一种附带表述的意味。在句(c)中,我们采用被动语态,完全不需要表述动作的执行者。 语态与时态是共存的, 前面我们所述的均是动词采用主动语态的情况。不同时态的被动语态概述如下:时态结构例句一般现在时be +past participlethe house is cleaned by mary every day.一般过去时was/were + past pa
43、rticiplethe house was built in 1989.现在进行时am/are/is+ being +past participlethe house is being built.过去进行时was/were +being +past participlethe house was being built when we arrived here.现在完成时 have/has +been +past participlethe house has been built near the lake.过去完成时had +been +past participlethe house
44、had been built for 10 years at that time.此外,非谓语动词的不定式(infinitive)和 现在分词(present participle) 也存在被动形式,见后文。2.2 特殊被动语态结构2.2.1 be born 我们一般说:was/ were born, 因为be born 往往是过去的事情, 如:he was born in 1998. 但我们说:how many babies are born every day? 2.2.2 有时我们用get 代替be, 用于被动结构中,这种情况往往是用在口语中,而且表示的必须是动作。这里,get 是主动词
45、,存在助动词的问题。 i dont often get invited to parties. = i am not often invited parties. im surprised jane didnt get offered the job. = im surprised jane wasnt offered the job. 3动词语气(modal)英语动词还存在语气(又称情态),使用语气助词(又称情态动词)(modal auxiliary)与动词构成语气表达。我们要注意:用于语气助词后的动词虽然没有“数”(即主语动词一致)的要求,但仍然有时态、语态的问题。根据语气助词的功能,我们
46、一般将语气分为以下几类:3.1 能力(ability): 表述能否的状况,能力。 现在:can; be able to。 i can speak five languages. = i am able to speak five languages. 过去:could; was/were able to. his grandfather could speak five languages. 3.2 可能性(possibility): 表述某事物的可能性- could/may/might /mustthe phone is ringing. it may/might/could be john. 3.3 不可能(impossibility
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