1、 listening scriptsmodule 11.1 what does your job involve?janet good morning ,everyone .id like to welcome you all to this session about public speaking .my names janet coyte ,and ill be your trainer for today and tomorrow .i can see your names and the companies you work for on your badges ,but id li
2、ke you to say something about your jobs and responsibilities .katherine ,would you like to start?katherine certainly .hi, im katherine alessi and i work for marfil solutions .im a management consultant. marfil solutions gives companies advice on their markets ,organization and processes .i interview
3、 clients ,identify problems and suggest solutions.mark morning .my names mark jenkins ,im a sales rep for soap heaven ,i visit customers and leave product samples .i look for new customers ,and i support my companys customer service department.kostas hello ,im kostas hadavas .im the personal assista
4、nt to the managing director of a company called athens daily menu ,which provides catering services .i arrange the mds travel and accommodation for business trips ,i organise his meetings, and i deal with correspondence.suzanne good morning .my names suzanne wilkes .im the chief financial officer of
5、 a company ,p&b europe ,which designs gadgets and gifts .im responsible for the companys accounts ,i advise the managing director on financial matters ,and i control the money that comes in and goes out.carmen hello ,im carmen selles ,im the quality manager in a company that produces car seats a
6、nd interiors .i arrange and carry out tests of our products and i deal with customers complaints .oh ,the name of the company is carspek. 1.2 what does your job involve?i hello .may i introduce myself? my names ian and i work in the asia-pacific division.h nice to meet you ,ian. .my names henry and
7、this is my colleague, sarah.s hello, ian .do you work in the sydney office?i no, not at the moment .my boss is in sydney .but im based in singapore.h look! theres michelle over there .shes based somewhere in asia .i cant remember where exactly .do you know her?i yes, were on the same project this ye
8、ar .shes in singapore ,too .h ah, lucky you .shes really beautiful-and clever too.i yes, i know .its a real pleasure to work with her.s well, i think ill leave you boys to discuss.work.h oh ,sarah ,youre not jealous ,are you?s no ,im notmichelle ,how lovely it is to see you again. 1.3 what does your
9、 job involve?i whats your name?k kostas hadavas.i how do you spell your surname?k h-a-d-a-v-a-s.i what do you do?k im the personal assistant to the managing director of athens daily menu.i whos the managing director?k his names georgos solomos.i what does your job involve?k i deal with clients ,and
10、i organise meetings and events.i do you write reports too?k yes, i often write reports and memos for our staff.i do you work only in the athens area?k no ,we dont .we work in other parts of greece too.i how do people react to you, man, doing this job?k sometimes they are surprised ,but it isnt usual
11、ly a problem at all.i do you like your job?k yes ,i like it a lot.i why do you like it?k because im always busy, and because of the variety of things i do.module 2 2.1 new projectsv hellos hi ,vicky.v hi, darling .how are things in brazil?s pretty good , and with you?v fine.where are you calling fro
12、m?s my hotel in fortaleza.its on the north-east coast.v is it nice there?s yes,the scenery is amazing.v and what are you doing in fortaleza?s im woking on the plans for the shopping centre.what are you doing right now?v oh,its sunny today,so im working in the garden.s and what are the children doing
13、?v theyre watching tv.no,thats not right .tommys playing on his computer,and emmas with her friends,i think.s good.and are you doing anything nice this weekend 2.2 arranging a meetingd dave prakash.m hi,dave,its martina.listen,i need to discuss the designs for the new r300 series with you.when can w
14、e meet?d i cant make it today,ive got meetings all day.how about monday morning?m im visiting the new plant on monday morning ,but the afternoon is ok.d im probably taking time off in the afternoon,acturally.m ok.let me seeare you free on thursday?d no,im visiting clients on thursday morning,and im
15、flying to prague on thursday afternoon.m are you going to the trade fair?d yes,thats on friday morning.im coming back on friday afternoon. ,look,what about tuesday,for lunch?m no,im meeting the sales team on tuesday and its an all-day thing.that leaves wednesday.d wednesday looks ok at the moment,bu
16、t dont forget the strategy meeing at 10 oclock.m oh,thats right,im going to that too.but im free after that.how does 12.30 sound?we could have lunch.d great,we can talk and eat on wednesday.now i must run.ive got a meeting with the finance director.2.3arranging a meetingb felix,are we planning to go
17、 to the new directions book fair this year?f yes ,i think so.its always a good event.we usually make lots of new contacts .when is it?b its in june this year .its on thursday and friday the 21st and 22nd.f oh,just a second.arent we going to helsinki that week?b no,the helsinki conference is in july.
18、f oh yes,thats right.fine,lets go to the book fair.b theres a special reception on the 21st.f is it an lunchtime?b no,its in the evening an 8 oclock.f sounds great!can you get everything organised?b no problem.ill confirm our attendance.module 33.1our guest today on songs of my life is the entrepren
19、eur martha lane fox ,of the massively successful company .with her business partner,brent hoberman,martha lane fox started in brents living room.the idea was simple-a website selling late flights and late hotel bookings.the company grew very quickly and expanded from the uk into france,germany and s
20、weden.they bought other travel companies,and after six years they had 1,400 employees.l went public in 2000,and the shares in the company increased their value by 40 per cent in two days.martha lane fox left the company in 2003.true to her entrepreneurial spirit ,she wanted to start more new compani
21、es .martha,its a pleasure to have you here in the studio 3.2 company structureparker electronix is based in fleet,in the south of england.we are leaders in hardware and software solutions for satellite technology.my uncle ,john parker,founded the company in the 1960s.our lastest product is a new pro
22、gram for optical instruments for the european space agency.our engineers are involved in all of the stages of a project ,from planning to the final performance validation .the industrial department ,supervised by gerhard kulzer,provides regular certified training for its staff.the r&d activities
23、,supervised by ross benton,are essential for all future applications .we have a workforce of 60 employees and a turnover of $7.5 million ,now,let me introduce arnaud gamage ,our contracts &purchasing managing .arnaud will explain to you 3.3company structure and now i would like to turn to the fi
24、nal section of the report. as you can see ,last year was an excellent year in production .the first two quarters were rather slow ,but as a result of new orders from asia ,our production rose dramatically in the third and fourth quarter .this situation was reflected ,of course ,in our sales for last
25、 year.we started the year in a strong position,but in the second quarter worldwide sales fell sharply.this was a result of the high price of oil.however ,as i mentioned earlier,new orders from asia meant that sales went up to their previous level by the end of the year.looking now at the share price
26、 ,i am delighted to announce that last year was also an excellent year in this respect.the share price rose steadily for the first two quarters ,and it remained steady at its maximum for the rest of the year ,all in all ,last year was a very positive year3.4 exam spotlight,listening test part one1 m
27、 hello ,janet. did you send those letters to our italian suppliers?f yes,i sent them on 13 june.let me check.no,sorry.i sent them on the 14th.m great,thanks. 2m1 the new management have decided to invest in staff training.m2 oh,really?i knew nothing about that.what do they want us to do?m1 they want
28、 us to improve our performance when presenting and negotiating,and make the most of our computer skills.somebody has complained that our computers are out of date and so are our skills!m1 yes,i think theyre right .personally,i need to work on how to prepare my presentations.m1 me too.lets start with
29、 presentation skills,then. 3this is the answering machine for benton factory outlet.we are open monday to wednesday from 9.00am to 6.15pm.on thursday and friday we are open from 9.00am to 7.15pm.we are closed on saturday and sunday. 4f1 here are the p&w logos the agency has just sent.f2 mm,let m
30、e seei like the coloursf1 what about the shapes?f2 im not very keen on squares or rectangles.f1 so,do you prefer this one?f2 yes,the circle is nice. 5m1 our booking for the magic children expo has been confirmed.m2 excellent!now we have to organise the stand.by the way,where exactly is the stand?m1
31、let me have a look.ive got the fax here.its number 18 in hall j.m2 ah,thats the same hall as last year.m1 yes,but last year our stand was number 80. 6m1 the exhibition went better than last year.m2 yeah,im really glad.it was a great success-especially for us.m1 there were more people than last year.
32、ive got the figures-yes,15,312.thats a lot more than last year. 7the sales were very good in december.then we saw the usual decrease in january and february,and we recovered a bit in march. 8 f hello,this is jane howell from conference room number 4.m how can i help you,ms howell?f we asked for 120
33、bottles of water,one for each delegate at our meeting,but there are only 100.could you send us 20 more?m do you prefer sparkling or still water?f still,please.m ill send them to you immediately.f thanks a lot .bye.m bye.module 44.1 views on import controls presenter the crisis over clothing imports
34、is still hitting the headlines,and we spoke to some of the people involved.in portugal,joao da silva owns a small factory in aveiro. joao look,i cant see any problem with these import controls.the european union should protect european industry-people like me and my factory workers.we cant produce c
35、lothing at the prices the chinese charge.i employ a small number of people ,its true,but they depend on me.where else could they work around here?my message to mr mandelson is this:stop the chinese imports,support european producers. presenter but its a different message from the retail clothing cha
36、in tulip.listen to what dagmar rasmussen has to say. dagmar we in the retail trade really think we should import garments from china ,or from malaysia,or from any country that can supply us at a good price .why should the european union tell us where and how to do business?we are not at all happy wi
37、th this situation .our shops could be almost completely empty next week.what are we going to say to our customers?the european trade commissioner should act at once,and permit the clothes to leave the warehouses and to stock our shops.really ,this cant go on! 4.2 views on import controlsnewsreader1
38、and now for the business news from susan fleming.newsreader2 todays headline is that china and the european union have just announced that an end to the clothing blockade has been agreed .millions of fashion items are sitting in ports around europe ,where they have been since import restrictions wer
39、e introduced in june .today,however,both sides in the dispute,have reached an agreement,and the clothes,will be in the shops soon,the eu will accept all of the 80 million items.however,only 50 per cent of these items are part of this years imports.the other 50 per cent will be part of next import qu
40、otas.china agreed to this solution ,which is a compromise on both sides.the agreement is a victory for peter mandelson,the eu trade commissioner.newsreader1 and on the stock exchange 4.3 views on import controlsr watesoffice supplies ltd,can i help you?c hello,id like to speak to mariah keaton,pleas
41、e?r whos calling.please?c this is jane barrett,of bryant&sons.r im afraid ms keaton is not in her office at the moment .would you like to leave a message?c yes,i would.our order has arrived ,and youve sent the wrong items.we ordered three boxes of a4 paper,five printer cartridges,two boxes of pe
42、ncils,and four boxes of pens .you sent us two boxes of a5 paper ,the wrong printer cartridges,only one box of pencils ,and no pens.r i see.which printer cartridges did you order?c the code is hp92274a.r and which did you receive?c the code on the ones we received is fo26nd.r ok,ms barrett,ill ask ms
43、 keaton to call you when she gets back.does she have your number?c i think so.but ill give it to you all the same.its 0573 764812.r can i say that back to you? 0573 764812.c thats right.r ill pass your message on to ms keaton.c thank you.goodbye. 4.4 views on import controlsn westlaine pharmaceutica
44、ls.s hello.id like to speak to natalia marin,please.n speaking.s hi,natalia.its sven.i need your budget figures for the report.can you email them to me?n theyre not ready yet,im afraid .id like to check them again.some of the figures arent quite right.s when do you think theyll be ready?n im working
45、 them now,ill send them to you this afternoon.is four oclock alright?s yes,thats fine.ill write the report tomorrow morning.n oh,by the way,margareta is leaving next week.were having a little party tomorrow afternoon.would you like to come?s yes,id love to.what time?n half past three.s great.ill see
46、 you tomorrow.bye. 4.5 telephone messages 1m good morning.coud i speak to mr aitken,please?f im afraid hes not in the office today.can i take a message?m just tell him cailin called.f could you spell your name,please?m sure,its c-a-i-l-i-n.f thanks so much. 2f and your address is ?m 27,mendip road.f
47、 27 pendip. roadm no,m for madrid.mendip. 3m hi,sue.can you call me back on 98 983 988?f let me just check that-98 983 988?m yes.can you call me back right now,please? 4f and when is the delivery due?m on the 23nd.f did you say the 21st?m sorry?f do you mean the 21st,2-1,or the 23rd,2-3?m oh i see.t
48、he 23rd,2-3.the 23rd of june. 4.6 telephone messages 1r reid ,whelan and blake.c hello,id like to speak to ms chandra.r im afraid shes not in today .can i take a message?c yes,this is joe panetta,from as associates.r im sorry,panettais that p-a-n-e-doublet-a?c yes,thats right.r and youre from asc .a
49、ssociatesr thank you.so whats the message,mr panetta?c im calling about the brochure ms chandra wanted.can you tell her that our new brochure is coming out in two weekstime?would she like to wait for that one rather than receive the old one now?r im sorry,did you say two days or two weeks?c two week
50、s.could you ask ms chandra to phone me and confirm which one she wants?r yes,of course.does she have your number?c ill give it to you.its 0632 158431.r alright,mr panetta,ill pass your message on to ms chandra.c thanks.r youre welcome.bye. 2r reid ,whelan and blake.c hello,can i speak to mr horbacze
51、wski?r im afraid hes off sick.would you like to leave a message?c yes,my name is bob davis.r could you spell your surname,please?c sure.d-a-v-i-s.r and what is the message?c i need a copy of my tax form for last year.could you ask mr horbaczewski to email a copy to me,please?r certainly.does he have
52、 your email address?c im not sure.ill give it to you anyway.its b d dot davis,at hotmail dot com.r all right,mr davis.ill give your message to mr horbaczewski.c thank you very much .r not at all.goodbye. 3r reid ,whelan and blake.c hello,is maria peters in today?r she is ,yes ,but shes in a meeting
53、at the moment.can i take a message?c yes,this is sigrid junge,from hofmann gmbh.r im sorry,could you spell your name ,please?c alright.sigrid s-i-g-r-i-d-,junge j-u-n-g-e.r and what was the name of the company?c hofmann,thats h-o-f-m-a-n-n-,g-m-b-h.r thank you.now what is the message?c i cant fly to
54、 london on 17 april .there are no places available.but i can come on the 18th .could you ask maria to confirm that she can see me on the 18th?r yes,of course.does she have your number?c yes,she does.r all right,ms junge,ill give your message to mrs peters.c thanks.r youre welcome.goodbye. 4r reid,wh
55、elan and blake.c hello,id like to speak to mr dando.r his line;s engaged.would you like to wait?c yes ,pleaser hello,caller,im afraid the line is still busy.c can i leave a message?r certainly.what is the message?c could you tell him that i have accepted the first offer?r youve accepted the first of
56、fer.ok.and could you give me your name ,please?c oh ,yes,of course.martin kraemer.thants k-r-a-e-m-e-r.r thank you.ill give mr dando your message.c thank you. 4.7 telephone messages 1gabrielle hello,roberto?its gabrielle.can you tell me when the goods are arriving?roberto well,theyre leaving on 16 f
57、eburary,and the journey takes three days .if everything goes well,youll have them on the 19th. 2personnel officer good afternoon,personnel.caller oh,please excuse me ,i think i must have the wrong extension. i wanted to speak to the production manager.could you tell me her extension number ,please?personnel officer certainly,
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