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1、西安交通大学网络学院英语二学习指南blank filling1. a person, _ (like) a machine, is not replaceable. correct answer: unlike2. they live in a good _ (residence) district. correct answer: residential 3. the child made a very _ (intelligence) comment. correct answer: intelligent 4. the play is a _ (drama) representation

2、 of a real event. correct answer: dramatic 5. although i am a member of the club, i _ (bare) go there. correct answer: barely 6. he is _ (like) to come to see you tonight. correct answer: likely 7. the child made a very _ (intelligence) comment. correct answer: intelligent 8. i like _ (detect) stori

3、es very much. correct answer: detective 9. the book is _ (admire) in respect of style. correct answer: admirable 10. the _ (intelligent) department of a government collects and studies information that will help its army and navy. correct answer: intelligence 11. his collection of paintings is most

4、_ (impress). correct answer: impressive 12. many problems, however, escape _ (detect). correct answer: detection 13. the plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of _ (adequate) preparation. correct answer: inadequate 14. we can _ (sure) overcome these difficulties as long as we are closely

5、 united. correct answer: surely 15. i regret my _ (ignore) on the subject. correct answer: ignorance banked cloze 1directions: fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. you may not use any of the words more than once.窗体顶端1. a. prime b. cont

6、estant c. performances d. artists e. selected f. offended g. audience h. announced i. popular j. constant k. deals l. seeks m. athletes n. celebrity o. around american idol is a reality competition to find new solo musical talent,

7、 created by simon fuller. it debuted on june 11, 2002, and has since become one of the most _ shows on american television.the program _ to discover the best singer in the country through a series of nationwide auditions. the american public decides the outcomes of the later stages through phone vot

8、ing. the judges give critiques of the contestants' _: record producer, music manager, pop singer, choreographer, and singer-songwriter. the finals are broadcast live in _ time from cbs television city in los angeles, in front of a live studio _. the finals lasted for eight weeks in season one an

9、d eleven weeks in subsequent seasons. each finalist performs a song or songs _ from a weekly theme. themes are based on a musical genre, songs recorded by particular artists. contestants usually work with a(n) _ mentor during each week. when a(n) _ is voted off of the show, a montage of the contesta

10、nt's experience is played and they give their final performance.in the finale, the two remaining contestants perform. the winner is _ and receives a one million (us) dollar record deal with a major label, and is managed by american idol-related 19 management. in some cases, other finalists have

11、also been signed by the show's management company (who has first option to sign contestants) and received record _ with its major label partner. correct answer: (1)i popular;  (2)l seeks;  (3)c performances;  (4)a prime;  (5)g audience;  (6)e sel

12、ected;  (7)n celebrity;  (8)b contestant;  (9) h announced;  (10)k deals;  banked cloze 2directions: fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable words from the word bank. you may not use any of the words more than once.窗体顶端1.

13、60;a. write b. flirty c. unsatisfied d. completely e. complete f. crisis g. fight h. change i. absolutely j. prompt k. adventurous l. serious m. defend n. scribble o. outraged american beauty was taken from a screenplay writt

14、en by american screenwriter alan ball. the story is about lester burnham, a middle-aged man who is wholly _ with his life. his job is lame, his marriage is sexless. his wife, who used to be _ and charming, has become materialistic, self-absorbed, and uptight. he's completely lost touch with his

15、16-year-old daughter. both his wife carolyn and his daughter jane think he's a _ loser, and he has nothing particularly good to say about himself either. within a couple of days, a number of factors come together that will _ lester's life. first, a new boss at work tells lester he must _ a r

16、eport about how useful he is at work; if he fails at this task he'll lose his job, and lester is _ at the injustice of having to _ his worth at a job he hates. then, lester meets jane's friend angela, a beautiful, _ teenager who suddenly reinvigorates lester's drive for life. finally, at

17、 his wife's company party, lester meets ricky, the boy who just moved next door. ricky reminds lester of his younger self: he smokes pot, he's laid-back and confident and unworried about what others think of him. those factors combine to _ lester into an intense midlife _, which brings to th

18、e surface all the problems in the burnham household. over the course of about 6-8 months lester, carolyn, and jane turn into the people that they want to be, but only at the cost of giving up the pretense of having a happy, normal family. correct answer:ckehaombjf (1) unsatisfied;  (2) adv

19、enturous;  (3) complete;  (4) change;  (5) write;  (6) outraged;  (7) defend;  (8) flirty;  (9) prompt;  (10) crisis;  banked cloze 3directions: fill in the blanks in the following passage by selecting suitable

20、 words from the word bank. you may not use any of the words more than once.窗体顶端1. a. emotion b. suburb c. occupation d. frequently e. interest f. master g. major h. introduce i. perfect j. campus k. facility l. suggest m. urban n.

21、 provide o. assignment what can you do when you find yourself in school without enough friends? making friends on _ is not the easiest thing to do especially when you are new on campus or you go to a(n) _ commuter campus. meeting people at school need not be a daunting task, there are seve

22、ral methods that are not difficult and you may find easy when you try them out. start by looking around at people you tend to see _, such as people who you see in your classes, dorms and dining areas. often an easy way to start a conversation is to focus on an area of obvious common _. for example,

23、before or after classes, ask, "did you get the _ for next week", or "what did you think of the professor's theory of." this gets you past the most difficult part, which is starting the first conversation. be sure to _ yourself before the end of the conversation.if your campus

24、 has a dining _, café or coffee cart, then there will be more opportunities for meeting people. after you've introduced yourself and talked about class, it's the _ time to ask the other person to join you for a cup of coffee. once you are at the table it should be easier to talk about w

25、here you're from, what is your _, what you think of the class, it is easy or hard. once you start a conversation, you've gotten past the most difficult part. it will be much easier to _ meeting again for coffee, or to meet socially off campus. correct answer: jmdeohkigl(1) campus;  

26、;(2) urban;  (3) frequently;  (4) interest;  (5) assignment;  (6) introduce;  (7) facility;  (8) perfect;  (9) major;  (10) suggest;  banked cloze 4directions: fill in the blanks in the following passage by sel

27、ecting suitable words from the word bank. you may not use any of the words more than once.窗体顶端1. a. organized b. exaggerating c. resisting d. variety e. assignments f. schedules g. expressing h. commanding i. workload j. semester k. courses 

28、;l. offered m. used n. proficiency o. highlighting when i started university in late august, i already knew i was interested in the great _ of courses the social science department _. the academic year started with an introduction week for all freshmen _ and run by students. thro

29、ugh bbqs, bar hopping, games and beach days we got to know the town and the university. we thus quickly settled into our new homes and became acquainted with our roommates. an important part of the student culture is partying, and we did a lot of that during the first week of the _.all of us had to

30、take an english test so we could be placed in an english course appropriate to our language _. as all classes at the university are taught in english, students are required to meet certain language requirements. those who have trouble _ themselves properly can take english courses during the summer.

31、 after the english tests were evaluated, we finally got our class _. when i heard that i had to take four courses only, i did not believe i would end up with such an immense _. during the interview the dean had told me that i was expected to work about 56 hours a week on my studies and that it proba

32、bly would not be possible to have a part-time job. back then i thought he was _. a couple of weeks into the semester though i noticed that i needed those hours if i wanted to keep up with the many reading _ and homework in my classes. i also had to prepare presentations, write papers, essays and rev

33、iews, do research and interviews for projects and so on. correct answer: dlajngfibe(1) variety;  (2) offered;  (3) organized;  (4) semester;  (5) proficiency;  (6) expressing;  (7) schedules;  (8) workload;  (9) exaggera

34、ting;  (10) assignments;  vocabulary and structuredirections: choose the best answer from the four choices marked a, b, c and d. 1. a survey was carried out on the death rate of new-born babies, _ was surprising. a. as result b. the result of it c. which result d. the result of w

35、hich correct answer: d 2. a number of students _ for the lesson to begin now. a. is waiting b. are waiting c. waits d. waited correct answer: b 3. if only we _ a phone. i'm tired of lining up outside the public phone box. a. have b. had c. will have d. are to have correct answer: b 4. on no acco

36、unt _ to feed the animals in the zoo. a. visitors are not allowed b. are visitors allowed c. do visitors allow d. visitors don't allow correct answer: b 5. she stood there, her face _. a. being dull b. is to be dull c. is dull d. was dull correct answer: a 6. i meant _ you, but i'm afraid i

37、forgot to. a. ringing b. being ringing c. to ringing d. to ring correct answer: d 7. _ the space, scientists find the earth looks like a huge water globe. a. see from b. seen from c. seeing from d. to see from correct answer: c 8. is there any possibility of getting the price _ further? a. reduced b

38、. reduce c. reducing d. be reduced correct answer: a 9. it is hot and dry; the flowers need _. a. being watered b. be watered c. to water d. watering correct answer: d 10. he didn't come to the meeting yesterday, otherwise i _ him. a. saw b. would see c. would have seen d. had seen correct answe

39、r: c 11. because of many mistakes, she was made _ these letters again. a. type b. to typing c. typed d. to type correct answer: d 12. we live in a time _, more than ever before in history, people are moving about. a. what b. when c. which d. where correct answer: b 13. however much _, it will be wor

40、th it. a. the watch will cost b. the watch costs c. does the watch cost d. the watch cost correct answer: b 14. the news quickly spread through the village _ the war had ended. a. where b. which c. what d. that correct answer: d 15. our failure _ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in ou

41、r work. a. to adopt b. to apply c. to adapt d. to act correct answer: c 16. not until mr. smith came to china _ what kind of a country she is. a. did he know b. he knew c. he didn't know d. he could know correct answer: a reading comprehensionreading 1you finally graduated from high school and y

42、ou are either looking forward to your first semester in college or already there. your parents are telling you how important it is to study and stay focused, but we all know what you are really looking forward to, having a good time! college is definitely something you have to take serious, after al

43、l, your future depends on it, but you also need to have a good time and learn how to live life a little bit. this means having college fun, college life and of course college parties!college life is probably going to be your first experience away from home for any long period of time. you will proba

44、bly still have mom and dad feeding you money, but you are going to be responsible for every other aspect of your life. mom won't be doing your laundry and cleaning up your room anymore. the bright side of that is that you won't have the parental units hanging over your shoulder every five mi

45、nutes or wanting to know where you were until two in the morning either. college life definitely has its perks.you are going to make a ton of new friends too. you are going to be exposed to students from all different life styles and backgrounds. the beauty of dorm life is that you can have people l

46、iving with each other and becoming friends that would probably never happen in any other setting. you may be from a normal middle class neighborhood and your roommate could be the son of a millionaire. it makes for some very interesting times.the more serious aspect of college life is dealing with l

47、egitimate stress for the first time in your life. you are going to have to learn balance and this is not always easy. you are going to be exposed to the possibility of having a good time all the time and you are going to have to remain disciplined. there is also, of course, the exam schedules. tests

48、 and homework are going to get your blood pressure up a bit, but just stay organized and budget out your time between studying and play time and you will be fine. not what you may want to hear, but at times you are going to have to act like an adult. okay, enough of that serious stuff, let's get

49、 to the good stuff about college life! 1. in the first paragraph, the author is trying to say that _. a. college is place to entertain b. you should just have fun at college c. you should always stay focused and work hard at college d. you should have some good time but work hard at the same time co

50、rrect answer: d 2. college life is wonderful because _. a. you parents still give you money b. your parents won't be checking on you so often c. you can do your own laundry d. you are away from home for a long period of time correct answer: b 3. the beauty of dorm life lies in _. a. getting to k

51、now the son of a millionaire b. getting to know people from the same neighbourhood c. getting to know people from different walks of life d. getting to know different people and become special friends correct answer: d 4. what does "get your blood pressure up" in paragraph 4 mean in the co

52、ntext? a. be nervous. b. be sick. c. be excited. d. be frustrated. correct answer: a 5. what is the tone of the author? a. serious. b. friendly. c. humourous. d. indifferent. correct answer: b reading 2sixteen-year-old maria was waiting in line at the airport in santo domingo. she was leaving her na

53、tive country to join her sister in the united states. she spoke english very well. though she was very happy she could go abroad, she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends. as she was thinking all about this, she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and p

54、ut it on the scales (称). maria pulled and pulled. the bag was too heavy and she just couldn't lift it up. the man behind her got very impatient. he, too, was waiting to check in his luggage."what's wrong with this girl?" he said, "why doesn't she hurry up?" he moved f

55、orward and placed his bag on the counter, hoping to check in first. he was in a hurry to get a good seat. maria was very angry, but she was very polite. and in her best english she said, "why are you so upset? there are enough seats for everyone on the plane. if you are in such a hurry, why can

56、't you give me a hand with my luggage?"the man was surprised to hear maria speak english. he quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back. everyone was looking at him with disapproval. 1. maria's story happened _ a. when she was leaving america b. on her way back to santo domingo c. b

57、efore she left the usa d. when she arrived at the airportanswer: d2. you believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in the story is to _ at the airport. a. help carry people's luggage b. ask people to pick up the luggage c. check people's luggage d. take care of people's luggageanswer:c3. "why are you so upset?" maria said to the man. she wanted to tell him that he should not be _. a. surprised and worried b. sad and angry c. unhappy and worried d. sad and sorryanswer:c4. "ever


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