1、starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english1ijklmnstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english2letter competitionstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english3what do they stand for?铅笔芯硬度铅笔芯硬度 黑硬(黑硬(hard black) 英国广播公司英国广播公司 (british broadcast corporation) 光盘光盘 (compact disk)starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english4-whats this? -it
2、 is ./its ...starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english5a _b _c _d _e _f _g _h _1a look for the small letters in the picture for these big letters. check () the ones you found. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english6listen and repeat. 1bwhats this in english?its an orange.whats that in english?i
3、ts a jacket. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english7i:starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english8estarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english9c c starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english10starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english11starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english12u:starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english13 i starter-unit2-whats
4、-this-in-english14 presentationana keya pena cupa rulera mapa jacketa quiltorangestarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english15thisthatenglish starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english16whats this in english?its a map.practice the conversations in the picture with your partner. 1cits an orange.whats that in englis
5、h?starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english17whats this in english?its a ruler.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english18whats this in english?its an orange.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english19whats that in english?its a map. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english20whats that in english?its a key. starter-unit2-
6、whats-this-in-english21-whats this in english?-its a/an starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english22-whats this in english?-its a/anstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english23whats this in english?its a pen. practicemake your own conversations. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english24whats this in english?its a/an
7、starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english25whats this in english?its keypenquiltmaporangejacketrulera a key a a map a a pen a a ruler a a jacketanan orangea a quilt/ / /. ./ / /. . .starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english2626u aikeielemenpi:kju:a:d eilisten and repeat.2astarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english27i
8、i j j k k l l m m n nlisten and repeat.2ao o p p q q r rstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english28 l o q k i n p r m jlisten and number the letters you hear 1-10.2b listening23456789110starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english29注意笔注意笔画和笔画和笔顺顺!starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english30 look and copy. 2cstarter-unit2
9、-whats-this-in-english312c look and copy. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english32ijklmnopqrij klmnopqrmatch the letters.2dstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english33 write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair. 2dmkprjqlonistarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english34在四线三格中写出所给字母的左邻右舍。在四线三格中写出所给字母的左邻
10、右舍。 i ik ko on nj jm mp pq qf fl lq qp pr re eg gstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english35 p =parking2e talk about what these letters mean. 停车场;停车位停车场;停车位starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english36nbanba = national basketball association(美国)全国篮球协会(美国)全国篮球协会2e talk about what these letters mean. starter-unit2-
11、whats-this-in-english37 kg =kilogram 千克;公斤千克;公斤2e talk about what these letters mean. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english38the peoples republic of chinaprc = 中华人民共和国中华人民共和国 2e talk about what these letters mean. starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english39cmkmpk厘米厘米千米,公里千米,公里单独挑战单独挑战starter-unit2-whats-thi
12、s-in-english40caac数字化视频光盘数字化视频光盘 肯德基肯德基 中国民航中国民航公元前公元前 公元公元 身份证身份证 字母表字母表, , 基础知识基础知识, ,美国美国/ /澳大利亚广播公司澳大利亚广播公司 starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english411. this is _ orange. a. a b. an c. /2. that is _ map. a. a b. an c. /3. whats this? _ “i”. a. itsb. this is c. its 三、选择填空。三、选择填空。starter-unit2-whats-th
13、is-in-english424. “千克千克”的英文缩写是的英文缩写是 _。 a. un b. cm c. kg5. “(美国)全国篮球协会(美国)全国篮球协会 ”的英文缩的英文缩写是写是 _。 a. nbab. bbcc. unstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english43 explanation 一、一、 this 是指示代词,意为是指示代词,意为“这;这这;这个个”,指近处或距说话人近的人或事物。,指近处或距说话人近的人或事物。that 意为意为“那;那个那;那个”,指远处或距说指远处或距说话人远的人或事物。例如:话人远的人或事物。例如:this is a
14、ruler.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english44that is a key.二、二、in english 意为意为“用英语用英语 ”,其中,其中in是介词,表示是介词,表示“用语言、声音、方式等用语言、声音、方式等”。如:如: in chinese 用汉语用汉语 in japanese 用日语用日语 whats this in chinese? 这个用汉语怎么说?这个用汉语怎么说?starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english45三、冠词三、冠词a 与与an 的用法的用法 冠词冠词a和和an是一种虚词,只用在单数是一种虚词,只用在单
15、数可数名词前,表示可数名词前,表示“一一”的意思。的意思。a用在以辅用在以辅音音素开头的单词之前,音音素开头的单词之前,an用在以元音音用在以元音音素开头的单词之前。这里的元音音素和辅素开头的单词之前。这里的元音音素和辅音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如:音音素是指读音,而不是指字母。如:a pen /pen/ 一支钢笔一支钢笔 /p/为辅音音素为辅音音素an apple / ? 1pl/ 一个苹果一个苹果 /为元音音为元音音素素 starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english46四、四、whats this in english? 这个用英语这个用英语怎么说?怎么说?
16、句型句型whats this in english? 意为意为“这这个用英语怎么说?个用英语怎么说?”用来询问某物,回答用来询问某物,回答时要用时要用“it is/ its a(n) + 名词名词”,其中其中 it 用用来指代来指代 this 或或that。 whats = what is, 意意为为“是什么是什么”。英语中用。英语中用来提问的特殊疑来提问的特殊疑问句总是放在句子的开头问句总是放在句子的开头,starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english47这一点与汉语不同,同学们要特别注意这一点与汉语不同,同学们要特别注意英语的语序。例如:英语的语序。例如: what
17、s this in english? 这个用英语怎么说?这个用英语怎么说? its a jacket. 它是一件夹克衫。它是一件夹克衫。 whats that in english? 那个用英语怎么说?那个用英语怎么说? its an egg. 那是一只鸡蛋。那是一只鸡蛋。 starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english48五、【辨析】字母五、【辨析】字母/音标音标/音素音素英语字母就如同我们汉语中的笔画一样,英语字母就如同我们汉语中的笔画一样,是拼写单词的组成元素。是拼写单词的组成元素。音素是英语语音的最小单位。音素是英语语音的最小单位。把音素记录下来的符号叫音标,通
18、常写在把音素记录下来的符号叫音标,通常写在 / /或或 里。里。【口诀】【口诀】 冠词冠词 a, an 两种帽,单数名词常需要;两种帽,单数名词常需要; 辅音单数辅音单数 a 提前,元音单数提前,元音单数 an 优先。优先。 starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english49_ map_ pen_ key_ cup_ ruler _ jacket_ quilt_ orangeaaaaaaaan用用a或或an填空。填空。提示提示:以元音开头的单数可数用:以元音开头的单数可数用an; 以辅音开头的单数可数名词前用以辅音开头的单数可数名词前用astarter-unit2-wh
19、ats-this-in-english50a keya pena rulera cupa mapa jacketa quiltan orange exercises一、将单词与图片连线。一、将单词与图片连线。starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english51四、看图填空。四、看图填空。 hello, helen! oh, _, eric. whats _ in english? _ _ pen. and _ _ in english? its _ _.hellothisits awhats thatan orangestarter-unit2-whats-this-in
20、-english52 a _u_e_ a _a_ a _ _ck_t a _ _y a _u_ _t an _r_ _g_ a _en p2345673a3blisten and number the pictures(1-8). a _u_ c p r l r m p j a e k e q i l a n o e8starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english53 a _u_e_ a _a_ a _ _ck_t a _ _y a _u_ _t an _r_ _g_ a _en p2345673acomplete the words. a _u_ c p r l r
21、m p j a e k e q i l a n o e8starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english543clisten and practice.its a mapm-a-pwhats this in english?spell it ,please.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english552343dcupstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english56a jacketa jacketa mapa mapa quilta quiltanan orange orangea rulera rulera pena
22、 penits an orangeo-r_a_n_g_e3etalk about the talk about the things in the things in the picturepicturewhats that in english?spell it ,please.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english57practice-whats this in english? -its a/an.-spell it, please. -.complete the words.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english58spe
23、ll it, please.拼写一下。拼写一下。请请please spell it.can you spell it, please.how do you spell it, please.note:note:please表示礼貌或客气,可放在表示礼貌或客气,可放在句首句首,也可,也可在句末。在在句末。在句末句末时,其前面要时,其前面要加逗号加逗号。it 指上文所提到的物体名称,为了避免重复。指上文所提到的物体名称,为了避免重复。starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english593clisten and practice.its a mapm-a-pwhats this
24、 in english?spell it ,please.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english60practice-whats this in english? -its a/an.-spell it, please. -.complete the words.starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english614afill in the missing letter._b c _ e _ _h i _ k l m _ o _ _r a b _ d _ f _ h i j _ l _ _ o p _ _q qj jggf fqqp pnn
25、d da ar rn nmmk kg ge ec cstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english624bnumber the words in alphabetical order(1-15) ( ) jacket ( ) alice ( ) map ( ) key ( ) orange ( ) dale ( ) helen ( ) grace ( ) cindy ( ) bob( ) pen ( ) frank ( )quilt ( ) eric ( ) ruler 123456789101112131415starter-unit2-whats-this-in-english63listen and repeataa h j k dale grace frank thanksjacket mapeb c d e g p eveningf l m n helen pen ii hi fine quilt inoo okorange ei i:eic c uai4cstarter-unit2-whats-this-in-english64元音字母读 音a在开音节中ei在闭音节中e在开音节中i:在闭音节中ei在开音节中ai在闭音节中/i/o在开音节中/ /starter-unit2-wh
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