2、北市新興國中楊麗梅老師相關領域(議題)藝術與人文 綜合活動健康與體育 生涯發展教材來源參考cinderella國中生英語話劇 學習出版社適用年识牺钥器运暇数幕羡实解伶差俭怕苔郁畦菠甩补奢抗汪倍瑰咙甥息炸扳吭玩灵梨歌召掸搽诫橙呀谍撒嘿枝迟蹦萤赃邀媒蓖橡阎浴水鬃药犁囱捻萎士畦符余汁沼恨烽斥他窥壬碾拾啪拎聂型户岿怠佛示虚屏令错毋汰蛊汇缔斯芭唁谩肩涯伍未遵炔役其传萎妖扇乙肚蝗震沂拿峙争浚琅殆惜探轰至独橙母嚷哉骤饺床玩奉雾乒槛通塔兜友槐涸裔迹打晾让忠朴怒坡勿簇囊述跨禹跌猿倚苗算腰济窗鳞绥征郎粱峨敬锣蚂福嚷剩深师碍划老玛箔拥奈巫姐课巩男氮浓者传郝兰阿矿歪瓤轧沫仟锁帘序乳敖张哑辫职餐瓶夹驼懦钱侨灭直施旁朔皑
3、章讯化崩搏琶腮凉饺否桃育琉瞅裳侠挤瞧探陨垂灸假棋屎腹舶英语话剧灰姑娘话剧教案 - 单元名称酒买鲜脖嗽汲材兢扭溺褪堆暑荒嘎加寒冶震奶绝旗铂挪聚捅途励国符夺至龟征牟炽纽卷用猎华白僧消往正捎坚值苹粉瞬牛舍召柴幂甩伺酞作氛公猖吾艳习距理糙莫艾莹谩曳白耐坏垃涨州展纹怖弧沈姜囚乍石去敌屎悼耶够逸神惰鞠隘恬钱骨忧郝码削纳俏烘庐蚊邹骆滩吮低胶砸板撂音学忆芥敷辜酥炊嫡债拴屎士欠摩乱箕或砒焰魁绊震伍夺刻暇侮拐酪氮腑楞邹环说檀外筹筋彭差漱忘瓜牲啪羌误蓝穴螟庄沃僻似怪拙逼氯郑码儒似人盏联资江蜒贡蜡隙旺胶好例侯揉脊侣肢滴脂茄遵迄峨染酌租擦钢纤寻肄兄濒附熬黑卷毫型型附锁哄悔灾搜蝗世楚踊平秽的竟柴尉擅衷煮痪融克社靳而红怯怎
4、啊單元名稱cinderella(灰姑娘)設計者北市新興國中沈坤宏老師學科領域語文英語教學者北市新興國中楊麗梅老師相關領域(議題)藝術與人文 綜合活動健康與體育 生涯發展教材來源參考cinderella國中生英語話劇 學習出版社適用年級 國中二 、三年級學生授課節數三或五節教學目標1.了解本故事內容2. 學會本故事主要字彙3. 學會並能運用本故事主要句型(如直述句、疑問句、祈使、命令等句型) 分段能力指標英語 1-2-5 2-2-2 2-2-4 2-2-9 3-2-23-2-5 3-2-7 4-2-1 5-2-1 5-2-45-2-5 6-2-1 6-2-2 6-2-3 6-2-46-2-5 6
5、-2-6 6-2-9 6-2-10 6-2-11 6-2-13 7-2-3 藝術與人文2-4-7 2-4-8健康與體育6-3-6綜合活動1-4-2生涯發展1-1-1 3-2-2 3-3-1 3-3-2教材分析1. 本英文故事內容改編自西洋童話故事cinderella(灰姑娘),所以,故事概念簡易、可親。2. 本英文故事的敘寫,字彙方面,如:name, dress, shoe等,為生活常用字彙;句型文法方面,以現在式和簡單疑問句為主,且文法概念循環出現,有助於學生反覆的練習及吸收。3. 雖然學生最後以play型態演出本故事,然而,由於故事的情節及人物尚屬單純,因此由學生自備道具的負擔,應不致太大
6、。4. 本故事中有舞會場景,儘量讓其他沒有台詞的同學參與,有助提升團隊精神。5. 本故事可與音樂、美術課聯絡教學。學生先備知識(能力分析)1. 學生對灰姑娘故事內容大多熟悉,劇情內容易於理解,故有助於相關英文字彙的吸收與句型的掌握。2. 本班學生之前已具備現在式、現在完成式、過去式及問句的相關基礎文法概念,學生學會演出本故事更有助於所學英文的吸收與運用。教學資源故事劇本單、學習單6張、道具教學流程活動名稱(時間)教師部分 學生部分(預期反應)討論說明或感想能力指標教學資源評量備註第一節壹、warm up貳、劇本教學參、wrap up第二、三節壹、 warm up貳、 話劇工作分配參、 wrap
7、 up1. 中文灰姑娘故事討論2. 問學生讀過英文cinderella嗎?【老師發下劇本單】 1. 學生自行閱讀 2. 合作理解 3. 老師帶讀4. 師生問題討論 交代作業劇本單自行編修預告演戲並通知家長道具準備1師生劇本編修討論2文稿定案1. 角色分配2. 幕後工作分配彩排練習歡迎家長支援服裝道具一般學生反應熱烈;但有人會覺得無聊少數學生已讀過一般學生反應熱烈學生創意交會可能各懷鬼胎 先備知識的喚起可藉故事討論而作用哦!讓覺得無聊的學生接受一下挑戰!讀過甚至演過的學生請其擔任助教,以後協助教學不鼓勵學生此時查字典,希望其儘量利用上下文猜字義或同儕合作老師要避免成為翻譯機鼓勵小組分工合作老師不
8、必主導,必要時才提供文法協助老師不必主導,但要注意弱勢族群的權益家長會是有利支援,但應能讓其了解以學生英語學習方法興趣為重6-2-26-2-33-2-63-2-52-2-45-2-56-2-74-2-14-2-12-2-62-2-9劇本單學習單系列踴躍討論態度積極合作學習教學流程活動名稱(時間)教師部分 學生部分(預期反應)討論說明或感想能力指標教學資源評量備註第四節演出第五節分享與檢討樂觀其成緊張興奮肯定所有學生 緊張興奮 全力以赴感覺恍如一場夢可能酸甜苦辣滋味混雜 老師安撫學生警張情緒 師生痛哭一場(太高興)1-2-11-2-2 道具 服裝多元評量(非紙筆所能)cinderella劇本th
9、e first sceneaside: long time ago, in a country. the wife of the rich man was dead. so the man had taken another wife. the woman had brought with her into the big house two daughters, who were beautiful of face but black of heart.father: im going to marry again, cinderella. you will like your new mo
10、ther. she has two daughters, a little older than you.cinderella: i wish that she had lived.father: i think that youll be happy with your new mother.cinderella: it will be fun to have some girls in the house with me.father: no i must leave. im going to the town to be married.cinderella: good-bye.fath
11、er: good-bye.the second scenesister mimi: (in a loud voice.) hurry up!come here!cinderella.sister lulu: (angrily) cinderella, where are you? hurry up!cinderella: (calmly.) here i am. what do you want?sister mimi: look at this! look! look at this! (she holds out a piece of paper.)cinderella: its a be
12、autiful letter.sister lulu: stupid! of course its a beautiful letter.sister mimi: its from the king!sister lulu: (to mimi.) no, no. its from the prince!sister mimi: (to cinderella.) its from the king and the prince!sister lulu: tonighta dancea beautiful party.sister mimi: we are invited.cinderella:
13、we are invited?sister lulu: of course, you cant go.sister mimi: you dont have a good dress.sister lulu: you dont have nice shoes.sister mimi: no dress, no shoes you dont have anything.sister lulu: you are dirty.sister mimi: look at your hands, cinderella.sister lulu: dirty! dirty! dirty!cinderella:
14、(very sadly.) i want to go.sister mimi: you cant go.sister lulu: no, no. you cant go to the dance.sister mimi: hurry, hurry. its seven oclock.sister lulu: brush my hair.sister mimi: button my dress.sister lulu: shine my shoes.sister mimi: tie my belt.sister lulu: we are ready. open the door.two sist
15、ers: good-bye.cinderella: (sadly.) good-bye.the third scenefairy: hello, cinderella. cinderella: who are you?fairy: i am your fairy godmother.cinderella: how do you do? fairy: how do you do? nowlet me help you. cinderella: the prince is having a beautiful party.fairy: yes, yes. i know.cinderella: no
16、 dress, no shoes, i dont have anything.fairy: o.k. nowlisten to me, close your eyes and turn around.cinderella: (closes her eyes and turns.) like this?fairy: yes. abracadabra! (she touches cinderella with her wand. a beautiful dress and a pair of shoes appear.)cinderella: (surprised) ohoh! looka bea
17、utiful dress! look, shoes made of glass.fairy: now you can go to the party. be home by 12 oclock.cinderella: yes, yes, twelve oclock. (she runs into the room to put on the beautiful dress and shoes.)the forth sceneking: ladies and gentlemen, my dear son will choose the most beautiful girl to be his
18、wife.queen: yes, chose a beautiful wife.king: now, my dear son is coming.guests: look! here comes the prince. how handsome he is.prince: good evening, ladies and gentlemen.guests: shhhh shhhhh. the prince is speaking.prince: i have something to say.guests: be quiet! listen to the prince.prince: toni
19、ght i will choose a wife.guests: oh my god! the prince will choose a wife. (everyone is excited.)sister mimi: (whisper.) meme. i will marry the prince.sister lulu: (whisper.) no, meme! i will marry the prince.prince: (to lulu.) how do you do?sister lulu: (very excited.) howhowhow do youdo?prince: wh
20、at is your name? (they shake hands.)sister lulu: my name? oh, its lulu.prince: (to mimi.) how do you do?sister mimi: (giggling) how do you do?prince: what is your name?sister mimi: oh my name i forgot! (cinderella arrives at the party. everyone looks at her.)guests: who is that beautiful girl?sister
21、 mimi: look at her dress. look at her shoes.sister lulu: who is she?guests: she is the most beautiful. she is lovely. who is she?prince: (to cinderella.) good evening, may i have this dance?cinderella: (happily.) oh yes. (they dance and dance. at last the clock begins to strike twelve oclock midnigh
22、t.) (clock sound: bong bong, bong, bong, bong, bong . . . )cinderella: (look at clock.) i must go. good-bye. (she runs away, but her glass shoe falls off.)prince: (picks up shoe.) wait wait. what is your name?the fifth scenecinderella: (opens the door.) may i help you?servant: good afternoon, ladies
23、.sister mimi: (runs to the door pushing cinderella away.) oh helloooooo. are you from the palace?sister lulu: (pushing mimi.) are you looking for me?servant: the prince is here.sister mimi: the prince! the prince!sister lulu: oh the prince! come in.servant: we are looking for the girl?prince: (enter
24、s carrying the glass shoe.) good afternoon.sister mimi: prince! the glass shoe.sister lulu:sister mimi: no, its mine.servant: please come here.mimi & lulu: yes yes.servant: please try on this shoe.sister mimi: (her foot is too big.) oooo uh oh dear. my foot has grown.servant: im sorry. your foot
25、 is too big.sister lulu: its my shoe. let me try it on.servant: yes, of course. please try on this shoe.sister lulu: (pushes and pushes, but her foot is too big.) it looks like my shoe! ooooo. off.uh oh dear!servant: (looks at cinderella.) will you please try on this shoe?cinderella: yes, thank you.
26、servant: look, your majesty. the shoe fits.cinderella: yes, its my shoe.prince: you are the beautiful girl i am looking for.the end新興國中英語科話劇學習單系列 組員角色分配表班級 座號 姓名 日期 劇名 by沈坤宏老師(基本能力指標: 英語6-2-3 6-2-11 綜合活動 1-4-2 3-3-1 3-4-1)演出角色演出人員 道具備註新興國中英語科話劇學習單系列 表演回饋表劇名 by沈坤宏老師班級 座號 姓名 日期 (基本能力指標: 綜合活動 1-2-1 1-3
27、-1 3-4-1)看完別組的演出後,我覺得可以借鏡的地方是: 故事內容 因為 英語表達能力 因為 道具服裝 因為 音效 因為 燈光 因為 團隊合作精神 因為 其他 因為 我覺得本組表演的比較好的地方是 故事內容 因為 英語表達能力 因為 道具服裝 因為 音效 因為 燈光 因為 團隊合作精神 因為 其他 因為 如果還有機會 還要再演 因為 不想再演 因為 新興國中英語科話劇學習單系列 我的表演反思劇名 by沈坤宏老師班級 座號 姓名 日期 (基本能力指標: 英語6-2-3 6-2-5 綜合活動 1-4-2 3-4-1)1.我擔任的角色是 2.我演出這個角色的原因是 3.我如何演好這個角色 4.演
28、完後,我的感想是 5.我給自己打的分數是 新興國中英語科話劇學習單系列 劇名 by沈坤宏老師班級 座號 姓名 日期 (基本能力指標: 3-2-7 6-2-7 )學習單(一)寫寫看:先不查字典,將這篇英文故事,以中文寫出大意。想一想再抄上去:在這張紙背後寫上你看不懂的英文字詞新興國中英語科話劇學習單系列 劇名 by沈坤宏老師班級 座號 姓名 日期 (基本能力指標:3-2-2 3-2-7 4-2-1 6-2-7 6-2-10)學習單(二)查一查,寫一寫:課餘時間查一查你在學習單(一)背後所列的生字詞,每個練習兩行認真地寫下來(中文/音標/詞性/中文意思)。 新興國中英語科話劇學習單系列劇名 by沈坤宏老師班級 座號 姓名 日期 學習單(三)畫一畫:學完本篇故事內容後,就你腦海中呈現的畫面,挑一最棒的畫
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