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1、第 7 课时modules 5-6 (八上)part one第一篇 教材梳理篇基础自主梳理词汇拓展 动词1.describe (n.) 2.protect (n.) 3.feed (过去式) 4.grow (过去式) (过去分词) 5.produce (n.) 6.develop (adj.)发展 中的 (adj.)发达的 (n.) 名词7.science (n.)科学家 8.society (adj.) 9.interest (adj.)感兴 趣的 (adj.)有趣的 10.baby (复数) 11.peace (adj.) 12.end (n.)结局; 结尾 (adj.)无止境的;连续的

2、形容词13.thin (比较级) (最高级) 数词14.twenty (序数词)descriptionprotectionfedgrewgrownproduction/productdevelopingdevelopeddevelopmentscientistsocialinterestedinterestingbabiespeacefulendingendlessthinnerthinnesttwentieth基础自主梳理短语归纳 介词短语1. 最后;终于 2. 处于危险中 3. 和平地 4. 为了 5. 同时 动词短语6. 想到;想出 7. 夺去;拿走 8. 照顾 9. 创办;设立 10.

3、 发生 11. 弄清楚;找出 12. 以为食 13. 计划做某事 14. 保护某人免 受(做)某事的侵害15. 决定不做某事 16. 筹钱 17. 带某人去某地 in the end/at lastin dangerin peacein order toat the same timethink oftake awaylook afterset uptake placefind outfeed onplan to do tect sb. from (doing) sth.decide not to do sth.raise moneytake sb. to sp.基础自主梳理短语

4、归纳 名词短语18.校长 19. 自然公园 20. 魔术表演 21. 的象征 22. 濒危动物head teachernature parkmagic showthe symbol ofanimals in danger基础自主梳理写作积累 人物故事人物故事1.lingling take me there. 玲玲主动提出带我去那儿。2.lao she is the greatest chinese of the century. 老舍是20世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。3.he for his play teahouse. 他尤其以话剧茶馆著名。4.lao she teahouse a warm

5、welcome everyone from all over the world. 老舍茶馆热情地欢迎来自世界各地的人们。 动物5.it people get closer to them. 它允许人们更近距离地接触它们。6.many wild animals dont have a safe place 许多野生动物没有安全的地方居住7. protect pandas in the wild, the government is nature parks and developing other plans. 为了保护野生熊猫,政府正在兴建自然公园,也正在制定其他计划。8.想起大熊猫和其他濒

6、危动物来,真让人伤心。its pandas and other animals in danger. offered toone ofwriterstwentiethis especially famousgivestoallowstoin order tosetting upsad to think of基础自主梳理语法链接1.动词不定式。详见p097,语法专题(九)2.双宾语。核心考点突破 offerv.提议;提出【题1】 根据汉语提示完成句子(1)how is tom now?i hear a company (提供) him a good job, but he refused it.

7、 (2)you may go to milan for a free trip.its a very kind (提议), but i really cant accept it. 【题2】 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空mr li offered (help) me with my english. offeredofferto help 【归纳拓展】核心考点突破 allowv.允许;准许【题3】 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空(1)in this country, women (not allow) to work outside. (2)look! they dont allow peopl

8、e (paint) here. so lets find another place to paint. 【题4】 根据汉语提示完成句子(1)for your safety, smoking is not (允许) during the whole flight. (2)our teacher allows (工作) in groups in his class. 【归纳拓展】arent allowedto paintallowedworking核心考点突破 enoughadj.足够的;充分的【题5】 根据汉语提示完成句子ill be away for a long time.dont wor

9、ry. she can look after your pet (足够仔细). 【题6】 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空(1)dont worry. we have enough time (finish) the task. (2)is the bridge strong enough (support) two heavy trucks at the same time? 【题7】 根据汉语提示完成句子she is not (足够强壮) to climb up the mountain. carefully enoughto finishto supportstrong enough 核心考

10、点突破核心考点突破 showv.展示;显示 n.演出;表演【题8】 根据汉语意思完成句子那些男孩子总是向女孩炫耀他们的足球技能。those boys always their football skills to the girls. 【题9】 根据句意,用适当的介词填空(1)my uncle who lived in america showed me lots of beautiful places. (2)in the museum, you can see many exhibits show. 【题10】 同义句转换she showed the customs officer her

11、 passport.she showed the customs officer. show offaroundonher passport to 核心考点突破核心考点突破 at the end of/by the end of/in the end 【题11】 用at the end of, by the end of或in the end的正确形式填空(1)the smiths live in the house the street. (2), they had to leave their home. (3)they had kicked three goals the match.

12、at the end ofin the endby the end of核心考点突破 核心考点突破 interest/interesting/interested【题12】 用interest的正确形式填空(1)the story sounds very , so the kids like it very much. (2)this storybook her a lot, so she is in reading now. 【题13】 根据汉语意思完成句子她对这次会议表现出极大的兴趣。she showed great the meeting. interestinginterestingi

13、nterestsinterestedinterest in核心考点突破 核心考点突破 we should work hard to stop people killing tigers.我们应该努力阻止人们捕杀老虎。【题14】 用括号中所给词的正确形式填空(1)i feel tired and sleepy.why not stop (have) a rest? (2)you look so tired. youd better stop (work) and relax yourself. (3)please stop the students (ride) bikes on the roa

14、d.its very dangerous. to haveworkingriding核心考点突破 【归纳拓展】1.stop sb.(from) doing sth. 意为“阻止某人做某事”。its difficult to stop people (from) killing animals.阻止人们捕杀动物是很难的。2.stop的其他常见用法:(1)stop doing sth. 停止做某事we stopped talking when the teacher came in the classroom.当老师进来教室时,我们停止了说话。(2)stop to do sth. 停下来去做另一件

15、事they walked for a long time and stopped to have a rest.他们走了很长一段时间,停下来休息一下。当堂效果检测.根据汉语提示填单词1.a seat belt can help (保护) passengers. 2.we have developed a new way of life by getting close to (自然). 3.our (政府) is trying to take measures to reduce air pollution. 4.a farmer usually (喂养) horses and sheep o

16、n the farm. 5.although he is very (瘦), he is always full of energy. (to) protectnaturegovernmentfeedsthin当堂效果检测.用括号中所给词的正确形式填空1.toni morrison is considered as one of the best writers of the (twenty) century. 2.please try (describe) exactly what the man looks like. 3.in our class, he is the (thin) st

17、udent. 4.his parents wont allow him (stay) out late. 5.mart is interested in the (nature) world. 6.2018长春改编 li fang is one of (beautiful) teachers in our country. 7.2018绥化 weve worked for a long time. lets stop (have) a rest. 8.2018兰州 teenagers should be (allow) to make their own decisions. 9.most (

18、science) believe that there are living creatures on other planets. 10.dont throw the rubbish into the river. we need (protect) our environment. twentiethto describethinnestto staynaturalthe most beautifulto haveallowedscientiststo protect当堂效果检测.用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空fromtheyraisein dangerend1.whales are because some people make their


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