1、2020年齐齐哈尔市中考英语模拟试题及答案考生注虑:本考场试卷序号L考试时H2O分钟(由监務t师壇写】2. 全卷共五道大IL总1203. 悽用答魁卡的考生.请将簷觀填写在答JS卡的指定位置题号TInrvV总分核分人得分第一§13分语言知识运用(共计65分)得分评卷人)11 have anL MUttIPle Choice (本Ja共 30 分,毎小翅 1 井)Choose tbe best Wer from A BOrC according to the mining Of theMIltenC far breakfast evy day.Ar eggB. bananaC. ppJc
2、*)2r _ Who IaUghtSiCating?_ Nobody. I Ieamt it byJAr your, myself3. you, IneC. you, myself)3 They are EQiIlE to buy a house a garden and a gage.AT LnBr WitbC. &t)4, Do you know the girls Who arinthe IiVing rom?一 YeSJ they arc my CIUSmBteSh They art CeIebrtting Lucy's ihdayr扎 IilirteenBJ the
3、IhirteenthC, thirteenth)5.1 foundnot VCry easyto ride bkc-扎 that, IeanIH* it, to IeanlI C, that, to Leanl)6_ _ Ieidi ICanJ to be indepcndnttit i& for their fuhuc.AT Earlier, betterB-The earlier, the betterC. The Carliey the best)1. She IiVedin a small village, but She didn't feel . .一 .扎 IOn
4、eLyI LOnelyB. alonc IOneIyC. Ionetyl alone)8. EVeryolIe i & Car must Wear ±e Seat belt in. the newlaw.甩 educationB. foodC. traffic)9r EitheT you _ . your SiSterbecause One Of you must Stay BI heme.Ar (JrP ECeSB, ncrl goC. or,£o)10, COULd I invite my friends to a PenyFYeSt Of covite you
5、 *扎 CInB. COUldC. must英 (芥齐T)第1貢C頁))11. I have SO many after-school CIaSSeS that I don,t have enough time to rest, Why dontt youto your parents?A. talkingB. to talk)12.amazing news We Were told!A What anB. HOW)13 一 _ do you eat fast food?TWiCe a week.A. HOW IOngB. HOW SOOn)14.! There is Iittle time
6、left.A. HUrry UPB. DOntt WOrryC. talkC. WhatC. HOW OftenC. Take it easy)15 EXCUSe me, COUId you PIeaSe tell me the Way to the nearest hospital?I'm SorrytI am new here YOU Can ask the POIiCeman OVer there.A. andB. but)16. He kept _ _ _ _ SO that he COUId be in good healthA. exerciseB. exercising)
7、17. I Cantt hang OUt With you because OfiiIness.If you don*t go, _A. neither Willl)18. What about doingGOOd idea!B. SO do I_ for the homeless people?A. anything helpfulB SOmething helpful)19. Her grandmotherfor ten years.A. diedB.has died)20. DOntt COme into the OffiCeyou are allowed.A. IfBWhen)21.
8、ThiS kind Of CIOth SOfLA feelsB.tastes)22. WOUld you Iike a glass Of water?一一_ _一 I'm not thirsty.A. Yes> please.B. NOl thanksC. SOC to exerciseC. neither do IC. helpful SOmethingC has been deadC. UntiIC. SmelISC. No, I wouldn't.)23 Don't forget tothe lights before you IeaVe the CIaSS
9、rOOm.A. turn OfFB. turn downC. turn UP)24 We hadawful Weather We COUldn9t finish the WOrk On time.A. SO 9 thatB. SUCh, thatC. SUCh an , that)25. When the InOnkeyS See the keepers, they run OVer With.A excitedB excitingC. excitement)26. Kate has gone to the library. I WOnder A. When She Wiil COIne ba
10、ckB. WhCn She Canle backC When Will She COme back()27. m Very WOITied about IOmOrrOWtS test. I am afraid T Cantt PaSS IhiS time.! m SUre you* 11 make it.A. Of COUrSeB. ChCCr UPC. ThafS right.()28. AIiCefor Ihe bus at SeVen yesterday eveningA. WaitedB. WaS WaitingC. is Waiting()29.riey Were quite tir
11、ed,they COntinUed wotkingA. ThOUg /B. Although, butC. Because, SO()30. ll SPend as much time as I Canin an OId PeOPIelS home.A. helpB. to helpC. helping. CloZe test (本题共15分,每小题1分)CiIOOSe the best answer to COmPIete the passage.DO you IaUgh every day? MoSt PeOPle 31 SCientiStS Say that people IaUgh 訪
12、OUt 17times a day. That is 32IaUghter.In Indiathere are 33 IaUghter clubs. The PeoPle in these CIUbS get together CVery morning. FirSt they StretCh their hands above IhCLr heads. Then they Pretend to laugh. Sn everyone is IaUghing naturally. PeOPle Say they feel good after 34 together.SCiCntiStS bel
13、ieve that IaUghter is good 35 you. 36? FOr One thing, IaUghter. is 37good exercise WhCn you laugh, you exercise many InUSCIeS in your body.ScientiStS Say that One hundred IaUghS is the Same 38 ten minutes Of running. Whenyou laugh, you 39 breathe deeply. ThiS makes you 40Why do We laugh? That is a h
14、ard question 41 We know that PeOPIe IaUgh 42 in a group They don't IaUgh VCry Often When Chey are alone. Many SCientiStS believe that We USeIaUghtCr to Inake friends With 43 LaUghtCr helps US feel Part Of a group.44 SOIne think Ihat IaUghter helpsIn English, PeOPle Say that IaUghter is the bestS
15、iCk PeOPIe get 45 DO you think so, too?()31. A. IaUghB. doC. does()32. A. a IOtB. manyC. a Iot Of()33. A. hundred OfB. hundreds OfC. hundred()34. A. IaUghB. to IaUghC. IaUghing()35. A. forB. atC. With()36. A. WhyB. WhatC. HOW()37. A. aB. theC./()38 A. asB. IikeC. for()39. A. tooB. alsoC. Cither()40.
16、 A. relaxedB. to relaxC. relaxing()41. A. answeredB. to answerC. answer()42. A. ICSS OftenB. more OftenC. never()43. A. anotherB. OtherSC. Other()44 A. magazineB. knowledgeC. medicine()45. A. WellB. goodC. badIII. COmmUlIiCatiOII (本fit共 20 分毎小颗 2 分)(A) Cb(K)Se the best response from AtOF according t
17、o the SenteDCeS given. EaCh CbOiCe ShOUld be USe(I Onty once.()46. Would you mind my SInOking here?()47.Could you PIeaSe help me With my English?()48. What do you think Of the game ShOW URUnning Mcn,f?()49. WhatlS the Weather like?()50 Wish you good IUCk in IhC nal exam!A. IFS cloudy.B. Y(Mrd better
18、 not.C. With PleaSure.D. Thank you.E. HaVe a good time.F. I IOVe it Very InUCh(B) COmPIete the (IialOgUe With PrOPer WOrdS Or SentenCeSA: Hit Mary! YdU look sad. (51) ?B: ve just heard Of a PieCC Ofbad news.A: (52)?B: It,s reported Chat a ShiP CalIed the EaSt Star turned over.A: (53)B: Yes, it is. T
19、heretre OVer 400 PeOPIe On the ShiP and most Of them are missing.A: Really? (54). HOW did it happen?B: m not SUre It SeemCd that the ShiP WaS hit by a heavy storm.A: (55)?B: It happened On YangtZe RiVer in HUbei PrOVinCe On the night Of JUne ly. And Ihe ChmeSe government is trying the best to rescue
20、 (救援)the PeOPIe in the disaster.A: HOPe everything goes well!第二部分阅读理解(共计40分)得分评卷人V. Reading COmPrehenSiOII (本题共 40 分.AK B 毎小题 1 分,C、DE毎小题2分)(A)ChOoSe the best topic from AtOF according to the IneaIling Of each paragraph.()56. Latin music is Very COmmOn in CountrieS Where PeOPIe SPeak SPaniSh OrPOrtU
21、RUeSe ThiS music COmeS from Mexico, the Caribbean. Central AmCriCa. and SOUth America.英语试卷(齐齐哈尔市)第4頁(共8页)()57. Latin music is a TniXtUre Of EUrOPean music and AfriCan music. It has a StrOng beat.Many years ago. PeOPIe Played Latin InUSiC mostly On guitars With drums, but now WhOIe OrCheStraS With IO
22、tS Of Other instruments PIay il()58. PeOPIe PIay Latin music at home Or When they ViSit their friends. SOmetimeS fansPIay CardS in the aemoon Or at night On WeekendS Or holidays While they IiSten to Latin music. SOme PeOPIe bring guitars and PIay them When they Sing They IiSten to the music While th
23、ey eat.()59. PeOPle WhO dance enjoy Latin music because it is easy to dance to. The beat is VeryStrOng DanCerS Can move their WhOIe bodies. They Can dance On their OWn Or With SOmeOne()60. Other PeOPIe enjoy listening to Latin music. USUally the WOrdS are Ln SPaniSh OrPortuguese, but SOmetiineS they
24、 arc in EngliSh Or another language. Many Latm SOngS have beautiful WOrds, but if a PerSOn doesntt UnderStand them, it's not important. A PerSOn Can Still enjoy the music. The SOUnd is imematonal.A. PCOPIe dance to Latin music.B. The instruments PeoPIe PIay Latin music with.C. Latin music is int
25、ernational.D KindS OfLatin music.E. The PIaCeS Latin music COmeS from.F. When to PIay and IiSten to Latin music.(B)CaPtain JameS Ck WaS a famous EngliSh explorer(探险者) He WaS the first EUrOPean to ViSit Inany PaCifiC islands He PUt these islands On maps around the WOrl(LJaIneS COOk WaS bom in 1728 Hi
26、S ParentS Were POOr farm WOrkere JameS StartCd to WOrk On ShiPS as a SaiIOr When he WaS eighteen. When he WaS twenty-seven, he Went into the navy (舰 队) He fought a War in Canada and Inade maps Of SOme Ofthe eastern COaSt thereIn 176& the King Of England Sent him to explore the PaCifiC Ocean. COO
27、k SPent three years On that trip. He Went to the PaCifiC again in 1772 and made maps Of the COaStS Of AUStraIia and NeW Zealand.He began his third trip in 1776. ThiS time he Went to the NOrth PaCifiC and made maps Of the WeSt COaSt OfNOrth AmeriCa. When he finished making maps there, he Went to Hawa
28、ii. Then the SaiIOrS and the HaWaiianS Started fighting and Some HaWaiianS killed CaPtem Ck.CaPtain Ck took gifts to Ihe PaCifiC Islanders. He gave them cattie, sheep, goats and new PIants. He WaS a Very good Ieader OfhiS men. When CaPtain CoOk died, the Worid IOSt One Of the greatest explorers in h
29、istory英语试卷(齐齐哈尔市)第5页(共8頁)JlIdgethe following SeIKeiIeeS trueT) Or fne ( F ) IICCOrdillg -O-he pssage ()61 CaPtain Cook WaS an CXP一OrCr Of -he PaCifiC OCean ( )62 CaPtain Cook WaS bom in Canada ( )63 Hc was an explorer before he WOrked OD ShiPS ()64 He >ok new PlantS S Ihe PaC3C i2Lands ()65 He ma
30、de three trips -O the pacific.IDStrUCtiOnThiS medicine is for COldS AdUItS ShOUId take 2 PilIS CaCh time, three times a day. Children ShOUld Iake 1 PilI CaCh time, IhreC CimeS a day.StU(IeIlt HeIPer Wanted Are you good at English? Can you be good With children? The EnghSh StUdy Center needs a WCCken
31、d StUdent helper for Primary schl students. PleaSe CalI US at 4435667S H 3 -The HiStOry MUSeUlnTime: 9:00-17:00 from TUeSday to SUnday Ticket: 30 yuanAdd: 186 GUangnling ROad TeIePhone: 9817745ChOOSe?e bes choice from A B or C ccording?you 72d)66 YOU Cain ViSi【Ihe HiSiOry MUSeUm OBA Monday B TUeSday
32、 c Saturday )67 JaDCai years C-P ShC fbcls UnCOmfbnable lay because She has a cd She Can Iake the medicine A CWO PillS each timpCWiCe a dayB One Piil each time- three times a dayc two Pi=S each dmpree times a day)68 Ann does Well in EngliSh and IOVeS children- She Can Ca=to ask fbr a job A98 - 7745
33、B4435667 c3796174 ()69 Alice ¾vantsObuy SPOrtS ShoeS fbr hersdf The PdCe is lsyuan She ShO-d only Payyuan fbr themA thirty B SiXty c SeVenty( )70 Betty WantSSbe a stud helper in the Eng=Sh StUdy ce3er SheshOUld be goodA. K SPortS B With ChiIdren c at drawing(D)OnCe a fner.s daugh【er began to th
34、ink and PBn WhiOShC WaSCarrying her p.l (i) of milk fh>m the fifLd o the fkrmhouse丄 Wi= Sdl this mi>rJ ShC Said 3 herseh.and With the money I Can SUrdy buy three hundred eggs I Wi= p£these eggs Underhcns And SUreIy ?0 hundred and FAy Of them Wi= hBch(a) I Wnl feed these ChiCkens and make
35、-hem fL And I 漱臥舛沪(廿兴谀讦寻)M 6倒(>8洌)Will take Ihem to the Inarket WhCn ChiCkenS are dear. I WilI SelI them at the market, and With the money11 Will buy a new dress. In this dress, I Will go to the fair. I ShalI IOOk SO fine that all the young men WiIl ask me to marry them BUt I WiiI toss my head1 a
36、nd Say NO to them all.M AS She Said this, ShC really tossed her head. DOWn fell the pail9 and the milk SPilIcd all OVer the ground. That WaS the end Of all her fine PlanS The moral Of this StOry is: DOntt COUnt your ChiCkenS before Ihey are hatchedFill in Che blanks according to the PaftIage. OlIiy
37、One WOrd for each blank.A fanner's daughter WaS OnCe Canying her Pail Of milk On Ihe fan (71)Shebegan to think and plan. She PIanned to Sell the milk and buy a new dress. She thought that She must (72) the men WhO fell in IOVC With her When She (73)the new dress tothe fair. (74)Of this, She toss
38、ed her head and the milk SPiUed all OVer the ground. Herfine PlanS Were (75)(E)Can dolphins talk? They can,t talk With WOrdSt but Ihey talk With sounds. They ShOW their feelings With sounds.DolPhmS travel in a group We CaD a group Of fish a OSChOO They don't StUdyy but they travel together. DOIP
39、hinS are mammals, not fish9 but they SWim together in a SChOoI.DOlPhinS talk to the Other dolphins in the SChOOL They give information They tell When Chey are happy Or Sad Or afraid. They Say "Welcome" When a dolphin COtneS back to the SChOOL They Ulk When they play.ThCy make a few SOUndS
40、above water. They InakC many more SOUndS Under water. PeOPIe CannOt hear these SOUndS because the SOUndS are Veryl Very high. SCientiStS Inake tapes Of the SOUndS and StUdy them.SOInetilneS PeOPIe CatCh dolphins for a Iarge aquarium. PeOPIe Can WatCh the dolphins in ashow. DOIPhinS don't Iike to
41、 be away from Iheir SChoOl in an aquarium They are sad.There are many StOrieS about (IOIPhins. They help people. SOmetiIneS they SaVe SOmebodytS lifb DOIPhin meat is good, but PeOPIe do,t Iike to Idll them They Say that dolphins bring good luck. Many PeOPIe believe this.ADSWer the following question
42、s according to What you read<76. Can dolphins talk With words?77. What do We CalI a group Of fish?78. When do they Say “Welcome'*?79. DO ChCy make more SOUndS above Water Or Under water?得分评卷人第三部分书面表达(共计15分)80. In fact, do dolphins really bring gd luck? Why?V. Writing (本 Ii 共 15 分.Afi5 分 BHlO
43、分)(注慮:文中不能出现考生真实姓名.校名和老师名否则不赋分)(A)假定你是Bob,打算和你的同学JaCk去看上海队与山东队之间的足球比赛你去他家送票,他不在请你就以下内容写一則留音。(40词左右)1. 足球赛今晚6:30开始2. 你在红达体育场(HOngdaStadiUm)门口等他.3. 坐】3路车可到达体育场DearJaC 匕BOb (B)在竟争澈烈的当今社会,作为一名中学生,承受着来自生活和学习等多方面的压力. 请你以HOW to RedUCe the PreSSUJre为题,谈一谈你是怎样减缓压力的. 要求:1.词数:80词左右.2. 字迹工整,语吉流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰.3. 文章
44、内容可适当发挥.HOW to Reduce the PretSUre英语试(齐齐冷尔市)第8页(拱8页)二O五年齐齐哈尔市初中学业考试英语试题参考答案及评分说明第一S5分语言知识运用(共计65分)1115 CCCAB2630 ABBAC4145 BBBCAL MUltiPIe ChOiCe (本题共30分.毎小題1分)15 ACBCB610BBCAA1620 BABCC2125ABABCII. CIOZe test (本题共15分,每小题1分)3135 BCBCA3640ACABAIII. COmmUniCatiOn本题共20分.毎小題2分)(A) 4650 BCFAD(B) 51.What
45、WrOng/the matterte trouble (With you)?/ What ,s your trouble?52. What is it /die news (about)?53. IS it SeriOUs?54. Thatts/sounds (t) Ierriblebad It,s (tooso) terrible./ (Tm) SOny to hear that.55. When and Where did it happen?(只答 When did it happen?或 Where did it happen? 赋I分)注,只要学生答案符合语境.教师即可酌情赋分第二部
46、分阅读理解(共计40分)IV ReadiIlg COmPrehelISiOn (本题共 40 分.A、B 毎小题 1 分.G D E 每小題 2 分)(A) 5660 EBFAC (B) 6165 TFFrT (C) 6670 ABBCB(D) 71. when 72. refuse 73 wore 74. Thinking 75. over/failed(E) 76 No, they can't.77.Auschoo.7& When a dolphin COmCS back to the SChOoVgroup.79. UndCr water.80. No, they dontt BeCaUSe an animal Cannot bring good IUCk to PeOPle./Because it's just a WiSh Of many people.(答对一个问题赋 1 分)注:第80题是开放性试
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