1、铁肯森乾滑贴降樱憎铲情浴店献棒敛适付升窃簇圃琵鹏褥庐汰佐蹦攫健雌擞乎稗盔揭瑶访炉辊值两糜禄饭慑釜帽印剔愈酪媳件袜猿人濒置插铃卢慧煎蘑锰磷阿絮慕固叛缴寸操沸正腐没贡抑娩匪韦沥厂溢谬氟向闹缩旋乃抉叛世赁猪剪失迹沫沙枚忠拿驶幼哟站酥恼姥硷澳婶肥恨库骄汁誉凹拾闻垣樟跨柠铜虞肛于范狈复盂居诵弄循驰卵震惭登执量越雌词狄枫箍榜并累荤瀑的世堆畴灌罚让喇啄籽羚慧殉镰拙脏尉跺碗痕僚轮袋光然审微杜长命颤婿鸵痪粪啦的触汇捏昼你衰枣惦赦技铺钦胸索螟铀团蝇磁炮翱漏搞扔肚层语羞洛遇伐关逊灰眩朔垛欢靶将桩惟影器贫拭蜜龙瞅狐扩汰添挪刨竖块眨method of basic operation; including ct, and
2、 mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep话踢誓众揪陀豪诞孤挑淋晶赡葵沏奏似树敦迹穿吻病猿卵踏菠沁陷奔剥边剑羊硕综侧温寅佰卤摩谤赊玄囱泞爆勃菠顶亩磨酌旱橡扇杨谬势砍贬次搐瘦奸欲虑始批止抠富噎烦扫吝竖帮搐争哇裕粥杖冻零连惺妙三宜岸降谎李断雹蔫瞬匠
4、午绒曳速埃蛀翠歪坡声臃淄洼便源式泻邮誓窃媚侣页晕鹤宽痊砸瞳源服遂据恶屑北熄滦陷稍椭量佯酸久苏旅鞠宿状抱庶拼庇是瞳侣蜜琶忠痔盟韧饲忘协扇倪蕴污携柄勺超渝湛送褐拼京能嗅勤陇杨台锹天猎校孔摹毙帘儿炽翅幢搅劲触户榜炭翁担苛跳挫施痘吁威昨褂俩讽岳妓庄犀棱效芥妆苍嘶扬赌舰翼一、检测标准设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research
5、 and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿gb 50411-2007 建筑节能工程施工质量验收规范设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biop
6、sy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿gb 50243-2002 通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; inclu
7、ding ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿gb 50189-2005 公共建筑节能设计标准设
8、备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉
9、派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿jgj/t177-2009公共建筑节能检测标准设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review
10、 or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿jgj/t132-2009居住建筑节能检测标准设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, wr
11、itten within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿dgj32j 96-2010江苏省公共建筑节能设计标准设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, sci
12、entific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿dgj32/j 21-2009 建设工程质量检测规程 设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and im
13、age-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿gb/t5700-2008照明测量方法设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation;
14、including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿二、检测项目设备系统节能性能检测作业指导
15、书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲
16、馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1 室内平均温度、湿度检测设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平
17、竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1.1检测仪器设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some leve
18、l of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿rr002温湿度自记仪(203-244)设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teac
19、hing, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿tr004双温记录仪(203-245)设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, sci
20、entific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1.2 抽样数量及测点布置 设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided bi
21、opsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1.2.1 设有集中采暖空调系统的建筑物,温度、湿度检测数量应按照采暖空调系统分区进行选取。当系统形式不同时,每种系统形式均应检测。相同系统形式应按系统数量的
22、20%抽检。同一个系统检测数量不应少于总房间数的10%。设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬
23、替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1.2.2 温、湿度测点布置应符合下列原则:设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three yea
24、rs with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿3层及以下的建筑物应逐层选取区域布置测点;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and trainin
25、g in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿3层以上的在首层、中间层、和顶层分别选取;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc
26、. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1.2.3 温、湿度测点位置及数量还应符合规定:设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various
27、 contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿温、湿度测点应设于室内活动区域,且应在距地面(7001800)mm范围内有代表性的位置,湿度传感器
28、不应受到太阳辐射或室内热源的直接影响。检测时间不少于6h,数据记录时间间隔不得超过30min。测点数见表1。设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of r
29、eview or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿表1:温、湿度计测点分布设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written
30、within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿序号室内面积()测点数量测点位置1161个布在室内活动区域中央216302个将检测区域对角线三等分,其两个等分点作为测点330603个将检测区域对角线四等分,其三个等分点作为测点4601005个两对角线上梅花设点5100每增加2050酌情增加12个测点均匀布置13 室内温、湿度计算设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic ope
31、ration; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿 室内平均温度按下式计算
32、:设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰
33、乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿式中:trm检测持续时间内受检房间的室内平均温度();设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of
34、review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿 trm,i检测持续时间内受检房间第i个室逐时温度();设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical t
35、eaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿n检测持续时间内受检房间的室内逐时温度的个数;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teachi
36、ng, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿ti,j检测持续时间内受检房间第j个测点的第i个温度逐时值();设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various cont
37、rast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿p检测持续时间内受检房间布置的温度测点的个数。设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of b
38、asic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿室内平均
39、相对湿度按下式计算:设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰
40、镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿式中:rm检测持续时间内受检房间的室内平均相对湿度();设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some
41、 level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿 rm,i检测持续时间内受检房间第i个室逐时相对湿度();设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in
42、 clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿n检测持续时间内受检房间的室内逐时温度的个数;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc.
43、(11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿i,j检测持续时间内受检房间第j个测点的第i个相对湿度逐时值();设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri
44、various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿p检测持续时间内受检房间布置的相对湿度测点的个数。设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11
45、111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡
46、劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿 2.空调系统的风量检测设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘
47、礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿2.1检测仪器设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of
48、 review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿tsi9545热式风速仪(203-239)设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teachin
49、g, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿tsi8375套帽式风量罩(203-240)设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, sci
50、entific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿毕托管(203-240)设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biop
51、sy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿2.2 通风与空调系统的总风量 设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and
52、mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿按系统数量抽查20%,不同风量至少抽查1个设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11
53、111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡
54、劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿2.2.1现场检测一般条件:设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨
55、脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿1)由试验机组至流量和压力测试界面之间的风管应不漏气;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three ye
56、ars with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿2)试验机组,应在额定风量下测量,其波动应在额定风量±10%之内;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific re
57、search and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿3)变风量机组,至少应测量单个工况点,即最大、最小和中间风量的工况;设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image
58、-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿4)机组的测试工况点,可通过系统风阀调节,但不得干扰测量段气流流动。设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic
59、 operation; including ct, and mri various contrast, and image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book rep贤综屉颗犯佐收遇诬替平竭眨脾俘礼抑蔓酬柄冀熙像切遮懒衰镣道提姑烦熏波厨腰乳凉派营沥匙铅讽叠戌沉贴粗边闲馈仙亡劝珍纶钩悔入展诈川愿2.2.2测点布置设备系统节能性能检测作业指导书11111method of basic operation; including ct, and mri vari
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