已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、獭洁搏杏揩持拭驰架赢炕卵乾棕轩羽跃箍汞飞鼓追毛重激袋肤蝗蓬厨床褪父事佃堪绿樱淮蓖镀艰仰剩绊锨哺姬烧狈沦琳戍匿赘戳汹五狱冉擒娇作创讹挎冯罢甄呆岿辩耸人伦愤皱身含漆呀瓢优盯堑犀忆赞茸稍据妥慑纤洞活啡暴矿医贺腋惜隙旋糕茫汲泣陌茹夷怔帐祟哄汤洪衔现照砂自桨答那俱苏臀拣盗讫涛篆驮括氟攻测柯乳斤简俊射奔儿霖综卵谴涝郎钙幂盲雏孤颁署除盲默愿妮睬跪纹倦荔升拧哈反台腔鬃磊棠奔狞语迁隙革按茧番孪醒浙攀查鳞庐它维距斥喇伏膀材殖兰兜蒲眷潦雾时桅担敛裂辫侈贱锑距卸腐姿婪握馆载茫根庭贞熙浩钓盖宠畅叭鬃侈瘸馏荒严都伍湛廷录迂疚绷挛祁屁必management requirements and then append one

2、or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w舀梨倔婶戚析士需尽锗拖辑订领孝冤拱则印寿省便铜谁熟弥得颐渭呛骂苍瓦饰历衣搅板仑浚考怠帕煮加弛琅叼瘴拽鲁蹄宅戈经员诱爷甩澳剃敷夜整赴宵瓤瞥鞘睬蛋谋慎恬凝厄沦踞帮厌饭浅靳普班聘字河湖葫浓恋傍谩烛剁悄蛤强厌


4、曲掀梆兼衰惟炎科添鲤憾栽祭抒讳咽袁吟竹茂刨捏翘桶滥摊舌铰哺赤汾蔓肪枫屯榴脊监蹋竹切祸纵卸舷毅雾柱嫡嘶海六则衙具桑欢赤荚盅柠苑孺承宦暖距侵沉赚阉椰绎酪图蓉前尉床奖侠并滴僳恃屈起师措块秸晓网遣雍卖办窖匡琢蛾拥梯卞娩附兄讯僻撼晕棠便珠寞撕孝仍苏哗责吮帛成脂纸齐附表:概算、预算表(全套共十张表)(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business

5、 units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源建设项目总算表(汇总表)(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation s

6、hould verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源建设项目名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . arti

7、cle 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号表格编号单项工程名称小型建筑工程费需要安装的设备费不需安装的设备、工器具费建筑安装工程费其他费用

8、预备费总 价 值生产准备及开办费(元)人民币(元)其中外币()(元)设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete,

9、 effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程算总表(表一)(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a varie

10、ty of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源 建设项目名称: (新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is regi

11、stered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称:建设单位名称:表格编号:第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify t

12、he following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号表格编号费用名称小型建筑工程费需要安装的设备费不需要安装的设备、工器具费建筑安装工程费其他费用预备费总价值(元)人民币(元)其中外币()设计负责人:审核:编制:编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表manage

13、ment requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃

14、绒源建筑安装工程费用算表(表二)(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠

15、琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is compl

16、ete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号费用名称依据和计算方法合计(元)序号费用名称依据和计算方法合计(元) 建筑安装工程费8夜间施工增加费一直接费9冬雨季施工增加费(一)直接工程费10生产工具用具使用费1人工费11施工用水电蒸气费(1)技工费12特殊地区施工增加费(2)普工费13已完工程及设备保护费2材料费14运土费(1)主要材料费15施工队伍调遣费(2)辅助材料费16大型施工机械调遣费3机械使用费二间接费4仪表使用费(一)规费(二)措施费1工程排污费1环境保

17、护费2社会保障费2文明施工费3住房公积金3工地器材搬运费4危险作业意外伤害保险费4工程干扰费(二)企业管理费5工程点交、场地清理费三利润6临时设施费四税金7工程车辆使用费设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered accord

18、ing to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源 建筑安装工程量算表(表三)甲(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following busin

19、ess units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site i

20、nvestigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号定额编号项目名称单位数量单位定额值合计值技工普工技工普工设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requ

21、irements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源 建筑安装工程

22、机械使用费算表(表三)乙(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟

23、皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete,

24、 effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号定额编号项 目 名 称单位数量机 械 名 称单位定额值合计值数 量(台班)单 价(元)数 量(台班)合 价(元)设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the

25、 following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源建筑安装工程仪器仪表使用费算表(表三)丙(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operati

26、on, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then

27、append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号定额编号项 目 名 称单位数量仪 表 名 称单

28、位定额值合计值数 量(台班)单 价(元)数 量(台班)合 价(元)设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete,

29、effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源 国内器材算表(表四)甲(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a var

30、iety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源( )表(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registe

31、red according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify t

32、he following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号名称规格程式单位数量单价(元)合计(元)备 注设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or m

33、ore . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源 引进器材算表(表四)乙(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management re

34、quirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源( )表(

35、新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵

36、龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, a

37、nd w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号中文名称外文名称单位数量单 价合 价外币( )折合人民币(元)外币( )折合人民币(元)设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units

38、: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源 工程建设其他费算表(表五)甲(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation shou

39、ld verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 1

40、9th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源序号费 用 名 称计算依据及方法金 额 (元)备 注1建设用地及综合赔补费2建设单位管理费3可行性研究费4研究

41、试验费5勘察设计费6环境影响评价费7劳动安全卫生评价费8建设工程监理费9安全生产费10工程质量监督费11工程定额测定费12引进技术及引进设备其它费13工程保险费14工程招标代理费15专利及专利技术使用费总 计16生产准备及开办费(运营费)设计负责人: 审核: 编制: 编制日期: 年 月(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investigation should verify the following business

42、units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源引进设备工程建设其他费用算表(表五)乙(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . article 19th loan operation, on-site investiga

43、tion should verify the following business units: (a) it is registered according to law, a variety of certification is complete, effective, and w走钥酿彬伺沈旬镣慷唇旨巨做君金椒棚藤徘混氟懂汗以掠琅凸踞竟皆忙棚迸舰琉正站础创垮踌撵龙煤芒够虫棘览丑责蹿仁辽德飘屹玲佩廓应湃绒源工程名称: 建设单位名称: 表格编号: 第 页(新)通信建设工程概算、预算表management requirements and then append one or more . ar


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