



1、2019 年 10 月 29 日托福写作真题及范文【华尔街英 语】2017 年 10 月 29 日托福考试已经结束,托福写作部分的题目是什么, 应该怎么写?下面 #为大家整理了 2017年 10月 29日托福考试托福 独立写作真题解析范文,供您参考。独立写作Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:Universities should require every graduation students to take public speaking courses. Give specific examples and det

2、ails to support your answer.Sample Answer :As we all know, course settings of universities have always been a focal point of the public attention. Recently, it has become a hotly-debated question that whether or not college students should take compulsory public speaking classes. (背景引入 )Some people

3、argue that delivering speech in public can help a student develop an open personality filled with courage. So it is necessary for university students to take this course. ( 他人观点 ) However, in my opinion, turning public speaking course into a compulsory one can be a terrible decision. (我的观点 )My view

4、point is based on thefollowing reasons and examples. (过渡句 )To begin with, public speaking, as a kind of skill, is actually needed only in certain occupations. ( 分论点一 )A politician or an entertainer may sometimes need to present himself facing a crowd of people, while other people such asengineers an

5、d programmers would have no opportunity to use this skill during his career life. (展开句 )For example, oneof my schoolmates who is now working in a mobile game company once shared his life with us during our meeting. He needs to spend almost all his working time facing his computer, coding and thinkin

6、g. With such a heavy workload, only little time was left for him to social with his colleagues and friends.It is obvious that learning how to give an excellent speech in public is useless for him. Therefore, we can see that public speaking isn 't an essential skill needed by people who are respo

7、nsible for certain kinds of jobs. (具体细节例证 )Moreover, requiring students to take public speaking courses doesn't mean they can successfully get this skill when the class is over. (分论点二 )It is universally acknowledged thatdifferent individual owns different personality. Some people are naturally o

8、pen and willing to give their opinion in public. In contrast, others may be shy and inclined to share their thoughts only to a small group of people. (展开句 )WhenI was still a college student, I took part in a club which gathered a group of young people interested in psychology.Some club members were

9、outgoing and good at social. Due to their nature, jobs related with broadcasting and external connection were usually assigned to them. In the club, there were also some students with introvertive personality. They were responsible for some rigorous tasks such as accounting and some strict paperwork

10、. Both groups performed well. If we hand accounting jobs to the outgoing group or force the quiet group social, the operation of our club might turn into a mess. Similarly, if those people who are not open enough areforced to take public speaking course, it might just be a waste of time. ( 具体细节例证 )A

11、dmittedly, public speaking course can help develop a personality which is required to be a leader. ( 承认反面观点有 理 )It is necessary for a leader to deliver a speech full ofemoti on and appeal to his team members.(展开)Take Jack Ma,the boss of Alibaba, as an example. We all know that Jack Ma established Al

12、ibaba, an e-commerce company when he was in obscure. At that time, he was a college English teacher and usually gave lectures in a class in front of hundreds of adult students. Adequate public teaching experience equipped him with a charming and attractive personality, which might contribute a lot a

13、s he recruiting people to set up his ebusiness. Most people didn't held an optimistic attitudetowards e-commerce, so I regarded the leadership of Jack Ma himself as a significant factor resulting in the success of their initial team building. (具体细节例证 )To conclude, public speaking course is not a

14、 necessary one during students ' college years. ( 重述总论点 )Not every students actually need this skill. In addition, not all the pupils can become a successful public speaker after such kind of training. ( 重述第一二个分论点 )Nevertheless, for students who have the ambition to be a leader in his future, ta

15、king public speaking course can effectively help him to get an attractive figure.( 重述让步段论点 )【关于华尔街英语】华尔街英语专注于英语教学领域,提供卓有成效、富于竞争力的 解决方案,协助非英语母语国家的人们打破语言沟通障碍,实现美好 的职业生涯和绚丽的人生体验。在未来,华尔街英语将继续通过稳固 的拓展,为更多地区的有志之士和企业提供高品质的英语培训服务, 成就其梦想,协助创造璀璨前景。华尔街英语由李文昊博士(外语语言学博士)在 1972 年创立于 意大利,是英语培训的世界者,总部设在美国马里兰州巴尔的摩。作

16、 为国际知名品牌,华尔街英语已在世界 27 个国家和地区拥有逾 450 家 中心,协助世界 200 多万名学员成功提升英语实用水平。华尔街英语获得了 IS09001: 2000认证,而剑桥大学ESOI考试 近的研究结果更表明,华尔街英语课程级别的等级划分方式与欧洲语 言共同参照框架(CEFR的英语水平分级方式精准对应。2010年,华 尔街英语再次获得 ISO9001: 2008认证,进一步确立了其世界公认的 高品质英语培训提供者的地位。华尔街英语(中国)已在北京、上海、广州、深圳、天津、青岛、 杭州、南京、苏州、无锡、佛山等多个城市开设了逾 66 家学习中心, 全部中心均为公司直营,从而确保每

17、一家中心向学员提供同样高品质 的学习体验。华尔街英语(国际)是华尔街英语在世界其他国家和地区运营所 使用的名称,我们在亚洲、欧洲、中东、拉美等 27 个国家和地区拥有 逾 450 家加盟学习中心。当前其主要业务覆盖范围有法国、意大利、 土耳其、智利、委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、韩国和中国香港。华尔街英语 国际在德国等地也设有部分自营学习中心,主要以旗舰店的形式作为 新产品测试及加盟学习中心案例分享的基地。华尔街英语(中国)是世界的教育培训巨擘英国培生集团旗下子 公司。培生集团于 1724年创立,是世界的英语语言教学内容出版商和 供应商,发行渠道遍及世界 70 多个国家和地区,其教育产品及服务更 惠及世

18、界逾 1 亿人士。培生集团已在纽约证交所及伦敦证交所两地上 市,在 70 多个国家和地区拥有 40,000 多名员工。培生集团旗下云集 众多世界知名企业,在中国出版了的朗文英语词典及新概念英 语等众多英语教学及培训书籍和字典产品,是家喻户晓的国际品牌。招生说明:重点课程:英语入门课程、职场英语、企业培训(都 分多个等级)(注:优势为母语式教学)推广地区:北京招生年龄范 围: 15-60北京咨询热线: 400-001-9911 转分机 89650 校区分布:北京国贸中心北京市朝阳区 北京远洋中心北京市西城区 北京世茂中心北京市朝阳区 北京东方广场中心北京市东城区 北京远大中心北京市朝阳区 北京中关村中心北京市海淀区 北京公主坟中心北京市海淀区 北京东方银座中心北京市东城区北京西直门凯


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