1、本文档为精品文档,如对你有帮助请下载支持,如有问题请及时沟通,谢谢支持!-1-Module 4 Carnival学案-Vocabulary and readingTeaching aim: 1. Review the new words 2. Reading and understandingIRevision1. 基督教的(adj.)_ 基督 (n.)_ 圣诞节(n.) _2. 延长(vt.)_ 延伸;扩大(n.) _3. 杂乱; 混舌 L (n.)_ 佟混舌 L (vt.)_令人困惑的 (adj.)_宀感到困惑的( adj.) _4. 优美的,高雅的 (adj.) _ 高雅地 (adv.)
2、 _ 优美,高雅 (n.) _5. 帝国 (n.) _ 帝王( n.) _6. 使人放松的 (adj.) _ 放松;使松弛( v.) _ 休息消遣( n.) _7. 庆典; 庆祝(n.)_ 庆祝(v.)_8. 起源 (n.) _ 最初的;原始的 (adj.) _ 起源;发生 (v.) _9. 运输运送 (v.) _ 运输运送 (n.) _10. 美味可口的 (adj.)_ 品味(v.)_ 味觉(n.)_11. 魅力;魔力;魔法 (n.) _ 神秘的;奇异的 (adj.) _ 魔术师;巫师 (n.)_ 神秘地;奇异地 (adv .) _12. 废除 (vt.) _ 废除 (n.) _13. 记忆
3、 (n.) _ 记住;熟记 (v.) _ 记念性的 (adj.) _14. 复兴;再流行;再兴起 (vt.) _ 复活;复生 (n.) _答案:I. Christian; Christ; Christmas2. extend; extension3. confusion; confuse; confusing; confused4. elegant; elegantly; elegance5. empire; emperor6. relaxing; relaxed; relax; relaxation7. celebration; celebrate8. origin ; original;
4、originate9. transport; transportation10. tasty; taste; tasteII.magic; magical ; magically; magician12. abolish; abolition13. memory; memorize; memorial14. revive; revival完成句子本文档为精品文档,如对你有帮助请下载支持,如有问题请及时沟通,谢谢支持!-2-1) The book _ ( 标着 ) my name is written by a famous writer.2) All the students _ ( 标上名
5、) on their school uniforms.3)_ _( 穿着 ) strange clothes, she frightened many people.4) The little boy likes to _ _ _ _ ( 扮成 ) a policeman.5)_ The failure _ his career( 结束 ).6) His career _ _ _ ( 结束 )because of the failure.7) I arrived at nine and _ _ _( 直接入住 ) a hotel.8) The United Nations Organizati
6、on_ (由组成)over 160 nations.9) Theory should _(与一致practice.答案: 1) marked with2)marked their names3) dressed in4) dress himself up as5) brought; to an end6) came to an end.7) booked straight into8)consists of9) consist withnReading and understanding1. Read the passage (P32 42) and answer the following
7、questions.1) What does this passage mainly tell us?2)How did the different kinds of people behave in the carnival in Venice?3) Which sentence in the text can be replaced by the following one?People wore masks, walked round the streets and did what they wanted in secret for several weeks straight.4)
8、Put the following sentence into Chinese.The town council realized that carnival was good for business , and the festival was developed for tourists.5) What s the key chcatrear to carnival in Venice?答案:1) The origins of carnival and carnival in Venice.2) Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and i
9、mportant, while famous people could haveroma ntic adve ntures in secret. Many crimes went unno ticed.本文档为精品文档,如对你有帮助请下载支持,如有问题请及时沟通,谢谢支持!-3-3) For weeks on end people walked round the streets weari ng masks, doing what they wan ted without beingrecog ni zed.4) 市镇议会认识到狂欢节创造了一定的商机,因此狂欢节得以发展吸引更多的顾客。5)
10、The mystery of the mask.2. According to the following points, rewrite the passage into a 120-word passage. the origi n of carni val and its meaning carni val in Veni ce: one day, limited, bann ed, revised, developed for tourists, masks Fill in thebla nks accord ing to the story.ExampleWhen carni val
11、 bega n in Europe, people saw it as the last cha nee to have fun. Having fun meanteating, drinking and dressing up. The most famous carnival was in Venice. At first, it lasted for one day. As timepassed , the carnival period was extended. People walking round the streets wearing masks, doing what th
12、ey wan tedwithout being recog ni zed. Later, weari ng masks was limited by law.Fin ally, at the end of the 18thcen tury, masks were banned completely. But in the late 1970s, thetraditi on was revived by stude nts and festival was developed for tourists. Today carni val in Ven ice is celebrated forfi
13、ve days in February. Hotels are fully booked and the n arrow streets are crowded with won derful costumes. The keyto carni val in Ven ice is the mystery of masks.3. Complete the following passage.Think of carni val, and you t1 crowds, costumes, and con fusi on.“ Carni val ” comes fromtwo Latin words
14、 m_2_ “ no more meat ” . People saw carnivals as a last c3_to havefun at the end of win ter seas on.The most famous carnival in Europe was in Venice. For works on e_ 4_, peoplew_ 5_masks did what they wan ted without being r_ 6_, so that many crimes went u_7The government realized the problem and made laws to solve it. Masks wereb_8_ completely. But in the late 1970s the traditi on was r_9_ by stude nts.Today, carnival in Venice is c 10_ for five days in February. As you w_11through the streets, you see thousa nds of masks. Ho
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