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1、机械工程及自动化创新实践开发中英文对照Of mecha ni cal engin eeri ng and automati on inno vati on practice developme nt in Chin ese andEn glish.引言:工程的本质在于创造,工程创造的内涵就是科学知识和技术的开发与应用。工程正是通 过对辩学知识技术的开发与应用,创造世界上原先没有人工产品或系统来满足社会现实可能 的需要。工程是一种创造力的专业,与社会生活中的其他专业有着不同的分工,以创造为自己的使命,这正是工程教育的本质特征和光荣任务。现代工程的定义具有鲜明的时代特征。2l世纪,世界将进入知识经

2、济的时代,一切创新都依赖于高素质创造型人才,承担培养高素质创造型人才和发展科学文化双重任务的高等教育,必将成为国家创新体系的支柱和基础,寓有创造本质特征的工程教育应当更加突出创新意识和创造能力的培养等。In troduct ion: the project is the esse nee of creatio n, developme nt and applicati on of engin eeri ng to create is the conno tatio n of scie ntific kno wledge and tech no logy. The project is thro

3、ugh the developme nt and applicati on of scie ntific kno wledge and tech no logy,to create the world had no artificial product or system to meet the n eeds of social reality possible. Engin eeri ng is a creative professi on al,have differe nt divisi on of labor and other professi onal and social lif

4、e, in order to create for their missi on,this is the esse ntial feature and glorious task of Engin eeri ng educati on.The defi niti on of moder n engin eeri ng has disti net characteristics of the times. The 2l cen tury,the world will en ter the era of kno wledge economy,all inno vatio n depe nds on

5、 the high quality and creative talents, higher education undertakes training high-caliber dual task of talents and the developme nt of scie nee and culture,will become the pillar and foun dati on of n ati onal inno vati on system,it is the creation of the character of engineering education should be

6、 more outstanding inno vati on con scious ness and creative ability trai ning etc.一、机械工程及其自动化专业创新实验开发研究的意义A, mechanical engineering and innovation experimental development automation research sig ni fica nee随着世界经济一体化趋势不断增强,我国市场经济不断发展与完善,对现代工程的概念也产生了一种新的理论,即工程是关于科学知识和技术的开发与应用,以使在物质、经济、人力、政治、法律和文化限制内满

7、足社会需要的一种创造性专业”。从中我们可以看出,工程的本质在于创造,而创造的本质就是对科学知识和技术的开发与运用。从这个意义上理解,工程就可以理解为通过科学知识和技术的开发与应用,通过创造出当前没有的产品或者是系统 ,以此来满足经济和社会发展的需要。从某种意义上说 ,工程与其他的专业有着很大的区别,最为主要的就是工程专业可以理解为创造力专业,这也是工程教育的本质特征。当前,知识经济时代的到来,使得知识成为了人类社会进步的源动力,一切的经济活动和社会活动也都要依赖于知识的开发与运用,而高素质的创造型人才正是对知识的开发与运用的实施者,培养创造型人才也成为了当前我国教育事业的根本任务,对工程教育进

8、行创新与改革也是当前高等教学改革的一个必然方向。Alo ng with the trend of the in tegrati on of the world economy grow ing,Chin as market economy developme nt and improveme nt,the con cept of moder n engin eeri ng has also give n rise to a new theory, namely project is the development and application of scientific knowledge

9、and tech no logy, to meet a creative professi onal social n eed in material, econo mic, huma n, political, legal and cultural con stra ints . We can see from the project, the esse nee lies in the creati on, and creati on is the esse nee of the scie ntific kno wledge and the tech ni cal developme nt

10、and applicati on.Understood in this sense, the project can be understood as the development and application of scie ntific kno wledge and tech no logy, through the creati on of a curre ntly no products or systems, in order to meet the n eeds of econo mic and social developme nt. I n a sen se, the pr

11、oject has the very big differe nee with other professi on al, most main is engin eeri ng can be un derstood as the creativity of the professi on al, this is also the esse ntial characteristics of Engin eeri ng educati on. At present, the era of knowledge economy, knowledge has become the source of t

12、he progress of human society, the development and utilization of economic and social activities of all also depends on knowledge, and creative talents with high quality is the implementation of the developme nt and applicati on of kno wledge, cultivate creative tale nts has become a fun dame ntal ta

13、sk for the educati onal un dertak ing of our coun try, an in evitable direct ion of engin eeri ng educati on reform and inno vati on is the curre nt higher educati on.二、机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验的开发研究Development and research of two, mechanical engineering and automation professional comprehe nsive inno vati

14、on experime nt通过对高校理工科专业教学体系的分析可以看出,实验教学被安排的位置是在理论教学之后,其实验的目的就在于为学生提供应用理论知识进行实践和应用的机会。工程能力也可以称之为创造能力,这是对于理工科学生基本的素质要求之一,因此可以说,创新实验教学的开发和研究,是为学生提供应用理论进行创造的平台,也是培养学生工程素质和创新能力的主要途径。综合创新实验的开发与研究是一项复杂的、系统的工程,需要以现代教育思想作为根本的指导思想,科学的处理实验教学与理论教学的关系。笔者认为,综合创新实验应当根据专业特点,同时结合学校教学的实际情况土工格栅,在现有的实验设备的基础上,进行改进和研发,而

15、不需要投入大量的资金进行新设备的购置,通过对现有的实验设备进行优化和整合,引入计算机技术和智能化技术,则能够实现对综合创新实验的整体优化,达到培养学生创新能力和实践能力的目标。综合创新实验的教学目的很明确,就是为了给学生提供一个工程应用教学环境,使学生通过实验来加强对理论知识的理解和掌握,并且学会用知识分析问题和解决问题,进而培养学生的综合能力。实施综合创新实验通常是在理论课教学结束之后,综合创新实验打破了学科之间的界限,其实验内容的设计以培养学生的创新能力作为指导思想。学生 在完成一项创新实验的过程中塑料土工格栅,要对各种实验的设备进行熟练的掌握,也需要借助多个学科知识的综合运用,才能够完成

16、实验。Through the an alysis of scie nee and engin eeri ng teach ing system in the colleges and uni versities can be seen,experiment teaching arrangement position is in the theoretical teaching, the experime nt aims to provide the applicati on of theoretical kno wledge for stude nts to practice and appl

17、y the opport uni ty. Engin eeri ng capability can also be referred to as the creative ability,this is for scienee and engineering students the basic quality requirements,it can be said that,the research and developme nt of inno vative experime ntal teachi ng,is to provide the applicati on of the the

18、ory of creative platform for students,is also the main way to cultivate students engineering quality and innovative ability. The research and development of comprehensive innovation experiment is a complex and systematic project, need to modern education thought as the fun dame ntal guid ing ideolog

19、y,deali ng with the relati on ship betwee n the experime ntal teach ing and theoretical teachi ng of scie nee. The author thin ks, comprehe nsive inno vati on experime nt should be based on professional characteristics,combined with the actual situation of school teach ing,based on experime ntal equ

20、ipme nt on existi ng,improveme nt and developme nt,without the n eed to in vest a lot of money for the acquisiti on of new equipme nt,through the optimizati on and in tegrati on of the exist ing experime nt equipme nt, the in troduct ion of computer tech no logy and in tellige nt tech no logy, is ab

21、le to achieve global optimizati on of comprehe nsive inno vati on experiment, to cultivate students innovation ability and practice ability goals. Comprehensive inno vati on experime nt teachi ng purpose is very clear, is to provide stude nts with an engin eeri ng applicati on of teach ing environme

22、nt, make the stude nts through the experime nt to un dersta nd and master the theoretical knowledge, and learn to solve problems by analyzing problems and use knowledge, and to cultivate the comprehensive ability of students. The implementation of comprehensive innovation experiment is usually at th

23、e end of theory teaching, comprehensive innovation experiment to break the boundaries between disciplines, design of the experimental content to cultivate stude nts inno vati on ability as the guidi ng ideology. Stude nts in the process of complet ing an inno vative experime nt, equipme nt of variou

24、s tests are skilled, also n eed the help of a plurality of the in tegrated use of multi-discipli nary kno wledge, to complete the experime nt.机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验IMecha nical engin eeri ng and automati on professi onal comprehe nsive inno vati on experime nt II1、实验设备:细纱机,计算机,测试系统,机构测绘工具。1, the experime

25、 ntal equipme nt: spinning mach ine, computer, test system, mecha nism of Surveying and mapp ing tools.2、 实验内容:(1)测绘细纱机钢领板运动机构;(2)应用测试系统检测钢领板运动规律;(3)根据检测的钢领板运动规律,反求设计控制凸轮机构;(4)对细纱机钢领板运动机构进行综合分析,提出新的设计方案;(5)在计算机上实现新设计方案的仿真设计或者虚拟设计。2, the experiment content: ( 1 ) mapping spinning frame ring plate mot

26、ion mechanism; ( 2 ) applicati on of test system for detect ing steel collar plate moveme nt; ( 3 ) accord ing to the platemoti on detect ion of the steel collar, reverse desig n con trol cam mecha ni sm; ( 4 ) to con duct a comprehensive analysis of plate motion mechanism leading to the spinning ma

27、chine steel, put forward a new desig n; ( 5 ) to realize the simulati on desig n of new desig n or virtual desig n on the computer.机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验nMecha nical engin eeri ng and automatio n specialty comprehe nsive inno vati on experime nt1、实验设备:机器动力学实验台,计算机,测试系统。1, the experime ntal equipme nt: ma

28、ch ine dyn amics laboratory ben ch, computer, test system.2、实验内容:(1)应用测试系统检测机器动力学实验台,当载荷一定时,在安装飞轮和不安装轮飞两种状态下主轴转速的变化情况钢塑格栅;(2)建立实验台等效主轴的运动方程,分析飞轮的调速作用;(3)按新给定的主轴运转不均匀系数反求设计飞轮;(4)在计算机上实现不同主轴运转不均匀系数条件下飞轮的仿真设计玻纤格栅或者虚拟设计。2, the experime nt content: ( 1 ) applicatio n of test system testi ng mach ine dyn

29、amics experime nt, whe n the load is certa in, in in stalli ng flywheel and do not in stall the wheel to fly two con diti on of spin dle speed; ( 2 ) the moti on equatio n of the experime ntal bench equivale nt spin dle, an alysis speed flywheel used; (3 ) accord ing to the spin dle running the new

30、give n non-uniform coefficie nt in verse desig n of flywheel; ( 4 ) to realize the simulatio n desig n of differe nt spin dle operati on un der the con diti on of uneven coefficie nt of flywheel or virtual desig n on the computer.机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验川Mecha nical engin eeri ng and automati on professi o

31、nal comprehe nsive inno vati on experime nt III1、实验设备:1511织布机,计算机,测试系统,机构测绘工具。1, the experimental equipment: 1511 weaving machine, computer, test system, mechanism of Surveying and mapp ing tools.2、 实验内容:(1)测绘1511织布机打纬机构和棕框机构的机构运动简图;(2)应用测试系统检测检验棕框机构运动规律;(3)根据检测的棕框机构运动规律,反求设计棕框共轭凸轮机构;(4)对1511织布机打纬机构

32、和棕框机构的运动进行综合分析,提出新的设计方案;(5)在计算机上实现新设计方案的仿真设计或者虚拟设计。2, the experiment content: ( 1 ) the kinematic mechanism and brown box body mapping 1511 loom; ( 2 ) applicati on of test system test heald frame moti on law; ( 3 ) accord ing to the detect ionof heald frame moti on law, the reverse desig n of heald

33、 frame of conjugate cam mecha ni sm; ( 4 ) comprehe nsive an alysis beat in g-up mecha nism and brow n box of 1511 loom moveme nt, put forward a new desig n; ( 5 ) to realize the simulati on desig n of new desig n or virtual desig n on the computer.三、机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验”的实施Three, mechanical engineerin

34、g and automation of the implementation of ” comprehensive inno vati on experime nt系列 机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验”一般安排与课程设计同步进行。学生在指 导教师的指导下完成基本实验内容,然后独立完成计算分析、创新设计以及在计算机上实现创新设计方案的仿真设计或虚拟设计等项内容,最后写出实验报告。系列机械工程及其自动化专业综合创新实验”不仅重视学生动手能力的培养,更重要的是加强了学生综合应用所学 知识分析问题、解决问题和创新思维能力的培养。系列机械工程及自动化专业综合创新实验”是按照学生掌握知识由浅人深,认识

35、问题由感性认识到理性认识过程设计的,它重视了学生综合创新能力的培养,形成了鲜明的特色。Series of mechanical engineering and automation professional comprehensive innovation experime nt gen eral arran geme nts and course desig n of syn chro ni zati on. Stude nts complete the basic content of experime nt in the guide un der the guida nee of tea

36、chers, and in depe ndent an alysis, desig n and impleme ntati on of inno vati on inno vati on desig n simulati on or virtual desig n contents in the computer, fin ally write the experime nt report. Training series mecha ni cal engin eeri ng and automation professional comprehensive innovation experi

37、ment not only pay attention to the students practical ability, more important is to strengthen the training of comprehensive applicati on of the stude nts kno wledge of problem an alysis, problem solvi ng and creative thi nking ability. Series of mecha nical engin eeri ng and automati on professi on

38、al comprehe nsive inno vati on experiment is in accordanee with the students to acquire knowledge from shallow to deep understanding of people, from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge process design, it attaches great importa nee to the cultivati on of stude nts inno vati on ability, and for

39、med a dist inct characteristics.明确培养目标制定具有工程特色的教学计划。随着科技进步,以计算机信息技术为标志的高新技术在机械制造领域的渗透、融合、应用,使得机械工程学科本身的内涵、外延同传统的观念相比有了质的变化,企业要求该专业的毕业生不仅具备机械设计制造及其自动化方面的基础理论知识和应用能力,还应具备在工业生产第一线从事机械制造领域内的科技开发、设计制造、应用研究、运行管理和经营销售的能力,为了适应社会需求,就应在现代教育思想、教育理念的指导下,以培养具有工程素质的应用人才为目标,构建起新时期对该专业人才要求相适应的、与现代高新技术相融合的、与经济发展环境和资

40、源条件相协调的教学计划体系,按照公共教育、专业教育、实践训练的培养策略,突出工程特色,既要有共性要求,又兼顾 个性培养。公共教育部分要培养学生良好的人文素质,人文与社会科学与自然科学从来就不是分割的,很多科学技术中的突破来自于人文知识的灵感,创新思维和创新精神的培养,也绝不是单纯的专业知识教育问题,通过对学生宽广的通识基础和深厚的自然科学理论基础的 塑造,辅以工程哲学的教育,可以为工程素质培养奠定良好的基础。专业教育部分要系统学习 专业基础课程和核心课程,重视坚实的专业技能的培养,培养工程师的基本素质。在条件允许的情况下,可以为学生提供专业技能认证课程。实践训练部分则着重进行上手快、后劲足的

41、实践能力与创新能力的训练,任何一个学年均有不同的实践教学环节,保证工程实践训练4年不断线,倡导以科研项目、工程现场、实验室研究为背景,进行系统的动手实践能力和创新能力培养。除了上述共性教育,还要对学生进行个性培养,如鼓励学生参加辅修专业的学习,选修 感兴趣的其他专业,通过学习,扩大学生的知识面,以此加强跨专业、跨学科的复合型工程人才 的培养。Clear training objectives with the engineering characteristics of the teaching plan. With the progress of scie nee and tech no l

42、ogy, permeability, and high tech no logy with computer in formatio n tech no logy as the symbol in the field of mecha ni cal manu facture,applicati on in tegrati on,the conno tatio n,the exte nsion of the mecha nical engin eeri ng discipli ne itself has bee n a qualitative change compared with the t

43、raditional ideas,enterprises require the graduates not only with preparation of mechanical engineering and automation of the basic theoretical knowledge and applicati on ability,also should have in the in dustrial producti on of the first line in the in the field of mecha nical manu facturi ng tech

44、no logy developme nt, desig n and manufacture, applicati on research,operation management and sales ability,in order to meet the needs of the society,it should be in the moder n educati on idea,un der the guida nee of the con cept,the applicati on in order to train the talents with engineering quali

45、ty as the goal,construction the new era requires the professionals to adapt, combine with the modern high-tech, and economic development environment and Resources Coordination teaching plan system,in accordanee with the training strategy of public education, professional education, practice training, outstanding engineering characteristics,n ot only have the com mon requireme nts,but also take into acco unt the cultivati on of personality. Public education to cultivate students good


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