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1、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882)朗费罗Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Life Works Evaluation The Secret of the SeaLife Longfellow was born in Maine. One of his grandfathers was a state Senator and the other grandfather had been a Revolutionary War general and a Congressman. Following his graduation in 1

2、826 from Bowdoin College, where he was a classmate of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Longfellow went to Europe to study. When he returned to the United States three years later, he taught European languages, first at Bowdoin and then at Harvard. After 18 years of teaching at Harvard, he resigned his position

3、because he felt it interfered with his writing. During his lifetime, 19th-century writer Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ranked as one of the most popular American poets. While Longfellows contemporaries praised his poetry for its clarity and simplicity, many modern critics fault his lines for their lack

4、 of originality. One of Longfellows most lasting contributions, however, may have been the role he played in popularizing poetry in America.WorksVoices of the Night 1839 夜籁集Ballads and Other Poems 1841歌谣及其他Evangeline 1847伊凡吉林Hiawatha海华沙之歌Tales of a Wayside Inn 1863, 1872, 1873路边酒肆的故事Belfry of Bruges

5、 and Other Poems1845布鲁茨的钟楼及其他“A Psalm of Life” 1838人生礼赞Evaluation During the last years of his life, Longfellow received many honors, including honorary degrees from Cambridge and Oxford Universities in England. After his death, a bust of Longfellow was placed in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbe

6、ythe first American to be so honored. In the late 19th century, Longfellow was without a doubt the most popular American poet. Before death:After death After his death, he became the only American to be honored with a bust(半身像)半身像) in the poets corner of Westminster Abbey. Longfellow became a great

7、teacher of the masses. If his worst fault is that he made poetry seem so easy to write that anyone could do it, his greatest virtue is that he made poetry seem worth reading and worth writing.Style of his poetryStyle Henry Wadsworth Longfellow(1807-1882)Henry Wadsworth Longfellow is noted as the mos

8、t popular American poet of the nineteenth century. His poetry and narrative works are lyrical with an easy rhythm, making them memorable. Uplifting with topics the every man can relate to, Longfellows poetry hums in peoples minds like a favorite song. There are two reasons for the popularity and sig

9、nificance of Longfellows poetry. First, he had the gift of easy rhyme. He wrote poetry as a bird sings, with natural grace and melody. Read or heard once or twice, his rhyme and meters cling to the mind long after the sense may be forgotten. Second, Longfellow wrote on obvious themes which appeal to

10、 all kinds of people. His poems are easily understood; they sing their way into the consciousness of those who read them. Above all, there is a joyousness in them, a spirit of optimism and faith in the goodness of life which evokes immediate response in the emotions of his readers. Americans owe a g

11、reat debt to Longfellow because he was among the first of American writers to use native themes. He wrote about the American scene and landscape, the American Indian (Song of Hiawatha), and American history and tradition (The Courtship of Miles Standish, Evangeline). At the beginning of the 19th cen

12、tury, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned. The people of America had spent their years and their energies in carving a habitation out of the wilderness and in fighting for independence. Literature, art, and music came mainly from Europe and especially from Engla

13、nd. Nothing was considered worthy of attention unless it came from Europe. But the flowering of New England, as Van Wyck Brooks terms the period from 1815 to 1865, took place in Longfellows day, and he made a great contribution to it. He lived when giants walked the New England earth, giants of inte

14、llect and feeling who established the New Land as a source of greatness. Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Oliver Wendell Holmes, and William Prescott were a few of the great minds and spirits among whom Longfellow took his place as a singer and as a representative of Am

15、erica.Was he a great poet? He was certainly a grand poet, and in the public mind the grandest of his day and age. No American poet of any era, its safe to say, has been both as awesomely prolific and prodigiously popular. If Walt Whitman, his younger contemporary by a dozen years, is enshrined as th

16、e founding father of modern American poetry, Longfellow deserves no less than to be remembered as the native bard who gave mythic dimension to the countrys historical imagination, a national poet of epic sweep and solemn feeling who came along right at the moment when the emerging nation had the mos

17、t need for one. Conclusion1Life is real !Life is earnest!And the grave is not its goal.3Trust on future, however pleasant!Let the dead Past bury its dead!Act,-act in the glorious present!2Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,Is our destined end or way,But to act, that each tomorrow.大海的奥秘美亨利沃兹沃思朗费罗作/李正平译啊!我

18、有一种多麽美妙的幻觉,啊!我有一种多麽美妙的幻觉,每当我极目凝望海洋,每当我极目凝望海洋, 所有昔日的浪漫传奇和我的梦境,所有昔日的浪漫传奇和我的梦境,都又重新回到我的心房。都又重新回到我的心房。 丝绸锦帆和薄绢缆绳,丝绸锦帆和薄绢缆绳, 象古代传说一样闪烁发光;象古代传说一样闪烁发光; 那些水手们引吭高歌,那些水手们引吭高歌, 传来回声在岸边飘荡。传来回声在岸边飘荡。 尤其是那首西班牙民歌,尤其是那首西班牙民歌, 常常激起我的联翩遐想,常常激起我的联翩遐想, 那是关于高贵的阿纳多斯伯爵那是关于高贵的阿纳多斯伯爵和那个水手的神秘的歌唱。和那个水手的神秘的歌唱。 象浩淼的波涛席卷了海滩,象浩淼的

19、波涛席卷了海滩, 沙砾在水中泛着银光,沙砾在水中泛着银光, 伴随那轻柔而单调的节奏,伴随那轻柔而单调的节奏, 流动着无韵的抒情诗行;流动着无韵的抒情诗行;它描述了阿纳多斯伯爵,它描述了阿纳多斯伯爵, 他的雄鹰栖落在他的手上,他的雄鹰栖落在他的手上, 他看见一艘富丽堂皇的船只,他看见一艘富丽堂皇的船只,正朝往陆地驶向前方;正朝往陆地驶向前方; 还描述他听见那位年迈的舵手还描述他听见那位年迈的舵手 唱的歌粗犷而又嘹亮,唱的歌粗犷而又嘹亮, 随航的海鸟听了也敛翅垂翼随航的海鸟听了也敛翅垂翼 在桅樯上空盘旋翱翔。在桅樯上空盘旋翱翔。 他不知不觉内心充满了渴望,他不知不觉内心充满了渴望, 突然大声疾呼,

20、情绪激昂,突然大声疾呼,情绪激昂, “也教我学唱这首奇妙的歌吧也教我学唱这首奇妙的歌吧 舵手,看在上苍的份上!舵手,看在上苍的份上!” “你也想了解大海的秘密?你也想了解大海的秘密?”舵手的回答就是这样,舵手的回答就是这样, “想要掌握海洋奥秘的人,想要掌握海洋奥秘的人,只有敢于冒险去劈风斩浪。只有敢于冒险去劈风斩浪。” 每当有帆影掠过天涯海角,每当有帆影掠过天涯海角,每当海风扑面微微轻扬,每当海风扑面微微轻扬, 我都能看见那艘堂皇的船只,我都能看见那艘堂皇的船只,也听见那些曲调苍莽悲凉。也听见那些曲调苍莽悲凉。不知不觉我内心也满怀渴望不知不觉我内心也满怀渴望想要了解奥秘而探索海洋,想要了解奥

21、秘而探索海洋,那汪洋大海跳动的心脏那汪洋大海跳动的心脏 使我心潮起伏,激情回荡。使我心潮起伏,激情回荡。Hymn to the Night黑夜赞歌黑夜赞歌I heard the trailing garments of the Night Sweep through her marble halls! I saw her sable skirts all fringed with light From the celestial walls! 黑夜拖曳着衣裾,黑夜拖曳着衣裾, 扫过她大理石的殿堂扫过她大理石的殿堂! 来自天幕的光来自天幕的光, 将她黑裙的边绣成穗状将她黑裙的边绣成穗状!I felt her presence, by its spell of might, Stoop oer me from above; The calm, majestic presence of the Night, As of the one I love我感到她的出现我感到她的出现,因她符因她符咒般的力量咒般的力量, 从天空俯于我身上。从天空俯于我身上。 黑夜降临黑夜降临,平静而端庄平静而端庄,一如我钟爱的姑娘。一如我钟爱的姑娘。 I heard the sounds of sorrow and delight, The manifold, soft chimes, T


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