1、最新旅游英语口语900句【关于英语发音】在“超慢速”发音的前提下,学会后部发声的7字要领,这7字要领也是后部发声的7个方面,英语发音在这7个方面与汉语发音截然相反,它们是:声、型、气、力、音、节、调1声:声音偏低、粘长。英语是用低嗓音来说话的。2型:口腔前部的嘴唇收拢,要想口腔后部发声,就得收住口腔前部,收住嘴唇和牙齿的过大开合运动。3气:轻柔用气,压抑住爆破音,学会轻发辅音。汉语发音用力重、用气冲,英语发音用力轻、用气柔,并有“美声吐字”特征。说英语时要改“吹气”发音为“吸气”发音,对蜡烛说英语时火苗要不动,对手掌说英语时要无太重的吹气感。107certainly,madamill let
2、the overnight staff know当然可以,女士。我会转告夜班服务员。108would you tidy up a bit in the bathroom?请整理一下浴室好吗?109ive just taken a bath and it is quite a mess now我刚洗了澡,那儿乱糟糟的。110besides,please bring us a bottle of just boiled water此外,请给我们带瓶刚烧开的水来。111its growing darkwould you like me to draw the curtains for you?天黑下
3、来了,要不要我拉上窗帘?112is there anything i can do for you?您还有什么事要我做吗?113im always at your service乐意效劳。旅游英语900句:07 laundry service 洗衣服务laundry service洗衣服务114excuse mehave you any laundry?对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?115the laundry man is here to collect it洗衣房服务员来这儿收要洗的衣服了。116if you have any,please just leave it in the lau
4、ndry bag behind the bathroom door如果您有衣服要洗,请放在浴室门后的洗衣袋里。117please tell us or notify in the list whether you need your clothes ironed,washed,dry-cleaned or mended and also what time you want to get them back请告诉我们或在洗衣单上写明您的衣服是否需要熨烫,水洗,干洗或缝补,还要写明何时需要取衣服。118what if there is any laundry damage?如果你们洗衣时损坏了衣
5、服怎么办?119in such a case,the hotel should certainly pay for it如果是这样,饭店当然应该赔偿。120could you send someone up for my laundry,please?请问,你们能派人来收要洗的衣服吗?121a valet will be up in a few minutes洗熨工马上就到。122will the color run in the wash?洗衣时会掉色吗?123well dry-clean the dress我们将干洗这条裙子。124well stitch it before washing
6、我们会在洗之前把衬里缝好。125when can i have my laundry back?我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?126but would you like express service or same day?不过,您是要快洗服务还是当日取?127id like this sweater to be washed by hand in cold water这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。旅游英语900句:08 settling guests complaints 处理投诉settling guests complaints处理投诉128can you change the room for m
7、e? its too noisy能给我换个房间吗?这儿太吵了。129my wife was woken up several times by the noise the baggage elevator made我妻子被运送行李的电梯发出的嘈杂声弄醒了几次。130she said it was too much for her她说这使她难以忍受。131im awfully sorry,sir非常对不起,先生。132i do apologize我向您道歉。133no problem,sir没问题,先生。134well manage it,but we dont have any spare r
8、oom today我们会尽力办到,但是今天我们没有空余房间。135could you wait till tomorrow?等到明天好吗?136i hope well be able to enjoy our stay in a quiet suite tomorrow evening and have a sound sleep我希望明天晚上我们能呆在一套安静的房间里睡个好觉。137and if there is anything more you need, please let us know如果还需要别的什么东西,请告诉我们。138the light in this room is t
9、oo dim这房间里的灯光太暗了。139please get me a brighter one请给我换个亮的。140certainly,sirill be back right away好的,先生,我马上就回来。141the room is too cold for mei feel rather cold when i sleep这房间太冷了,我睡觉时感到很冷。旅游英语900句:09 maintenance 维修服务maintenance维修服务142there seems to be something wrong with the toilet我房间里的抽水马桶好像出了点毛病。143w
10、ell send someone to repair it immediately我们会马上派人来修的。144whats the trouble?哪儿坏啦?145the toilet doesnt flush抽水马桶不放水了。146let me seeoh,its clogged让我看看。噢,堵住了。147the water tap drips all night long水龙头一整夜滴水。148some part needs to be replacedi will be back soon有个零件要换了。我片刻就来。149ah,im afraid theres something wron
11、g with the tv噢,电视机好像有些毛病。150the picture is wobbly图像不稳定。151im sorrymay i have a look at it?很遗憾,我可以看看吗?152ill send for an electrician from the maintenance department我去请维修部的电工来。153we can have it repaired我们能找人修理。154please wait just a few minutes请稍等几分钟。155the tv set is not working well电视机有毛病了。at the barb
12、ers and beauty salon理发店与美容厅156id like to have my hair cut我想理个发。157 how do you want it?您想理什么式样的?158just a trim,and cut the sides fairly short,but not so much at the back修剪一下就行了。两边剪短些,但后面不要剪得太多。159nothing off the top?顶上不要剪吗?160well,a little off the top嗯,稍微剪一点。161would you like a shave or shampoo?您要不要修
13、面或洗头?162i want a haircut and a shave,please我想理发和修面。163very well,and how would you like your haircut,sir?好的,您喜欢什么发式?164do you want me to trim your moustache?要我为您修剪一下小胡子吗?165well, could you cut a little more off the temple?好,能不能把两边鬓角再剪短些?166is that satisfactory?您看这样满意吗?167anything else i can do for yo
14、u?还要我为您做些什么吗?168i want a facial我想做面部美容。169most facials start with a thorough cleansing面部美容大都是先彻底清洁面部皮肤。170ill take the half-hour facial with make-up我要做半小时美容外加化妆。旅游英语900句:10 wake-up call service 唤醒服务wake-up call service唤醒服务171im going to tianjin early tomorrow morning我明天一大早要去天津。172so i would like to
15、request an early morning call因此我想让你们明天早上叫醒我。173at what time would you like us to call you tomorrow morning?您想让我们明天早上什么时候叫醒您?174but i have to be at the conference room of the garden hotel in tianjin by 10 oclock但我是10点钟必须赶到天津花园宾馆会议室。175that means that ill have to be on the road by 7 oclock at the late
16、st就是说我明天早晨最迟也要7点钟上路。176in that case,i would like you to call me at 545?那样的话,你们明早5点45分叫醒我好吗?177okso we will wake you up at 545 tomorrow morning好,那么我们明早5点45分叫醒您。178will you do me a favour, miss?小姐,能帮个忙吗?179i wonder if your hotel has the morning call service不知道你们饭店是否有叫早服务。180would you like a morning ca
17、ll?您要叫醒服务吗?181i want to go to the bund to enjoy the morning scenery there我想到外滩去欣赏那儿的景色。182at what time do you want me to call you up,sir?您要我什么时候叫醒您?183at 6 sharp tomorrow morning, please请在明早6点钟。184by phonei dont want to disturb my neighbors电话叫醒,我不想吵醒邻居。旅游英语900句:11 checking out 结帐checking out结帐185id
18、like to pay my bill now我想现在结账。186your name and room number,please?请问您的姓名和房间号码?187have you used any hotel services this morning?请问您今天早晨是否用过旅馆内的服务设施?188four nights at 90 us dollars each, and here are the meals that you had at the hotelthat makes a total of 665 us dollars4个晚上,每晚90美元,加上膳食费,总共是660美元。189c
19、an i pay by credit card?我可以用信用卡支付吗?190please sign your name here请您在这里签名。191 excuse me were leaving todayid like to pay our bills now劳驾。我们今天要离去了。我希望现在就把账结清。192by the way,id like to tell you that the check-out time is 1200 noon,sir先生,顺便告诉您,结账后离开旅馆时间是12点。193 how about the charge for the days you shared
20、 the room with your friend?这几天您的朋友与您同住费用怎么办呢?194please add to my account请记在我的账里。195have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining room,mrgreen?格林先生,今天早晨您是否用过旅馆服务设施,或在旅馆餐厅用过早餐?196yes,my friend and i just had breakfast at the dining room,but we didnt use any service
21、s是的,我的朋友与我在餐厅刚用过早餐,但是我们没有使用过任何服务设施。197the total for the eight days is five hundred sixty yuan and eighty fen8天来总计是560元8角。旅游英语900句:12 at the restauran 在饭店part at the restauran在饭店restaurant reservation预订座位198id like to make a reservation for tonight我想预定今晚的座位。199a table for two,please一张两人的桌位。200for wha
22、t time,sir?什么时候,先生?201around 830大约8点30分。202may i have your name please, sir?可以告诉我你的名字吗,先生?203a table for two for this evening at 830 for mr frank弗兰克先生,今晚8点30分,一张两个人的桌位。204i would like to book a table for four for next wednesday,december 23我想订一张四人桌,12月23日也就是下星期三。205what time do you like your table?您什
23、么时间来用餐?206at 830 on next wednesday evening下星期三晚上8点半。207please book it under the name of mrwatson请以华生先生的名义订餐。208we look forward to your visit我们盼望着您的光临。209id like to reserve a table for dinner我想预定一个桌位用餐。210ill reserve a table for five at 9 pm, sir先生,我想预订一张5人的桌位,晚上9点钟用餐。211oh,any chance of table by win
24、dow?有没有可能订靠近窗子的桌位?212we look forward to having you with us tonightthank you for calling我们期待着今晚您来这里。谢谢您来电话。旅游英语900句:13 seating the guests 安排座位seating the guests安排座位213where would you like to sit?您愿意坐在哪儿?214we would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake我们想坐在窗户旁边,这样好欣赏外面湖
25、上的景色。215im sorry, sir the window tables have all been taken很抱歉,先生,靠窗户的桌子都有人了。216what about one that is further back but still offers a view of the lake?有靠后一点的桌子,还能欣赏到湖上景色,行不行?217would you follow me,please?请跟我来好吗?218its number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away这就是您的桌位,14号,服务员马上会来招待你们。21
26、9im sorry,the house is full now对不起,餐厅现在客满了。220but if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so但是如果您愿意在这儿等的话,我们非常欢迎。221and it is on?那么账记在?222now would you please take a seat and wait over there?您先在那边坐下来等好吗?223we will have you seated as soon as we get a free table有空桌就请您入座。224would you
27、come this way,please?请这边走。225im sorry to say that we havent got any vacant seat at resent很抱歉眼下没有空桌位了。226would you please wait in the lounge for about five minutes?请在休息室等大约5分钟好吗?227im sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam先生和夫人,很抱歉让您等待。228would you step this way,please?请这边走好吗?旅游英语900句:13 seatin
28、g the guests 安排座位seating the guests安排座位213where would you like to sit?您愿意坐在哪儿?214we would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake我们想坐在窗户旁边,这样好欣赏外面湖上的景色。215im sorry, sir the window tables have all been taken很抱歉,先生,靠窗户的桌子都有人了。216what about one that is further back but stil
29、l offers a view of the lake?有靠后一点的桌子,还能欣赏到湖上景色,行不行?217would you follow me,please?请跟我来好吗?218its number 14 and your waitress will be with you right away这就是您的桌位,14号,服务员马上会来招待你们。219im sorry,the house is full now对不起,餐厅现在客满了。220but if you would like to wait you are more than welcome to do so但是如果您愿意在这儿等的话,
30、我们非常欢迎。221and it is on?那么账记在?222now would you please take a seat and wait over there?您先在那边坐下来等好吗?223we will have you seated as soon as we get a free table有空桌就请您入座。224would you come this way,please?请这边走。225im sorry to say that we havent got any vacant seat at resent很抱歉眼下没有空桌位了。226would you please wai
31、t in the lounge for about five minutes?请在休息室等大约5分钟好吗?227im sorry to have kept you waiting,sir and madam先生和夫人,很抱歉让您等待。228would you step this way,please?请这边走好吗?旅游英语900句:14 ordering chinese food 点中国菜ordering chinese food点中国菜229id like to try some chinese food我想尝尝中国菜。230its divided into eight big cuisin
32、es,or say,eight styles,such as cantonese food,beijing food,sichuan food,etc中国菜分成八大菜系,或者说八种风味。如广东菜、北京菜、四川菜等等。231is there any difference between cantonese food and beijing food?广东菜和北京菜有什么不同呢?232contonese food is lighter while beijing food is heavy and spicy广东菜清淡适口,而北京菜则味重香浓。233most sichuan dishes are
33、spicy and hot四川菜大都麻辣浓香。234so whats your recommendation for me?那么你给我推荐几道菜吧。235i think ma pobeancurd and shredded meat in chilli sauceare quite special我觉得麻婆豆腐和鱼香肉丝味道不错。236what would you like to have tonight?今晚您要吃点什么?237what kind of cuisine do you have in your diningroom?你们的餐厅有什么菜系?238we have guang don
34、g food,sichuan food and shanghai food我们有广东菜、四川菜和上海菜。239could you tell me the different features of them?你能否给我讲讲这些菜的不同特点呢?240guangdong food is a bit light,while sichuan food has a strong and hot taste,and shanghai food is oily广东菜稍微清淡,四川菜味浓而辣,上海菜油腻。241i think id like to have guangdong food我想要个广东菜。242w
35、e have sliced chicken soup,dried mushroom clear soup and so on我们有鸡片汤、香菇清汤等等。243i prefer dried mushroom clear soup我要香菇清汤。旅游英语900句:15 ordering western food 点西餐ordering western food点西餐244what can i get you to drink?我给您二位拿些什么饮料呢?245id like a martini, please我要一杯马丁尼鸡尾酒。246are you ready to order?想好点什么菜了吗?2
36、47id like the leg of lamb我要小羊腿。248okay,vegetables are peas and carrots,broccoli,corn or string beans可供选择的蔬菜有豌豆和胡萝卜、花椰菜、玉米或菜豆。249id like the char broiled steak我要炭火烤的牛排。250oh,and french dressing on the salad, please色拉上用法式色拉酱。251what soup would you like to have,mr and mrs green?格林先生,格林太太,您要什么汤?252i thi
37、nk well have country soup this evening今晚我们喝乡下浓汤吧。253how about a fish casserole for each?每人来份鱼锅子怎么样?254ill have fried sole我吃炸鲽鱼吧。【英语学习小知识】要有浓厚的兴趣,音标是非常重要的,要多记单词,只有记住单词才能帮助做题,要背课文,这样能帮助写作文。不懂的地方课后要多思考,找些相关的题。早晨起来和晚上睡觉这时候看是最好的。255would you like the steak well done or rare?您喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是略生一点?256what woul
38、d you like for dessert?要什么甜食呢?257vanilla ice cream for all of us then那么我们都要香草冰淇淋。258would you care for something to drink?您要点什么饮料吗?259yes,a bottle of white winedry好,来一瓶白葡萄酒。要干白的。旅游英语900句:16 serving dishes 上菜serving dishes上菜260here is the fried beef with green pepper and onion这是胡椒洋葱炒牛肉。261and i have
39、ordered another dishplain fried shrimps我还点了另外一道菜清炒虾仁。262its coming就来了。263its sweet and sour pork这是糖醋肉。264im afraid there is a mistakei ordered a sweet and sour fish恐怕弄错了,我要的是糖醋鱼。266excuse me,siri ordered the hairy crab,but you gave me the green crab对不起,先生。我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。267ill get you the headwaite
40、r我去请主管来。268i do apologize for giving you the wrong dish给您上错了菜,我实在抱歉。269ill change it immediately for you我马上给您换。270im afraid i dont have enough time to wait for the next crab恐怕我没有足够的时间等这道菜。271i shall ask the room service to serve you a snack at930 tonight,and youll have your favorite hairy crab今晚9点我请
41、送餐服务部给您奉送一份夜宵,还有您喜欢吃的毛蟹。272and now try the green crab if you dont mind您如果不介意的话,不妨尝尝这种青蟹。273please take your time and enjoy yourself请慢用,祝您用餐满意。旅游英语900句:17 bar services 酒吧服务bar services酒吧服务274an aperitif or some white wine?一份开胃酒还是一些白葡萄酒?275a sunrise beer一杯日出啤酒。276how about our special cocktail?尝尝我们的特制
42、鸡尾酒怎么样?277do you serve soft drinks?你们有软饮料吗?278but how about a nonalcoholic cocktail?不过,尝尝不含酒精的鸡尾酒,怎么样?279it sounds interestingill take that很有趣,我就要这个了。280lets try the draught让我们尝尝罐装的吧。281what can i make for you tonight?今晚给您来点儿什么?282ill have a scotch给我来一杯苏格兰威士忌。283give me a chivas regal给我来一杯 chivas re
43、gal284and how would you like your scotch,straight or on the rock?您要的苏格兰威士忌要放冰块吗?285now how much do i owe you?我该付您多少钱?286you can hold the payment of the bill until you decide to leave if you like您可以等到要走的时候再付账。287ok,here is 45 yuan,and you can keep the change好,给你45元。找的钱你可以留下。288thats very kind of youb
44、ut there is no tipping in china谢谢您的好意,先生。但是在中国不准收小费。旅游英语900句:18 handling complaints 应付抱怨handling complaints应付抱怨289is anything the matter,sir?出什么事了吗,先生。290yes,it is my steak是的,是我的牛排。291whats wrong with it,sir?您的牛排怎么了,先生?292it is too rawi wanted mine well done太生了,我要的是做得熟透的。293im sorry you didnt enjoy
45、it,sir您觉得不好吃,很抱歉,先生。294ill return it to the kitchen and bring you one thats well cooked我把这盘送回厨房,再给您拿一盘做得熟透的来。295sorry for the trouble对不起,给你添麻烦了。296thats perfectly all right一点也没有关系。297how is your steak this time?这回怎么样,先生?298it is done just right this time这回做的口味不错。299im glad you enjoy it很高兴您能喜欢它。300im
46、 very upset at the way i have been treated我对我所受到的对待很不满意。301perhaps you could tell me what exactly is the matter也许您能告诉我究竟出了什么事。302im sure the waitress didnt mean to be rude我敢肯定那位服务员不是故意对您无礼。303well,there is something elsethis wine here,i think it is corked还有呢,这葡萄酒,我看是走了味了。旅游英语900句:19 room service 房内就
47、餐服务【英语学习小知识】学习口语的一些技巧:第一,用英文简单界定事物。第二,训练用不同的方式解释同一事物。第三,学会美国人描述东西的方式。第四,学会使用重要的美国习语。第五,学会两种语言的传译能力。第六,要有猜测能力room service房内就餐服务304please sign your name and room number here on the bill请在账单上签上你的名字和房间号。305my name is smithim in room 1425我叫史密斯,我住1425房间。306id like to order two tuna sandwiches and a large
48、pot of coffee我想要两份金枪鱼三明治和一大壶咖啡。307and would you please bring them to my room as soon as possible请你们尽快地送到我的房间。308so its two tuna sandwiches and a large pot of coffee您想要的是两份金枪鱼三明治和一大壶咖啡,对吗?309is that all,sir?就这些吗?310just plain coffee will do纯咖啡就行了。311ok,no sugar,no cream,straight coffee and very black
49、行,不要糖,不要奶油,清咖啡而且浓浓的。312ill bring them to you right away我马上就给您送去。313room service, may i come in?我是送餐的,我可以进来吗?314just put them on the table over there放在那边桌子上就行了。315the sandwiches are 6 yuan each and coffee is 3.50yuan三明治每份6元,咖啡3元5角。旅游英语900句:20 describing objects 形容物品describing objects 形容物品301. what co
50、lor is your skirt?你的裙子是什么颜色的?302. my skirt is light blue.我的裙子是浅蓝色的。303. how much does that box weigh?那个盒子有多重?304. its not too heavy, but i dont know the exact weight.不是太重,但我不知道准确的重量。305. this fish weighs about two pounds.这条鱼大约有两磅重。306. what size shoes do you want?你要什么码数的鞋子?307. size 7, please.请给我一双7码的。308. i like the color of that shirt.我喜欢那件衬衣的颜色。309. one of my suitcases is large, and the other one is medium size.我的衣箱,一只是大的,另一只是中号的。310. this river is about 300 miles long.这条河大约有300英里长。311. will you please measure these trousers to see how l
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