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1、辛亥革命110周年 | 为了可以实现的梦纪念辛亥革命110周年大会于10月9日上午10时在北京人民大会堂隆重举行。110年前爆发的辛亥革命,推翻了中国两千多年的君主专制制度,拉开了中国社会进步的阀门,成为屹立在中华儿女奋进道路上的里程碑。A commemorative meeting has beenheld in Beijing to mark the 110th anniversary of the1911 Revolution.The Revolution, also known asXinhai Revolution, overthrew the Qing Dynasty (1644-

2、1911), ending the absolute monarchy that had governed China for thousands of years.在起义门起义1911年10月10日晚,枪声在武昌城里响起。第一声枪响从湖北新军工程第八营发出,很快,革命党人打开了城门,迎入起义部队,并在城楼布定炮位,向清湖广总督府猛烈轰击,取得首义胜利。The Uprising Gate in Wuchang District, Wuhan, central Chinas Hubei Province. /CFP鏖战持续到天亮,革命军占领武昌全城。此夜之后,革命的火种被撒向国家积贫积弱、民族危

3、难多舛、人民困顿疾苦的华夏大地。那座被革命党人首先控制占领的老城门始建于明代,原名中和门,它沉默地旁观了两朝兴替,成为封建帝制覆灭的见证者。1912年,它被更名为起义门。同年,中华民国成立,清帝退位。The night view of the Uprising Gate against the backdrop of the Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge in Wuhan, central Chinas Hubei Province. /CFPQiyi Gate, or Uprising Gate, is the only remaining gate of

4、the ancient city of Wuchang. The gate, previously known as Zhonghe Gate, dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). The two-floor gate tower features a typical Chinese hip-and-gable roof supported by 30 red pillars.On the evening of October 10, 1911, the revolutionary army entered the city through

5、this gateway and bombarded the viceroys office with cannons set up at the tower above.It was given its present name in 1912 to commemorate the victory and was renewed in 2011 based on its original architectural drawings.从“红楼”到红船The former site of Wuchang Uprising Military Government in Wuchang Distr

6、ict, Wuhan, central Chinas Hubei Province. /CFP在蛇山脚下,黄鹤楼的东边,有一栋二层的红色楼房,这里曾是武昌起义军政府的所在。如今,这里是辛亥革命武昌起义纪念馆。因为颇具代表性的红色外墙,它也被称为“红楼”。武昌起义成功后,革命党人进驻,在此设立中华民国军政府鄂军都督府并发布了第一号布告,宣布废除清廷封建君主专制,建立中华民国,结束了中国2000多年的封建君主专制制度。Next to the citys landmark Yellow Crane Tower stands the former siteof Wuchang Uprising Mil

7、itary Government, or what they used to call the Red Building.It once served as an office of the Hubei consultative bureau in the Qing Dynasty and gained its nickname because of its conspicuous red brick walls and tiles.After the uprising army occupied the whole city, they declared the end of the las

8、t feudal dynasty and formed the Hubei Military Government in the building, ushering in the political form of a republic. Li Yuanhong, a high-ranking commander in the army, was elected as the governor, who later served twice as the President of the Republic of China between 1916 and 1917, and between

9、 1922 and 1923.A memorial museum was constructed surrounding the Red Building in 1981 to protect the culture relics and has opened to the public since.A statue of Chinas revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen is erected in front of the former site of Wuchang Uprising Military Government in Wuchang Distri

10、ct, Wuhan, central Chinas Hubei Province. /CFP受限于历史进程和社会条件,辛亥革命并没有改变旧中国半殖民地半封建的社会性质,没有改变中国人民的悲惨命运,没有完成实现民族独立、人民解放的历史任务。但华夏儿女“救亡图存”、“振兴中华”的拳拳之心却在辛亥革命中得到了激励与锤炼。1921年,在武昌起义胜利的近10年后,中共一大在浙江嘉兴南湖一艘同样是红色的画舫上正式宣告了中国共产党的诞生。以毛泽东为代表的共产党人承担起辛亥革命未能完成的历史使命,从土地革命战争、抗日战争、解放战争中一路走来,中国共产党人在对辛亥革命精神的继承中实现了超越和升华,最终实现了民族

11、独立和人民解放。复兴与前行“红楼”向南500米,有一个V字形的红色建筑,这是武汉市为纪念辛亥革命武昌首义100周年而兴建的辛亥革命博物馆,于2011年9月落成。博物馆与“红楼”、孙中山铜像、拜将台铜像、烈士祠牌坊等同处一条轴线,像革命者的脚步,浴血从战火中来,到胜利的荣光里去。An aerial view of the 1911 Revolution Museum in Wuchang District, Wuhan, central Chinas Hubei Province. /CFPJust around 500 meters south of the Red Building lies

12、 the 1911 Revolution Museum, a thematic museum built to mark the 100th anniversary of the revolution. The construction was completed in September 2011 and the museum has been open to the public for free since mid-October 2011.Covering an area of 22,000 square meters, the museum features a unique ext

13、erior design with a giant V shape in red seen from above, indicating the victory of the Wuchang Uprising and the rejuvenation of the city.It houses a vast collection of cultural artifacts and historical pictures, and displays the history of the Xinhai Revolution from different perspectives. Meanwhil

14、e, it also strives to promote related academic exchanges and scientific research.The museum receives about one million visitors annually. Today it has become one of the citys cultural symbols.今天的中国处处可见辛亥革命留下的痕迹,从武汉的首义小区、首义广场,到遍布全国的中山公园、中山路。110年过去,辛亥革命的意义与启发薪火相传,或有更新,但从未断绝。经过全党全国各族人民持续奋斗,我们实现了第一个百年奋斗目标,在中华大地上全面建成了小康社会,历史性地解决了绝对贫困问题,我们正在意气风发向着全面建成社会主义现代


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