1、Manufacturer QSA Audit Check List制造商 QSA 审核查检表Supplier Name/供应商名称 :Address/地址 :Phone/联络电话:Audit Type/审核类型 :廠商首次評估Supplier First Audit廠商年度稽核Supplier Yearly AuditSurvey sent to/调查报告收件者:Date sent/寄出日期:Date returned/要求回复日期 :New Suppliers must have a fully completed New Supplier Evaluation Survey form (p
2、ages 2 to 4 of this attachment). Keep this page (page 1) in Purchasing until the completed survey is returned.新供应商必须有完整的新供应商调查表 (此附件第 2 4 页). 需保留此附件第一页到采购直到调查表回复 .FINAL SCORE EVALUATION FOR THIS SUPPLIER.针对此供应商的最终得分 .The supplier will be given a numerical score based on the following /依照一下说明来给供应商评分
3、:4 -Exceeds all requirements;formal procedures writtenare exceptional andfollowed;recordsarecompletewithoutexception, well organized and easily understood.超出所有要求 , 有正式的文件且落实执行 , 记录完整 , 很好的组织且容易理解 .3 -Meets all requirements; formal procedureswritten are adequate and followed;recordsexistthat arecompl
4、eteand wellorganized.满足所有要求 , 有正式的文件且有执行 , 记录完整存档且有很好的组织 .2 -Sometimes meets requirements; formal procedures written, but either not adequate or not completely followed; recordsexist and are generally complete. If the score is 2 that means need to take action.部分满足要求 , 有正式的文件 , 但不充分或者没有完全的执行 , 有记录 .
5、假如得分为 2 分,需要改善措施。1 -Rarely meets requirements;no proceduresdocumentingactually practiced;recordsexist,butareincompleteand/ordisorganized. If the score is 1 that means need to take action.0 -action.很少部分满足要求 , 没有程序文件来指导实际的作业, 有记录但不完整或者根本没有组织. 假如得分为 1分,需要改善措施。Doesnot meetrequirements; noformalprocedure
6、s written;no recordsexist. Ifthe scoreis 0that meansneed to takeN -不满足要求 , 没有正式的文件Not applicable/Not audited., 也没有记录 . 假如得分为 0分,需要改善措施。不适用 / 无需审核 .Figure the total number of possible points, but do not count sections marked“N”. The final score is a percentage valuegtheusintotal points divided bythe
7、total number of possible points.计算有被评分的项目 ,不需要计算备注有 ”N ”的项目 . 最终的得分等于实际的得分占总分的比例.75% Acceptable (75% 合格) 65% 74% Conditionally Acceptable (65%74% 条件性合格 )below 64 Unacceptable(64%不合格 )Final Score:AcceptableConditionally AcceptableUnacceptable(circle one)最终得分比例 :合格条件性合格 不合格( 须选择其中一项 )Recommendation /建
8、议 :Name and Title of person completing this survey(Please print):参加本次审核的姓名与头衔签名(须打印出来手签 ): _Supplier Acknowledgment (Name and Title) (Please print):供应商代表确认签 (姓名与头衔 )( 须打印出来手签 ): _Audit Team /审核成员 :Sourcing /采购:_ _Date / 日期 :_Engineering /工程 :_Date / 日期 :_NO.TOPIC/ 项目Quality /品质: _Date 日期 :.01234NCOM
9、MENTS/ 注解 /佐证资料Quality System品质系统Quality policy, goal/objectives exist and are they质量手册41 made known to employees.有品质政策及目标并被全体员工获知NO.TOPIC/ 项目Measurable Goal/Objectives are set up for different level and functional which are relevant2 to company objective.针对各功能单位设立了可测量的目标和指标Has the supplier defined
10、the responsibility, authority and interrelation for each department.3 供应商是否有明确定义各部门的工作职责 ,权限以及相互关系Internal audit and management review are4 planed and implemented.内部审核和管理评审是否有计划而且实现Change Control变更控制A formal system exists to ensure that the most recent revisions of drawings and specifications5 are i
11、ntegrated into the manufacturing process.有正式系统保证最新版的图纸和规格被发行到制程中Obsolete specifications are purged and archived.6 旧版的规格被回收并归档Specification change access is limited to7 authorized individuals only.规格变更是需要授权人执行的A system exists to notify customers ofengineering process or material changes before8implem
12、entation.有系统保证在材料或工程变更时会通知客户Design Control设计控制(无设计开发标“N”)Design procedures to regulate the process.9 是否有设计工序的流程指引A system exists to insure all customer10 requirements are met.有系统管理所有客户的要求是否达标Are there plans that identify the responsibility for each design and development activity.11 是否进行产品设计和开发策划 ,确
13、定设计和开发的职责和权限Are the design and verification activities planned and assigned to qualified personnel.12 是否有制定设计和确认活动的计划并有具备资格的人员进行Are there procedures for the identification, documentation, review and approval of all13 changed and modifications.设计和开发更改时是否对其进行记录 ,识别 ,评审和确认 , 并在实施前得到批准 .Training训练Employ
14、ees are certificated with a planned14 interval and cross training should be covered.有否有在职培训和证书Employees are formally trained and have a full15 understanding of job responsibilities.有否定期培训和全部知道其工作责任Material Control材料控制A system exists for product identification throughout the manufacturing process and
15、 lot16 traceability (as appropriate).有系统地监控来料,在生产过程中的可追溯性COMMENTS/ 注解 /佐证资料01各部门有质量目标各部门人员岗位职责内部审核计划表单项总分 :16文件控制程序文件更改单文件更改单客户图纸更改流程单项总分 :16生产加工工艺流程客户满意度调查表设计开发控制程序设计开发控制程序设计开发评审记录单项总分 :20无0培训记录表单项总分 :8产品标识和可追溯性控制程序234N343单项得分 : 144443单项得分 :1544333单项得分 :173单项得分 : 33NO.TOPIC/ 项目A FIFO system exists
16、with adequate control17 measures.有先进先出系统控制程序且有适当的执行A system exists to keep nonconforming materials18 isolated.是否有系统去保证把不良材料分开隔离An system exists to purge any nonconforming material from stores or WIP.19 是否系统地确保在仓库或在制品的不良品有被清除Purchasing and Stock采购,仓存A purchase order receipt system is in place and any
17、 changes are communicated to the customer20 promptly.采购单变化或改动有否通知客户确认Purchase order due dates are verified against aproduction schedule and confirmed to the21customer.采购单到期日有否按生产排期和客户确认Evidence of an efficient material planning system22 exists. (e.g. MRP)是否有物料控制系统,如 MRP There is a system for supplie
18、r selection,23 evaluation, and continuous monitoring.有系统地针对供应商选别 ,评估与监控 . Goods are packaged in a manner that protects24product from damage by handling, weather,ESD, etc产品包装是否有防止由天气,静电等造成的伤害Does the environment of warehouse store wouldimpact to the product s quality, i.e humidity,25 temperature and
19、the high of stacking.仓库的储存环境是否对产品质量有隐患 , 如温湿度堆放高度是否合理Incoming Inspection.来料检查Are there SIP or procedures to defined the sampling plan and inspection items and the26 inspectors are follow up strictly.是否有检验指导书或程序来定义抽样计划和检验项目且检查员有严格地依照执行Do the inspection results trigger Close LoopCOMMENTS/ 注解 /佐证资料0123
20、4N仓库作业控制程序3仓库作业控制程序3仓库作业控制程序3单项总分 :16单项得分 :12无0无0采购控制程序4供应商调查表4我司产品包装时主要防锈,磕碰3现场有温湿度计4单项总分 :24单项得分 :15检验规范3来料检验记录单327Corrective Actions back to the supplier when out of spec? 检验超出规格时是否有反映给供应商做改善报告回复Are customer approved documents on file for是328 purchased Parts?客戶是否针对所购买部件在文件上得以承认Does the receiving
21、area include space for Hold, Reject, and accept areas with clear identification, are those areas identified following the company29 procedure?进料区是否包括 Hold 区,拒收区,允收区,並明确划分 ? 并且是依照公司程序規定執行 ?Process Control流程控制There is a preventive maintenance program for30 tooling and equipment.机台和仪器的保养,有否管理31 The pro
22、cess or machine parameters are现场划分明确4单项总分 : 16单项得分 : 13机床保养记录表4设备记录台账2NO.TOPIC/ 项目monitored.制程或机台参数有否被监控Any tooling owned by the customer is clearly32 identified and stored in a safe location.客户的模具有否清楚区分和存放在安全地方Failure analysis data is utilized to improve on-33 going production.不良数据分析有否应用于改进在线生产Proc
23、ess is monitored with SPC method and appropriate improvements are fed back into34 manufacturing.SPC 方法有否应用于过程监控 , 需适当的改善是否回馈给生产部门 .Employees empowered to halt production if a process is out of control and then inform to35 supervisor immediately for reaction.当生产失控时员工是否有权力停产并立即通知主管处理 .Working instruct
24、ions are available for appropriate36 use and specifications from the controlled copy.作业指导书是可用的且是受控文件If there is a In Process Quality Control function toCOMMENTS/ 注解 /佐证资料01234N现场有区分3不合格品纠正措施处理单3有统计控制及时反映在生产3员工有权利通知4是受控文件4生产加工工艺流程33738monitor the process, is there conduct the FAIand process inspectio
25、n. 有否在线品管控制其生产品质 , 是否有执行首件与制程检查Is the Hold / Reject area well defined and segregated to not allow mixing of acceptableproduct? 拒收区是否很好定义及区分以至不允许与允收产品混淆Adequate technical capability of equipment, such现场有区分3有统计数据339 as Cpk, Gage R&R are performed.是否有应用到相关的统计技术如 Cpk,Gage,R&R.Outgoing Inspection出货检查Are
26、there SIP or procedures to defined the sampling plan and inspection items and the40 inspectors are follow up strictly.是否有检验指导书或程序来定义抽样计划和检验项目且检查员有严格地依照执行Do the inspection results trigger Close Loop Corrective Actions back to the relative41 department when out of spec? 检验超出规格時是否有反映給相关部门做改善報告回復Do the
27、supplier conduct the reliability test42 regularly.供应商是否有定期地执行产品的可靠性测试Are there procedures to describe corrective and单项总分 :40单项得分 :32按客户要求检查2是2产品标识和可追溯性控制程序3纠正措施处理控制程序343preventative actions and follow-up to close?是否有纠正预防程序且有严格依照执行Are all actions confirmed and followed up to纠正措施处理控制程序344ensure the ef
28、fectiveness?是否所有的矫正行动有被确认并追踪完成单项总分 :20单项得分 : 13Control of monitoring and measuring devices测量设备的监控与管理Test and measurement equipment exists to the监视和测量控制程序345 level required to ensure product quality.测试和量测设备符合要求的等级以确保产品品质Test and measurement equipment is calibrated 仪器量具校正证书 4 at regularly scheduled in
29、tervals and the46calibration is traceable to a known standard.测量工具有否定期检测,校准NO.TOPIC/ 项目Different types of report such as certification and measurement result, the company should consider the suitability of equipment to the47 specification of the products.不同各类的报告式证明,公司有否把工具分级,达至有效检测数据Customer Satisfa
30、ction客户满意度A formal systems exists to receive and act upon customer inputs, and implement corrective action48 in a timely fashion.有正式的系统来接收客户的反馈且有及时的执行矫正预防措施A system exists to ensure a timely return of material from the customer (Return Material49 Authorization). 有系统确保客户处不良退货的及时性(不良物料退货授权 )Customer survey to get the feedback from50 customers.是否有从客户那里得到客户调查反馈Environmental Policy环境政策The Supplier shall have an up-to-date, documented Environmental Policy including commitment to environmental protection, prevention of pollution, compliance w
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