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1、数学名词英文翻译(the mathematical english noun translation)代数 algebra1. 数论natural number positive number negative number 负数 自然数 正数 odd odd integer.number 奇数 even integer, even number 偶数 整数 positive whole number integer.whole number 正整数 negative whole number 负整数 consecutive number 连续整数realnumber and rational

2、 number 实数, 有理数 irrational (number) 无理数 inverse 倒数compositenumber 合数 e.g. 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15. prime number 质数 e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,15.reciprocal 倒数common 公约数 divisor multiple 倍数 (minimum) common multiple (最小) 公倍数(prime) factor (质) 因子 common factor 公因子ordinary decimal scale,scale 十进制 nonnegative 非负的 h

3、ave 十位 units 个位mode 众数 mean平均数 median中值 commonthe ratio 公比2. 基本数学概念算术平均值 arithmetic mean geometric mean 几何平均数 exponent weighted average 加权平均值指数, 幂 base 乘幂的底数, 底边 cube 立方数, 立方体 square root 平方根cube root 立方根 common logarithm常用对数 digit 数字 constant 常数 variable 变量inverse function 反函数 complementaryfunction

4、 余函数 linear 一次的, 线性的 factorization 因式分解 absolute value绝对值, e.g. - 32 = 32 round off 四舍五入数学3. 基本运算add, plus 加 subtract 减 difference 差 multiply, times 乘 product 积 divides除divisible 可被整除的 divided evenly 被整除 dividend 被除数, 红利 divider 因子, 除数, 公约数商 quotient remainder 余数 factorial 阶乘 power 乘方 radical sign,

5、root sign 根号round to 四舍五入 to the nearest 四舍五入4. 代数式, 方程, 不等式algebraic term 代数项 like terms, similar terms 同类项 numerical coefficient数字系数literal coefficient 字母系数 inequality 不等式 triangle inequality 三角不等式 range 值域the original equation 原方程 equivalent equation 同解方程, 等价方程 linear equation 线性方程 (e.g.5x + 6 =

6、22)5. 分数, 小数proper fraction 真分数 improper fraction 假分数 mixed number 带分数 vulgarfraction, common fraction simple fraction 简分数 complex fraction 普通分数繁分数numerator 分子 denominator 分母 (least) common denominator (最小) 公分母 quarter四分之一 decimal fraction 纯小数 infinite decimal recurring decimal 循环小数 无穷小数tenths unit

7、十分位6. 集合union 并集 proper subset 真子集 solution set 解集7. 数列arithmetic progression (sequence) 等差数列 geometric progression (sequence) 等比数列8. 其它approximate 近似 (anti clockwise) (逆) 顺时针方向 cardinal ordinal 基数 序数 directproportion 正比 distinct 不同的 estimation 估计, 近似 parentheses 括号 proportion 比例排列组合组合排列表表格三角函数三角函数单



10、系统坐标系直角坐标直角坐标系起源原点横坐标横坐标坐标纵坐标号线数轴象限象限坡斜率复平面复平面8。其它平面几何平面几何三角三角学对平分限制外切落款内切 垂直相交相交垂直勾股定理勾股定理全等全等的 多边多边的其它1。单位类cent penny cents a penny nickel5 cents a dime dime dozen (12) score (20 20a) centigrade fahrenheit degrees celsius fahrenheit quart gallon quart gallon (1gallon=4quart) yard code meter m micr

11、on micron inch inch foot feet minute (metric units, angle of =1 degrees 60 minutes).squaremeasure square units cubicmeter cubic meters pint (dry or liquid pint units) 2. the text is mainly about business problemsintercalary year (leapyear) a leap year (366 days) common year year (365 days) depreciat

12、ion depreciation of downpayment discount margin profit direct payment discount profit profit interest interest simple interestcompounded interest dividend decrease to compound bonus reduced to decrease by reducedincrease to increased to increase by increased denote list price price markup price perc

13、apita ratio retail price, the retail price per person ratio tie draw=mathematics mathematics, maths (bre), math (ame)axiom axiomtheorem theoremcalculation of calculationoperation operationproveassume that hypothesis, hypotheses (pl.)proposition propositionarithmetic arithmeticplus (prep.), add (v.),

14、 addition (n.)augend augend, summandaddend addendand sumreduction of minus (prep.), subtract (v.), subtraction (n.)minuend minuendat subtrahendpoor remaindertake the times (prep.), multiply (v.), multiplication (n.)the number of multiplicand, faciendmultiplier multiplicatorproduct productin addition

15、 to divided by (prep.), divide (v.), division (n.)dividend dividenddivisor.taking quotientis equal is equal to equals, to, is equivalent tomore than is greater thanless than is lesser thanequal or greater than is greater than or equal to isequal or lesser than is less than or equal to isoperator ope

16、ratordigital digitthe number of numbernatural number natural numberinteger integerdecimal decimalthe decimal point decimal pointfraction fractionmolecular numeratorthe denominator of denominatormore than ratiois positivenegative negativezero null, zero, nought, nildecimal decimal systembinary binary

17、 systemsixteen band hexadecimal systemright weight, significancecarry carrythe truncated truncationfour to five homes in roundround down round downround up round upeffective digital significant digitinvalid number insignificant digitalgebra algebrathe formula formula, formulae (pl.)monomial monomial

18、polynomial polynomial, multinomialthe coefficient of coefficientx-factor, y-factor, unknown, z-factorthe equation, equation equationan equation of simple equationquadratic equation quadratic equationcubic equation cubic equationthe four quartic equation equationinequation inequalityfactorial factori

19、allog logarithmthe power index, exponentpower powertwo times square, square squarethree, cubic cubefour the power of four, the fourth powern the power of n, the nth powersquare root evolution, extractiontwo times square, the square root of square rootthree cube root square, cube rootthe root of four

20、 the root of four, the fourth rootthe root of n the root of n, the nth rootset aggregateelement elementset voida subset of subsetthe intersection of intersectionthe union of unioncomplement complementmapping mappingfunction functiondomain field of definition domain.the range of rangethe constant con

21、stantthe variable variablemonotonicity of monotonicityparity parityperiodic periodicityimage imageseries, series seriescalculus calculusdifferential differentialderivative derivativethe limit of limitinfinite infinite (a.) infinity (n.)infinitesimal infinitesimalintegral integralintegral definite in

22、tegralthe indefinite integral indefinite integralrational number rational numberirrational number irrational numberthe real real numberthe imaginary imaginary numbercomplex number.matrix matrixthe determinant of determinantgeometry geometrypointline lineplanesolidthe line segmentray radialparallel p

23、arallelthe intersection of intersectangle angleangle degreearc radianacute acute angleright angle right anglean obtuse angleboxer straight angleperigon perigonat the end of basethe side sideto eighttriangle triangleacute triangle acute triangleright triangle right triangleright side leghypotenuse hy

24、potenusethe pythagorean theorem of pythagorean theoremobtuse triangle obtuse trianglescalene triangle is not an equilateral trianglean isosceles triangle isosceles triangleequilateral triangle equilateral trianglequadrilateral quadrilateralparallelogram parallelogramrectangular rectanglelong lengtht

25、he width of widthdiamond rhomb, rhombus, rhombi, diamond (pl.)square squaretrapezoid ladderright angled trapezoid right trapezoidisosceles trapezoid is an isosceles trapezoidpentagon pentagonhexagon hexagonseven heptagoneight sided octagonnine sided enneagonten sided decagoneleven sided hendecagontw

26、elve sided dodecagonpolygon polygonregular polygon equilateral polygonround circlethe center of centre (bre), center (ame)the radius of radiusthe diameter of diameterpi piarc archalf semicirclefan sectorring ringelliptic ellipsethe circumference of circumferenceperimeter perimeterarea areatrack locus, loca (pl.)similar to similarcongruent.tetrahedron tetrahedronfive face pentahed


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