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1、period fourgrammar & writing.阅读理解ait is widely known that any english conversation begins with the weather.such a fixation with the weather finds expression in dr.johnsons famous comment that “when two english meet, their first talk is of weather.” though johnsons observation is as accurate now as i

2、t was over two hundred years ago, most commentators fail to come up with a convincing explanation for this english weatherspeak.bill bryson, for example, concludes that, as the english weather is not at all exciting, the obsession with it can hardly be understood.he argues that “to an outsider, the

3、most striking thing about the english weather is that there is not very much of it.” simply, the reason is that the unusual and unpredictable weather is almost unknown in the british isles.jeremy paxman, however, disagrees with bryson, arguing that the english weather is by nature attractive.bryson

4、is wrong, he says, because the english preference for the weather has nothing to do with the natural phenomena. “the interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.” according to him, the weather in england is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the english as well as the

5、 outsider.bryson and paxman stand for common misconceptions about the weatherspeak among the english.both commentators, somehow, are missing the point.the english weather conversation is not really about the weather at all.english weatherspeak is a system of signs, which is developed to help the spe

6、akers overcome the natural reserve and actually talk to each other.everyone knows conversations starting with weatherspeak are not requests for weather data.rather, they are routine greetings, conversation starters or the blank “fillers”, in other words, english weatherspeak is a means of social bon

7、ding.【语篇解读】全文从英国人见面招呼最喜欢问天气引入中心,为什么英国人那么喜欢以天气为谈论话题,继而深层分析其文化根源日常问候的方式,一种社会纽带。1the author mentions dr.johnsons comment to show that_amost commentators agree with dr.johnsonbdr.johnson is famous for his weather observationcthe comment was accurate two hundred years agodenglish conversations usually st

8、art with the weather答案d推理判断题。题干关键词为dr.johnsons comment,定位第一段。根据it is widely known that any english conversation begins with the weather.众所周知,任何英语交流都是以天气开头。紧接着就举例说明。故选d项。2what does the underlined word “obsession” most probably refer to?aan emotional state.ban unknown phenomenon.ca historical concept.

9、da social trend.答案a猜测词义题。定位第2段bill bryson, for example, concludes that, as the english weather is not at all exciting, the obsession with it can hardly be understood.例如,bill bryson认为由于英国的天气让人郁闷,这种激动的状态就很难让人理解。故选a。3according to the passage, jeremy paxman believes that_abill bryson has little knowledg

10、e of the weatherbenglish people talk about the weather for its uncertaintycthe english weather attracts people to the british islesdthere is nothing special about the english weather答案b推理判断题。题干关键词为jeremy paxman,定位第三段“the interest is less in the phenomena themselves, but in uncertainty.” according to

11、 him, the weather in england is very changeable and uncertain and it attracts the english as well as the outsider.可知jeremy paxman的观点是英国人喜欢谈论天气的原因是由于英国天气的多变和不确定。故选b。4what is the authors main purpose of writing the passage?ato convince people that the english weather is changeable.bto analyze misconce

12、ptions about the english weather.cto find fault with both bill bryson and jeremy paxman.dto explain what english weatherspeak is about.答案d主旨大意题。全文从英国人见面招呼最喜欢问天气引入中心,为什么英国人那么喜欢以天气为谈论话题,通过两个常见的错误观点的介绍,继而深层分析其文化根源日常问候的方式,一种社会纽带。故选d。bas a boy growing up in india, i had longed to travel abroad.i used to

13、listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in canada and tours to europe in the 1970s, with great interest.my big moment finally came in the summer of 2015 when i was able to accompany my parents to europe, where my father was to attend a meeting.we planned to travel to belgium, ne

14、therlands and west germany.i have clear memories even today of going to mumbai airport at night all excited about finally going abroad.i had heard several great things about lufthansa till then but now i finally got to experience them first hand, during the flight to frankfurt.we flew business class

15、 and even today i can remember the excellent service by the lufthansa crew(工作人员)the flight was really smooth and thoroughly enjoyable, even for someone like me, who is especially afraid of flying.after spending almost two weeks in europe, we took the lufthansa airport express from dusseldorf to fran

16、kfurt airport, for our return flight.what a journey that was! all along the rhine (莱茵河), it was simply an unforgettable experience.i had a sombre feeling on the flight back to mumbai as it marked the end of a wonderful vacation, but the lufthansa crew members were able to change it into a most enjoy

17、able experience yet again, with the quality of their service.being the first airline to take me abroad, lufthansa will always hold a special place in my heart.even today, i continue to enjoy flights on lufthansa and simply cannot dream of choosing any other airline.flying, in general, for me, has al

18、ways been a terrible and painful experience.flying on lufthansa, however, is something i always have and always will look forward to.【语篇解读】由于从小就听父亲讲他到世界各地旅行的故事,作者对周游世界产生了兴趣。在2015年的夏天,作者终于有机会和父母一起前往欧洲。作者至今对那次旅行仍记忆犹新,作者非常满意他乘坐的飞机所属的航空公司提供的服务。5which country does the author live in now?aindia. bcanada.c

19、belgium. dgermany.答案a推理判断题。根据第三段“going to mumbai airport at night.great things about lufthansa.i finally got to experience them”可知,作者和父母去孟买机场乘坐lufthansa的航班,说明lufthansa是印度的航空公司;根据最后一段“even today, i continue to enjoy flights on lufthansa”可知,作者现在还是会乘坐lufthansa的航班,说明作者一直生活在印度,故选a。6what made the author s

20、o interested in traveling abroad?agrowing up in india.bonce staying in canada.conce traveling to canada with his father.dhis fathers stories about his traveling experiences.答案d细节理解题。根据第一段“i used to listen to the stories my father would tell me about his stay in canada and tours to europe.with great

21、interest”可知,作者小时候经常听父亲给他讲周游世界的事情,这引起了作者的兴趣,在加拿大待过的是作者的父亲,排除b、c;并非在印度长大的人都喜欢旅游,排除a,故选d。7it can be inferred from the passage that lufthansa is_aa city in india ba city in europecan airline company da travel agency答案c推理判断题。根据最后一段“being the first airline to take me overseas, lufthansa will always hold a

22、 special place in my heart.enjoy flights on lufthansa and simply cannot dream of choosing any other airline.flying on lufthansa”可知,作者喜欢乘坐lufthansa的航班出行,他没有想过换乘其它公司的航班,说明lufthansa是一家航空公司,故选c。8the underlined word “somber” in the 4th paragraph probably means “_”ahappy bsad cangry denjoyable答案b猜测词义题。根据“

23、as it marked the end of a wonderful vacation”可知,愉快的旅行即将画上句号,说明作者当时情绪有点失落,且根据下一行“the lufthansa crew members were able to change it into a most enjoyable experience”可知,作者即将离开欧洲时的心情并不是很好,故选b。.完形填空many times we do something positive or say something kind, but we dont see the influence it has on other pe

24、ople.we may_1_these “random(随意的)acts of kindness”, but we never know what happens next.one time, i was lucky enough to_2_i was returning from a trip_3_i stopped to refuel and get snack at a gas station.it was late.i was_4_,and home was still more than two hours away.i was feeling_5_,and my back hurt

25、 from all the_6_i went_7_the checker smiled at me, and we_8_for a moment.i dont remember_9_what she said, but i do remember the_10_she showed me.i was_11_by her kindness.it kept me going on my journey home.the next week, i was cleaning my purse, and i_12_the receipt.the receipt(收据) reminded me of th

26、e clerks_13_, and it had the address of the store.i decided to_14_a thankyou note to her manager.in the letter i told the manager that his employees kind words and caring attitude stood out to me,_15_my trip home.a week_16_,that clerk wrote me back.as a result of my note, she got a(n)_17_from her ma

27、nager and a company award.i was_18_robins kindness inspired me to return her positivity.mother teresa_19_us to “do small things with great love”oftentimes, when we do such small things, we dont get to see the effects of our kind words or deeds,_20_every so often, were blessed to discover the positiv

28、e outcome.【语篇解读】作者通过亲身经历说明了善有善报的道理。1a.imagine bpractice cdevote ddream答案b考查动词词义辨析。a.imagine 想象;b.practice践行,做;c.devote奉献;d.dream梦想。我们可能做这些无意的善意行动。选b。2a.work out bfigure out cmake out dfind out答案d考查动词短语辨析。a.work out 解出;b.figure out想出;c.make out理解,辨明;d.find out发现。通过下文提示,作者通过亲身经历“发现”了这一点。3a.when bwhy c

29、whether dthat答案a考查连词的用法。a.when 当的时候;b.why 为什么;c.whether 是否;d.that结果。连词when表示“当时、那个时候”。我旅行回来,这时我去加油并在加油站吃了快餐。4a.clever btired clazy dpoor答案b考查形容词词义辨析。a.clever聪明的;b.tired 劳累的;c.lazy 懒惰的;d.poor穷的。通过上下文提示,作者开了很长时间的车,应该是很“疲劳”。5a.down bwell cupset ddisappointed答案a考查形容词词义辨析。a.down低落;b.well 健康的;c.upset 难过的;

30、d.disappointed失望的。作者在与checker聊天前,既疲惫,又背部疼痛,感觉情绪“低落”。feel down表示这一含义。6a.driving brunning cswimming dwalking答案a考查动词词义辨析。a.driving 驾驶;b.running 跑;c.swimming 游泳;d.walking步行。从空前的refuel(加油)可知作者是开车的。7a.outside baway coff dinside答案d考查副词词义辨析。a.outside在外面;b.away离开;c.off 远离;d.inside在里面。在加油站吃零食,当然是“走进”。8a.belie

31、ved bexplained cshouted dchatted答案d考查动词词义辨析。a.believed相信;b.explained 解释;c.shouted大喊;d.chatted聊天。作者与checker“聊天”聊了一会。9a.exactly bsurprisingly ccarelessly dunluckily答案a考查副词词义辨析。a.exactly准确地;b.surprisingly 吃惊地;c.carelessly粗心地;d.unluckily不幸地。我不能“准确地”记得我们聊了哪些事情。10a.interest bkindness cshame dpity答案b考查名词词义

32、辨析。 ainterest兴趣;b.kindness 友善;c.shame 羞耻;d.pity遗憾。11空后的kindness是提示。11a.hungry brefreshed ccrazy dangry答案b考查形容词词义辨析。a.hungry饥饿的;b.refreshed精神振作的;c.crazy疯狂的;d.angry气愤的。从作者前后情绪的变化可知,在聊天之后作者“精神振奋”了。12a.came across bdropped off ccalled on dlooked for答案a考查动词短语辨析。a.came across偶然发现;b.dropped off落下;c.called

33、on号召;d.looked for寻找。在收拾钱包时“偶然发现”了收据。13a.feelings bwarmth cstrength dinterests答案b考查名词词义辨析。a.feelings感觉;b.warmth 温暖;c.strength 长处;d.interests利润。从文中主题词kindness,可以推断这里该用warmth与上下文的逻辑一致。14a.check bbook cwrite dcopy答案c考查动词词义辨析。 acheck检查;b.book预定;c.write 写;d.copy抄袭。根据后面的宾语thankyou note,这里只能用write与之搭配。15a.d

34、esigning brepairing ctaking dbrightening答案d考查动词词义辨析。a.designing设计;b.repairing修理;c.taking 占用;d.brightening情绪高涨。根据作者前后情绪的变化,这里用brightening能表达作者当时兴奋的心情。16a.ago blater csince dlately答案b考查时间副词的用法。a.ago在以前;b.later之后;c.since自从;d.lately最近。根据故事情节的发展,这里应该是一个星期“之后”。17a.operation bsuggestion cemployment dpraise

35、答案d考查名词词义辨析。a.operation手术;b.suggestion建议;c.employment雇佣;d.praise表扬。员工做了好事,理应得到老板的赞扬。18a.successful bshocked csatisfied dconvenient答案c考查形容词词义辨析。 asuccessful成功的;b.shocked震惊的;c.satisfied满意的;d.convenient方便的。服务员做了好事,而且得到了应有的回报,作者对这一结果感到“满意”。19a.advised bforced csuggested ddemanded答案a考查动词词义辨析。a.advised建议;

36、b.forced 强迫;c.suggested建议;d.demanded要求。考查动词的用法与搭配。动词demand和suggest都不能用在后加宾语加不定式做宾补的结构中。而b项forced用词不当。20a.as bthough cso dbut答案d考查连词的用法。a.as当的时候;b.though虽然;c.so 所以;d.but但是。考查上下文的逻辑关系,前后有转折的关系,所以用but表示。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。keeping a diary in english is one of the effective ways_1_(impr

37、ove) our english writing ability.compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes_2_(little) time.it can help us to develop the habit of thinking in english.if we persist (坚持) in this practice, gradually well learn how to express ourselves in english.in keeping a diary in english, we certainly run up against many _3_(difficult)in the first place, it often happens that we have trouble _4_(find) appropriate words and phrases to


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