unit 6-1 the statue of liberty 自由女神 课件课件_第1页
unit 6-1 the statue of liberty 自由女神 课件课件_第2页
unit 6-1 the statue of liberty 自由女神 课件课件_第3页
unit 6-1 the statue of liberty 自由女神 课件课件_第4页
unit 6-1 the statue of liberty 自由女神 课件课件_第5页
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1、Unit 6 City symbolThe Statue of LibertyContentsNews updatePPT presentation Summary Homework 1. Sea shooting A Taiwan fisherman was killed after a Philippine military vessel opened fire on his boat on May 9 in a non-demarcated area of sea between Taiwan and the Philippines, China Daily reported. Taiw

2、an has demanded an apology from the Philippines, and that it punish those responsible and compensate the fishermans family. The Chinese mainland strongly condemned the Philippines and urged it to investigate the incident immediately. 2. Staggering unemployment rate The unemployment rate of under 25-

3、year-olds in the European Union hit 23.5 percent in March, latest figures published by Eurostat show. The highest unemployment rates for under 25s were recorded in Greece, with a staggering 59.1 percent, followed by Spain with 55.9 percent, Italy with 38.4 percent and Portugal with 38.3 percent. Ger

4、many and Austria recorded the lowest rates, both with 7.6 percentHow much do you know about the Statue of Liberty ?Summaries Statue description Knowledge review General situation “Liberty Enlightening the World “(La libert clairant le monde), known more commonly as “the Statue of Liberty”, bronze st

5、atues, 47 meters high pedestalpedistl , like high 46 meters, 93 meters high total, 229 tons.PositionDesignersThe sculptor was Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. Alexandre Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the Eiffel Tower, engineered the internal structure. Alexandre Gustave EiffelFrederic Auguste BartholdiA

6、ppearanceThe statue represents a woman, standing upright, dressed in a flowing robe and a spiked crown, holding a stone tablet close to her body in her left hand and a flaming torch high in her right hand. The statue is made of copper with the exception of the flame of the torch, which is coated in

7、gold leaf.The interior of the pedestal contains a bronze plaque inscribed with the poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus.History The statue was given to the United States by France in 1885, The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the United States and is a ge

8、sture of friendship between the two nations.On June 30, 1878, at the Paris Exposition, the completed head of the statue was showcased, while other pieces were on display.The Statue was completed in France in July, 1884 and arrived in New York Harbor on June 17, 1885 on board the French frigatefrigit

9、 Isere. To prepare for transit, the Statue was reduced to 350 individual pieces and packed in 214 crates. As with all historic areas administered by the National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument, along with Ellis Island and Liberty Island, was listed on the National Register of Hist

10、oric Places on October 15.1966. In 1984, the Statue of Liberty was added to the World Heritage List. July 4, 1986: First Lady Nancy Reagan (in red) reopens the statue to the publicFireworks and the Statue of Liberty Sightseeing tourists get up to the top directly by elevator, Crown place can accommo

11、date 40 people there are 25 small open window, each window is about 1 meter. high The most unfortunate architecture in Science fictionKnowledge review Names -Benjamin Franklin-Joseph Pulitzer-Auguste Bartholdi-Gustave Eiffel-Grover Cleveland-Ronald Reagon -Emma Lazarusfriendship cultivatorfund raisersculptorstructure engineeraccept the statuecreate the commissionbase passage writer What does these numbers stand for?-152 foot-1865 (Edouard de Laboulaye)-1884/7/4-214/350-1


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