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1、lesson18 Electric currents in modern artNew words and expressions current n.电流,水流,气流 sculpturen.雕塑 mistakena.错误的 gallery n.美术馆 exhibit n.展品,陈列品 oddlyad.古怪的 attachv.连,系 sphere n.球体 magnetizev.使磁化New words and expressions repelv.排斥 flickerv.闪烁 emitv.放射 flashv.闪光;闪过 prehistorica.史前的,老掉牙的 electronica.电子

2、的 peculiara.奇异的 shockv.令人震惊,刺激人 emotionallyad.感情上雕塑雕塑 sphere美术馆美术馆史前的史前的奇异的奇异的错误的错误的 机器手机器手使磁化使磁化 attach exhibit闪烁闪烁 闪过闪过 气流气流放射放射 emotionally repel oddlyDetailed information current: adj.现在的;最近的;流行的 e.g: The current situation is very different to that in 1990. the ocean currents of the tropical a c

3、urrent of cool air a distinct current of thought. mistaken: false、wrongSYN热带洋流一阵冷风不同的思潮Detailed information exhibit: vt 表现 He has exhibited symptoms of anxiety and overwhelming worry. 他表现出焦躁不安和过度忧虑的症状。 vt 展出 His work was exhibited in the best galleries in America, Europe and Asia 作为名词,exhibit 1.(可数)

4、展览品 2.(可数)证据,证件 exhibition 1.(可数)展览会 2.(只能作单数)表现。Detailed information这些形容词均含有“奇怪的,奇异的,新奇的”之意。queer:指一种无法解释的怪诞,强调事物的奇特和不可思议。odd:通常指不规律、偶尔出现的人或事物,往往令人困惑或奇怪。funny:较通俗用词,指奇怪得滑稽可笑或反常。crazy:多指与众不同的行为、外表或人与物本身,含荒唐可笑或神经不正常的意味。 curious:通常指非常特别或能引起注意、研究或探索的奇特。peculiar:侧重令人奇怪的或独一无二的特性,也指性格特征方面显著的与众不同之处。strange

5、:普通常用词,含义广泛,指陌生新奇、奇怪、奇怪或不自然的人或物。quaint:指古色古香,会人感到既奇怪又有趣。singular:通常指异常或奇特,暗含不同于一般。 Detailed information attach: vt.& vi.贴上,系;附上 e.g: We attach labels to things before we file them away 存档前,我们先贴上标签。 It is possible to attach executable program files to e-mail. 可以在电子邮件里附上可执行程序文件。 attachment n 附件,附属物Det

6、ailed information repel: vt. 击退 e.g: They have fifty thousand troops along the border ready to repel any attack vt. 排斥When a magnetic pole repels another magnetic pole, it gives out a force that pushes the other pole away. You can also say that two magnetic poles repel each other or that they repel

7、repellent n. 排拒力;防水;驱虫剂; e.g: mosquito repellent. adj. 令人厌恶的;令人排斥的 e.g: a very large, very repellent toad.Detailed information flicker: v. (表情)掠过,闪过 e.g: A smile flickered across Vincents grey features v. (眼睛)瞟过 e.g: Dirks eyes flickered towards the pistol. v. 抖动;颤动 e.g: In a moment her eyelids flic

8、kered, then opened. n. (情感的)闪现,一闪而过 e.g:He looked at me, a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes.Detailed information flash: vt.& vi.使闪光 e.g: Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds. vt.& vi. 突然闪过(脑海) e.g: A ludicrous thought flashed through Harrys mind. electronic: 电子的 electric: 电的,带电的Lesso

9、n 18 Electric currents in modern art Modern sculpture rarely surprises us any more. The idea that modern art can only be seen in museums is mistaken. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places.not fail,双重否定构成肯定Notes o

10、n the text no more=not any more 侧重程度和数量 no longer=not any longer 侧重时间 e.g: You can drink no more. = You cant drink any more. He no longer lives here. = He doesnt live here any longer. rarely: adv.很少地;罕有地 e.g: I very rarely wear a raincoat because I spend most of my time in a car.Lesson 18 Electric c

11、urrents in modern art Strange forms stand in gardens, and outside buildings and shops. We have got quite used to them. Some so-called modern pieces have been on display for nearly eighty years.所谓的现代艺术品 form,n.形状,形式Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art In spite of this, some people - including my

12、self - were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture. The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: Do not touch the exhibits. 定语从句,修饰thing时间状语从句那这句是定语从句还是同位语从句?为什么Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art Some of them are dangerous! The objects on display

13、 were pieces of moving sculpture. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody. Notes on the text in response to, 回答., 响应., 对.有反应,的意思 e.g: The law was passed in response to public pressure. be familiar to,为所熟悉, 物做主时用to

14、e.g: The computer is familiar to me. be familiar with, 熟悉, 精通,人做主语时用with e.g: Im familiar with the computer.Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art These objects, however, were different. Lined up against the wall, there were long thin wires attached to metal spheres. The spheres had been magnetiz

15、ed and attracted or repelled each other all the time. Whats/re lined up? Try to guess.against,依靠,倚着互为反义词Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art In the centre of the hall, there were a number of tall structures which contained coloured lights. These lights flickered continuously like traffic lights

16、 which have gone mad.in the middle of是三个,中间那个, middle 表明是中间,线的概念in the centre of是说某个事物的中间点, centre 更有立体感,用在抽象的东西表述更好点。Lesson 18 Electric currents in modern art Sparks were emitted from small black boxes and red lamps flashed on and off angrily. It was rather like an exhibition of prehistoric electronic equipment. emit:发出;发射e.g: Earthquakes emit three types of waves which have their own characteristics.Lesso


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