1、考研英语一真题附答案008年考研英语(一)试题etion i ue o nglishdiction:ea thefowng text. hoose test word() for eachnumred lank ndak a, b, o d n aswe shee 1. (10 poits)he daht sme up ofple may e metelignthanothrs is one tose hypothses thare t seak its nm.but gororais 1 to sai nywy. i ha 2bd,asintiswho wkndepenly 3 ay ini
2、tution. he elped oplrie he idahat some diseasesno4toughto haveabactericuse we acually inecions, hich aroused much controversy en it was frst geted.5 e, however, mgt temble at te ohat he i abot to d. toethrih othr two sietists,e is ubisin a aperwhhotoy7 that negoup hmniy is moreitelliget than theothe
3、rs, but explin tprocess tha hasbrughttis about. te rup in 8 are a prcular people rigined rm cenral erope.he prces s aura selciontis grop enerally o ll in iq ts, 921 points abv the1vaue of 100, nd ha cnriutd 1 tothe tectul d ultra ife ofthe st,s h2f tei elies,including sevral worldreowndscetists,13 h
4、ey aosuffr more ften tha ot pe fom a number of astyeneticdiess,such a beat cance. these fact,4 av previoslybe thught neatd.the frerhasbeen 15 sil effets,uch asa srng tradiioof 16 atin e lattrwas ee s (an) 7 geeic ilaon. dr. cocra ststha the itelligece nd dieass areitiately18 is agumis that th unusua
5、l istory of tes peoplehs1 m to uique eltionay prsurs thathe reulte in ths 0 ae o afairs.1 selecte b perec obied dpease2. nue b tiular pecil d are3. ofb ith in dagainst4.a sbseety b prestly c eviosly d late.oly b o c edhc a thought b siht ccot d isk7. a dib ugstc rtests bjcts8.pgres fat c need d qsti
6、on9 a attining bsorincreachng d calcuating10. anormalb common eantotal11. a consouly bdiroortinatelyc deinitely d naounaly1. amiions b fotunes c iterests d ares3 airm b witns observ roe14.amreov b theefore c hever enwhil15 a ien up bgt vecced o d on16 aassing b supervsng c aministering dvluin17.a de
7、pment b ori c conseened nsment8a lik b integrated cwoven comied19. alimed bjected conerted iretd2 pardoicl b nmpatibe c inevtable d cotuosseion i rading comprenionprtdirctis:read te lowg fur texts. answer te uesions bew acextby choosinga,b,c or mark ur er o nwer shet 1. (40 ponts)x hilstill catci-up
8、 men inome spheres of moder lif, wo aper o bewa aad a least e udesra catgory. womn prticuarlysuceptieto dveoping deprsson and nxet disrders insone tstess comed to m, crding to r eud, chiepsychiatistatwors veteans dminisationhopitltudies obtaimal and humans hve shon that x hrmne oehow aet str resse,
9、asingmales ude stres topoue mre ofthe tigger heils thn o alesdrthe sam coditis. n everal othe studies, when tesd-out emlerts had heir ovaris (te feal reroducveogans) moved, theirchemical repose becae ual t toe fthemaes.addin t a wmanincesddse o sess chmicls, ae herireaed opouniis for stressisnotnece
10、ssar that woen dontcope s ell. its jt hat ey av so mchmore o cpewih, say dr.yua. ter capacity fr toleratngtres mayev b reater thaes,shobsves, ts jst ht thyre alg wit so man mor thns thatthyecome rnout fm it moreviiy ansoon.r. yhuante anotherdiferene betnthe sees. i tink tha e kindsof thingstha omena
11、re eposd to tend to e i more of achronic orreeated aturen got waand a exposdto combat stress.men re xpos tore ct of ndom physical violnce. te inds oinreronal vioenc ta wen arxpse t tend to bein domesicstuations, y, unfrtuatey, paretsor oter family members, an they tennot to be e-shot deals.h we-an-t
12、r that omes from eseonr elinships can b uitedevastat.deline alvarz marid a 8 ndgae birth toaon,but wa drmned tofnis collee. i rggld a ttoe thcoleg degre ias living inso much frustraionat thatwas yespe, t o to hool,and t aad an do beter. ate, hrmrriage ndd ad se bcam singe mthr. its thehreng o akecar
13、e f atenage, hav ajob,ay th rnt, payh ar pyent, ndpay the dt. i lvedfrompayceck t paychecnot eveyne exerences th inds ofsere hronic stres alvadescribes u most omentdaarcopin wh otooligatins, wh fe brks,nd eeig the stai. alvrezs experience emontrates te impoaneof finding ways o dffuse stes beforeit h
14、reas ou heath anyur aility to function.21. hich of te ollwng ru accordng o thefrs toparagraps?a woenare blgcally moe uneble tostess.b women ar tll sufering much stress causedy mec woen are mre experincetan men in cong wh stessd man woensow dier ilinatios whenfacd wih stress.2. d yehuasresearch sgett
15、 womenanee xtraes of cemil to hanl strssbhav liited caiy for toerating stres.care re capbleof oiinsres. are ose to more rss23. ccrdng to aragaph 4, t sss on confront ends toba metic nd mporay.brreguarand vien durableand frequet triva d radom. te nteei liedrompachek t paycck (e 6, pra.5)shows ha alva
16、rz ard about nothing but makin oney.balvarez salar baely covred hrhoueold expese. alvarezg pachecks from dfenbsdlarez paid prtaly eerthig chck.2. ich f h fllwng woud be the bestttl fo hetext?astrain fress: nowyut?b respnsesto stress:gendr ifencc strss nlysis:wa hmicas d gender qulty:om under strssex
17、t2it used to be strgtorra team o rsearchersworkigtogter in he laborar would uithe rslts ofhei reserch to a journal. a jona editor wuld he rmovehe author namesandaffiiations from thepr an send it toherpeers o revew. deendng o the comnts reei, the itor ould cceptepprorpubicatonor decieit pht rse wih t
18、hejurnl pbihr, aresechrs eekigknowedg of threslts woud hav to subsrbe to th joralnolner.the itent - an pessure romfunding gecie, wh areqestionng w comeria publihers re making oney rmgovnntfnded researcby restricing ces to it -is mkin acesto scientfic resut aeali. therganzti for cnomic co-opration an
19、d devlopmet (cd) has us issed a eort decribn th fa-rachig consuencesoths. he rpr,b john hougho fvcria niy n ustlia adgra vicery o hoed, ke heavy reading for puishswo hae, o fr, ade handsomeprfits. bt t gos fuherha hattsigna chgei htas, until now, bee a keyelemet of scienific eneavo.the value of knwl
20、edgead t rurn thpublc nvesmet in search dpend,inpart,upo idedistbutin ad ready accs. itsbg usins.n ameia, hecreentficpulisingmarktis estim a bewe $7 biion and $1billin.he intntional satin f scinfic, technical d medical ubliers sys hat there r mre tha2,000 plihers worldwide speclizini hes ubjects thy
21、 publish morehan .2million arcls ac yr in sme 6,00 jurnalthis snow chnging. accordigo the oecd repor, som 75%o cholarly jornals areow onlne. eirely new usinessmode re eeng;three main ons were idenified b the eportsatho.the s he so-caled b deal, ernsitutionl subcribers ay or accs oacolctinf onlie jur
22、nalttesthrughite-licenin greeent. ter is openaces publhing, typicly supprte by asking the author (r hi employer) to a fr the pper tobe pblshe finaly,thare ope-access rcive, hr organiains such asuniveriesor inerntiol boatories supportinsituinal repositories hermls eshatarehbrid o hes hree,suc as eyeo
23、pen-aces, whre journals lloly subscrbrs to reda papr for thfrtsix months, bore akin freely avlabe to vero owishes t e tall thi could hanethtrdiinl for of the per-evie roes, at east forthepbicaion paprs.26. ithe irst pragrph,e athr dcusesa thebakgound iformation journaleiti.b hepblicatiorutine of lab
24、oraty eorts. te rlations of authors with jounlblshers.d the trditionl pross o jouna publicaton27. which of theolowingstrueofte oc reor? i criticzsgovernment-fnded esearc.b i trducs effeciemeans of blicio. upsetprofit-making juna publisersit benefs scietific eac osieably.2 acordingto th et, online pb
25、lcan is nifiantin thaat providesneasier aces to cintic results.b itbrgs huge pofi o cientific resarchs.t mpasi e ucil role oscinficknowlge. it faitaes public invesmet in scientifc esearch.2.withthe open-acesblhing mode, the author of papr is required cver te cost of ts ublication.b uscri tohe jounal
26、ublishing itc low otr online journals to eit ey.d omplee te peerreiew befe submsion3. which of he folinbest sumarzes th minidef te ext?ateinternet ispig atheat to puishsb anwmdeofubicaionis emerng.c authoswlcme thnwchael forpbltion.liction is rendered easier by oine srvce.txt3in the eary 10s lt cham
27、berl as n f nly three layersn he natioal bakeal associato (nb) lit t r sevenfeet. f he had playd lat season,hwer, he ould he ben oeof 2. the bodesplayg major professnalposhave chnge dramaticaly oet yeas, andmaagers aveeenmoe than willito ajs tamunors t it te growinumbers f igger, onger ames.te trnd
28、n ports,toh, a b osurin a unrecognzed reliy: ameican he geerllsod gowin. hotpcally bo woinches tler now thn 140ears ago,tday pl - especl tosebrnto fales who hav livein he us. for my gnrtion- aparently reached their lmit in t early160s.an theyenlkey to get an taler. in theenra popultion toay,at thi e
29、netc, nvironntal leel, we prety much goe s fa as ean go, says anthropolgst williamcaonchumlf wight taeuivrsty in thce o n playrs, te ncreae i ight apears toresltfom te incresinly comonprctierecuiin plyers romallov eworld. rowth, hich rreycntiusbyd the age f 20, mand calories ndnutrits - ntaly, poti
30、- t feedepndng ssues. at the tao tht cntry,ner-ntrition andchilod nftion got ithe way.bu s iet nealth improv,hildren ad aoscnthae, n aeage, increased n hight by boutninch and ahlfvery20yers, ater knon as hescular trendin hei ytaccrdin tothe centers fordsse crol adprevetn, average hegh - 9 ore, 54 fo
31、r wen - hant realy chang since 1960geneclyspang,there are adantages toavoiingsusanta height. ug chdbith, arger abis ha mre ificltypasing thrughthbirth canal. mreover, een thou hmansave ben prigh for millions of years,our feet ndak coinuetostge with bipedal ostre cannoeasy withstnd repete sri imposed
32、 byoverzeibs. there someal onrais hat are set by gnetic archiecture of he indvua ri,ays anthroologis illia leonard oforthwsn universitygneti mmscan chane,bt deect this to happen n.clre. grdon, senior anthropoogst a te ary eerchcne innatck, ms., nues a pecent f th fomsand worsions fit recruitswhout l
33、trato.e shat,unike those for asketbll, thlength ofmliayniforms has no hangd fr so time. an if yo needto peict humanheighti t near fure to dsign a pece of equipmen, gon sy thband large, you cod us todaysat an feel firly cnfien.3. it cambrainscied an exmpletoa ilustrate he cg oeig of nb plaers.bshowth
34、epoplarity nba playersinthe .c compredffere eeratio of playersd sses the achivemens offamos nb laers.2. whichf theollwi playsa key rol in body growthaccordin the tet?a gnetic modifiatinbnaural environment.livin sadards.d day execise33. onwhich o e follwngstatemet wld the author ost prbaly gee?a non-
35、americans ad eavage eight of thnaton.b huma heghisconiine b te upri oture.c aerica ar the taes o aveag in te wordd largr bbies endo bece taller i dlhood.34.we earn rm te ltpaagraph tt in thenear uue the gmnt indstry wll econsider the unifori.te eignof itar uifrmswl remn nned. gent testing llbe emoye
36、d seltng sportsmen.d te xisti daaf mn hightwlstill be aplcabl.35 he ext inensto el s ta he cagof umanhegt follows cyclic atern.b human hegtis ecoming een e reicta.amricans ave eace th eetic goth limit.d te genet pateof aericas hs alteretxt 4i 184,fie year before he ecae presient ftuntedtats, geore a
37、shingto,5, asnerlytohess. so he hir a denist to rnplant nine eet into his jw-having extracted themfom te mouhsof hs laesthats a ar dfent iaefrmthe cherr-tree-chopping george most pee remember from their istory ooks. ut recntly, manyhistoans have egun oocus n the roles slvy plaed i he lives f th fund
38、inggneaio the haben spurred i part b dn evinc mad avalbe in198,which amost ertainly provd thoma jfersn ha ftered t s ne ci th hislavesall hemns.and olyoer the at 0year escholars xmne hitoy rom the bottou woks of seval hstorns revel he ora comproses mad by h ntion ealy eades an the fage aue f th cout
39、rys nfan. mre sgictly, they argu tha many f thefning faths new laeywas wong - yet mstdid ittle to ht more hannythig,thehistorian say, he founders were ampe b hculte fhi tme. wh sinto and jffrson priy exese dstster laery,theaso nderstood hat t waspar ofthepolitcl n eomic bedroc of thcnty the hepd ocr
40、ete.for one thing, the sthcoul not afford part wih slves oning slave w ihaving a lre ankaccout,says iencek, athrfan impetgd: geor ashngt,hs slaes, and he creation of aric te outhensates ould not ave igned the conttutio withotrocton for thepeculi itittion, cliga clause tat cntedaslvtre fith fa man r
41、puross ofongessioal reresetatinand the statesmns politallives dpendd on slavery. the trefifthsorla haed jefersonhisnarw victory inthepreidentilelectiono 1800byinlatig he votes f thsouthernstaesin the lectora cole.once in ffic, jffeson extne slavery wit the lusnpuchsin 183; the ne land as caredint 3
42、stats,udig threelave ste.till, jferson freed heminschldren - tugh no hemg hsel o is aproimately150 othr slaves.wshin, ho had egun o beliee tat l menwer ceae ql af obserig the rvrof th bla sldirs urig evuoarywa, ovecamte stong opsitio f is atives o ganthi slavteir feoin his will.ony a cae earie, sc a
43、n ac woul haverequird iai ppovainvirinia.36. eore asintons dentl sger is mentioed showhe prmitie medcal practcin the past.bdemonstrate th ret oavery ini daysc tress the roe of lvs inhe .s. stoy.drea some unknon pectof his li.37.w yinfer fmthscond aarah hta dnaechology ha been idelyaped o hitry reser.b in its rly dasthe . s ofrnted with delatstuaionc itorin delieralade up omesoris f jeerons le. plitical compomse are easily oud thrughut
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