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1、focus:focus: reading readingstudying aims:studying aims: 1. to improve reading skills.1. to improve reading skills. 2.to know something about 2.to know something about three chinese philosophers and their ideas. three chinese philosophers and their ideas.great people and great great people and great

2、 inventions of ancient inventions of ancient chinachinamodule 5module 5treat(对待对待) others in the way you want to be treated.you can learn from everyone.people are more important than rulers.man is born good.all human beings are equal.we should love all human beings.己所不欲己所不欲, 勿施于人勿施于人.兼爱兼爱众生平等众生平等三人行

3、必有我师。三人行必有我师。民为贵民为贵 君为轻君为轻人性本善人性本善confuciusmenciusmoziconfucius mencius mozi philosophers of ancient china 孔子(前551前479)名丘,字仲尼,鲁国人。春秋后期伟大的思想家(thinker)、教育家,儒家的创始人。提出了“仁”的学说(teachings),是中国古代著名哲学家(philosopher)。confucius philosophy: the study of nature and meaning of existence, truth, good and evil, etc.

4、 孟子(前372前289)名轲,战国中期鲁国邹人。受业于子思(孔子之孙,名)之门人,曾游历于宋、滕、魏、齐等国,阐述他的政治原则(principle),还曾在齐为顾问(adviser)。晚年退而著书,传世有孟子 七篇。他是战国中期儒家的代表。mencius mozi 墨翟(公元前476390),人们尊称墨子。他是战国初年的鲁国人,思想家、学者,墨家学派创始人。著有墨子一书 。 w1. an idea that influences the way you behave _w2. to start an organisation or philosophy _w3. the feeling th

5、at something is true and exists _w4. when people obey laws and rules and do not cause trouble _w5. to look after children until they are adults _w6. give a lot of importance to _w7. job _w8. doing what he suggested _w9. tell your employer that you are going to leave your job _w10. someone who gives

6、advice _w11. having a lot of influence _order (n.) bring up found (v.) principle belief stress position resign adviser influential follow ones advice principlefoundbelieforderbring upstresspositionfollow ones adviceresignadviserinfluential fast readingfind the main idea of the passage.fast reading:c

7、hoose the correct answers.whats the main idea of the passage? the author wants to make people believe in the teachings by ancient philosophers . the author wants to introduce three influential philosophers in ancient china.c. the author wants to tell interesting stories about three important philoso

8、phers in ancient china.d. the author wants to show the history of philosophy(哲学哲学) in ancient china.read the passage in five minutes andsay t or f to the statements: states were often at peace with each other in ancient china. confuciusideas have the greatest influence on china. mencius resigned fro

9、m the government, because the first ruler didnt respect him. mencius spent all his life preparing a book of his teachings called the book of mencius. mozis beliefs were the same as those of confucius. mencius is the oldest among the three.confucius is the oldest among the three. mencius spent his la

10、st years preparing abook of his teachings called the book ofmencius.warfollow his advice. similar topeopleconfuciusmenciusmoziyear of birthimporta-nt ideaslength of living551 bc72372 bcman is_;people were_importantthan rulers./476 bcmen are_;love_; hate the idea of_86goodmorehe stressed the importan

11、ce of_, _ and _ in society.kindnessdutyorderequal all humanbeingswardiscussion1.which of the following opinions do you think is the most important? and why? (1)all men are equal. (2)kindness and love. (3)peace.all human are equalkindness and lovepeace equal rights(权利权利);equal pay for equal work(同工同酬同工同酬);attend schools for free(免费上学免费上学).hope project; one in trouble, all to help.(一方有一方有难,八方支援难,八方支援); harmonious society


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