



1、第一部分教材知识突破必修五unit 1great scientists课时跟踪一练而就.阅读理解a(2020届甘肃省高三诊断性测试)british roads are some of the safest ones in the world. a study in 2018 that compared more than 30 countries found that 3.8 people per 100,000 died in traffic accidents in the uk. this number was lower than that in any other country.

2、so, what did british drivers do to achieve this? what are they doing differently? here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the uk.people in britain drive on the left side of the road. in fact, a long time ago people drove on the left in most countries, but now only a few countri

3、es do this. dont forget that. this also means you must drive the other way around roundabouts (环岛)british people feel that waiting should be fair for everybody. if you are in a queue of traffic, then dont try to push past the vehicles in front of yours. this is called “jumping the queue”. you must w

4、ait for your turn, otherwise people may get angry with you.you must stop at traffic lights when they are red. in many countries, it is ok to go past the red lights if you are turning a corner or if there isnt any other traffic around. in the uk. you could have lots of trouble if you do this.if other

5、 drivers flash their car lights at you, then they are probably trying to tell you that they will wait for you to go first. british people dont like to use their car horn much and they think people who do that are rude.if you are involved in an accident, then dont try to pay the police. the police in

6、 the uk. never take money. and if you try to offer them some, you could end your holiday by visiting british prison.【语篇解读】英国发生交通事故的概率相对于其他国家来讲很低,这与其健全的交通体制有密切关系。本文介绍了在英国驾驶的注意事项并提出了几点建议。1when you are driving in the uk., what should you do?adrive past slow cars in front of yours.bdrive on the right ar

7、ound roundabouts.csometimes pay the police to avoid trouble.dnot go past red lights even when turning left.解析:选d细节理解题。根据第三条建议可知,在很多国家,红色交通信号灯亮的时候车辆是可以转弯的,但这种行为在英国不被允许。故选d项。2what do drivers usually mean if they flash their car lights at you when you are driving in the uk.?ayou have done something rud

8、e.bthey would like you to go first.cthere are possible dangers ahead.dthey want you to wait for them.解析:选b细节理解题。根据第四条建议可知,在英国,如果司机向你闪车灯,可能是想要告诉你让你先行通过。故选b项。3whats the text mainly about?aspecial traffic rules in the uk.badvice for safe driving in the uk.chow to deal with traffic accidents.dtips for m

9、aking the uk. travel plans.解析:选b主旨大意题。根据第一段中的“here are five top tips for drivers who are planning a trip to the uk.”可知,本文为在英国驾驶的司机提出了一些安全驾驶的建议。故选b项。b(2020届吉林省长春市高三质检)“any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” arthurc clarke famously wrote. that line must have sounded thr

10、ough 5,000 audience brains when ceo sundar pichai demonstrated (演示) a new artificialintelligence product called google duplex.duplex can make reservations at restaurants and hair salonsby placing a phone call to their human receptionists. it perfectly sounds like a human voice, even with “ums”, hesi

11、tations and realistic inflections (转调). heres a short part of the demonstration: duplex ai:“hi. im calling to book a womans haircut for a customer. um, im looking for something around 12 p. m. on may 3.”human receptionist: “sure. give me one second.”duplex ai:“mmhmm.”human receptionist:“sorry, the c

12、losest we have to that is a 115.”duplex ai: “do you have anything between 10 a. m. and, uh, 12 p. m?”human receptionist: “okay, we have a 10 oclock.”many felt how morally wrong it is to act like a human and cheat others. however, rishi chandra, vice president for home product management at google sa

13、id, “well spend much time on different ways to let the receptionists know and inform them that the call is being recorded.”meanwhile duplex really does fill a need. “how do we bridge this idea that i want to order a pizza, but my local pizza houses not online?” chandra says. “today only a very small

14、 number of people can have personal assistants doing these things for them. now can we make that accessible to everyone?”receptionists will become accustomed to getting calls from duplex just as we got used to speaking to siri on phones or automated (自动化的) menu systems on service hotlines. someday s

15、mall businesses will not have to waste time on phone calls, either. your ai will call their aino human interaction required. then the only question is, what will we do with all our new free time?【语篇解读】本文介绍了人工智能产品google duplex具备与人类对话的功能这一研究成果。4what is suggested in the first paragraph?a5,000 audience

16、enjoyed the sound duplex made.barthurc clarke wrote a famous story about duplex.cwhat duplex can do is so amazing that its like magic.dthe name google duplex was given by sundar pichai.解析:选c推理判断题。根据第一段可知,google duplex在演示过程中让在场观众体会到像arthurcclarke所说的“已经与魔法无异”的程度。故选c。5what is shown in the conversation

17、between duplex ai and a human receptionist?aduplex ai is not so patient as a human receptionist.bduplex ai can find the customer a perfect haircut.cduplex ai perfectly makes reservations like a human.dduplex ai cannot make an appointment to the exact time.解析:选c推理判断题。根据第二段可知,作者举google duplex和人对话的例子是为

18、了展示人工智能能够像人类一样发音并处理沟通过程中出现的问题。故选c。6how will life change with an ai in the future?aai will do small things for humans.bpeople will not waste time on phone calls.csiri and automated menu systems will be used.dai communication can replace human communication.解析:选a细节理解题。根据最后一段的内容可知,未来的人工智能甚至不需要人类的参与,就可以

19、直接进行通话来处理一些小事。故选a。7what is the best title for the passage?aa newly invented classic magicbmoral problems caused by aichow to make reservations on the phonedill have my ai call your ai解析:选d标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文介绍了人工智能的部分应用功能及发展前景。且由最后一段中的“your ai will call their aino human interaction required.”可知, d项为最佳标题

20、。故选d。.七选五(2020届湖北省武汉市外国语学校高三质检)for many people, working from home part time or full time can be an attractive option. 1 . youll have to plan out your strategy, work out all the little details, and then put in the work to make it happen.evaluate your talents.keep in mind that there is a huge differen

21、ce between talents and things you enjoy. 2 . think about your skills that you do better than anyone else.assess your financing needs.while starting a business from home can be more affordable than starting a traditional business, you will still need money to get started. 3 . if you dont have a lot i

22、n savings, you can get a business loan to get started, but this would mean afterwards being responsible for a loan.know your competition.if you plan on working from home locally, look around town for other businesses offering the same services or products. youll have to find a way to stand out from

23、the competition. be sure to check around and analyze your competitors pricing. 4 5 if no business ideas are coming to mind, think about some of the tried home business types. some common ideas include tutoring, tax preparation, accounting, web designing, dance instructing. these home based business ideas just require your personal skills. aunderstand the needs of your marketbconsider some of the more common ideascmost of these business ideas can also be done onlinedthink about how much money you will need to cover all the initial costsejust beca


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