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1、Module11、你想知道 Sam 的位置你可以问:Where is Sam?你还可以用 Where 来:问路如果你想知道公园街 2 号在哪里,你问:Excuse me. Where is No.2 Park Street, please?2、你可以用哪些词语来表示位置?在树后behind the tree在你的左边on your left在电影院旁边beside the cinema上山up the hill下山down the hill在车站at the station在房子附近near the house紧挨着超市next to the supermarket3、你还可用哪些词语来指路?

2、 向左拐turn left向右拐turn right直着走go straight on4、 你可以用I live at来表示居住的地点。在问路前,你首先要说 Excuse me 来表示礼貌。 在别人为你指路后, 你要说Thank you! 来表示感谢。当别人感谢你后,你要说:You re welcome!5、a、选出不同一类的选项()1、 A、 rightB、 leftC、 street()2、A、 besideB、 pictureC、 underb、选词填空或根据提示写单词。1、Where_( am / is / are ) the children?2、( What / Where ) i

3、s the supermarket? It is next to the school.3、Where are you now?Im (in, on ) your left.4、I live ( at / on ) No.2 Park Street.5、Where is the station? Turn ( left / on ), go straight on.Module21、你想表达你喜欢游泳你可以说:I like swimming.你想表达 Sam 喜欢游泳你可以说:Sam likes swimming.如果你想向别人介绍你的朋友,你说:This is my friend 你想让别人

4、看看这些照片,你说:Look at these pictures.2、你可以怎样询问别人在做什么?What is/are doing?回答时我们要用 .什么 .来表示。 am/ is/ are + 动词 ing 3、用 am, is 或 are 填空。1、 I a girl. You a boy.2、 Daming from China.3、She jumping. He running.4、 My brother playing football with his friends.5、 We rowing a boat.6、 What you doing? I skipping.7、Ling

5、ling and I doing taijiquan.1. am are 2. is is 3. is is 4.is 5.are 6.are am 7.are4、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?拍照片take pictures和朋友讲话 talk to friend玩玩具火车 play with a toy train 听音乐 listen to music 看电视 watch TV 读书read a book打篮球play basketball踢足球play football放风筝fly a kite骑自行车 ride a bike 看这些照片look at these pictures5、选出

6、不同一类的选项()1、 A、 listeningB、 singC、 talking()2、 A、 flyingB、 friendC、 talking6、选择题()1、 Look_ these pictures. A、 inB、 atC、of()2、What _ she do at the weekend?She _basketball.A、do,playsB、 does , playsC、 do,play()3、 Look, the children in the river.A、 swimming B、 is swimming C、are swimming()4、 this is my fr

7、iend, name is Amy.A、IB、herC、She7、选词填空或根据提示写单词。1、What are you _( do , doing ) ? I m ( read, reading ) a book.2、He is _( play / playing ) basketball.3、( What, Where ) is he doing? He is .( swimming , run )4、My sister is talking ( with , to ) her friends.My brother is playing a toy train. ( with , to )

8、5、She is (takeing , taking) pictures.6、Tom _ ( like/likes) apples. But I don t _ apples. ( like/likes)like1. doing reading 2. playing 3. What swimming 4. to with 5. taking 6.likes做蛋糕 make a cake 打太极 do taijiquan soya milk 下象棋 play chess 我也是 3、选出不同一类的选项()1、A、boyB、 girl()2、 A、 lakeB、park()3、A、 between

9、B、 chess4、选择()1、 Look at the people the park.()2、 -What _ the tiger doing? -ItA、are, playsB、 am , playingModule31、你想表达你正在游泳你可以说:I am swimming. 你想表达 Sam 正在游泳你可以说: Sam isswimming.你想表达他们正在游泳,你可以说: They are swimming.你想知道别人正在做,你问: What are you doi ng?2、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?上车 get on the bus 许多有趣的事 lots of intere

10、sting thing 看 .look at在湖上 on the lake 在树下 under the tree 在大树之间 between the big trees划龙舟 row a dragon boat 喝豆浆 drink Me tooC、menC、 theseC、onA、inB、 atC、ofbasketball.C、 is, playing()3、 Look, the menchess.A、playingB、is playingC、 are playing( )4、-Its twelve now, Im hungry.A、I too.B、Me too.C、Thank you!5、选

11、词填空或根据提示写单词。1、 My brother is ( make , making) noodles now.2、 What are you (does , doing ) ?I m ( rowing, reading ) a boat.3、I ( am , is are )watching TV.Tom ( am , is are )listening to music.We ( am , is are )having a good time.4、Lets get ( up, on ) the bus.5、They are (play , playing ) chess.6、She i

12、s (takeing , taking) pictures.6、现在进行时 在英文中,当描述一个正在发生的动作时,我们要使用现在进行时。现在进行时句子结构:主语+be动词+动词ing+其他7、现在分词构成规则:1. 直接加 ing. 如: talk-talking2. 以“一个元音 +一个辅音”结尾的重读闭音节,先双写辅音字母,再加ing.如: runrunning.swim-swimming3. 以不发音 e 结尾的去掉 e 再加 ing.如:take-takingmake-making be 动词用法口诀:I后amyou 后 areIs 跟着他、她、它( he sheit)单数后面用is复

13、数后面变成areModule41、你想问别人是否想要米饭,你可以说:Do you want some rice?你想表达你想要点米饭,你可以说: I want some rice. 你想表达味道很好,你说: It s nice! 你想知道别人想要什么,你问: What do you want? 你想表达你想帮助别人,你可以说:Can I /we help you ?你想知道一件物品的价格,你可以说: How much is it?当别人询问你需要什么,你可以说:I want当你想请别人帮忙买东西,你可以说:Can you go to buy?2、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?做面条 make no

14、odles 包饺子 make dumplings 西红柿鸡蛋面 noodles with tomato and egg 土豆肉丝面 noodles with meat and potato 当然 of course 给你 Here you are 中国快餐 Chinese fast food3、选出不同一类的选项()1、A、 juieeB、 eakeC、egg()2、A、whiteB、 eightC、 twelve()3、A、 tomatoB、 flowerC、 potato4、选词填空或根据提示写单词。1、What are you _( do , doing ) ? I m (make, m

15、aking ) dumplings.2、He wants some noodles _( with / and ) egg.3、How( many, much) is the flower?4、How_( many , much) eggs do you want?5、Look (China, Chinese) fast food.6、Do you want_ ( some, any) apples? No, _ . ( Please, thanks)7.does7、What(do, does) Sam want?doing making 2. with 3. much 4. many 5.

16、Chinese 6. some thanksModule51、你想表达你会游泳,你可以说: I can swim. 你想表达 Sam 能跳得很高,你可以说: Sam can jump high. 如果你想知道别人是否能跑得很快,你说:Can you run fast?你可以回答: Yes, I can./ No, I can t. 你想表达你不会游泳,你可以说: I can t swim. 你想表达 Sam 不能跳得很高,你可以说: Sam can t jump high.你可以用 I m afraid lean来表示你觉得你恐怕做不到时。你可以用 I am the winner. 来表达你是

17、获胜者。2、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?跑得快 run fast 跳得高 jump high 跳得远 jump far 骑得快 ride fast在天空中 in the sky 我们的明星 our star3、为下列问句选择合适的答语。( )1.Can you run fast?( )2.Do you want some dumplings?( )3.Can I have some noodles ?( )4.What is Sam doing?( )5.Where is the park?A. He is playing basketballB. It is near the station.

18、C. Yes, I can.D. Yes, you can.E. No, thank you.A、draw()2、 We can _A、swim, swims( )3、 Can you _B、drawingLook, we areB、swim ,swimmingC、making now.C、swimming , swim4、选出不同一类的选项()1、 A、runB、 jumpC、far()2、 A、 breadB、footballC、 table tennis()3、 A、 tallB、 starC、 strong5、选择题()1、 I can a dragon.jump high B、 hi

19、gh jump C、 jumping6、can 能 .会我是情态动词can,若表能力我来担。 不管主语怎么变, can 的摸样都不变。 动词原形站后边,一般疑问 can 在前。否定句 can 后要把 not 添。Module61、Can除了可以表达你会做还可以表达请求 ,或者 许可。例如:Can I come in? You can come in now.你想表达想要 (吃)一些糖果,你可以说:Can I have some sweets?当别人请求是否可以做时,你可以回答: Yes, you can./ Yes, of course.Sorry, you can t. 你想表达太暗了,你看

20、不见,你可以说: Its very dark. I cant see.在朋友生日时,你可以说 Happy birthday! 来表达祝福。2、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗?cant喝些汤 have some soup 吃些面包 have some bread 当然 of course 吃块蛋糕 have a cake 打开灯 turn on the light 进来 come in 来这里 come here 生日快乐 Happy Birthday 给我一块糖 give me a sweet 万圣节快乐 Happy Halloween 给你 Here you are3、选出不同一类的选项()1 、

21、A、sweetsB、pearC、banana()2、A、birdB、monkeyC、soup()3、A、breadB、cakeC、Halloween选择()1 . Can I have some s o u p? -So rry , you. A. canB.C. do()2.Happy birthday to you. .A. Happy birthdayB. Sorry C. Thank youC. I()3 . - Do you want some sweets?-Yes,. A. I canB. pleasehave()4. Now you can have some sweetsso

22、me bread.A. andB. haveC. wantbcba1、有时我们想要说Module7某个地方 有 人或者物 。我们可以用到: There is a girl.There are some girls.当这个地方的物品人只有1个时,你可以说:There is当这个地方的人物品多余1 个时时,你说: There are有几个单词很特别,我们要用an 来表示一个,它们是: an egg, an apple, an orange, anelephant当要说的人、物品不止 1 个时,我们用复数来表示,如: vegetables, cats, horses,单词 sheep 的复数为 sh

23、eep。你想知道图片里是否有一匹马,你会说: Is there a horse in the photo? 让我们再次复习这些表示数量的词语: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve 2、你知道这些短语怎么表达吗? 看一看 have a look 爬树 climb a tree 骑马 ride a horse站在树上 stand in the tree 在这张照片里 in the photo 在行车上 on the bike 吃蔬菜和水果 eat fruit and vegetables

24、under the tree一些漂亮的图片 some nice photos 在树下)1. Theresome soup . A. isB. amC. are)2.Is there a panda on the bilk?Yes,A. there isn tB. there areC. there is3、选出不同一类的选项()1 、A、riceB、pigC、 chicken()2、A、birdB、 bearC、fruit()3、A、climbB、 watchC、 unde r选择A. pig B. sheep C. rice( )4. There is a bear in the photo

25、, it sweets.A. is eating B. eating C. is eatacbaModule81、你想知道 Sam 打算做什么你可以问: What is Sam going to do?我们可以用 be going to do来表示将要去做的事情和自己的打算。如果你想知道别人来自哪里,你问:Where are you from你要回答说:I am from?2、选择am, is , are 填空。He _ going to visit America.We _ playing chess.Daming and I flying kites.The monkey_ going t

26、o climb a tree.I going to ride a horse.There _ a cat in the tree.There _ four sheep on the hill.Sam _going to take pictures in the zooSamfrom the UK.Is are are is am is are is is3、你知道这些短语怎样表达吗?参观动物园 visit the zoo 吃些水果 eat some fruit 乘飞机 by plan 起床 get up 来自 be from 在海里 in the sea 该睡觉了 time for bed 和

27、你一起去 go with you 在 5 点 at 5 o clock看在星期天 on SundayModule8 、 91、你想知道别人在运动日打算做什么你可以问:What are you going to do on sports day?我们可以用be going to+动词原形来表示将要去做的事情和自己的打算。如我将要参加跳远比赛,用英语说:I am going to do the long jump.如果你想知道别人是否要做,你问:Are you going to?你应回答说: Yes, I am ./ No, Im not. 2、你知道这些短语怎样表达吗? 举行运动会 have a

28、 sports day 跑 100 米 run the 100 metres在公园跑 run in the park 每天 every day我最喜爱的科目 my favorite subject 在运动日 on sports day 跳高 do the high jump 跳远 do the long jump打篮球 play basketball 踢足球 play football 祝你好运 good luck 加油 come onModule101、 你想知道这是关于什么的书你可以问:What is the book about?如果你想知道别人在圣诞节做什么事情,你问: What do you do at Christmas? 你要回答说: We +动词 我们可以用 We +动词 来表示你经常做的事情。2、你知道这些短语怎样表达吗?新


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