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1、 Swifts WorksA Tale of a Tub (2) The Battle of Books 一个木桶的故事1704 书的战争1704 a satire upon all religious sects an attack on Christianity itself (2)The Battle of Books 书的战争1704 an attack on pedantry in the literary world of the time第1页/共35页Introduction Swifts greatest satire work, Gullivers Travels, is

2、written in 1726, the book has not lost its significance to the present day and can be justly ranked among the best novel of world literature.第2页/共35页 Gullivers Travels serves as a biting satire, and Swift ensures that it is both humorous and critical, constantly attacking British and European societ

3、y through its descriptions of imaginary countries. 第3页/共35页Plot and Major Characters Written in the form of a travel journal, Gullivers Travels is the fictional account of four extraordinary voyages made by Lemuel Gulliver, a physician who signs on to serve as a ships surgeon when he is unable to pr

4、ovide his family with a sufficient income in London.第4页/共35页 1.Lilliput (小人国) a satire on the Tories(托利党) & the Whigs(辉格党)2.Brobdingnag(大人国)a satire on English lords and ladies4.Flying Island(飞岛)a satire on corrupted of horses(马岛) a satire on the conflicts of English society an

5、d people第5页/共35页 Gulliver makes our deep-sea voyages, which are described in the four parts of the book. LilliputLaputaBrobdingnagHouyhnhnms第6页/共35页First voyage-Lilliput On the very first voyage, Gulliver is shipwrecked. Of all the ships crew he alone survives. He swims to the shore of a strange lan

6、d, inhabited by Lilliputians, the tallest of whom is six inches high.第7页/共35页 When bending my eyes downward as much as I could, I perceived a human not six inches high! 第8页/共35页Little by little he gets used to their life and even takes part in the war with the neighbouring state of Blefuseu.Treason叛

7、国罪第9页/共35页The king of lilliput第10页/共35页 contrast High Heeled Party Low Heeled Party The war between Lilliput( 小人国)and neighbor utpprobably out of human nature: man tends to think highly of himself, not to be little himself, thus to satisfy his probably out of human nature: man tends to think highly

8、of himself, not to be little himself, thus to satisfy his sense of self-importance.sense of self-importance.robably out of human nature: man tends to think highly of himself, not to be little himself, thus to satisfy his sense of bably out of human nature: man tends to think highl

9、y of himself, not to be little himself, thus to satisfy his sense of self-importance.the Whigs(辉格党) the Tories(托利党) Hundred years war between France and England第11页/共35页why the author create the Lilliput?probably out of human nature: man tends to think highly of himself, not to be little himself, th

10、us to satisfy his sense of self-importance.第12页/共35页Major themes The first voyage has been interpreted as an allegorical(讽喻的) satire of the political events of the early eighteenth century, a commentary on the moral state of England. The war with the tiny neighboring island represents Englands rival

11、ry(对抗) between Whigs and Tories.第13页/共35页Second voyage-Brobdingnag Gulliver finally escapes Lilliput and returns briefly to England before a second voyage takes him to Brobdingnag. While on shore, Gulliver is captured by giants, each of whom is the size of a water-tower.第14页/共35页A water-tower第15页/共3

12、5页 On the whole, the Brobdingnagians are good-natured creatures, and they treat Gulliver kindly, though they are amused by his tiny size and looked upon him as a plaything. 第16页/共35页Gulliver第17页/共35页 Compare with Lilliput, the Brobdingnagians have an enlightened monarch(开明的君主). She often interrogate

13、s(询问) Gulliver on European affairs.第18页/共35页Questions: Q: These Ministers who run your country, how do they get to be Ministers? A: Well usually its a sum of money decides the issue. Q: So how do they gain the knowledge of their people they supposed to serve? A: They dont need much knowledge. Becaus

14、e they spend well most their time drinking and gambling.第19页/共35页 Q: How can a kingdom spend more than it receives in taxes? A: Well, thats simple. We just borrow money from ourselves. Q: Why are you always attacking people? A: Well, often we have to defend ourselves by attacking before were attacke

15、d.Questions:第20页/共35页 Gulliver abruptly departs Brobdingnag when a giant eagle flies off with him and drops him in the ocean. 第21页/共35页 Theme Gulliver mainly played the role of the defence, and expressed with criticism towards British or even the whole Europe by the mouth of the king of Brobdingnag.

16、 通过大人国国王对格列佛引以为荣的的英国选举制度、议会制度以及种种政教措施所进行的尖锐的抨击,对英国各种制度以及政教措施表示了怀疑和否定.第22页/共35页Third voyage-Laputa He soon embarks on his third voyage to the flying island of Laputa第23页/共35页 Laputa is a mysterious land inhabited by scientists, magicians, and sorcerers (男巫) who engage in ridiculous experiment.第24页/共3

17、5页 The intellectuals of Laputa were far too busy having great thoughts to be burdened with the chores of farming. So they just flying over lands, collecting Brain Taxes(人头税) from the villages below. Then buckets would be lowered to be filled with food and drink and whatever else they want . the rule

18、rs on the flying island, who make a living by taxing people. If they refuses, then they are deprived of(被剥夺) air, sunshine and water. Such brutal(残忍的) rulers are just the replicates of the British invaders who conquer Ireland and other parts of the world by using force. 第25页/共35页 The voyage to Laput

19、a is a scathing(尖刻的) attack upon science in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and reveals Swifts contempt (蔑视)and disdain( 鄙视) for abstract theory and ideology(思想) that is not of practical service to human.Major themes第26页/共35页Final voyage-Houyhnhnm Once again Gulliver returns to England befor

20、e a final journey, to the land of the Houyhnhnm第27页/共35页In the country of HouyhnhnmHouyhnhnmHorseYahoo第28页/共35页In Houyhnhnms language There is no evil, no lie, no illness, no power, no war, no government, no law, no punishment and thousands of other things that exists in our society.Houyhnhnms are a superior race of intelligent horses.第29页/共35页Anything bad is about Yahoos第30页/共35页Yahoos, a vile(极坏的) a


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