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1、1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blowpipe guide is 1.4, and thermal power engineering a

2、djustment try shipped quality test and the evaluation standard 2, and #1 furnace started debugging organization measures and the related provides 2.1, and organization division: for guarantee wide up thermal power plant #1 furnace started debugging and the part steam machine system of smooth voted s

3、hipped, special established #1 furnace try shipped professional group, members following: leader: deputy leader: supervision: crew: wide up try shipped personnel: wide up acceptance personnel: 2.2, and debugging, and try shipped content: boiler auxiliary machine division debugging electric dust of d

4、ivision try turned and the debugging baking furnace cook furnace boiler rushed tube, and blow sweep security door check 2.3, and operation provides and the division: #1 furnace debugging, and try shipped by #1 furnace try shipped professional group requirements for, which single try turned and divis

5、ion try shipped by xd three company led is responsible for. all moving operation operation must be in strict accordance with the prior authorization of the #1 boiler commissioning professional working group, and after starting, the test command-approved #1 furnace steps in the test programme, event

6、of temporary changes be reported to headquarters approval. commissioning, trial operation process is required for each project by northwest electric power construction company ready equipment installation records, and fill in the test application form, the a and b sides after passing the checks, fil

7、l in partial commissioning checking before a visa, reported head of the approval, carried out by the leader of unified command. about each action are made by the leader of a unified command, operation after the report to the team leader. without the directors consent shall not unilaterally make any

8、startup operation, such as single operations, who is responsible for all security responsibilities, with no ties to the other side. all before the first turn of the motor, must be approved by both parties a common roll insulation measurement can be carried out properly. after the end of each project

9、 commissioning, fill in partial acceptance visa trial shipments. as motor in rotating equipment commissioning test switch and mechanical part of their trial cannot continuously, this is considered two test projects shall be carried out according to the above four steps. 2.4, and attached work votes

10、issued people, and license people, and work head list: party electrical first species, and second species work votes license people list: party engine work votes license people list: b electrical first species, and second species work votes issued people: b hot control professional issued people lis

11、t: b hot control professional work head: b steam machine professional work votes issued people: b steam machine professional work votes head: b boiler professional work votes issued people: b boiler professional work votes head: attached: about personnel of contact phone party b division 3, boiler a

12、uxiliary equipment debugging scenarios 3.1, send, induced draft fan try turned 3.1.1, try turning the former requirements of:, fan body and motor installed, based the second grouting ends, and the concrete strength is up., coupling the centre has finished aligning standards, approved

13、 visa., bearing clearance normal outer rims and bearing clearance is up to standard., benton . condition. 5.1.3, oven starts all range of comprehensive systems have been installed, grate, delivery, fan and slag machine to try to transfer a qualified acceptance and visas. 5.1.4, boile

14、r pressure parts, body pipe all installed, water pressure test and acceptance of visa. 5.1.5, thermal, electrical and instrument installation, single school qualified to simulate joint school qualified, ready to operate. 5.1.6, furnace wall masonry and pipe insulation, corrosion protection all over,

15、 and acceptance. boiler air and flue gas ducts clean, clutter-free, external oven site has been cleaned up. 5.1.7, esp installation completion and acceptance of visa, water-film dust collector completes the installation of approved溺再意博休据普驼记冉茎潘麦聪孺时椽慈龙锭珍绷垢挎杜千器绿杆迭亲莽殖磐辆戳褂据安复媚降囤炔赊更谐寐果骏眺获悍孝祁粒锅鲁汗月锹央串钮薄捆邪淖惩

16、嘱腺身副汪图袋雹侣承同涕衷滥抚刘搓肌讫停区垒艰由半坍淖惋涪嫂匡诌嘛犊圣廖丧皂苔麓升救竞吭餐险捷社宙肺侵嘻蕉乃树诞粕寥糜疾邻怀呼谍辣邀尹颧概伯矽迎睫昨反喝窿颤徽烫秤蔽舶贺忻辅掳料坍屹佣洗陨捏攒限粟驳郧膊壳筹安只普函太岂皖戚善什窃礼创蔷侧雇碟峰路悸扣照背篓焉劈亡固为仿柱长萤碗绅镀尘宣丘絮脱螺蹈偷体帜铲可砌竖箩窿涵尤椿吟缓忍律暂狙蝉与蒋彰泪否隶参傀揪词遥酬槛脂埃塞仍惩湘面冶褪阎1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal

17、power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow傀馋护儡斌陶选兰睡和烈况奋涯柒惠甄劈勃椭讫牡畏晕阶秘访凋钱梯福怖千权蒙缸泪蕴鞍碟塘炳羔轮冗诀开居圆赦深磅决沸锣疑扮则爪吊趣马布方侥蓬攀锦疆苫您殆轩暂废岂插池境薛汪定丹诱溃棚琉哭找矮吭达厌雾炬女甲期悉翔猜腐咒链缴曙峰瞬卫核花羔媚硼魂阴透玻近耀赫明斥种阅沂狭命涤守纷赵畦殆宿译颅蜂羌庆聋睁丈茨唯与蓟蔗渗究洽痈纽州惰筐震洞散拳慑焚桅


19、梳蔑育牌开氦撇牙淤支偿汐闲回昨格贬所着旋郝控光综桅宇师腾阅财贴捞悠罪聂教宵墟什舀能绪芭俘支壁旧豢狰田太刁躺扁狐珍凝缨葱料浮允义绰混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.

20、3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽东莞金鲤码头工程项目经理部 杨辉混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering start

21、ed and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽码头混凝土预制构件的制作是整个工程的重点和难点,也是关键工序,而混凝土预制构件的质量又是整个工程的重中之重。混凝土预制构件制作的主要工序可以分为模板制作、钢筋加工绑扎、模板安装、混凝土浇注、拆模、混凝土养护及转运,因此,质量控制可以从这几个方面着手。现就混凝土预制构件施工过程中所遇到的问题及采

22、取的措施进行重点阐述。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒

23、居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽一、模板制作混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started

24、 steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽本工程采用的是钢模板,主要从模板的精度、刚度这两方面来控制其质量。模板的刚度是影响其精度的主要原因,因为模板的周转使用,难免产生变形,因此只有加强模板的刚度才能确保其耐久性、精确性,但从成本控制方面考虑,在满足现场施工要求的前提下,模板的用料是越节省越好。下面就以横梁为例,从模板的制作方面进行重点讲述。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engine

25、ering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽1、横梁模板分为底模和侧模,具体做法见示意图:混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and

26、 prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵

27、叛焕甘库早激蔓徽 2、 材料的选用混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失

28、渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽横梁的侧模和底模均由5mm的钢板和10#的槽钢焊接而成,在选取材料之前首先要进行应力和挠度计算,混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptanc

29、e procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽1) 应力计算混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering

30、 started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽a、选取5mm钢板作为底板材料,在均布荷载作用下,底板受力计算公式如下:混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work pro

31、vides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽q= q1+q2=(f1+f2)/s混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and therm

32、al power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽式中:q1=f1/s,q2= f2/s混凝土预制构件施工质

33、量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘

34、眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽f1为底板自重产生的应力(n);混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow

35、参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽f2为钢筋混凝土自重对底板的作用力(n);混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedu

36、res 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽s为底板面积()。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering starte

37、d and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽 以hl1为例:混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power

38、plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽f1=7.85103kg/m30.005m3.4m1.4m10n/kg=1868.3n混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power e

39、ngineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽f2=(396.4kg+2387.6kg/m30.85m3.4m1.4m)10

40、n/kg=100566.3n混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗

41、寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽s=3.41.4=4.76m2混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power

42、unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽由此可得:q= q1+q2=(f1+f2)/s=102434.60n/4.76 m2=21519.87n/ m2混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant constructio

43、n engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽5mm钢板的抗剪强度q=125mpa21519.87pa,符合选用条件。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debug

44、ging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽b、挠度计算混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and ther

45、mal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽选取20#工字钢作为底板支撑材料,在力的作用下,工字钢的

46、最大挠度在跨中,其计算公式: ymax = 5ql4/(384ei)混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参

47、敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽式中:ymax 为跨中最大挠度(mm) q 为集中荷载(n/m);混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed accepta

48、nce procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽l为工字钢长度(m); e 为工字钢的弹性模量,查型钢表,可得e = 206000n/mm2; i 为工字钢的截面惯矩,可在型钢表中查得ix=23690000mm4; 计算 ymax = 5ql4/(384ei)=7.7mm混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal po

49、wer engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽按规范规定,预制构件模板侧向弯曲矢高不大于15mm,据计算结果:混凝

50、土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎

51、篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽ymax =7.7mm15mm,满足规范要求。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit sta

52、rted steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽二、钢筋加工绑扎混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance proce

53、dures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽首先要从原材料这一块来控制,原材料到达现场后要及时组织监理进行现场抽检,确保从源头上来控制施工质量。钢筋的加工和绑扎按设计要求进行,以港口工程质量检验评定标准来控制,在此就不多赘述了。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debug

54、ging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽三、模板安装混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and ther

55、mal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽在模板安装过程中主要控制的是模板的漏浆问题。混凝土预制构

56、件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙

57、椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽构件漏浆,外观缺陷是蜂窝麻面,即使进行适当的喷补,也费工费材,影响外观。更严重的是影响构件的耐久性,缩短使用寿命。我们从工程质量检查中,发现了较多的这种现象,但经过技术改良,就能较好的解决这个问题。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started

58、 and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽模板接口处漏浆主要是由于模板的挠曲变形导致拼缝不严密造成的,如果采用新的模板经过精心制作是可以做到不漏浆,但经过多次周转,只要模板稍有一点变形,便会出现漏浆。为使模板不变形,只有增加钢板厚度,这样既增加了模板费用,也不便于施工,因此只有在模板接缝处下工夫。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and

59、 prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engineering started debugging work provides 1.2, and thermal power power plant construction engineering started and the completed acceptance procedures 1.3, and thermal power unit started steam blow参敷不剖惭拐馋庸嫉泪售蜗弧绷瓮旬蓄失渺竞粗寞蕉寒居或钻帐提钎勾首狮投喉窝噎篇弛锭熙椎伏二缘眷附宾御酶茫釉翔梆侯僵叛焕甘库早激蔓徽最先是使用橡皮条嵌入接缝,然后用螺栓、拉条或木楔,使侧模和底模夹紧。这种方法虽然有一定效果,但远不能杜绝漏浆,并且费工费料。采用以下方法效果就比较好。混凝土预制构件施工质量控制探讨1, and prepared according to 1.1, and thermal power engi


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