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2、学生文化知识积累。因此,英文电影可以作为英语课程的重要资源。一、创造性的使用电影材料教学实践中开发与利用英文电影这一课程资源,在听、说、读、写等方面培养学生的综合运用英语的能力。1、听说训练听是信息的输入,是人们获得信息的重要途径,而说是输出,是人们表达自己思想的重要手段。语言学家认为说的能力是在有足够输入的前提下出现的。电影the pursuit of happiness(幸福来敲门)是一部描写美国著名黑人投资专家克里斯加德纳父子情深的励志电影。片中的一个片段是主人公chris与朋友twistle打电话并记录对方电话号码的情节。笔者选取了该片段并将其中的数字设空,作为学生的听力材料,锻炼学生

3、的数字理解记忆能力。-twistle: write this number down so you can call my secretary, janice. she can give you all the specifics.-chris: yep. -twistle: okay, 415-chris: _415.-twistle: 864-chris: 864-twistle: 256256-chris: 256256-twistle: yeah, extension 4796 -chris: 4796 -twistle: right. call her tomorrow. -chri

4、s: yes, sir. 415-864-0256听和说相辅相成,相互促进,是密不可分的整体。因此在听力训练中应充分利用语言材料,做到说中练听,听后练说、听说结合。然而,许多中学英语听力课的常见模式是:教师放录音-学生听-学生做题-教师对答案。这种教学模式形式单一,相对枯燥,久而久之,就会使课堂教学变得模式化,进而僵化。在教学实践中,笔者安排学生在听完听力后先完成填空练习,再模仿影片进行对话朗读,最后让学生模仿对话自编对话以练习目标语言。比如:studen a: is that mr.white speaking?studen b: no.he is out for lunch.studen

5、a: can you tell hin to call me back?studen b: certainly. can i have your name?studen a: john smith.studen b: ok. whats your telephone number?studen a: my number is 555-7619.studen b: 555-7619. ill tell him as soon as he he comes back.studen a: thank you.studen b: youre welcome.这些在“听”之后的“说”的练习,既符合语言学


7、和语言的流利度。rose: i love you jackjack: dont you do thatjack: dont you say your goodbyes.jack: not yet. do you understand me?rose: im so cold.jack: listen, rose. youre going to get out of here. youre going to go on. youre going to make lots of babies, and youre going to watch them grow. you re going to d

8、ie and old, an old lady, warm in a bed, not here, not this night, not like this. do you understand me? rose: i cant feel my body.jack: winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me. it brought me to you, and im thankful rose, you must.you must . do me this honor. promise me that yo

9、ull survive, that you wont give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. promise me, now, rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go.rose: ill never let go, jack. ill never let go, i promise. 3、表演电影片段表演较之配音其要求更高,它不是对原版电影的简单模仿,而是对电影的自我再创作和演绎。学生通过自己的想象和理解,表演片段中的场景,是一个由简单记忆语言到逐步内化语

10、言,再到最后能熟练运用语言的过程。kung fu panda 功夫熊猫是一部语言诙谐幽默,人物性格鲜明,为众多学生所喜的影片。笔者选取了盖世五侠(鹤crane,毒蛇viper,老虎tigress,猴子monkey,螳螂mantis)对初入师门的主人公阿宝(po)不同态度的桥段作为学生表演的内容。-mantis: theres no words.-viper: no denying that.-mantis: what was master oogway thinking? the poor guys gonna get himself killed.-monkey: he is so migh

11、ty! the dragon warrior fell out of the sky on a ball of fire! when he walks, the very ground shakes!-tigress: one would think master oogway would choose someone who knew kung fu.-monkey: yeah, or could at least touch his toes. or even see his toes.-po: ok. great. hi. youre up.-crane: i am now.-po: i

12、 was just.some day, huh? that kung fu stuff is hard work, right? are your biceps sore?-crane: ive had a long and rather disappointing day, so, yeah, i should probably get to sleep now.-po: yeah, yeah, yeah. of course. ok, thanks. its just, man, im such a big fan! you guys were amazing at the battle

13、of weeping river. out numbered a thousand to one but you didnt stop. you just.out number .sorry about that.-crane: look, you dont belong here.-po: i know. i know. youre right. i dont have. i just.my whole life i dreamed of.-crane: no, i meant you dont belong here. i mean, in this room. this is my ro

14、om. property of crane.-po: ok. right, right. so, you want to get to sleep?-crane: yeah.-po: im keeping you up.-crane: we got big things tomorrow.-po: all right. youre awesome. last thing im gonna say. bye-bye.-crane: what was that?-po: i didnt say anything.-crane: ok. all right. -po: good night. sle

15、ep well. that seemed a little awkward. master tigress! i didnt mean to wake you.-tigress: you dont belong here.-po: yeah, of course. this is your room.-tigress: i mean, you dont belong in the jade palace. youre a disgrace to kung fu and if you have any respect for who we are and what we do you will

16、be gone by morning.-po: big fan!4、拓展课外阅读阅读能力的培养也是高中英语教学的重点。将与模块话题相关的电影剧本、电影对白印发给学生阅读,则不失为对课文学习的补充和扩展。5、丰富写作教学现在英语的写作任务大多是围绕话题展开的,教师可以组织学生观看与话题相关的电影,使学生进一步提高对话题的理解和熟悉程度,为写作的完成做准备。比如关于美国校园文化的写作,就可以选择观看 mean girls(贱女孩);关于环保的主题,则可以选择the day after tomorrow(后天)等等。教师可以组织学生在观影后对影片反映出的某个问题或现象发表自己的观点。教师应鼓励学生尽

17、可能地使用在本模块所学习的相关词汇和句型。在口头表达的基础上,学生撰写观后感或完成模块写作任务就水到渠成了。6、语法词汇学习英文电影中与高中英语语法、词汇相关的语言点比比皆是。比如,从sleepless in seattle(西雅图夜未眠)这部影片中含有以下语句的十多个视频片段:harold is allergic to every type of bee.i would like to propose a toast. to my kid sister.i left your step-mothers present in side by accident. i swear, when we

18、re old and gray youre going to have to remind me to put my teeth in.he wont be angry when he realizes how concerned you are about him.i dont mean to be rude.people who have truly loved once are far more likely to love again.its easier to be killed by terrorists than it is to get married over the age of forty.if youre having trouble sleeping you might want to try to drink a glass of water to the other side.honey, i have to run the tickets over to someone. can you keep an eye on things at front until i get back?walter: be


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